
Accepting Freedom

Sep 26th, 2019
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  1. [20:56] Oathbreaker says, "...Considering we're all in some form of evil..that makes sence."
  2. [20:56] Famfrit says, "Welcome to the Mountain."
  3. [20:57] Pestilence says, "...Too tragic. We'll be approaching you but another time. Our curiosity remains piqued by oneself."
  4. [20:59] Ursha asks, "Evil?"
  5. [20:59] Ursha says, "Sounds even more intresting."
  6. [20:59] Oathbreaker says, "A broad term but..something like that."
  7. [21:00] Ursha asks, "Is there true evil or just different views?"
  8. [21:00] Oathbreaker asks, "That, is a good question. Probably different views?"
  9. [21:01] Pestilence says, "If we were to rip your head off, simply because we would so desire so..."
  10. [21:01] Ursha says, "I think trying to suppress certain things is evil."
  11. [21:01] Pestilence asks, "Am I righteous?"
  12. [21:01] Ursha says, "Depends."
  13. [21:01] Ursha says, "Can't be judged for your nature I suppose."
  14. [21:01] Ursha asks, "Do you think it would be righteous?"
  15. [21:01] Pestilence says, "We, wouldn't care."
  16. [21:01] Ursha says, "Then that's all that matters."
  17. [21:02] Ursha says, "Interesting."
  18. [21:03] Ursha says, "Being here gives me chills, and it's not becasue of the snow."
  19. [21:04] Pestilence whispers something.
  20. [21:04] Pestilence whispers something.
  21. [21:06] Oathbreaker whispers something.
  22. [21:06] Oathbreaker asks, "Do tell?"
  23. [21:09] Ursha says, "You both are giving off some kind of aura."
  24. [21:09] Ursha asks, "Freedom?"
  25. [21:09] Ursha says, "No.."
  26. [21:09] Ursha says, "Hmm."
  27. [21:09] Oathbreaker says, "That, would be one of us..technically."
  28. [21:09] Ursha says, "It's like you're aware of the bullshit.."
  29. [21:09] Ursha says, "Hmm."
  30. [21:10] Oathbreaker says, "Depends, we simply will."
  31. [21:10] Ursha asks, "Free from the opinoins of others?"
  32. [21:10] Ursha says, "Following a path you are making for yourself."
  33. [21:11] Ursha says, "Kind of like me."
  34. [21:12] Ursha says, "I wanna follow my own path, and there are things I want."
  35. [21:12] Ursha says, "I'm planning on taking them soon."
  36. [21:12] Oathbreaker asks, "Indeed, But tell us truthfully..what is it that /you/ desire?"
  37. [21:19] Ursha summon a flame in his hand showing it towards the creature with a smile on his face. The flame then turned black, and he smiled a little more trying to find the right words to describe his feelings now.
  39. This kid really needed to express himself, but that wasn't easy without sounding crazy a little bit. He'd blink a few times finally coming up with an answer he thought describes his thinking.
  41. "Well, I wanted to be a free spirit like my dark flames while taking any items that belong to me. I heard of some really cool things and I plan on taking them from whoever has them even if they have to go bye bye.
  43. I really don't like the idea of trying to keep people from doing certain things before they fear them. It's really a shame that's why I don't believe in good or evil only difference of opinion.
  45. My fire is strong, but it's lonely so I'd bee planning to pair it with some cosmic arts. But me being a free spirit I don't want to follow the same path as the people in Gehenna.
  47. It's like somebody did copycat, and they all fall in line and follow each other. The moment a person question it they get upset and that's really a pain.
  49. I want to be free, and I want freedom to flow though me. This place feels free.."
  51. He'd chuckle a little while the flames disappeared
  52. (Ursha)
  53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [21:36] A light tilt of the demons head as they seemingly summoned forth bubbling eyes once more. All to bore into the small child before them. Dark flames sphewing forth from them. It was almost watching a miniture version of the shadowflamed archon. A free spirit indeed. But regardless, there was that lowering pitch in tone.
  58. "To be strong, to be free..then if thats you're desire? We have a proposal for you. And that is to join our cult, The choice it truly up to you after all. Its..truely free will. But beyond that? It is up to you."
  61. Almost as if the voice had finally settled on a distinct..air of teen voice. Though it was strange, Tendrils of corrupted cosmic seemingly swarm forth from within the beast of tar.
  63. "Entirely up to you dear boy...we even will let you think on it as well."
  64. (Oathbreaker)
  65. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. [21:47] The world cult seem to send off a few signals in his head, though it wasn't all bad. This made him want to question the cult a little more than just hearing about it.
  69. "What doesn't this cult believe in, and what is the goal of this cult? It's easy for a person to join something without asking the right questions, but you offered after I gave you my answer.
  71. So the goals of the cult, and my own desire might go hand and hand."
  73. He'd fold his arms blinking a few times.
  75. "Well, tell me what I might be getting myself into."
  77. Ursha waits.
  78. (Ursha)
  79. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. [21:56] A small chuckle from within the tormented mass of tar. As they continued to simply stare at the child. Voice dipping almost to an unhearable decible before it rose once more.
  83. "All the cult wishes to do, is be unrestreigned and free, while moving to unseal the false imprisoned. That is all we truthfully wish. Though...others unfortiantly, dont truthfully enjoy our cults desires. And as such will be enlisting you into a life filled with danger should you truly accept it after all."
  86. A small shrug from the massive pile of tar. Almost as if it was...suppressing its height almost. To simply look as if they were a pile of true tar. After all..what else could they really do? Besides waiting and watching.
  87. (Oathbreaker)
  88. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. [22:09] The thoughts begin to course through the mind of Ursha though he took time to think about the words of the creature. This seems to be all about freedom, and helping others become free in the process, who could hate that? Though the people that wish to see things of beauty fail and become a relic of the past.
  91. "A life of danger? that doesn't seem like it hard honestly. If people have to go for not accepting freedom then so be it I honestly don't see the problem with it. I'll accept your offer and the danger that comes with it.
  93. You're only offering something that everybody wants, and I'll be sure to take full advantage of that. Consider me a member, and don't worry I don't have any plans on going back on my word."
  95. He'd smile while running his claw down his cheek it seems like the occult was getting the better of him.
  96. (Ursha)
  97. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. [22:26] After the child had spoke there was a strange silence. Did the truthfully understand the notion behind much danger within it? If they did..then they wouldn't have come up here in the first place after all. And with the realization coming within full swing.
  102. "Very well then, Stand or kneel. We dont care which, for you..shall become an acolytes in this church of the sealed one. And with it...we'd welcome you to the truth of Argartha."
  105. There was a small cackling within it, but before it they seemingly finally rose to their full height. Towering, almost as if they were truely standing upon stilts. And from within an arm filled outwards from it before they held onto a curious staff. Arkham, a cursed relic from ancient past.
  107. And from it corrupted vermillion dust fell from it. And within the demon came an iluminating light from within. Tendrils of corrupted celestial tendrils rose forth from with them. Digging into the very ground and slowly stealing the very life from it. After all..Freedom for all, and all for none.
  108. (Oathbreaker)
  109. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. [22:36] The aura seemed like a blood frenzy though at the same time drew the boy in for some odd reason. This was different than the normal aura or the blue one that everyone seem to love so much. What was this feeling coming from the creature, and would he be able to achieve such a power by accepting freedom?
  113. The claw seem to dig a little deeper leaving a cut on his face before he finally realized he wad in a daze.
  115. "Oh, excuse me I was just amazed by this feeling that you emit. That's different, and it seems like something I'd truly enjoy."
  117. He'd kneel before the creature.
  119. "I'll gladly become an acolytes for the church, and please use me the way I should. I wish to obtain the knowledge and power you have; I accept all trial that come with it."
  120. (Ursha)
  121. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  122. [22:59] Kneeling before the former chieftian would have resulted with far more henious things. But now? They were no longer such a thing. They preached freedom more oftan then not. And more than that...they needed a strong following for all they had.
  124. But from Arkham came a think vermillion mist that surrounded both the kaor and the child, Only to grow even thicker as it seemingly pooled onto the floor. Darkened whispers seemed to rise up from the very mist that surrounded. Yet the staff came ever so closer, and closer still.
  126. And so did the demon of tar and betrayal. And with it they spoke only a small amount during this.
  128. "Do you swear to upold the virtue of freeing the sealed one with the help of the entire cult to answer our own means? Do you live freely to you're own gains? And most you swear to treat the cult as if they were you're own family? Answer these truthfully...then you may drink, and drink of the vermillion gift."
  131. They in turn from it created a chalic out of twisting flames and corrupted celestial magics. Filled to the very brim with vermillion mana and taint. The gift of freedom..always did come with a price to pay.
  132. (Oathbreaker)
  133. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134. [23:12] The time was approaching faster than he thought it would he needed to clear his mind of any doubt before answering truthfully. He'd sweat a little from the amount of power coming from the creature. It made him question just how powerful the people here were, but he'd regain focus on the topic at hand.
  136. "I accept the virtue of freeing the sealed one, I swear to live my life freely, and gain what I desire, I swear to treat the cult as my own flesh and blood till the day I die and after that."
  138. He was instructed to drink, and that's what he did without a second thought. The energy course though his veins almost causing him to vomit from the sear power.
  140. He'd begin banging his fist onto the snowy ground trying to focus himself to hold it in. The sweat could be seen dripping from the teens face, why would he put himself though this?
  142. He'd take another huge gulp, and finally he manage to get it all down, but at what cost. The teen looks up almost as if he's trying to get more air..
  144. Slowly rising to his feet he felt a little woozy, but this was what he wanted. He wanted to be free, and be in control of his life this was he bed that he made now the time had come.
  146. He'd take heavy pants before looking up at the creature..
  148. "I'm ready for a brighter future, and I'm ready to spread freedom across the lands.."
  149. (Ursha)
  150. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. [23:26] Virtue accepted by the sealed one, and with it? The moon casted its darkened shadow onto the pair. Vermillion light spilled upon the ground and with it? They continued to run rammpit. A creeping smile grinned from above them all.
  155. "Good, we still..need much more members to begin, but now? Commune with our lord in the moon. And we will guide you along the way our dear child. Rest now, you'll need time to adjust to their gift. The steeple of power....and once you've rested? Come to us again. We shall teach you the tenenits as well."
  158. After all, they were the carnage that lifted upon the moon. Pulled away by its desire to grow and be truely free
  159. (Oathbreaker)
  160. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  162. [23:26] Oathbreaker says, "Come..lets see what the others are up too."
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