
aoe map descriptions v2

Jun 8th, 2015
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  1. AOE2FE Random Map Descriptions for mappackv2 by Combinebobnt
  3. Organized through tab-grouping.
  4. Format for a rm:
  5. Name
  6. Land Composure - Enclosure
  7. Description
  9. Standard
  10. Arabia
  11. Land - Open
  12. Arid desert with strategic elevations and cliffs, sparse vegetation and water.
  13. Archipelago
  14. Water - Islands
  15. A group of large islands, different in almost every variation, being either Islands, Coastal-style, or a combination of the maps.
  16. Arena
  17. Land - Anti-Rush
  18. Wide open grass map with trees surrounding the edges, and each player starts with a stone wall fortress.
  19. Baltic
  20. Water - Open
  21. A sea in the middle with peninsulas and sheltered bays with many fish available, and land around the edges.
  22. Black Forest
  23. Land - Closed
  24. Islands of grass in a sea of trees with easy walling.
  25. Coastal
  26. Water - Open
  27. A big landmass in the middle with water surrounding most of the edges. Water is often disproportionate and sometimes not useful.
  28. Continental
  29. Water - Islands
  30. A large body of land surrounded by the sea; rivers may seperate players or teams. Very heavy water map.
  31. Fortress
  32. Land - Anti-Rush
  33. A walled city with gates and all the buildings you need to build up your forces quickly. Usually has some water.
  34. Ghost Lake
  35. Land - Open
  36. Open map with a frozen ice lake in the middle that can't be built on.
  37. Gold Rush
  38. Land - Open
  39. Big open map with a giant pit in the middle containing most of the gold and wolves.
  40. Highland
  41. Land - Mixed
  42. Highland is a giant land mass, except for a river running through the middle with one to two crossings (per player on team).
  43. Islands
  44. Water - Islands
  45. The Islands map starts out with two main islands; one for each player. In addition to those two, there is one more, usually with a gold pile or two.
  46. Mediterranian
  47. Water - Open
  48. A round sea in the middle with many fish available, and more land around the edges.
  49. Migration
  50. Water - Open
  51. Each player starts on an island with limited resources and should cross over to a big landmass to continue growing.
  52. Mongolia
  53. Land - Mixed
  54. A desert map with many cliff walls and steppes, with small tree patches.
  55. Nomad
  56. Water - Open
  57. A land sea map, but each player starts off with only scattered villagers.
  58. Oasis
  59. Land - Open
  60. An open map with nearly all of the trees massed in the middle, with a little water in the center.
  61. Rivers
  62. Water - Mixed
  63. A map with a big land mass sectioned by several rivers, and water thrown about.
  64. Salt Marsh
  65. Water - Mixed
  66. Swampy lowlands full of shallows and rivers that can prohibit expansionistic building.
  67. Scandinavia
  68. Land - Mixed
  69. A big snowly land mass with no berries but more hunt. Some water usually is on the edges of the land, but often not very useful.
  70. Team Islands
  71. Water - Islands
  72. Every member of a team shares an island in this island map.
  73. Yucatan
  74. Land - Mixed
  75. Jungle map with occasional water patches, alot of jungles, and tons of food.
  76. Forgotten RM
  77. Acropolis
  78. Land - Open
  79. Extremely open map, players start on a hill that is impossible to wall. They must come off their hill to gather resources in the carnage below. They say of the Acropolis where the Parthenon is…
  80. Budapest
  81. Land - Mixed
  82. A spiced up version of your everyday map, starting with two town centers.
  83. Cenotes
  84. Land - Open
  85. Open rushing map (Arabia style) with a standard set of resources. Small lakes are scattered around all over the map and provide little fish.
  86. Golden Pit
  87. Land - Open
  88. Variation of Gold Rush. A pit in the center of the map contains large mining reserves. However, protecting the pit means you have to fight uphill. Hill advantage or gold to spend, the choice is yours to make. (Incredible map for FFA – Free For All games)
  89. Hideout
  90. Land - Anti-Rush
  91. Players start in their little hideout camp in the forest. You’ll have to break free to conquer your foes.
  92. Hill Fort
  93. Land - Anti-Rush
  94. Fortress type map, players start on a hill together with their teammates. Can you take over your opponents hill or will they make it impenetrable?
  95. Land of Lakes
  96. Water - Mixed
  97. Semi-closed water map. Galley rushing can prove fatal on the wrong lake, and fishing on the right one can mean a great boost for your economy. Rather easy to wall, but transports are possible from all sides.
  98. Lombardia
  99. Land - Open
  100. Open map, players start clumped together with their teammates. Good coordination between team mates seems more vital than ever to rule these Northern Italian lands. Divide et Impera!
  101. MegaRandom
  102. Random
  103. Final version of megarandom, you'll never know what you get! Units and starts may be more refined than the older versions.
  104. Steppe
  105. Land - Open
  106. Nomadic map, players start out with a few yurts and 3 extra villagers. An abundance of hunt wanders on the plains in the center of the map.
  107. Valley
  108. Land - Mixed
  109. Semi-open map. A dried up river runs through the middle, with herds of deer trying to drink from the last puddles that run along the sandy shore. If you want to hunt, you’ll have to go there. But you won’t be alone…
  110. Custom
  111. [MK] Antartide
  112. Land - Open
  113. Big frozen map with scattered tree patches and ponds
  114. africa
  115. Land - Open
  116. Big desert map with plentiful scattered gold mines, animals, birds, and trees.
  117. Alaskan_Abundance
  118. Land - Mixed
  119. Big frozen map with patches of tress and ice and the occasional water hole with shore fish.
  120. Amazon River
  121. Water - Mixed
  122. Standard jungle-like land with a wide river seperating enemies, which might contain shallow paths.
  123. Arabian Nomad
  124. Land - Open
  125. A mixture of arabia and nomad, so basically nomad without the water.
  126. Basin
  127. Land - Open
  128. A big open pit full of trees surrounding ponds, with the edges elevated with plentiful food and wood.
  129. BigGameBeta
  130. Land - Mixed
  131. Land map with some occasional rivers, but the highlight is the extreme amount of resources available.
  132. BlackMarsh
  133. Water - Open
  134. Land on the edges with a big shallow lake in the middle, with trees seperating players.
  135. Brokenhead
  136. Water - Anti-Rush
  137. Fortress-style map with large rivers connecting players, and grass with forests and resources everywhere else. Each base is paved and bare.
  138. Cliff Maze 1.0
  139. Land - Mixed
  140. Big Mongolia-style map with many more cliffs, basically creating a maze full of resources and corners.
  141. Comm Islands
  142. Water - Mixed
  143. Island style map, but with all islands connected with thin strips. The map is very hilly and mountainous.
  144. Death Valley
  145. Land - Open
  146. Less constricting mongolia-style map with tons of cacti. Trees are sparse, and iron boars guard a few water holes in the middle.
  147. Early Warning
  148. Land - Open
  149. Open map with scattered forests and ponds. Each player starts with many outposts.
  150. Elbe Estuaries
  151. Land - Mixed
  152. Ghost Lake-styled map with hilly terrain, patches of water and forest, and shore fish pockets.
  153. Era@FalloutN
  154. Land - Open
  155. Mixed desert map with scattered forests and resources, as well as abandoned houses and rubble and relics.
  156. ES@Canals_v2
  157. Land - Mixed
  158. Big flat map with fish-heavy canals linking players to one another. The middle is relatively bare except for stone.
  159. ES@Capricious_v2
  160. Land - Open
  161. Flat map with a few hills and some small lakes on the edges. Stone is very plentiful among the many but small clumps of forest.
  162. ES@Dingos_v2
  163. Water - Open
  164. Large chunks of land with water around the edges and rivers seperating players with a few passageways. Sheep are plentiful here.
  165. ES@Graveyards_v2
  166. Land - Open
  167. Very flat and open map with scattered forest clumps. A few lakes are present as well as graveyards, and stone is plentiful.
  168. ES@Metropolis_v2
  169. Crashes, don't play.
  170. ES@Moats_v2
  171. Land - Closed
  172. Flat land map with water moats surrounding each player, where no docks can be built. Forest covers the middle section and a larger map size is recommended.
  173. ES@ParadiseIsland_v2
  174. Water - Open
  175. Coastal-style map with water all around the edges and a mountain in the middle containing relics. The terrian is very hilly and resource-plentiful.
  176. ES@Pilgrims_v2
  177. Water - Open
  178. Each player starts on a tiny island with villagers, a few resources, and a transport. There is a large landmass with more resources the player must migrate to for expansion.
  179. ES@Prairie_v2
  180. Land - Open
  181. Very flat and open map with only small clumps of trees. There is a few sections of very plain water, but the map has abundant food.
  182. ES@Seasons_v2
  183. Water - Open
  184. Well-forested land is sectioned off by rivers. The map's season is random, where it could be full of shallows or ice and bridges.
  185. ES@Sherwood_Forest_v2
  186. Land - Open
  187. Flat land with scattered ponds, and trees heavily dot the land, but there is still some breathing room to work with. Watch out for wolves.
  188. ES@Sherwood_Heroes_v2
  189. Land - Open
  190. Same deal as Sherwood forest, but this time you get Robin Hood, a monk, and a scout.
  191. ES@Shipwreck_v2
  192. Water - Open
  193. Each player starts close together in a circle, surrounded by a ring of water and shallows. The edges are land that contain more resources.
  194. ES@Team_Glaciers_v2
  195. Water - Mixed
  196. Large pieces of icy land are seperated by numerous rivers, with only a few passageways to other land sections. Resources are sparse.
  197. ES@The_Unknown_v2
  198. Random
  199. A randomizer where you don't know what you'll get. Smaller than megarandom in scope, though.
  200. Forest Nothing
  201. Land - Closed
  202. Each player starts off with a TC in a little pocket, and the rest of the map is nothing but trees. Special map.
  203. Funny
  204. Land - Open
  205. Very hilly map with random ponds and plentiful forest patches. There are also tons of boars.
  206. Great Lakes
  207. Land - Open
  208. Forested land with corner water that borders little islands with relics and resources.
  209. Great Plains Hunters
  210. Land - Open
  211. Very open nomadic land map with sparse but large forest clusters, and tons of hunt to kill.
  212. Green Arabia
  213. Land - Open
  214. Arabia, but with only a grass theme. Everything else is the same or similar.
  215. Gyoson
  216. Water - Islands
  217. Big nomadic islands map around center water, with each player getting a dock and some ships.
  219. Land - Open
  220. Open map with scattered resources and forests, and each player starts with a monastery and three monks.
  221. Hunting Grounds
  222. Land - Mixed
  223. Heavily forested map with plenty of hunt, and a few ponds too.
  224. Koguryo
  225. Land - Open
  226. Map with plenty of scattered forest patches, and a huge stone rush area near the middle.
  227. LAGOONv1.6
  228. Water - Open
  229. Map with a decently-sized lagoon in the middle with plenty of fish around the map. Sand and shallows are also present.
  230. Lake_Land_2
  231. Land - Open
  232. Map with several large lakes thrown about, usually seperating or near players, and patches of forest in the middle. Mining is plentiful.
  233. LN_Refix5b_
  234. Land - Open
  235. Land nomad, so you only start with 3 villagers. Other than that, it's like arabia with a good amount of food.
  236. MegaRandom (WCL 7)
  237. Random
  238. Selects from a huge variety of maps and starting conditions/units. You will never know what you get!
  239. Michi2007
  240. Land - Closed
  241. A forest map with a line of trees seperating different teams, which much be chopped through. Relics are plentiful.
  242. Mountain Trails
  243. Land - Open
  244. Open map with plentiful food and forest patches, as well as diverse elevation differences. There are also plenty of roads around the map.
  245. MZ@ALP
  246. Land - Closed
  247. Snowy map with plenty of forests and resources in the map. Terrain is also diverse, with exploration required for more resources.
  248. MZ@ALP-H
  249. Land - Closed
  250. Same snowy map as MZ@ALP, but each player starts with 3 monks and a monastery.
  251. Outpost des Meeres
  252. Water - Mixed
  253. Map with a ring of land and a large lake in the middle with large lakes on the edges. There are random outposts on islands spread over the place too.
  254. Rain Forest
  255. Land - Mixed
  256. Many mountains and large spans of trees cover this map, along with occasional rivers dividing players. Resources are fairly plentiful.
  257. Real Forest
  258. Land - Open
  259. Relatively flat map with a few ponds, dotted heavily with trees, which must be cut down for building room. Resources, wolves, and dangerous outlaws are present as well.
  260. Star Forest
  261. Land - Mixed
  262. Setup similar to arena, but without the walls. Forested edges protect players, but the middle is wide and open with sparse trees.
  263. Team Arena
  264. Land - Closed
  265. Arena, but players on the same team start very close to eachother or sometimes even connected.
  266. The Cowboy Way
  267. Land - Open
  268. Arabia-style map with a barren middle pit and varied elevation all around.
  269. Turkey in the Straw
  270. Land - Open
  271. Open map with scattered small ponds, and a large patch full of haystacks and turkeys for the taking. Forests come in large clumps.
  272. Ultimate Water Map10
  273. Water - Open
  274. Each player starts off with a large island very close to their enemies and connected by shallows. The rest is fish-filled water.
  275. Volcanic Isles
  276. Water - Open
  277. Each player starts off with a large island, possibly connected to another player. There is a middle island with plentiful gold.
  278. Zaïre
  279. Land - Open
  280. Very open map with plenty of shallows and iron boars in the middle, with bamboo forests. The land is very flat.
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