
Anon, The New Assistant: A Humanized CYOA - Day 9

Oct 1st, 2013
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  1. Welcome to Day 9/10 of Anon, The New Assistant! This is a Choose Your Own Adventure story following the life of Anonymous as he adjusts to life in his new town, Ponyville, and at his new job, as Twilight's library assistant. The story is written day by day, usually around 21:30-22:00. Choices will be made off of a vote for different options, and majority rules, unless I state otherwise. In the situation of a tie, I go with whichever option was voted for first. Feel free to vote for something other than provided, but I am ultimately the final judge of whether or not those options will be picked. Also, feel free to tell me to text someone, your contact list is in the pastebin.
  3. Fat E.T.'s Pastebin:
  5. Message of the Day: I'm alive and shit!
  7. And now, let the story begin!
  9. So since I never finished Day 9, I will post the first half here before I get started.
  11. >*bzzt bzzt bzzt*
  12. >You slap your alarm and sit up in bed, looking around.
  13. >Vinyl didn't even wake up to the alarm this time.
  14. >You stretch for a second and then climb out of bed, making sure not to disturb Vinyl's sleep too badly.
  15. >Outside your window, you can hear kids messing around.
  16. >You walk over to the closet and grab a towel, then hop in the shower.
  17. >[Insert standard morning shower routine here]
  18. >Okay, we're done with that part now.
  19. >You dry yourself off and get dressed in some shorts and a green T shirt.
  20. >You feel like cooking something awesome today.
  21. >But what to make?
  22. >Hmm...
  23. >Ah! You get an idea and head into the kitchen to grab the shit you'll need to get going.
  24. >You start attempting to make an apple and carrot medley for you and Vinyl, but quickly realize that you have no idea what you are doing.
  25. >After several minutes of stumbling around in the kitchen trying to make food happen, you finally finish the meal.
  26. >Gazing upon the monstrosity you've created, you vow to yourself to never make medleys of any kind ever again.
  27. >But you eat it anyways, because you are hungry and don't have time to make another meal.
  28. >You head out of your apartment after putting away the leftovers and make your way down to ground level.
  29. >As you step outside, you notice Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and a third girl you don't know the name of arguing with some bitch wearing a tiara.
  30. >Who actually wears a tiara? You have to assume she is mentally handicapped in one way or another.
  31. >You walk over there and interrupt whatever they were yelling about.
  32. Anon: "What's going on here?"
  33. >They all turn to you and stare at you while the cogs turn in their heads.
  34. >Then you see them all open their mouths as they start to tell you their sides of the story, all at the same time.
  35. >Oh dear god what have you done.
  36. >You can't make out anything that's being said, all that you are aware of is the fact that four teenage girls are all saying words in your general direction.
  37. >Unsure what to do, you just point at Scootaloo.
  38. Anon: "She's right."
  39. >As soon as you say that, they all go back to arguing with each other and you retreat.
  40. >You continue walking to the library, the fuss behind you slowly becoming quieter and quieter.
  41. >You get to the library only to find a note from Twilight on the door.
  42. >It reads, "Anon, don't worry about cleaning up today, just watch the library for me in case anybody comes in. Also, try not to make a huge mess."
  43. >You head inside and flip the sign in the window so that it says the library is closed.
  44. >Now that you have insured that you will have plenty of free time, you proceed with your devious plan.
  45. >You, with the help of Spike after you woke him up while moving things, spend the next hour and a half moving all the furniture in the library so that the room appears to have turned 90 degrees clockwise.
  46. >It's looking pretty good, all it needs is the finishing touch.
  47. >You find a notepad and a pen and write down a note for Twilight.
  48. >The note reads, "Twilight, the library is broken. plz fix"
  49. >You slap the note on the desk by the door and then leave for the day.
  50. >You look at your phone and see that the time is 9:30 AM.
  51. >You stand there for a minute trying to decide what to do.
  52. >You haven't talked to Rainbow Dash in a while, might as well see if she's down to hang out.
  53. >You pick up your phone and call Rainbow Dash.
  54. >The line rings on the other end for a bit before she picks up.
  55. Rainbow: "Sup?"
  56. Anon: "Hey it's Anon, I'm really bored. You wanna hang out?"
  57. Rainbow: "Kinda busy right now bro, gotta keep fit!"
  58. Anon: "Sounds like a good time. Mind if I join?"
  59. Rainbow: "I'll give ya 15 minutes to get to the gym so we can get started, if you aren't there then I start without you. See ya then!"
  60. >She hangs up on you, so you put your phone away.
  61. >Well at least you have something to do now. But do you really wanna spend your free time working out?
  62. >You turn around and head back into the library, and call out for Spike.
  63. >He comes downstairs, yawning, and looks over at you.
  64. Spike: "Whaaat?"
  65. Anon: "C'mon, we're going to the gym."
  66. Spike: "I was gonna sleep though..."
  67. Anon: "No bitching if you want a bitch! Let's go!"
  68. >You drag him out of the library and together the two of you walk to the gym.
  70. And now, back to the story
  72. >You both walk in through the front door of the gym and see Rainbow across the way in her work out clothes, impatiently stomping her foot.
  73. >Spike spots her over there, and panics.
  74. >He turns to you and grabs you by the shirt collar.
  75. Spike: "Anon, are we here working out with Rainbow Dash?"
  76. Anon: "Yea, why?"
  77. Spike: "Are you insane?! She's going to work us to death!"
  78. Anon: "Oh come on, how bad can it be?"
  79. >He doesn't seem convinced.
  80. >She doesn't seem to have seen you two yet, it's still possible to escape.
  82. A. Leave gym
  83. B. Go work out like intended
  84. C. Other
  86. Anon: "C'mon man, we'll be fine!"
  87. >You drag him over to Rainbow Dash and say hi.
  88. RD: "Aww man, two weaklings? Today's workout is gonna be so boring."
  89. >Bitch
  90. >You and Spike go get changed into work out clothes and then meet Rainbow in the gym.
  91. RD: "Alright, what are we starting with?"
  93. A. Upper Body
  94. B. Lower Body
  95. C. Other
  97. Anon: "Let's start on the squat rack."
  98. >You guys head over to the squat rack and start grabbing weights.
  99. Rainbow: "You wanna start, Spike?"
  100. >He nervously get's into the squat rack and starts lifting.
  101. >You are spotting him, as her struggles through the workout, clearly out of shape.
  102. >Rainbow is clearly bored with what's happening.
  103. >Now that you think about it, 3 people is kind of a strange number of people for a group.
  104. >You tell Rainbow that she can go work on her own if things are going too slow for her.
  105. >She thanks you and runs off to do her own workout, guess it's just you and Spike now.
  106. >The two of you continue to work your lower body in various ways, and have spent about 40 minutes working out when you finish lower body.
  108. A. Continue to do upper body
  109. B. Leave gym for the day
  111. Spike: "Are we done yet, bro?"
  112. Anon: "What? We've only done half our body! Follow me, we're going to the bench."
  113. >He groans and follows behind you.
  114. >You grab him some weight and have him get lifting, he's tired but you won't let him bitch out.
  115. >He needs to work hard.
  116. >Work hard for that sweet apple ass
  117. >You guys continue around the gym, making various stops at different machines and working your asses off.
  118. >Sweat drips from your faces, but you aren't a fucking baby, you keep pushing throughout the whole workout.
  119. >You guys head to the locker room and change, and then go your separate ways for the day.
  121. A. Wait up for Rainbow
  122. B. Head home
  123. C. Other
  125. >Okay this is taking too long.
  126. >You head back towards the gym to find Rainbow Dash.
  127. >She's been working for a while, especially for a single person workout. Maybe Spike was righ--
  128. >You aren't paying attention and crash into Rainbow as she comes out the door.
  129. Anon: "Oh, hey, I was looking for you."
  130. Rainbow: "Okay, what's up?"
  131. Anon: "I don't really have anything to talk about specifically, I just wanted to chat. Hey, where are you gonna go now?"
  132. Rainbow: "I'm gonna go home, I'm fucking tired, Anon."
  133. Anon: "Mmk, well I'll walk you there so we can talk."
  134. >You guys head out the door and head off in the direction of Rainbow's house
  135. Rainbow: "So I hear you've been hanging out with Pinkie."
  136. Anon: "Well I guess you could say that. I really just want to know what's going on with her. She's suspicious."
  137. >She laughs at you before continuing.
  138. RD: "Dude, that's just how Pinkie is, it doesn't mean anything."
  139. Anon: "I don't buy it, I'm gonna figure her out."
  140. >You guys continue to make small talk all the way to Rainbow's house, laughing and having a grand time, you even flirt with her a bit but you aren't sure she even notices.
  141. >You guys arrive at her front door.
  142. >She looks you in the eyes, the afternoon sun making her eyes glisten.
  143. Rainbow Dash: "So do... do you wanna come inside?"
  144. >Hue
  146. A. Go in
  147. B. Decline offer
  148. C. Other
  150. Anon: "As much as I would like to, I have somewhere to be soon. But we can hang out again some other time"
  151. Rainbow: "Yea, that sounds good. Take care, Anon."
  152. >She closes the door, and you make your way back to your apartment.
  153. >The sun is really low in the sky now.
  154. >You get back to your apartment and say hi to Vinyl, who is playing Gameboy on the couch.
  155. Vinyl: "Huh? Oh, hey Anon, how was work?"
  156. >You tell her about your prank and then going to the gym.
  157. Vinyl: "Haha, sounds like a good time."
  158. You go to your room and get ready to go to bed, then sit on your side of the bed.
  159. >Your phone vibrates, so you pull it out to see who's texting you.
  160. ??? -> Anon(text): Hey anon its spike just wanted to say thanks for taking me to gym, now that im not so tired i feel good, gonna keep up with that"
  161. >Spike number acquired!
  162. >You hear Vinyl yelling from the other room.
  164. >You laugh at her and then lie down for the night, Vinyl joining you not too much later.
  165. >Slowly, you drift off to sleep.
  166. -----
  167. -End of Day 9
  168. -RD Bro level increased!
  169. -Risked job for a joke!
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