
#OnPoint Comment (reply) on my YouTube

Jul 4th, 2016
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  5. +Andrew Z Okay, you know what? Your a smart guy. You are correct about most of this, and people who mod online, yes they are faggots. But that does not give you the excuse to comment on a video, about modding, saying to many people they should kill themselves.
  7. I suggest you look back over the comments, then look at a feminists' forum with a man in the thread, and compare the two. You will find that they are quite similar, don't you think?
  9. You decided to go through with a huge flame war, when a simple dislike on the video would do. Maybe a small comment saying "I personally do not agree with this"
  11. You wouldn't go down to your local ASDA (*Walmart for the USA) and if they didn't sell gum, rage, flip out and blow up the store. You would complain/file a complaint, and be done with it, because life is more important than gum.
  13. Do the smart thing here, your quite literate, reasonable, and subscribed to thunderf00t/the god of logic. You can do better than this. I believe that you are smart.
  15. As for modders. Well. Let bygones be bygones is my advice. If you, personally think the scum of the earth isn't pigeons, and is instead modders. Fine, go that path (you crazy guy. pigeons are much worse than modders) but don't burden everyone with your personal opinion.
  17. In short, "Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one, the right to one, but you don't have to show it."
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