Guest User


a guest
Nov 11th, 2019
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  1. ```ini
  2. [Battleland Commands]
  3. ```
  4. **/info & /help **- Shows the commands for help
  5. **/tm turret** - Turns on/off turrets
  6. **/tm sam** - Turns on/off sams
  7. **/tp** ( opens a tp GUI )
  8. **/tpr <playername>** - Request to tp to player.
  9. **/tpa** - Accept tpr request from player.
  10. **/tpc** - To cancel a teleportion request.
  11. **/home** (opens a Home GUI)
  12. **/home <name> **- Go to your home.
  13. **/home add <name>** - Set a home with a specific name.
  14. **/home remove <name>** - Remove a home with a specific name.
  15. **/ismelt**- Disable instant smelting ( Not that you want to but okay )
  16. **/redeem** - Redeems a Giveaway price you have won
  17. **/KDR & /Top** - Stats
  18. **/kit** - To see all the kits we have.
  19. **/remove** - To remove a entity that you placed.
  20. **/bgrade 1, 2, 3 and 4** - __1 = Wood, 2 = Stone, 3 = Metal and 4 = HQM.__ Upgrades the entity that your place down to your grade.
  21. **/ad** - Disable Auto closing door, do /ad < 1 till 30 > to put a time on it
  22. **/ui** - Access the welcome screen.
  23. **/miniheli spawn** __(Only VIP ACCESS)__
  24. **/miniheli destroy** __(Only VIP ACCESS)__
  25. **/scrapheli spawn** __(Only EMPEROR ACCESS)__
  26. **/scrapheli destroy** __(Only EMPEROR ACCES)__
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