
Stale Meta???

Oct 10th, 2014
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  1. Lmao. Every day, every day these shitty so called pro players are out of sync with this games optimal strategies. Every day they miss 3/4 of the opportunities to min/max their item and skill builds or even build vlads on PL. Every day, ching chong chinks are building the same retarded vanguard spectre they've been doing for years due to their refusal to innovate or learn basic math. Every day the fat ameriturds build jewish rice carry alchemist and max goblins greed because they're ignorant jews that don't know how to stack ancients for an early blink dagger. Every day you streamfags and pubs suck the tiny cock of the pro dota scene just a little bit harder and blindly copy whatever builds you saw the previous day, desperately hoping for a higher MMR- the number you're a slave to- on the back of some strategy that was itself suboptimal. Every day, ignorant muppets congregate in ranked matchmaking and send heroes that should be jungling to lane, heroes that should be supporting to carry, building vlads on illusion heroes, drums on carries, shitquila on anyone. Every single day this goes on, and you people eat it up. You love it. This is absolutely disgusting. I'm disgusted and I hate every single one of you streamfags, every single pro player that spreads these shit builds and every single retard that goes into a pub and buys vanguard for its "epick DamageBlock", every single monkey see monkey do is atrocious, revolting, insulting excuse for a meta.
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