
OWB 3.1 Patch Notes

Sep 13th, 2021
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  1. -- Update 3.1 --
  2. ### Added
  3. - Added custom icon to mini nuke decisions.
  4. - Added new focus Dislodge the Iron Giant to the Texan Arms Association focus tree.
  5. - Added a new focus tree for The Last Patrol! In addition several new decisions, events, graphical assets and ideas have been implemented related to this.
  6. - Added decisions to allow the formation of Oklahoma, currently exclusive to The Last Patrol.
  7. - Added two additional river crossings between The Last Patrol and The Chained Choir.
  8. - Added a trigger to Cherokee wartime decisions making them disappear after the war if unused.
  9. - Added tooltip to Cherokee focuses that unlock decisions making it clear they are only available during wartime.
  10. - Added tooltip to PIT vote making it clear that the other nations might overrule your decision.
  11. - Added new scripted effects to carry over government ideas from PREV scope. Scripts are located in the law_scripted_effect file.
  12. - Added buffs to on startup adding 500 manpower to all nations starting with less than 800 and adding an additional 500 manpower and 50 army experience if they are AI.
  13. - Added some missing icons and loc to advisors.
  14. - Added bypasses to Legion tree if LGS and RBD are already conquered.
  15. - Added factory to Nipton so an event removing a factory can have an impact.
  16. - Added GDH focus loc.
  17. - Added wargoals to NCR focus tree to liberate the Mojave and Flagstaff after 2281. Don't tread on the Bear!
  18. - Alamo Chapter now has call events to let the player know if Rosado is working for them.
  19. - Added bypasses to LoneStar's I-10 focus, and TAA's Freedom isn't Free focus.
  20. - Added bypass to Think Tank if it already owns Vegas.
  21. - Added bypasses and boosts to Hangdogs trees based upon techs. revised glory checks for Caesar's legion.
  22. - Gave the legion bypasses for Baudelio Rancher.
  23. - Added a bypass to Gente ideas and fixed the focus to spawn resistance for the free fighters.
  24. - Gave Lanius more bypasses.
  25. - Eighties now get a focus to get scientific vehicles.
  27. ### Changed
  28. - Changed Kamlo to be a slaver nation.
  29. - Changed the way Texas is formed to make it only copy the tech of whichever of the two founders actually is forming it as well as giving all naval and unit leaders to Texas from the founders and Tubehead if they are annexed as well.
  30. - Changed Texas formation effect to keep any puppets you had prior to forming it as your puppets also keeps most laws, excluding some specific laws, as Texas from whichever nation formed them, Lone Star or Texas Brotherhood. Made it so political power, cells, and navy transferred over from Lone Star and Texas Brotherhood to Texas. We won’t be saving your production as that is not worth the effort and the reports of troops losing experience is not something we can fix as it seems to be a vanilla issue of transferring over troops during annexation or another problem.
  31. - Nerfed the units gained from the Texan Arms Association focus The Paramilitary to be militia instead of infantry.
  32. - Nerfed two other Texan Arms Association oob’s to have less units.
  33. - Nerfed several Texan Arms Association ideas.
  34. - Changed focus that had the Texan Arms Association join the Texas Brotherhood’s faction to be an event that the Texas Brotherhood can say yes or no to.
  35. - Nerfed The Chain Choir ideas A Powerful Chorus to remove 65% of caps expenses and nerfed the attack modifier to 4% instead of 15%, The Possessed Protect idea for Chain Choir by removing the Army attack and core defense factor and nerfing conscription buff from 12% to 8% to prevent the war between The Chain Choir and The Last Patrol lasting forever.
  36. - Nefed Chain Choir starting units to have two less divisions and two less infantry units in The Possessed template.
  37. - Changed Chems Banned idea to add 1.5% stability and Chems Legalised to remove 1.5% stability.
  38. - Changed Cherokee science idea weekly stability debuff to be less punishing.
  39. - Changed Caesar’s Legion AI priority to more aggressively obtain Anti-Tank equipment and use it.
  40. - Changed Graphical Culture for Texas to be Brotherhood.
  41. - Guerra no longer needs to be ruthless to found a nation where all men are created equal.
  42. - The Hang Dogs get the dog platoon you all wanted if they stick with Bears His Teeth.
  43. - Changed Choir loc to make clear they get civilized mil tech.
  44. - Scientific Recycling and agriculture techs now rely on exploitation, which admittedly makes little sense for recycling. Exploring the Big MT's housing will now give a research bonus.
  45. - Lanius now gives a warning if he goes to war with Maxson.
  46. - Tweaked Caesar's decisions so they don't all show for puppets.
  47. - Boosted glory for Lucius.
  48. - Gente now gets slaves from the General's Honour.
  49. - The frumentarius investigation is now filtered for Vulpex.
  50. - Gente will now prioritize upgrading its gun shop.
  52. ### Fixed
  53. - Fixed a trigger in the utah pantheon decisions missing an equal sign.
  54. - Fixed capitalization of several if statements in the mod.
  55. - Fixed demolitions_weaponry_tech not having localization.
  56. - Fixed ahead of time error for Lonestars focus Further Industrial Knowledge.
  57. - Fixed Bone Dancers starting events giving them 1 million caps.
  58. - Fixed the New California Republic being able to switch their conscription law without doing any focuii for it.
  59. - Really fixed the Mojave Territories not being annexed by the New California Republic on losing the dam.
  60. - Fixed the Republic of the Rio Grande focus Across the Rio Again missing a puppet check and fixed the bypass for the focus not checking if they are already a puppet.
  61. - Fixed several modifiers for sub units not having localization.
  62. - Fixed Lone Star focus Establish Dominance Over the I-10 bypass being broken.
  63. - Fixed Mojave Brotherhood and possibly other BoS nations having mutant wage laws.
  64. - Fixed forming Texas removing all wars against those that are annexed in the process.
  65. - Fixed Dyed-Blood general for Lanius not having a portrait.
  66. - Band-aid fix for the Followers issue with Twin Mothers.
  67. - Fixed Issue with Hudson Caldron advisor not appearing.
  68. - Fixed issue with the PIT raider advisor not appearing.
  69. - Fixed AI controlled federation nations going for the merge focus if there is a human player in the federation.
  70. - Fixed Second Battle for Hoover Dam focuses for the Legion.
  71. - Fixed naval OOB issues.
  72. - Fixed Malpais Legate error.
  73. - Fixed loc issues in Ouroboros, Twin Mothers, Navajo, focuses and Twin Mothers events.
  74. - Fixed Gente del Sol not having basic firearms on start.
  75. - Fixed the Lonestar event where they become the Eastern legion.
  76. - Fixed New Vegas events not giving the platinum chip for Mark II Securitrons.
  77. - Cleaned up events around the Hangdogs joining the legion.
  78. - Fixed the Bonestar's Question of the Soulless event to give tribal robots.
  79. - Fixed statehood decision for Guerra to rely on the statehood for all focus.
  80. - Fixed Twin Mothers Paradise Falls focus.
  81. - Fixed Loc for Mojave Territories Event regarding defending the dam.
  82. - Fixed Caesar, Gente Loc errors.
  83. - Fixed Gente del Sol’s villa construction.
  84. - Fixed Renovatio event to make clear Aurelius gains glory.
  85. - Fixed being able to cure Ceaser when he’s dead.
  86. - Fixed Mojave Brotherhood focus to no longer boost an imaginary trade node.
  87. - Fixed Gente ideas.
  88. - Fixed Legion, Texas Brotherhood localization errors.
  89. - The Legion's cores are returned to Phoenix in the Aurelius path.
  90. - Caesar will only be healed if he is the leader of the Legion.
  91. - The Texas Economic Development Zone now works.
  92. - Fixed Go West decision from Lanius having the wrong trigger.
  93. - Fixed Civilian Rule in Bakersfield event not giving New California Republic a core on Bakersfield.
  94. - Fixed Give the Chief a bullet option for Return to Sender event not killing Hanlon.
  95. - Fixed two localisation filenames containing typos preventing translators using them
  97. ### Removed
  98. - Removed generic advisors from Mojaver Territories.
  99. - Removed the Denarius as White Leg and Twin Mothers starting currency.
  100. - Removed use of old caps tooltip.
  101. - Removed 10 width division templates for the AI.
  102. - Removed broken tooltip in a few ministers.
  103. - Removed duplicate wargoals from Navajo tree.
  104. - Removed Lanius claims upon white peace with TTM, and Legion claims upon white peace with Mojave.
  105. - Removed double firing for Legion event about the fate of Lucius.
  106. - Removed Lanius glory decisions.
  107. - Removed Bears His Teeth's dislike of the Legion if he joins them.
  108. - Removed Caesar's claims from territory he cedes to Gente and Navajo.
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