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a guest
Nov 13th, 2017
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  1. # Config - Plugin made by Wazup92!
  2. # If Rollback is set to false, players wont be able to break/place blocks, and carepackages will stay on the map
  3. # If Set-Heads-Above-Top-Signs is set to true it might increase the lag when updating top signs!
  4. # There is one variable for Winner-Executed-Commands, %player%
  5. # There is one variable for Arena-Start-Executed-Commands, %world%
  6. # There are three variables for Player-Kill-Player-Executed-Commands, %player%, %killer%, %world%
  7. # There are two variables for Death-Match-Execute-Commands, %arena%, %world%
  9. Win-Coins: 20
  10. Kill-Coins: 5
  11. Broadcast-Winner: true
  12. Broadcast-Arena-Starting: true
  13. Advanced-Rollback: false
  14. Allow-Arena-Modifications:
  15. enabled: false
  16. settings:
  17. explosions-damage-blocks: true
  18. Winning-Fireworks-Time: 15
  19. Delay-In-Between-Fireworks: 2
  20. Load-Top-Leaders-Minutes: 30
  21. Give-Compass-At-Start: true
  22. Warnings-Kick-After: 5
  23. Main-World: world
  24. Saving-Task:
  25. Enabled: true
  26. Save-Every-Minutes: 15
  27. Check-For-Updates: true
  28. Give-Winner-Map: true
  29. Display-Image-On-Winner-Map: false
  30. Image-URL:
  31. Display-Arena-State-On-Block: true
  32. Can-Players-Join-As-A-Spectator: true
  33. Spectators-Separate-Chat: false
  34. Compass-Max-Radius: 200
  35. Strike-Lightning-On-Death: true
  36. Shop-Inventory-Size: 36
  37. Starting-Coins: 100
  38. Tier-2-ID: 130
  39. Show-Health-On-Bow-Hit: true
  40. Clear-Entities-On-Game-End: true
  41. Scoreboard-Enabled: true
  42. Teleport-To-Global-Lobby-On-Leave: false
  43. Carepackage-Content: 1
  44. Carepackage-Drops-In-Seconds: 10
  45. Carepackage-Needed-Height: 20
  46. Display-Coins-In-Chat: false
  47. Give-Book: true
  48. Settings-Vote-Enabled: true
  49. Explosions-Unbreakable-Blocks:
  50. - 20
  51. Can-Spectators-Open-Players-Inventories: true
  52. Spectator-Leave-Item: true
  53. Lobby-Leave-Item: true
  54. Shop-Enabled: true
  55. Kits-Enabled: true
  56. Bounty-Enabled: true
  57. Sponsor-Enabled: true
  58. Load-Arenas-Delay-OnEnable: 10
  59. Load-Global-Lobby-Delay: 9
  60. Load-Global-Deathmatch-Delay: 9
  61. Shop-Item-Stack: 388
  62. Shop-Item-Stack-Name: '&aShop'
  63. Kits-Item-Stack: 54
  64. Kits-Item-Stack-Name: '&bKits'
  65. Bounty-Item-Stack: 381
  66. Bounty-Item-Stack-Name: '&cBounty'
  67. Leave-Item-Stack: 378
  68. Leave-Item-Stack-Name: '&cLeave!'
  69. Voting-Item-Stack: 339
  70. Voting-Item-Stack-Name: '&aVote!'
  71. Settings-Voting-Item-Stack: 347
  72. Settings-Voting-Item-Stack-Name: '&6&lVote'
  73. Back-Item-Stack: 341
  74. Back-Item-Stack-Name: '&aBack'
  75. Sponsor-Item-Stack: 264
  76. Sponsor-Item-Stack-Name: '&bSponsor!'
  77. Kit-Menu-OwnedKits-Item: 397
  78. Kit-Menu-OwnedKits-Name: '&aMy kits'
  79. Kit-Menu-PurchaseableKits-Item: 264
  80. Kit-Menu-PurchaseableKits-Name: '&cPurchase more kits!'
  81. Kit-Menu-VipKits-Item: 388
  82. Kit-Menu-VipKits-Name: '&9Vip kits!'
  83. Allowed-Commands:
  84. - sg
  85. - survivalgames
  86. - tell
  87. - msg
  88. - help
  89. - helpop
  90. Disabled-Items:
  91. - 325
  92. - 326
  93. - 327
  94. breakAbleBlocks:
  95. - 18
  96. placeAbleBlocks:
  97. - 51
  98. use-Vault: false
  99. use-UUID: false
  100. use-mysql: false
  101. table-prefix: sg_
  102. mysql-host: localhost
  103. mysql-port: 3306
  104. mysql-database: database
  105. mysql-username: root
  106. mysql-password: root
  107. Bungee-Mode: false
  108. Bungee-Mode-MinPlayers: 3
  109. Bungee-Mode-MaxPlayers: 24
  110. Bungee-Mode-Voting: true
  111. Bungee-Mode-Default-Wait-Time: 180
  112. Bungee-Mode-LockVotesAt: 10
  113. Bungee-Mode-Time-Skipped-To: 30
  114. Bungee-Mode-Skip-When-Players-Reached: 5
  115. Bungee-Mode-Amount-Of-Randomised-Maps: 3
  116. Bungee-Mode-Main-Server: lobby
  117. Bungee-Mode-Unload-Unused-Arenas-Worlds: true
  118. Bungee-Mode-Games-Till-End: 1
  119. Bungee-Mode-Server-Display-Name: SG-1
  120. Bungee-Mode-Delay-Till-Server-Close: 5
  121. Bungee-Mode-Commands-Executed-At-The-End:
  122. - restart
  123. Winner-Executed-Commands: []
  124. Arena-Start-Executed-Commands:
  125. - worldborder set 500
  126. - worldborder set 1 30
  127. Death-Match-Execute-Commands: []
  128. Player-Kill-Player-Executed-Commands: []
  129. Cooldowns:
  130. Carepackage: 5
  131. Bounty: 10
  132. Signs: 3
  133. Commands: 4
  134. Titles:
  135. load-delay: 10
  136. fadeIn: 10
  137. stayTime: 40
  138. fadeOut: 10
  139. join:
  140. enabled: true
  141. text: '&6You have joined the game!'
  142. leave:
  143. enabled: true
  144. text: '&6You have left the game!'
  145. starting:
  146. enabled: true
  147. text: '&6Game starting in &b%time% &6Seconds!'
  148. start:
  149. enabled: true
  150. text: '&6Game has begun!'
  151. death:
  152. enabled: true
  153. text: '&6You have been killed by &c%killer%'
  154. win:
  155. enabled: true
  156. text: '&aCongratulations! You have won the game!'
  157. achievement:
  158. enabled: true
  159. text: '&aAchievement unlocked!'
  160. Bounty:
  161. - 20
  162. - 30
  163. - 40
  164. - 50
  165. - 100
  166. - 200
  167. Achievements:
  168. enabled: true
  169. kill:
  170. - '1:10'
  171. - 10:100
  172. - 25:200
  173. - 50:500
  174. - 100:1000
  175. - 200:2000
  176. - 500:6000
  177. win:
  178. - 1:100
  179. - 10:500
  180. - 50:1000
  181. - 100:3000
  182. - 200:5000
  183. games-played:
  184. - '1:10'
  185. - '5:30'
  186. - 20:100
  187. - 50:300
  188. - 100:1000
  189. - 200:3000
  190. - 500:7000
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