
Text Adventure Chapter 65 Log

Aug 23rd, 2014
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  1. >Bit pouch: (112 bits, 3 small gems, 7 medium gems, 3 large gems)
  3. >Might as well give him a quick rundown.
  4. “Oh, you know… fighting corrupted yetis and a god of hate while trekking through a dangerous tundra, just to come back to save a corrupted Princess Cadance.”
  5. >Gyro’s face mirrors that of Wheaties when you first told her.
  6. >”Jeez… S-so, you’re like, a hero?..”
  7. “I wouldn’t say that. I’ve just been doing what I needed to do. I’ve also been boosting my magic up and actually learned some healing and portal magic, but putting that aside-”
  8. >”W-wait, hold on… Uhm, did you just say uh, h-healing?”
  9. >You nod to affirm it, and his ears fall flat a bit.
  10. >Before he can say anything, Redheart finishes for him.
  11. >”We’ve all been surprised at what he can do when he puts his mind to it, trust us.”
  12. >”..R-right…”
  13. “Also, for the contracts you’ve been getting, I’ve been talking to Cadance and Shining Armor, as well as Celestia. They’re the reason you’ve got those.”
  14. >Gyro can’t help but smile at the newfound success you’ve managed to give him.
  15. “Anywho, I actually have somepony with me here you haven’t met yet. Gyro, this is my friend Wheaties.”
  16. >Being a bit miffed that you suddenly called her name, Wheaties makes her way through the group and stands at the front, waving to Gyro.
  17. >”Hello, hi… Wheaties..”
  18. >Gyro looks at you for a split second before returning his gaze, and offers her a hoof.
  19. >They bump their hooves awkwardly in a sign of greeting.
  20. >”G-gyro.”
  21. “We’re all going out to eat and get a few drinks. I insist that you come along, my friend.”
  22. >You pat him on the wither a few times, and he laughs nervously.
  23. >”W-well, uhm, I’d like to, b-but I’m just a little busy, and, you know, gotta, uh, ...k-keep up with the workers, you know, uh… make sure they’re doing it r-right?...”
  24. >The entire party stares at him, completely unbelieving of what he’s saying.
  25. >”I, uh… already ate…?”
  26. >This time, a sudden pink blur rockets from the ceiling and pounces on Gyro.
  27. >Pinkie just used him as a trampoline!
  28. >”C’MON JY-JY! It’ll totally be the bestest funnest, super stupendoustest day EVER! You so gotta come with us and-”
  29. >She stops jumping on him and gasps, suddenly picking him up and twirling him like a ballet dancer.
  30. >”We can go CRYSTAL-SKATING, and and have a huge giant celebration party for your store and we could, OOOH, let’s make COG-SHAPED PARTY CAAAAKES!”
  31. >At the last word, she squeezes Gyro in a bone-crushing hug with the biggest smile on her face, and he looks like he’s about to pop.
  32. >Applejack thinks it’s time he gets some personal space.
  33. >“O-okay, Pinkie! He’s dyin’ over there!”
  34. >”Oh, hehe… sorry..”
  35. >She lets him go and he struggles to breath, pounding his smudged chest with a hoof to make sure he gets air back inside.
  36. >You look at Pinkie and see that she’s got grime on her fur that looks absolutely atrocious.
  37. “But first, uh, you both might need a shower.”
  38. >Gyro looks at Pinkie, realizing that his dirty condition did that to her.
  39. >To say he imitated Christmas lights by turning from green to red is an understatement.
  40. >”Y-yeah, I’ll uh, go hose off real quick.”
  41. >Pinkie didn’t seem to even be phased by it, and they both walk/bounce out of the store to go clean themselves off.
  42. >While you’re waiting, the door to the office suddenly bursts open, and two burly stallions with the same firearms push in a huge brown sack on a wheeled cart.
  43. >”Oof… This damn thing’s gonna give me a hernia..”
  44. >”Uh, Anonymous!?”
  45. “That’s me…”
  46. >You and your party look at the sack that gets dumped onto the ground, wondering what it could be.
  47. >One of the stallions leave while the other follows him, about to close the door right before he says something.
  48. >”There’s your royalties. If you feel like being generous, I could use me some of that treasure, eh?”
  49. >He slowly closes the door, still eyeing the bag.
  50. >Gable and Berry are at the sack so quick you didn’t even see them move.
  51. >”It’s his fucking money, look at this thing!”
  52. >”Duuuude, you can buy sooooo much rum with this!”
  53. >You swat them off like flies as they start to argue who gets their share, and you open the neck with your fingers.
  54. >Sure enough, this gigantic sack that on the floor reaches up to your neck has nothing but bits in it.
  55. >The inner jew cries out in such joy you can’t contain yourself.
  57. >Redheart approaches your side.
  58. >”Wait, you said that before back in the hospital room when we first met… u…”
  59. >Redheart takes a look into the bag of opportunities that you’ve earned, and she faints on the spot.
  60. >Applejack starts fanning her with her hat as you quickly open the door to the outside.
  61. “YO!”
  62. >The stallion that helped wheel it in looks back at you.
  63. >”What?”
  64. “How much is this?!”
  65. >”12,500!”
  66. >You just shit your pants.
  67. >No, literally, you’re pretty sure you skidmarked.
  69. >Bit pouch: (12,612 bits, 3 small gems, 7 medium gems, 3 large gems)
  71. >Redheart’s fainted, Iron’s now trying to get into your bag with Wheaties reprimanding him, Berry and Gable are still arguing over a share, and Pinkie and Gyro will be back soon.
  72. >What would you like to do?
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