
The Caesar Chronicles Part 3: Stardust Bangers

Jul 22nd, 2017
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  1. Sept WK4 1460
  3. So Riston's getting back on his feet just now, been a year since the Official Rank C Cup where he got injured and things have changed a lot. Milliam's in Rank B now with Hailfall as well. Inigo have lost some favor with the people after not appearing in tournies, he haven't retired, but his confidence and ego certainly took a blow after his crushing lost...Riston at least is starting to walk now....that Smash really did a number on to him.
  5. Regardless, I was on my way home to watch some Serial Experiment Lain with the DVDs I brought when I look at the jumbotron on the building in Times Square when I see the 8 fighters for the Rank B Cup...There's Siegbert arrogant as ever with his Centaur/Durahan, Siegkugel...and there he was....Jalen with his sister Rhiannon and Caesar...still in his teen years...Ever since the Rank C Cup, the siblings been a very controversial duo with many critics and haters(Charlotte being one of them despite admitting she would fuck both of them) with very few fans....I'm more neutral on them as while I respect their skill....they DID injured my brother's Hare very badly and my Milliam at one point...despite this, I make my way in my car to the arena where I can hopefully catch the remainers of this tourney...I may miss at least 3 rounds, but that's fine...As I drive there, I wonder why do I wanna watch Jalen and his monster compete so badly...the answer don't come to me as I drive there
  7. 40 mins of driving and I finally made it to the parking lot of the Ylissian Stadium...I run in as fast as I can in my blue leather jacket with black jeans...I find a seat in the upper levels and sit there and ask how the matches been, So far Siegkugel and Caesar(Surprise, Surprise.....) have been in the lead with the other monsters close behind them...I ask how Caesar's matches been and the man who I'm speaking to make a disgusted look as he recount how fast Caesar's matches end in his favor...he mumbles about whether officials should do drug tests on the scaled hare or not..Meanwhile, the 4th round starts up as Caesar will face against Liquel, a Prince Hare(Meaning he's mixed with a Gali)...I can't imagine this ending in Liquel's favor...
  9. The match begins with Liquel throwing a Kung Fu Blow followed by the weaker Kung Fu Fist, both of which Caesar dodges with ease...As Liquel prepare for a Smash of his own, Caesar literally step in like something from a Fighting game or something~~(Akuma's dashing before his Satsui no Hado)~~ and press a palm on Liquel's belly..and then a loud noise of an explosion ring out as Liquel is sent to the wall and is imprinted in it!!! The crowd goes wild as one half is mad while some are happy from the sheer display of power....But then, Liquel, hearing his breeder's call, get off of the wall and land on the floor...and slowly rise up!! The crowd goes wild from this as Liquel seems determined to beat Caesar!!! And then he gets Smashed on the belly and is abruptly KO'ED as the crowd have mixed feelings....Liquel will be fine as that Smash wasn't the same power that hurted Riston...And all the pussy is slowly getting wet like before from that display of power...Jalen and Rhiannon...Hate them all you want, they know how to train monsters...
  11. The next match for Caesar comes up and it was against a Tiger/Gali named Bang(That attack that blasted Liquel before) later and Poor Ghoulshine fall down...At this point, the loudest the crowd ever gets is when Caesar on the field decimating his foes....Siegbert doesn't seem impressed at all, which doesn't surprised me...that's the asshole who cheated on Charlotte with some scene girl named Nina...His Chariot(Centaur/Durahan) at least is doing fine, matching wins with Caesar here and there, as for Caesar...his next match is against Robeneal, a Black Worm(Worm/Monol)...there will be a break after this for the match itself....Poor Robeneal after multiple attempts to even hit Caesar...get OHKO by a Rolling Blow...after Siegkugel's deciding win over Liquel, the intermission is called.
  13. "(Now's my chance for some fucking answers!)"
  16. I head downstairs and look for Jalen and Rhiannon...Seems Rhiannon is staying in the dugout where no paparazzi can come in and harass her...Good move, Jalen for his part is answering questions with all the blunt he have
  19. "Are YOU on drugs?"
  21. "Like I give a fuck"
  23. "....Fuck outta my face"
  25. ("Gotta hand it to him, I respect how he treat the press)"
  27. I thought as I watch him walk off to the food stand and buy some he does that I walk behind him and tap his shoulder...he turn around and look confused as he sees me.
  29. "Hey! Remember me!?"
  30. "Uhhh....No"
  31. "What!? It's me, Soleil!"
  32. "Uhhhhhh..."
  33. "The Pixie breeder from Rank D, Inigo's sister"
  34. "Oh yeah, you're related to that weakling"
  36. He rubs his chin as I fume, just who the hell does he think he is!?!
  38. "Yeah, well if you didn't know, Riston is just now walking now thanks to that last cup..."
  39. "Ah well, that's good for him...Listen I gotta go and get ready....If you wanna talk more"
  41. He reached into his pocket and wrote his address on a notepad he pulled out and tore the paper off and gave it to me.
  43. "Come here then"
  44. "Fine, asshole"
  46. I turn and walk away furious that I didn't get the answers I wanted, and I KNEW he was watching my ass as I walked off too!!...Whatever, I go back to my seat and sit down to wait for the remaining matches....the intermission ended and the next match is Caesar vs Dewless...a literal floating rock wall (Monol/Golem)...No matter how much DEF it had, Dewless went down to one Rolling Blow from Caesar...I didn't shout or do anything as I sat there complementing whether I will go to his ranch or not...If I go there, he probably gonna fuck me physically and mentally....URGH! I got up and left the arena in anger..I already know that Caesar will fucking destroy that Chariot....and lo and behold when I got home and got on my discord groupchat, Siegbert was spilling all of his salt everywhere....As I read the chat...I was thinking...And somewhat anticipating meeting Jalen...
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