

Jul 20th, 2017
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  1. if("Elf")
  2. givepowerchance=1
  3. UPMod*=5
  4. WaveIcon='Beam3.dmi'
  5. bursticon='All.dmi'
  6. burststate="2"
  7. var/chargo=rand(1,9)
  8. ChargeState="[chargo]"
  9. Cblastpower*=1.3
  10. BLASTICON='1.dmi'
  11. BLASTSTATE="1"
  12. CBLASTICON='18.dmi'
  13. CBLASTSTATE="18"
  14. InclineAge=15
  15. DeclineAge=rand(80,120)
  16. DeclineMod=0.4
  17. refire*=0.5
  18. Makkankoicon='Ki Makkankosappo4.dmi'
  19. ITMod=1.5
  20. kinxt=7
  21. kinxtadd=0
  22. healmod=10
  23. zanzomod=10
  24. /*
  25. KaiokenMod=3
  26. */
  27. flightmod=1.5
  28. zenni+=rand(2500,5000)
  29. PLMod=1.80
  30. MaxPLpcnt=250
  31. MaxAnger=150
  32. KiMod=rand(100,500)/100
  33. kimanipmod=rand(100,500)/100
  34. MaxKi=rand(10,125)
  35. PowMod=rand(120,200)/100
  36. StrMod=rand(80,220)/100
  37. SpdMod=rand(180,400)/100
  38. EndMod=rand(100,280)/100
  39. ResMod=rand(120,500)/100
  40. OffenseMod=rand(120,200)/100
  41. DefenseMod=rand(120,350)/100
  42. GravMod=2
  43. HPRegen=rand(80,200)/100
  44. KiRegen=rand(300,400)/100
  45. ZenkaiMod=rand(100,200)/100
  46. TrainMod=1
  47. MedMod=10
  48. SparMod=1.5
  49. Race="Elf"
  50. RecordPL=20
  51. GravMastered=5
  52. ascat=rand(500000,1000000)
  53. techmod=1.5
  54. RaceDescription=(" Elf's are some of the Universes's strongest aliens, They live mostly alone, but have pride in their race and others of their own kind, They hate outsiders. Elf's are very highly energy based and don't gain musch from sparing or traning, however they have the highest meditation mod in the game, aswell as very good speed and ki resistance. " )
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