
Aiza; Afterburner

Aug 30th, 2018
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  1. Name:Isaac Blackwood (Hides this name)
  2. Nicknames/Aliases: Aiza Kuroiki
  3. Gender: Male
  4. Age: 17
  5. Birthday: 02/27/2001
  6. Sexuality: Hetero
  7. Height: 6' (1.82 m)
  8. Weight: 175 lbs (79.3 kg)
  9. Hair Color: Blonde
  10. Eye Color: Yellow
  11. Skin Color: Fair
  12. Looks: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/321820958316822528/449776702386601996/2e91904b73feefcbc3e7420ca5e0296a.png
  14. Occupation: Student (2A Class)
  15. Biography:
  17. Born into the United States, under the legacy of the Blackwood family, Isaac was born into stardom. His Father, a famous Pro-Hero known as Supersonic Hero: Maverick, had high hopes for the child. As to be expected, his Quirk manifested at the age of 4, and had inherited his father's Quirk. However, what is not shown to much of the general public, was the complications during the birth that Isaac's mother would have, and the silent funeral held for a woman he would never meet. Since his coming of age, his youth was stripped from him. A father, desperate to keep the lineage strong, began a rigorous course for the boy. Flight patterns, simulations, combat training, things that grown USAF members spend years going through, was what the life of young Isaac would be. More often than not, he was within his Father's shadow, the lone child of Maverick, a smile on his face, whether he liked it or not. But the latter would soon rear its ugly head. As soon as he was able to, an opportunity presented itself, a chance, a moment.
  18. While his father was away at a press event one faithful night, Isaac fled. A run away, making off like a bandit in the night. If his father was aware of this, he would've been captured in no time, but if he had hesitated, his story would be much different. From their location in California, Isaac went Northward, towards Alaska. But it would not be his final destination. Japan, the UA High School. A place where legends are born, a place he was forbidden to go to. His father wanted to use the regiment that his fathers used before him, a place where men were chiseled by force, and your potential was limited to what your CO allowed, the life of a strict military family. If he wanted to prove his father wrong, that his harsh words of failure were false, he would need to grow elsewhere, in a place that would not shackle him. He needed to escape. Coast Guards along Anchorage would be the last to see the boy, an oversight, as the blood of a famous hero burned within him, it would be the last time it would save him. Flying the short distance from Alaska into Siberia, the boy moved Southbound. He hid himself and ran, committing petty crime to simply make ends meet, but his course was set, unsure which option would worry him, that his father was looking for him, or that his father gave up on him. It was only a matter of time till he made it to Japan, having clawed his way inside, he worked to establish a life for himself in this Foreign place. An alias was created. Less-than-desirables contacted to create the ruse. No longer did he go by Isaac Blackwood. His new name was Aiza Kuroiki. An exchange student, whose parents wanted him to study abroad, and attend the UA High School. He worked to give himself this chance, and he is not going to .
  20. Hero/Villain Name: Breakneck Speed Hero: Afterburner
  21. Costume: http://i.picpar.com/7DTc.jpg
  22. Motivations: To become a Pro Hero, and surpass his father, and prove he can fly faster than he could.
  23. Quirk: Jet Thrusters
  24. Abilities:
  25. Isaac possess a Quirk inherited from his family's lineage. Hidden within his body, more specifically, hands and above the shoulder blade, are jet thruster-like protrusions that ignite ethanol within his body to produce the emittions needed to conduct flight. His back pair of thruster are his more powerful set, which allow him to propel himself to high speeds and achieve flight. Two more thrusters extend and retract into the center of his palms, taking up a portion of the surface area, and are used as stabilizers and allow him to use similar flight patterns like most common Military jets are capable of. As well, the palm jets can be used offensively, as the cone of heat from internal ignition can easily burn or melt most materials, depending on the amount of fuel being transferred to a jet. Isaac's body has adapted to handle these extreme heats, and as a result, cannot be burned or damaged by most flames.
  26. Moves:
  27. F-22 Raptor's Claw:
  28. Isaac concentrates the cones of his jets, and uses them to swipe at foes or obstacles. Of course, doing this mid-flight may destabilize his flight, so it is used in close quarters as need be.
  29. B-52 Bomber: Rolling Thunder:
  30. While rarely performed, Isaac gains a good distance from the target before beginning to push his thrusters to the limit. This is to achieve Mach-speed, and his flight path is intended to fly as close to his opponent as possible, causing damage as the sonic-boom catches up to him. This is a highly risky maneuver, as any failure could result in his death.
  31. (Will have more when I can name them)
  32. Weaknesses:
  33. The Drawbacks of this Quirk are that Isaac only has access to fuel so long as Ethanol is within his system. Once the fuel source has run out, he will be unable to use his jets until his 'tank' is topped up. As well, while Isaac's body can handle the extreme heat from his thrusters, his body is not able to handle the extreme speeds they can reach without proper gear and techniques used by jet pilots in similar situations. As well as that, impact from such high speeds can be lethal, depending on multiple factors, or cause serious injury. As such, he has to limit his flight patterns, or risk injury from risky maneuvers..
  34. Other Abilities: Alcohol Tolerance
  35. Because of the nature of which his Quirk is powered, Isaac can consume booze until his tank is full, without feeling the effects of drunkenness. However, different proofs may speed his body's 'fuel tank' to fill more quickly, and if he 'tops off' he begins to feel drunk.
  37. Statistics:
  38. Power: 3/5
  39. Speed: 5/5
  40. Technique: 4/5
  41. Intelligence: 3/5
  42. Cooperativeness: 4/5
  44. Trivia:
  45. -Has scars along his arms, usually hidden under clothing.
  46. -Tends to smell of his primary fuel source, Syrup.
  47. -Switches between Japanese and English when convenient.
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