
Centaur!Jade x Octomaid!Rose

Feb 8th, 2013
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  1. Thick in the wooded area by her humble home, Jade busied herself on a particularly warm afternoon by picking fresh fruits from the trees to take home. Hooves shifting on the grasses, the soft crunching was the only real noise other than her humming, so it was understandable when Jade let out an obnoxious, startled whinny at the sound of splashing behind her. Feeling her face blush a little, she turned herself around to find the source of the noise, seeing only the small lake, still rippling from whatever had disturbed it. Furrowing her eyebrows, she contemplated whether to check out the murky depths or return home, but it was still light out…and she was more than able to handle herself should there be anyone around to try and take advantage of her. Keeping the apples she had picked clutched in her arms and close to her breasts, she trotted close to the edge of the pond, cautiously lowering her upper body towards the water and peering down. Even on the cloudy surface she could make out her reflection, curious emerald eyes wide as she carefully dipped her face closer; her nose was practically touching the water when a set of pale hands broke through, splashing her face. Whinnying, Jade stumbled backwards, dropping the apples at her hooves in an effort to get away from the mysterious limbs extending from the pond.
  3. “W-who are you?” Grimacing at her shaky voice, Jade straightened herself out, stomping her feet on the ground as if trying to intimidate the stranger with her powerful legs. Regarding the bubbling lake with suspicion, the long haired centaur watched as first a female’s head rose above the water, a pretty if thin face framed with short, stark white hair and settled with a pair of piercing lavender eyes. She continued to make her way out of the water, exposing her small but relatively plain and bare breasts and smooth stomach, stopping once the water was waist deep. Tilting her head in confusion, Jade stepped a bit closer to the woman, aware that she was being sized up by the other. A human? Down in this part of the forest? It was unlikely but possible, Jade supposed. Crossing her arms over her topmost breasts, the half-horse repeated her question, firmer this time with the knowledge that she was only dealing with a human woman.
  5. The answer she received was the sound of a feminine chuckle, the girl raising her hand to cover her mouth as she did so. “I did not mean to scare you,” Another soft chuckle and Jade could feel her cheeks flush in embarrassment. Shaking her head and assuring the woman that she was most certainly not scared, Jade could feel her body finally lose the tension that was mounting from earlier. The woman still seemed intent on eyeing her, but now she’s sinking back into the water, gliding towards the edge, presumably, to get a better view of things.
  7. “You’re my first.” She stated rather matter-of-factly, drawing patterns in the grass lazily. Jade could feel her face color at the implication and she huffed, but before she could even demand what that could mean the blond was speaking in her same wispy tone,
  9. “Centaurs aren’t around where I live. You are the first one I’ve encountered.” The way her eyes roll towards Jade makes the black haired girl think she phrased it that way on purpose, which further flusters her.
  11. “My name is Rose, may I ask what is yours?” The polite tone she uses sounds artificially sweet, as though she’s had practice as coming across as a dainty and well-mannered woman, and despite part of Jade being curious about humans, she’s far too weary and distrustful of the stranger. Deciding to ignore her, Jade grumbled at the sight of her collected apples scattered about the forest floor. She hated when she had to grab things from off the ground. Briefly she considered going back and simply getting a new set of apples from the trees when a light whistle caught her attention.
  13. “Would you like some help?” Holding up one of the apples that had rolled close to the water, she smiled at Jade, body leaning up and out as she tried handing over the bright red fruit. She seemed friendly enough, for a human, and Jade didn’t want the apples she had already picked to go to waste. Nodding slowly, a smile spreading on her own tanned face, Jade leaned down and plucked the apple from her new friend.
  15. “Oh! Yes that would be great. Thank you…Rose,” When her hand grazed against Rose’s however, the sound of the water being disturbed caught her attention; her reflexes were too slow, before she could even gasp she felt something slimy wrap around her wrist. Neighing indignantly, she snapped her eyes between the dark purple appendage sticking to her arm and the unnaturally passive expression on the woman’s face. Struggling to free herself, Jade pulled and tugged, digging her feet into the ground to try and give herself leverage. All she succeeded in doing, though, was pulling the blond up, exposing the lower half of her body once hidden under the water. In contrast with the pale and nude human chest and torso, her hips were encased in pitch black flesh. Her struggling fading in her newfound curiosity, Jade couldn’t help her eyes wandering over the thick flesh spreading down Rose’s body, covering her thin thighs and fanning out like the bottom of a fancy dress. Spreading out down where what would normally be a set of legs, instead a mass of wriggling, black and dark purple tentacles.
  17. “You stopped struggling. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to become intimate with tentacles?” One hand tapping her cheek as though she were in thought, Rose rather carefully made her way towards Jade, sure to keep a firm grip on her wrist. The never still tentacles that made up the bottom half of her body seemed especially restless, and Jade could only weakly tug on her arm and clumsily trot backwards. Letting another lanky limb wiggle away from the mass, Rose grabbed for Jade’s other arm. With the two tentacles keeping Jade’s hands at bay, Rose was able to use her normal arms to reach for Jade’s face, letting her fingers brush down her warm, flushed cheeks. This close, Jade’s nostrils were filled with the scent of somewhat dirty water and agley wafting off of Rose’s body, a stark contrast to the light sweat and woodchips that she herself often smelt of. She was dangerously close to her face now, the back of her hand still resting on her cheek as she spoke.
  19. “Tell me about your mother. Did she love you enough as a child? Or do these tentacles remind you of your oral stage?” Her voice was husky, a low murmur that left her breath blowing right in Jade’s face, fogging up her glasses. Rose let her hands replace the tentacles on Jade’s arms, squeezing her wrists together to keep her from moving too much. Jade could feel her heart thudding hard in her chest, her breath getting hitched as several of Rose’s slippery limbs slide up under the thin fabric of her shirt to clutch at her breasts. The impassive, almost smug expression on the other girl’s face slips for a second when she grazes across not one, not two, but three sets of tits, each set growing larger than the one below it and if Jade wasn’t so terrified she’d laugh at the expression. But just as quickly as it appears it disappears, Rose easily adjusting and simply forcing a third tentacle to join the other two. They explore the foreign territory eagerly, wrapping around a breast each and squeezing at varying strengths; gritting her teeth, Jade bit back a moan at the unfamiliar sensations, this…octopus woman was taking advantage of her and she was utterly helpless.
  21. “Rose please let me go!! I want to go home!” Squirming on the spot, all four feet shifting from side to side, Jade desperately whinnied while trying to pry the sticky suckers from the top set of tits. Her hefty bosom being massaged forcefully, she struggles to move her bound wrists, although she can’t tell if it’s to stop her molester or to touch where her tentacles are lacking. Rose let one sticky appendage switch from squeezing one of the middle breasts to toy with the puffy nipples on the third row. Overly sensitive, Jade feels her tail swishing wildly, body squirming as she flushes in arousal.
  23. “Hmm. I do believe I could get more done if I didn’t have to worry about you escaping.” It was a roundabout method of telling her that if she’s released she is not to run off, and it was entirely unnecessary. Jade’s mind was so completely fogged over with arousal, her pussy throbbing in need, she could do nothing but nod her head and weakly whisper an admission of submission. Finally giving in to Rose’s desires, Jade relaxed her body, stilling her legs so not to accidentally stomp on the many tentacles on the ground. Smiling coyly, Rose shambled around so she could stand behind her partner; her wide, equine hips shifted subtly despite Jade’s efforts to be motionless, tail twitching wildly as Rose approached her rear. Using on her hands, the petite octomaid lifted the tail aside, tilting her head to examine Jade’s puckered asshole and dark colored folds of her snatch. The girl had a rather musky smell that was hardly offensive to the senses and Rose made a note of it for future experiences. Jade could feel a shiver run down her spine as she continued to be ogled by Rose and she gave a snort to hurry her along. Rolling her eyes at the impatience but not wanting to risk Jade changing her mind, Rose gently raised one tentacle to brush across the length of her slit, giggling at the way Jade’s hooves noisily clopped against the dirt and her tail struggled to shudder in her grip. That was fun but what if she just…still gliding one limb up and down Jade’s cunt she let a second squirm its way up and press against the horse’s tight anus.
  25. “W-w-what are you doing!!!!” Her voice was somewhere between a scream and a whicker and she struggled to turn the top half of her body towards the perpetrator. She couldn’t see what Rose was doing but the tentacle tip digging into her ass gave her a pretty good idea. Back hooves stamping down, Jade moved her backside around trying to shake off the eager octopus. Of course it did barely any good and instead made the slippery, slimy appendage glide inside her hole with ease.
  27. “Oh dear, it appears I have simply,” She paused as if trying to find the right words, digging her tentacle in farther and relishing in the whines coming from the long haired mare, “slipped right on inside.” Even if she didn’t do it aloud, Jade could hear the laughter in those words but the sensations coming from her ass were distracting enough to keep her from calling Rose out on the taunt. Moaning softly, she felt herself back into the tentacles, urging the octomaid to force more of her feeler inside, which of course Rose did with delight. Only when she thought she couldn’t possibly fit more inside did Rose begin to slide out, sure to flex and twist as she did so, drawing out more groans and whimpers from Jade. Pulling out completely with a soft ‘plop’, Jade could feel her breath hitch and her shoulders tense. There was a moment of stillness and then, suddenly, there were two tentacles pressing into her ass; alternating between which would move first, the two limbs spiral and turn in her, drilling into her tight hole. The knotted texture was unbelievable, she could feel herself clenching around the writhing pair, legs going weak. With Rose busy thrusting slowly but steadily, Jade took it upon herself to bring her hands back to her breasts, toying with the top left nipple and the middle right tit, pinching and rubbing until she was a panting mess.
  29. Rose was picking up speed, adding a third and then a fourth to the two already in her anus, and then she was starting to feel the rest of her tentacles grow fidgety. Lifting them, she brought four at once to the glistening, empty opening and greedily dove in. Jade didn’t even squeal this time, instead moaning low and swaying her flanks from side to side as she readily and excitedly took the group of tentacles. Surely if they could reach, her knees would be knocking together right now. Rose was getting even more into things, letting her pale hand brush against the soft, fur-lined hips of her partner’s backside, putting multiple tentacles into the girl and especially keen on watching her asshole expand with the sheer number of slimy muscle she was thrusting into it. Jade was practically howling as she took more and more tentacles; both her ass and her pussy were bursting with squirming masses, pistoling in and out of her holes with wild abandon. The thick, bumpy flesh clinging to her inner walls in combination with her own fondling brought her over the edge and her equine body spasmed, convulsing and tightening around the tentacles in an incredible orgasm. Huffing and running a hand through her sweat soaked hair, Jade causally enjoyed the feeling of Rose slowly removing herself, one limb at a time, the knobby suckers each coming out with an odd slick sound. It took several minutes for her to finish, and by the time she had, the feeling of the tentacles slithering their way to the exit had started turning the centaur on again.
  31. “While that was an informative session, I must return home.” A curt goodbye and a small wave of on her tentacles and Rose was crawling her way back towards the lake. She descended slowly, back turned towards Jade, and only when she was about to be completely swallowed up by the water did she spare a glance backwards. Then she was gone. Already missing the fullness her new friend had provided, Jade looked towards the water forlornly for a time, before turning around to return home.
  33. “Goodbye, Rose.”
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