
IronyOwl char 1

Dec 27th, 2014
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  1. Name: Elizabeth Faust
  2. Gender: Female
  3. Age: 23
  4. Mug: [Not yet]
  6. Class: Officer
  7. Rank: Rookie
  9. Special Skill: THAT'S AN ORDER: Refresh two allied units in a 3-square radius, allowing them to act again.
  11. Wep.Profs: Rifl(E)
  13. HP: 21 (70%)
  14. STR: 5+2 (30%)
  15. PSI: 0 (0%)
  16. SKL: 5 (60%)
  17. LCK: 2+2 (50%)
  18. DEF: 3 (10%)
  19. WIL: 5 (50%)
  20. SPD: 5 (60%)
  21. MOV: 5
  23. Inv:
  24. Type Dmg () Rng WT MT Crt Hit QL
  25. Carbine Rifl Bllt (E) 1-4 4 4-10 0 90 8/8
  26. Flashbang Expl Expl (-) Trw 2 1-3 0 90 1/1 [Radius: 1] Special: do stun damage, disorientate (-15 eva, -15 to hit, some enemies immune)
  27. Flashbang Expl Expl (-) Trw 2 1-3 0 90 1/1 [Radius: 1] Special: do stun damage, disorientate (-15 eva, -15 to hit, some enemies immune)
  28. Stimpack 3/3 Heals 10 hp, cannot revive
  29. Rifle Mag 1/1
  31. Bio: Elizabeth is the daughter of a deranged scientist and deranged military officer, and as such her acceptance into a military academy for command training was a foregone conclusion. Her acceptance into XCEF should have similarly been little more than a formality, but she may not have even needed it- the top brass felt much, much more comfortable with somebody on the ground whom they could trust to keep the big picture in mind. Though she turned down an immediate promotion in favor of proving herself the hard way, High Command still sleeps easier at night knowing somebody dependable is down there, reminding the grunts to recover artifacts undamaged and take aliens alive. She views the whole operation as a data collection and public relations campaign first, and a military action second.
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