
Second date with Beleth

Sep 1st, 2019
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  1. >second date with the Beleth
  2. >you're a little nervous about screwing things up after the first one went unexpectedly well
  3. >no big plan for the evening, you're just going to a neat little cafe to start
  4. >she summons you directly to her house when you're ready
  5. >that means you don't see the tall thing with the headdress
  6. >she seems more at-ease as a result
  7. >you take a scenic route from her place
  8. >the sky is weird and yellow but it seems like early afternoon
  9. >all sorts weird creatures are out and about in town
  10. >she stifles a giggle, watching you gawk at all the alien shit
  11. >oh god, you're being weird aren't you
  12. >well she seems amused, so that's okay
  13. >you're both enjoying today, at least
  14. >you walk into the cafe
  15. >the mixed aroma of hot drinks and baked goods washes over you
  16. >it smells almost uncanny, being familiar but just a little bit off
  17. >the foods on display look similarly uncanny
  18. >scones, cakes, and pies in bizarre hues, topped with strange fruits
  19. >your stomach growls, and she giggles again
  20. >you can't read the menu, so you pick out something that looks tasty
  21. >she orders some tea for you both before you sit in the corner booth
  22. >you chat some more about comics over your drinks
  23. >what feels like an hour passes before your plate is clean and your cup is empty
  24. >her cup is still full, even though you swore you saw her sip it
  25. "Oh, um. I don't actually drink... tea. I just, uh, like the smell."
  26. >kinda weird, but so are you, so you don't push the matter
  27. >she checks her... phone? for a moment, and you ask what's next
  28. >she's checking movie times, and asks if you want to go watch one
  29. >with her, of course.
  30. >there's a horror flick she's been dying to see
  31. >it's an adaptation of some comic about a tree that turns into a bloodthirsty monster
  32. >why not
  33. >the cinema isn't far, and you manage to make the matinee
  34. >you sit in the dead center of a dead quiet theater
  35. >only like four other people are in when the film starts
  36. >five minutes in, you're sure this will be cheesy schlock
  37. >she keeps muttering, "That's not how it happened in the book..." but she still seems pretty thrilled
  38. >it's pretty predictable stuff, but the monster scenes get suspenseful
  39. >she's edging forward in her seat
  40. >after a quiet, tense build-up, the monster smashes through a door
  41. >she nearly jumps out of her seat
  42. >the main character is doing the hero thing
  43. >Beleth relaxes, and puts her hand on the armrest
  44. >right on top of your hand
  45. >it stays there for a while, then she notices
  46. >she gets all flustered and mumbles something as she pulls her hand away
  47. >neither of you really pay attention to the last ten minutes of the movie
  48. >when you leave the cinema, she's still blushing
  49. >you quietly walk back to her house
  50. >she's pretty tense now
  51. >you both awkwardly glance at each other on the way back
  52. >when you arrive, she invites you to stay a while, and you sit together on the sofa, watching TV
  53. >more accurately, the TV drones in the background while Beleth tries to subtly scoot closer to you
  54. >you get sick of the tension, and wrap an arm around her waist
  55. >she goes stiff at first, but then leans against you and relaxes
  56. "I really enjoyed today, Anon."
  57. >you feel the same
  58. >the TV keeps going, and after a while Beleth dozes off with her head on your shoulder.
  59. >after a while you think you'll fall asleep, too
  60. >minutes pass, maybe an hour
  61. >it doesn't really matter, you're so comfortable you could stay here forever, or at least until you need to pee or something
  62. >she's so soft, and her quiet snoring is so cute
  63. >eventually, she wakes up, and breaks your little reverie
  64. >and then she slips her arms around you
  65. "You're really warm, Anon. It's nice."
  66. >screw ever peeing again, staying on this couch is way better
  67. >but of course, neither of you can actually stay here forever
  68. >she sits up on the couch and yawns
  69. "You, um, have to go home soon, don't you?"
  71. >well? do you?
  74. >yeah, you can't stay out all night
  76. >she hugs you some more before taking you into the next room, where the magic circle is
  77. >you step into the circle and wait for her to start the spell
  78. >she looks at you for a moment with eyes full of longing
  79. >she steps up for one last hug, and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek
  80. "Okay, time to send you home! Don't want to move too fast now, hahaha..."
  81. >she puts on a smile before starting the ritual
  82. >she waves a wand and says some words you don't understand
  83. >you're engulfed by blinding flames, falling as they rise around you
  84. >and then you're back in your room, already looking forward to seeing her again.
  88. >no, nothing's waiting for you tonight at home
  90. >she's pleased to hear it
  91. >she gives you another hug
  92. >you reach between her ears and scratch a little
  93. >and she moans, loud
  94. >you both kind of freeze for a moment, then she leans in toward you
  95. >and hesitates
  96. >then presses her lips to yours
  97. >her face is fuzzy and soft against yours
  98. >she mewls and purrs while you pet her head
  99. >she moans some more when you scratch
  100. >then she opens her mouth against yours
  101. >her cat tongue is pretty soft, actually
  102. >and her dainty arms end up over your shoulders
  103. >your heart is racing, and she pants for breath when she breaks the kiss
  104. >her eyes flick down, and back up
  105. >oh damn, you're getting pretty hard, she was just checking out the fucking bulge in your pants
  106. >she smiles at you, with flushed cheeks
  107. "Do you, uh, want some help with that?"
  108. >she doesn't even wait for you to answer before she slides down your chest and starts unfastening your pants
  109. >alright, you're really doing this
  110. >she gets your pants around your knees, and grabs your erection in your underwear
  111. >then she gives it a squeeze, before pulling your waistband down and watching your dick flop against your belly
  112. >there's even a little precum dripping from your tip
  113. >she giggles, and gives your shaft a long lick up from the base, lapping up that drop with her flat tongue
  114. >then she curls her fingers around you
  115. >fuck, everything about her is soft
  116. >her hand works your length, and she kisses your tip
  117. >and then she slurps it into her mouth
  118. >you regain the presence of mind to put your hands on her about now, and scratch between her ears again
  119. >her eyes roll back, and she moans around your hard-on
  120. >she bobs her head up and down, looking like she's found heaven with your hand right there
  121. >you roll your hips to meet her face
  122. >she manages to curl her tongue around your dick even inside her mouth, somehow
  123. >by now you're both moaning pretty heavily
  124. >she pulls off just long enough to pant,
  125. "You getting close?"
  126. >you nod, and hiss when she goes back down
  127. >she's trying harder now, swirling her tongue around your head and sucking you down to the base
  128. >her moans vibrate around your shaft, and you know you're not going to last
  129. >you shove her down to the base and arch your back, then fill her mouth with your load
  130. >she stays on you until you finish twitching, then pulls off, and swallows
  131. >and then she licks your cock clean, grinning devilishly as you shiver and jolt from the stimulation
  132. >you're too breathless to say anything, so she just strips down to her underwear and sits back down next to you
  133. >you roll onto your back, and she lays on top of you, purring
  134. >yeah, you could stay like this forever.
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