

Mar 22nd, 2018
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  1. #KitPvP 2.1 by Tapioca_MilkTea
  2. options:
  3. prefix: [KitPvP]
  5. command /kits [<text>]:
  6. trigger:
  7. if arg-1 is not set:
  8. wait 1 ticks
  9. open chest with 2 row named "Kitの選択" to player
  10. wait 1 ticks
  11. format slot 2 of player with wood sword named "&8剣士" to close then run [execute player command "/kits kisi"]
  12. format slot 3 of player with obsidian named "&e傭兵" to close then run [execute player command "/kits tanku"]
  13. if player doesn't have permission "ks.yumihei":
  14. format slot 4 of player with yellow stained glass pane named "弓使い" with lore "&cこのキットは購入することで使用可能になります" to be unstealable
  15. if player has permission "ks.yumihei":
  16. format slot 4 of player with bow named "&1弓使い" with lore "&aこのキットは購入済みです" to close then run [execute player command "/kits yumihei"]
  17. if player doesn't have permission "":
  18. format slot 5 of player with pink stained glass pane named "ファイアーマン" with lore "&cこのキットは購入することで使用可能になります" to be unstealable
  19. if player has permission "":
  20. format slot 5 of player with flint and steel named "&cファイアーマン" with lore "&aこのキットは購入済みです" to close then run [execute player command "/kits pairo"]
  21. if player doesn't have permission "ks.ansatusya":
  22. format slot 6 of player with red stained glass pane named "神速" with lore "&cこのキットは購入することで使用可能になります" to be unstealable
  23. if player has permission "ks.ansatusya":
  24. format slot 6 of player with feather named "&b神速" with lore "&aこのキットは購入済みです" to close then run [execute player command "/kits ansatusya"]
  25. if player doesn't have permission "ks.ghost":
  26. format slot 7 of player with light gray stained glass pane named "ghost" with lore "&cこのキットは購入することで使用可能になります" to be unstealable
  27. if player has permission "ks.ghost":
  28. format slot 7 of player with pumpkin named "&7ghost" with lore "&aこのキットは購入済みです" to close then run [execute player command "/kits ghost"]
  29. if arg-1 is "kisi":
  30. make console execute command "/effect %player% clear"
  31. clear player's inventory
  32. set slot 0 of player to iron sword
  33. set slot 1 of player to 64 bread
  34. set slot 2 of player to brick named "&8防御"
  35. set slot 8 of player to barrier block named "&cKit選択に戻る"
  36. equip player with chainmail chestplate
  37. equip player with iron boots
  38. equip player with chainmail leggings
  39. message "{@prefix} あなたは剣士を選択しました!"
  40. stop
  41. if arg-1 is "tanku":
  42. make console execute command "/effect %player% clear"
  43. clear player's inventory
  44. set slot 0 of player to stone sword
  45. set slot 1 of player to 64 bread
  46. set slot 2 of player to apple named "&d回復"
  47. set slot 8 of player to barrier block named "&cKit選択に戻る"
  48. equip player with iron chestplate
  49. equip player with chainmail leggings
  50. message "{@prefix} あなたは傭兵を選択しました!"
  51. stop
  52. if arg-1 is "yumihei":
  53. if player has permission "ks.yumihei":
  54. make console execute command "/effect %player% clear"
  55. clear player's inventory
  56. set slot 0 of player to bow
  57. set slot 1 of player to 64 bread
  58. set slot 2 of player to 32 arrows
  59. set slot 8 of player to barrier block named "&cKit選択に戻る"
  60. equip player with leather helmet
  61. equip player with leather chestplate
  62. stop
  63. if arg-1 is "pairo":
  64. if player has permission "":
  65. make console execute command "/effect %player% clear"
  66. clear player's inventory
  67. set slot 0 of player to stone sword
  68. set slot 1 of player to blaze rod of fire aspect 1
  69. set slot 2 of player to 64 bread
  70. set slot 8 of player to barrier block named "&cKit選択に戻る"
  71. equip player with leather chestplate
  72. equip player with chainmail leggings
  73. equip player with iron boots
  74. message "{@prefix} あなたはパイロを選択しました!"
  75. stop
  76. if arg-1 is "ansatusya":
  77. if player has permission "ks.ansatusya":
  78. make console execute command "/effect %player% clear"
  79. clear player's inventory
  80. set slot 0 of player to stone sword
  81. set slot 2 of player to 1 feather named "&bSpeed"
  82. set slot 1 of player to 64 bread
  83. set slot 8 of player to barrier block named "&cKit選択に戻る"
  84. equip player with chainmail chestplate
  85. equip player with iron leggings
  86. equip player with iron helmet
  87. apply potion of speed 1 to the player for 1000 seconds
  88. message "{@prefix} あなたは神速を選択しました!"
  89. stop
  90. if arg 1 is "ghost":
  91. if player has permission "ks.ghost":
  92. apply potion of Resistance 1 to the player for 1000 seconds
  93. make console execute command "/effect %player% clear"
  94. clear player's inventory
  95. set slot 0 of player to diamond sword of Sharpness 2
  96. set slot 1 of player to 64 bread
  97. set slot 8 of player to barrier block named "&cKit選択に戻る"
  98. apply potion of Invisibility 1 to the player for 1000 seconds
  99. message "{@prefix} あなたはghostを選択しました!"
  100. set {%player%.ghost} to true
  101. stop
  102. on right click holding brick:
  103. name of held item contains "防御"
  104. set {_cooldown} to difference between {skill.%player%.lastused} and now
  105. if {_cooldown} is less than 8 seconds:
  106. message "&5%difference between 8 seconds and {_cooldown}% &6後に使用可能"
  107. stop
  108. apply potion of Resistance 1 to the player for 5 seconds
  109. set {skill.%player%.lastused} to now
  110. on right click holding feather:
  111. name of held item contains "Speed"
  112. set {_cooldown} to difference between {skill.%player%.lastused} and now
  113. if {_cooldown} is less than 14 seconds:
  114. message "&5%difference between 14 seconds and {_cooldown}% &6後に使用可能"
  115. stop
  116. apply potion of Speed 2 to the player for 8 seconds
  117. set {skill.%player%.lastused} to now
  118. on rightclick holding apple:
  119. name of held item contains "回復"
  120. set {_cooldown} to difference between {skill.%player%.lastused} and now
  121. if {_cooldown} is less than 15 seconds:
  122. message "&5%difference between 15 seconds and {_cooldown}% &6後に使用可能"
  123. stop
  124. add 3 to the player's health
  125. set {skill.%player%.lastused} to now
  126. on damage of player:
  127. if {%victim%.ghost} is true:
  128. increase the damage by damage*20
  129. on respawn:
  130. if {%player%.ghost} is true:
  131. wait 25 tick
  132. apply potion of Invisibility 1 to the player for 1000 seconds
  133. apply potion of Resistance 4 to the player for 1000 seconds
  134. on right click holding chest:
  135. name of held item contains "Kit選択"
  136. make player execute command "/kits"
  137. stop
  138. on right click holding barrier block:
  139. make console execute command "/effect %player% clear"
  140. clear player's inventory
  141. if {%player%.ghost} is true:
  142. set {%player%.ghost} to false
  143. set slot 2 of player to chest named "&bKit選択"
  144. set slot 4 of player to emerald named "&6Kit購入"
  145. set slot 6 of player to book named "&5あなたの情報"
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