Guest User


a guest
Sep 10th, 2017
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  1. USE [MoveLink_Test]
  2. GO
  3. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Account] ON
  5. GO
  6. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1, N'Google', N'', N'(324) 242-2222', N'Google', 10)
  7. GO
  8. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (2, N'Yandex', N'', N'222222', N'Yandex!', 72)
  9. GO
  10. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (10, N'Facebook', N'', N'333333', N'Facebook!!!', 72)
  11. GO
  12. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (11, N'Microsoft', N'', N'444444', N'Microsoft', 72)
  13. GO
  14. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (12, N'Test', N'', N'555555', N'Test', 72)
  15. GO
  16. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (13, N'Trestr', N'', N'666666', N'Trestr', 72)
  17. GO
  18. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (17, N'iQueSoftTestDomain', N'', N'777777', N'iQueSoftTestDomain', 72)
  19. GO
  20. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (21, N'Testik', N'', N'121212', N'Testik', 72)
  21. GO
  22. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1019, N'vtest', N'', N'(123) 123-1234', N'vtest', 72)
  23. GO
  24. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1020, N'test0708', N'test0708@test.test', N'(111) 111-1111', N'test0708', 72)
  25. GO
  26. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1021, N'vTestV12', N'vtestr@sad.asa', N'(123) 123-1234', N'vTestV12', 72)
  27. GO
  28. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1022, N'ytest', N'', N'(123) 123-2312', N'ytest', 72)
  29. GO
  30. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1023, N'dasda', N'sad@sad.asd', N'(111) 111-1111', N'dasda', 72)
  31. GO
  32. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1024, N'qddsadsa', N'', N'(111) 123-1233', N'qddsadsa', 72)
  33. GO
  34. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1025, N'sadas', N'sadasdsad@asdasdasd.asdas', N'(123) 222-2222', N'sadas', 72)
  35. GO
  36. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1026, N'sadassadsa', N'', N'(111) 222-2222', N'sadassadsa', 72)
  37. GO
  38. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1027, N'sad', N'', N'(111) 111-1111', N'sad', 72)
  39. GO
  40. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1028, N'dasdasda', N'', N'(111) 111-1111', N'dasdasda', 72)
  41. GO
  42. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1029, N'teSTTEST', N'testst@asas.sasa', N'(111) 111-1111', N'teSTTEST', 72)
  43. GO
  44. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1030, N'satesttest', N'', N'(111) 111-1111', N'satesttest', 72)
  45. GO
  46. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1031, N'testtesttest', N'testtestetste@testtest.test', N'(111) 111-1111', N'testtesttest', 72)
  47. GO
  48. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (1032, N'testX', N'', N'(123) 123-1234', N'testX', 72)
  49. GO
  50. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (2019, N'test0808', N'', N'(213) 123-1231', N'test0808', 72)
  51. GO
  52. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (2020, N'test08082', N'', N'(231) 412-4214', N'test08082', 72)
  53. GO
  54. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (2021, N'sadsad', N'asd@sad.sad', N'(213) 123-8141', N'sadsad', 72)
  55. GO
  56. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (2022, N'safafa', N'', N'(213) 213-1412', N'safafa', 72)
  57. GO
  58. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (2023, N'sadada', N'', N'(213) 123-2131', N'sadada', 72)
  59. GO
  60. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (2024, N'sadsafas', N'', N'(232) 131-3123', N'sadsafas', 72)
  61. GO
  62. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (2025, N'sadasf', N'asdas@sad.asd', N'(111) 111-1111', N'sadasf', 72)
  63. GO
  64. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (2026, N'WorkTest', N'', N'(213) 412-4214', N'WorkTest', 72)
  65. GO
  66. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (2027, N'TestToast', N'toa@sad.sad', N'(213) 123-1311', N'TestToast', 72)
  67. GO
  68. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (2028, N'TetstToastAccount', N'tes@test.test', N'(111) 111-1111', N'TetstToastAccount', 72)
  69. GO
  70. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (2029, N'sadadad', N'', N'(232) 132-1312', N'The best company!', 72)
  71. GO
  72. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (2030, N'ValentinAccount', N'', N'(444) 444-4444', N'Valentin', 72)
  73. GO
  74. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (3019, N'Google2', N'qwe@qwe.qwe', N'(123) 456-789', N'Google2', 72)
  75. GO
  76. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (3024, N'Google', N'', N'(123) 121-3213', N'Google', 72)
  77. GO
  78. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (3025, N'tet', N'test@testtest.test', N'(111) 111-1111', N'tet', 72)
  79. GO
  80. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (3026, N'Gsadsa', N'', N'(232) 134-2131', N'Gsadsa', 72)
  81. GO
  82. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (3027, N'iquesoft', N'', N'(555) 555-5555', N'iquesoft', 72)
  83. GO
  84. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (3028, N'iquesofttest', N'', N'(555) 555-5555', N'iquesofttest', 72)
  85. GO
  86. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (4027, N'iqs', N'', N'(444) 444-4444', N'iqs', 72)
  87. GO
  88. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (4028, N'iqstest', N'', N'3233333333', N'iqstest', 72)
  89. GO
  90. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (4029, N'iqsofttest', N'', N'3233333333', N'iqsofttest', 72)
  91. GO
  92. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (4030, N'iqsofttest1', N'', N'3233333333', N'iqsofttest1', 72)
  93. GO
  94. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (4031, N'iqsofttest2', N'', N'3233333333', N'iqsofttest2', 72)
  95. GO
  96. INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([Id], [Name], [Email], [Phone], [DisplayName], [QuoteLifetimeHours]) VALUES (5028, N'iqstest3', N'', N'2322222222', N'iqstest3', 72)
  97. GO
  98. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Account] OFF
  99. GO
  100. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[State] ON
  102. GO
  103. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (1, N'Alabama', N'AL')
  104. GO
  105. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (2, N'Alaska', N'AK')
  106. GO
  107. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (3, N'Arizona', N'AZ')
  108. GO
  109. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (4, N'Arkansas', N'AR')
  110. GO
  111. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (5, N'California', N'CA')
  112. GO
  113. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (6, N'Colorado', N'CO')
  114. GO
  115. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (7, N'Connecticut', N'CT')
  116. GO
  117. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (8, N'Delaware', N'DE')
  118. GO
  119. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (9, N'Florida', N'FL')
  120. GO
  121. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (10, N'Georgia', N'GA')
  122. GO
  123. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (11, N'Hawaii', N'HI')
  124. GO
  125. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (12, N'Idaho', N'ID')
  126. GO
  127. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (13, N'Illinois', N'IL')
  128. GO
  129. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (14, N'Indiana', N'IN')
  130. GO
  131. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (15, N'Iowa', N'IA')
  132. GO
  133. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (16, N'Kansas', N'KS')
  134. GO
  135. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (17, N'Kentucky', N'KY')
  136. GO
  137. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (18, N'Louisiana', N'LA')
  138. GO
  139. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (19, N'Maine', N'ME')
  140. GO
  141. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (20, N'Maryland', N'MD')
  142. GO
  143. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (21, N'Massachusetts', N'MA')
  144. GO
  145. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (22, N'Michigan', N'MI')
  146. GO
  147. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (23, N'Minnesota', N'MN')
  148. GO
  149. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (24, N'Mississippi', N'MS')
  150. GO
  151. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (25, N'Missouri', N'MO')
  152. GO
  153. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (26, N'Montana', N'MT')
  154. GO
  155. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (27, N'Nebraska', N'NE')
  156. GO
  157. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (28, N'Nevada', N'NV')
  158. GO
  159. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (29, N'New Hampshire', N'NH')
  160. GO
  161. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (30, N'New Jersey', N'NJ')
  162. GO
  163. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (31, N'New Mexico', N'NM')
  164. GO
  165. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (32, N'New York', N'NY')
  166. GO
  167. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (33, N'North Carolina', N'NC')
  168. GO
  169. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (34, N'North Dakota', N'ND')
  170. GO
  171. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (35, N'Ohio', N'OH')
  172. GO
  173. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (36, N'Oklahoma', N'OK')
  174. GO
  175. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (37, N'Oregon', N'OR')
  176. GO
  177. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (38, N'Pennsylvania', N'PA')
  178. GO
  179. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (39, N'Rhode Island', N'RI')
  180. GO
  181. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (40, N'South Carolina', N'SC')
  182. GO
  183. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (41, N'South Dakota', N'SD')
  184. GO
  185. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (42, N'Tennessee', N'TN')
  186. GO
  187. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (43, N'Texas', N'TX')
  188. GO
  189. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (44, N'Utah', N'UT')
  190. GO
  191. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (45, N'Vermont', N'VT')
  192. GO
  193. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (46, N'Virginia', N'VA')
  194. GO
  195. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (47, N'Washington', N'WA')
  196. GO
  197. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (48, N'West Virginia', N'WV')
  198. GO
  199. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (49, N'Wisconsin', N'WI')
  200. GO
  201. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (50, N'Wyoming', N'WY')
  202. GO
  203. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (52, N'District of Columbia', N'DC')
  204. GO
  205. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (57, N'Armed Forces Americas', N'AA')
  206. GO
  207. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (58, N'Armed Forces Europe', N'AE')
  208. GO
  209. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (59, N'Armed Forces Pacific', N'AP')
  210. GO
  211. INSERT [dbo].[State] ([Id], [Name], [Abbr]) VALUES (99, N'OTHER', N'XX')
  212. GO
  213. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[State] OFF
  214. GO
  215. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[User] ON
  217. GO
  218. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (7, N'', N'e849c287b41eaa55459e819fbb1d9cc8', N'Gregory', N'Show', 0, 1)
  219. GO
  220. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (9, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Richard', N'Daryl', 0, 1)
  221. GO
  222. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (10, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Johnathan', N'Timothy', 0, 1)
  223. GO
  224. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (17, N'', N'cc03e747a6afbbcbf8be7668acfebee5', N'MattNewCrew', N'Simpson', 0, 1)
  225. GO
  226. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (30, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Valentin', N'Demidyuk', 0, 1)
  227. GO
  228. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (31, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Donald', N'Trump', 0, 1)
  229. GO
  230. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (39, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Cal', N'Kole', 0, 1)
  231. GO
  232. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (40, N'', N'988e01754cccf57732667b735f9ceae4', N'rthr', N'rthrth', 0, 1)
  233. GO
  234. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (43, N'johnb@demo.con', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'John', N'Born', 0, 1)
  235. GO
  236. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (44, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Jason', N'Born', 0, 1)
  237. GO
  238. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (46, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Jonh', N'Deagle', 0, 1)
  239. GO
  240. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (47, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Gale', N'Layton', 0, 1)
  241. GO
  242. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (48, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'MatUpdate', N'Daemond', 0, 1)
  243. GO
  244. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (49, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Leonard', N'Merlyn', 0, 1)
  245. GO
  246. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (50, N'', N'202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70', N'Mat', N'Dacre', 0, 1)
  247. GO
  248. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (55, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Stinky', N'Fingers', 0, 1)
  249. GO
  250. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (56, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Furry', N'Racer', 0, 1)
  251. GO
  252. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (58, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Mopey', N'Molasses', 0, 1)
  253. GO
  254. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (59, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Harley', N'Quinn', 0, 1)
  255. GO
  256. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (60, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Big', N'Mike', 0, 1)
  257. GO
  258. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (71, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Kyle', N'Reese', 0, 1)
  259. GO
  260. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (72, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Little', N'John', 0, 1)
  261. GO
  262. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (73, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'The', N'Major', 0, 1)
  263. GO
  264. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (74, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Bobby', N'Brown', 0, 1)
  265. GO
  266. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (78, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Kevin', N'Owner', 0, 1)
  267. GO
  268. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (81, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Criss', N'Shmeihel', 1, 1)
  269. GO
  270. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (82, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Rolo', N'Dixon', 0, 1)
  271. GO
  272. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (83, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Brayden', N'Porter', 0, 1)
  273. GO
  274. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (84, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Adrian', N'Madison', 0, 1)
  275. GO
  276. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (85, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Crew', N'Member', 0, 1)
  277. GO
  278. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (86, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Willy', N'Geordie', 0, 1)
  279. GO
  280. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (87, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Shelby', N'Lany', 0, 1)
  281. GO
  282. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (88, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Kristian', N'Lasso', 0, 1)
  283. GO
  284. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (89, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Mary', N'Cury', 0, 1)
  285. GO
  286. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (90, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'test', N'test', 0, 1)
  287. GO
  288. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (91, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'test', N'test', 0, 1)
  289. GO
  290. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (92, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Tommy', N'Bentley', 0, 1)
  291. GO
  292. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (93, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Adam', N'Smitt', 0, 1)
  293. GO
  294. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (94, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Gregory', N'Show', 0, 1)
  295. GO
  296. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (95, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Adam', N'Smitty', 0, 1)
  297. GO
  298. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (96, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Tommy', N'Bantly', 0, 1)
  299. GO
  300. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (97, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Leonard', N'Marlyn', 0, 1)
  301. GO
  302. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (98, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Stinky', N'Fingers', 0, 1)
  303. GO
  304. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (99, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'fewfw', N'fwefw', 0, 1)
  305. GO
  306. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (100, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'vfuwevfu', N'uweybfuwyb', 0, 1)
  307. GO
  308. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (101, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'bufewb', N'uibewfu', 0, 1)
  309. GO
  310. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (102, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'bufewb', N'uibewfu', 0, 1)
  311. GO
  312. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (103, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'bufewb', N'uibewfu', 0, 1)
  313. GO
  314. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (104, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'bufewb', N'uibewfu', 0, 1)
  315. GO
  316. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (106, N'', N'cc03e747a6afbbcbf8be7668acfebee5', N'User', N'test', 0, 1)
  317. GO
  318. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (109, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'testing', N'testing', 0, 1)
  319. GO
  320. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (110, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'wewfjewfi', N'gjergiei', 0, 1)
  321. GO
  322. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (111, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'uewbfuebwubyu', N'ubrewgfuber', 0, 1)
  323. GO
  324. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (112, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'hbfgrebg8eb8', N'8hrg8ferh8g7he', 0, 1)
  325. GO
  326. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (113, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'fewuyfbuwyb', N'uiebrgubeu', 0, 1)
  327. GO
  328. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (114, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'fewuyfbuwyb', N'uiebrgubeu', 0, 1)
  329. GO
  330. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (115, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'fewuyfbuwyb', N'uiebrgubeu', 0, 1)
  331. GO
  332. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (116, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'fewuyfbuwyb', N'uiebrgubeu', 0, 1)
  333. GO
  334. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (117, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'fewuyfbuwyb', N'uiebrgubeu', 0, 1)
  335. GO
  336. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (118, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'John', N'Brown', 0, 2)
  337. GO
  338. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (155, N'bril@gmail.rim', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Dick', N'Bril', 0, 2)
  339. GO
  340. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (156, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Alex', N'Alexov', 1, 2)
  341. GO
  342. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (157, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Alex', N'Petrov', 0, 2)
  343. GO
  344. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (158, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Harry', N'Potter', 0, 1)
  345. GO
  346. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (1159, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Mark', N'Zuckerberg', 0, 10)
  347. GO
  348. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (1160, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Bill', N'Gates', 0, 11)
  349. GO
  350. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (1161, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'TestFirstName', N'TestLastName', 0, 12)
  351. GO
  352. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (1166, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Peter', N'Petrov', 0, 10)
  353. GO
  354. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (1174, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'George', N'Brown', 0, 10)
  355. GO
  356. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (1177, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Tets', N'tset', 0, 10)
  357. GO
  358. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (1178, N'Trestr@js.js', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Trestr', N'Trestr', 0, 13)
  359. GO
  360. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (1182, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Rodion', N'Rex', 0, 17)
  361. GO
  362. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (1184, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'admin', N'admin', 0, 21)
  363. GO
  364. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2184, N'', N'202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70', N'Mark', N'Test', 0, 1019)
  365. GO
  366. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2193, N'mo@gmail.coms', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sadsa', N'sadas', 0, 1)
  367. GO
  368. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2194, N'james@james.james', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'James', N'Bond', 0, 1020)
  369. GO
  370. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2195, N'pik@gmail.pik', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Pik', N'Pik', 0, 1020)
  371. GO
  372. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2196, N'test123@test.test', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'test123', N'test123', 0, 1020)
  373. GO
  374. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2197, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sad', N'sad', 0, 1020)
  375. GO
  376. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2198, N'asd@sad.dassa', N'202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70', N'sadas', N'dsada', 0, 1020)
  377. GO
  378. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2199, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Karl', N'Karl', 0, 1021)
  379. GO
  380. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2200, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Karlik', N'Karlik', 0, 1022)
  381. GO
  382. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2201, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'SAD', N'asda', 0, 1023)
  383. GO
  384. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2202, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'dsff', N'dasdsa', 0, 1024)
  385. GO
  386. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2203, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'SDAMKMASKLD', N'sdkamdkasmd', 0, 1025)
  387. GO
  388. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2204, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sadsa', N'sadasd', 0, 1026)
  389. GO
  390. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2205, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sada', N'sadda', 0, 1027)
  391. GO
  392. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2206, N'SADA@AS.AS', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sadasd', N'sadsafda', 0, 1028)
  393. GO
  394. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2207, N'asd@sad.asd', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sdada', N'asdasd', 0, 1029)
  395. GO
  396. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2208, N'sadasdasfdj@sadasdsa.sadas', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sadasdadasd', N'dsadasdasdas', 0, 1030)
  397. GO
  398. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2209, N'sadasd@sadaswdasda.asdas', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sdaasd', N'dsadasdasdasd', 0, 1031)
  399. GO
  400. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (2210, N'sad@sad.asd', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sadasd', N'dsada', 0, 1032)
  401. GO
  402. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3184, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Rom', N'Roml', 0, 2019)
  403. GO
  404. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3185, N'wqeq@sad.asd', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'asdsad', N'fdsad', 0, 2020)
  405. GO
  406. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3186, N'asd@sad.sad', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Rtwssdf', N'dsadsa', 0, 2020)
  407. GO
  408. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3187, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'fsdkfsd', N'samfkdsi', 0, 2021)
  409. GO
  410. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3188, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'adsada', N'dsadad', 0, 2022)
  411. GO
  412. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3189, N'sada@sad.asd', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'asdsa', N'sada', 0, 2023)
  413. GO
  414. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3190, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sadas', N'sadsada', 0, 2024)
  415. GO
  416. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3191, N'sadas@sada.asa', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sada', N'sadad', 0, 2024)
  417. GO
  418. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3192, N'safasf@sadasd.sad', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sadamkd', N'ksamfksa', 0, 2025)
  419. GO
  420. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3193, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Worker', N'Worker', 0, 2026)
  421. GO
  422. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3194, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Hex', N'Hex', 0, 2027)
  423. GO
  424. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3195, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sadasdsa', N'dsadsa', 0, 2027)
  425. GO
  426. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3196, N'tes@sad.sad', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Tet', N'tez', 0, 2028)
  427. GO
  428. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3197, N'sadak@sadas.asd', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'asdsamkd', N'sadksal', 0, 2029)
  429. GO
  430. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3198, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Hello', N'Hello', 0, 2029)
  431. GO
  432. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3199, N'', N'202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70', N'Valentin', N'Demidyuk', 0, 2030)
  433. GO
  434. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (3200, N'', N'202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70', N'Crew User', N'Crew User', 0, 2030)
  435. GO
  436. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (4184, N'qwe@qwe.qwe', N'202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70', N'Test', N'Test', 0, 1)
  437. GO
  438. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (4185, N'qwe@qwe.qwe', N'202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70', N'Google', N'Google', 0, 3019)
  439. GO
  440. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (4186, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Gril', N'Grill', 0, 3025)
  441. GO
  442. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (4187, N'sads@asd.asd', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sadsad', N'sadsa', 0, 1)
  443. GO
  444. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (4188, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Lily', N'Green', 0, 1)
  445. GO
  446. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (4189, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sadsa', N'sads', 0, 10)
  447. GO
  448. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (4190, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'Nick', N'Nick', 0, 1)
  449. GO
  450. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (4191, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sdfsdfj', N'snjafd', 0, 3026)
  451. GO
  452. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (4192, N'', N'698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', N'sad', N'dsa', 0, 3026)
  453. GO
  454. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (4193, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Valentin', N'Demidyuk', 0, 3027)
  455. GO
  456. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (4194, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Valentin', N'Demidyuk', 0, 3028)
  457. GO
  458. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (5193, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'test name', N'test last name', 0, 4027)
  459. GO
  460. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (5194, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Test', N'Test', 0, 4028)
  461. GO
  462. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (5195, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Test', N'Test', 0, 4029)
  463. GO
  464. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (5196, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Test', N'Test', 0, 4030)
  465. GO
  466. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (5197, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Test', N'Test', 0, 4031)
  467. GO
  468. INSERT [dbo].[User] ([Id], [Login], [Password], [FirstName], [LastName], [IsDeleted], [AccountId]) VALUES (6194, N'', N'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', N'Test', N'Test', 0, 5028)
  469. GO
  470. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[User] OFF
  471. GO
  472. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ON
  474. GO
  475. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1, N'123 Main St', NULL, CAST(N'2016-09-20 05:00:00.000' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-10-10 05:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'', NULL, N'Stinky', N'M', CAST(N'2014-01-27 06:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, N'Fingers', NULL, NULL, 1, N'7188777320', CAST(N'2016-10-27 05:00:00.000' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, N'123456789', NULL, NULL, NULL, 55, 1)
  476. GO
  477. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Furry', N'M', NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, N'Racer', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 56, 1)
  478. GO
  479. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Mopey', N'M', NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, N'Molasses', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 58, 1)
  480. GO
  481. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Harley', N'M', NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, N'Quinn', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 59, 1)
  482. GO
  483. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Big', N'M', NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'Mike', NULL, NULL, 1, N'123', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 60, 1)
  484. GO
  485. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (17, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Kyle', N'M', NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'Reese', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 71, 1)
  486. GO
  487. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Little', N'M', NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'John', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 72, 1)
  488. GO
  489. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (19, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'The', N'M', NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'Major', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 73, 1)
  490. GO
  491. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (20, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Bobby', N'M', NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'Brown', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 74, 1)
  492. GO
  493. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (26, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Kevin', N'M', NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, N'Owner', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 78, 1)
  494. GO
  495. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (39, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Criss', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, N'Shmeihel', NULL, NULL, 99, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 99, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 81, 1)
  496. GO
  497. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (46, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Cal', N'M', NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, N'Kole', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 39, 1)
  498. GO
  499. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (47, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'rthr', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'rthrth', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 40, 1)
  500. GO
  501. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (48, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'johnb@demo.con', NULL, N'John', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Born', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 43, 1)
  502. GO
  503. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (49, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-06-23 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Jason', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Born', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 44, 1)
  504. GO
  505. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (51, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Jonh', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Deagle', NULL, NULL, 1, N'4646546546', NULL, N'12', NULL, NULL, 1, N'984946465', NULL, NULL, NULL, 46, 1)
  506. GO
  507. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (52, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Gale', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Layton', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 47, 1)
  508. GO
  509. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (54, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'MatUpdate', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Daemond', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 48, 1)
  510. GO
  511. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (55, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Leonard', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Merlyn', NULL, NULL, 1, N'1562528565', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 49, 1)
  512. GO
  513. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (56, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Mat', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Dacre', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 50, 1)
  514. GO
  515. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (57, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Rolo', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Dixon', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 82, 1)
  516. GO
  517. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (58, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Brayden', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Porter', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 83, 1)
  518. GO
  519. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (59, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Adrian', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Madison', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 84, 1)
  520. GO
  521. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (60, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Crew', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Member', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 85, 1)
  522. GO
  523. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (61, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Willy', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Geordie', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 86, 1)
  524. GO
  525. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (62, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Shelby', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Lany', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 87, 1)
  526. GO
  527. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (63, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Kristian', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Lasso', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 88, 1)
  528. GO
  529. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (64, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'MattNewCrew', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Simpson', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 17, 1)
  530. GO
  531. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (65, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Mary', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Cury', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 89, 1)
  532. GO
  533. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (66, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Leonard', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Marlyn', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 97, 1)
  534. GO
  535. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (67, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Stinky', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Fingers', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 98, 1)
  536. GO
  537. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (68, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'vfuwevfu', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'uweybfuwyb', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 100, 1)
  538. GO
  539. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (69, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'bufewb', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'uibewfu', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 101, 1)
  540. GO
  541. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (70, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'bufewb', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'uibewfu', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 102, 1)
  542. GO
  543. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (71, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'bufewb', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'uibewfu', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 103, 1)
  544. GO
  545. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (72, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'bufewb', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'uibewfu', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 104, 2)
  546. GO
  547. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (75, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'George', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Brown', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1174, NULL)
  548. GO
  549. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (76, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Peter', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Petrov', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1166, NULL)
  550. GO
  551. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (85, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'mo@gmail.coms', NULL, N'sadsa', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'sadas', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2193, NULL)
  552. GO
  553. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (86, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'pik@gmail.pik', NULL, N'Pik', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Pik', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2195, 1020)
  554. GO
  555. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (87, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'sad', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'sad', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2197, 1020)
  556. GO
  557. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (88, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'asd@sad.dassa', NULL, N'sadas', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'dsada', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2198, 1020)
  558. GO
  559. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1077, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'asd@sad.sad', NULL, N'Rtwssdf', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'dsadsa', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3186, 2020)
  560. GO
  561. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1078, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'sadas@sada.asa', NULL, N'sada', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'sadad', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3191, 2024)
  562. GO
  563. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1079, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'sadasdsa', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'dsadsa', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3195, 2027)
  564. GO
  565. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1080, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Hello', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Hello', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3198, 2029)
  566. GO
  567. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1081, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Crew User', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Crew User', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3200, 2030)
  568. GO
  569. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (2077, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'qwe@qwe.qwe', NULL, N'Test', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Test', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4184, 1)
  570. GO
  571. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (2078, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'sads@asd.asd', NULL, N'sadsad', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'sadsa', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4187, 1)
  572. GO
  573. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (2079, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Lily', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Green', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4188, 1)
  574. GO
  575. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (2080, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'sadsa', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'sads', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4189, 10)
  576. GO
  577. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (2081, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'Nick', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Nick', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4190, 1)
  578. GO
  579. INSERT [dbo].[Employee] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [Birthday], [ChildrenDescription], [City], [DotExpirationDate], [Email], [EmergencyContactInfo], [FirstName], [Gender], [HireDate], [HourlyWageRate], [IsAvailableMonday], [IsAvailableTuesday], [IsAvailableWednesday], [IsAvailableThursday], [IsAvailableFriday], [IsAvailableSaturday], [IsAvailableSunday], [IsCrew], [IsCrewLeader], [IsDeleted], [IsDriver], [IsFullTime], [IsPartTime], [LastName], [License], [LicenseExpirationDate], [LicenseStateId], [Phone], [RehireDate], [ShirtSize], [SpouseName], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Ssn], [TerminationDate], [TerminationReason], [Zip], [UsersId], [AccountId]) VALUES (2082, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'', NULL, N'sad', NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'dsa', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4192, 3026)
  580. GO
  581. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Employee] OFF
  582. GO
  583. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Location] ON
  585. GO
  586. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1, N'Greater Philadelphia Area (Including Northern DE and MD)', 1, 0)
  587. GO
  588. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2, N'DC Metro', 1, 0)
  589. GO
  590. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (3, N'NYC', 1, 0)
  591. GO
  592. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (4, N'Baltimore', 1, 0)
  593. GO
  594. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (5, N'North Jersey', 1, 0)
  595. GO
  596. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (6, N'South Jersey', 1, 0)
  597. GO
  598. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (7, N'Pittsburgh', 1, 0)
  599. GO
  600. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (8, N'Other', 1, 0)
  601. GO
  602. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (10, N'Greater Philadelphia Area (Including Northern DE and MD)2', 2, 0)
  603. GO
  604. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (12, N'DC Metro2', 2, 0)
  605. GO
  606. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (13, N'NYC2', 2, 0)
  607. GO
  608. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (14, N'Baltimore2', 2, 0)
  609. GO
  610. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (15, N'North Jersey2', 2, 0)
  611. GO
  612. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (16, N'South Jersey2', 2, 0)
  613. GO
  614. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (17, N'Pittsburgh2', 2, 0)
  615. GO
  616. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (18, N'Other2', 2, 0)
  617. GO
  618. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (19, N'DefaultBranch', 10, 0)
  619. GO
  620. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (20, N'DefaultBranch', 11, 0)
  621. GO
  622. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (21, N'DefaultBranch', 12, 0)
  623. GO
  624. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (22, N'DefaultBranch', 13, 0)
  625. GO
  626. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (26, N'DefaultBranch', 17, 0)
  627. GO
  628. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (28, N'DefaultBranch', 21, 0)
  629. GO
  630. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1028, N'DefaultBranch', 1019, 0)
  631. GO
  632. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1029, N'DefaultBranch', 1020, 0)
  633. GO
  634. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1030, N'DefaultBranch', 1021, 0)
  635. GO
  636. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1031, N'DefaultBranch', 1022, 0)
  637. GO
  638. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1032, N'DefaultBranch', 1023, 0)
  639. GO
  640. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1033, N'DefaultBranch', 1024, 0)
  641. GO
  642. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1034, N'DefaultBranch', 1025, 0)
  643. GO
  644. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1035, N'DefaultBranch', 1026, 0)
  645. GO
  646. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1036, N'DefaultBranch', 1027, 0)
  647. GO
  648. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1037, N'DefaultBranch', 1028, 0)
  649. GO
  650. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1038, N'DefaultBranch', 1029, 0)
  651. GO
  652. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1039, N'DefaultBranch', 1030, 0)
  653. GO
  654. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1040, N'DefaultBranch', 1031, 0)
  655. GO
  656. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1041, N'DefaultBranch', 1032, 0)
  657. GO
  658. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2028, N'DefaultBranch', 2019, 0)
  659. GO
  660. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2029, N'DefaultBranch', 2020, 0)
  661. GO
  662. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2030, N'DefaultBranch', 2021, 0)
  663. GO
  664. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2031, N'DefaultBranch', 2022, 0)
  665. GO
  666. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2032, N'DefaultBranch', 2023, 0)
  667. GO
  668. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2033, N'DefaultBranch', 2024, 0)
  669. GO
  670. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2034, N'DefaultBranch', 2025, 0)
  671. GO
  672. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2035, N'DefaultBranch', 2026, 0)
  673. GO
  674. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2036, N'DefaultBranch', 2027, 0)
  675. GO
  676. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2037, N'DefaultBranch', 2028, 0)
  677. GO
  678. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2038, N'DefaultBranch', 2029, 0)
  679. GO
  680. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2039, N'DefaultBranch', 2030, 0)
  681. GO
  682. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (3039, N'DefaultBranch', 3019, 0)
  683. GO
  684. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (3043, N'NewBranch', 1, 1)
  685. GO
  686. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (3044, N'branchs', 1, 1)
  687. GO
  688. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (3045, N'tests', 1, 1)
  689. GO
  690. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (3046, N'DefaultBranch', 3025, NULL)
  691. GO
  692. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (3047, N'res', 1, 1)
  693. GO
  694. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (3048, N'Test2', 1, 0)
  695. GO
  696. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (3049, N'DefaultBranch', 3026, 0)
  697. GO
  698. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (3050, N'DefaultBranch', 3028, 0)
  699. GO
  700. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (4050, N'DefaultBranch', 4027, 0)
  701. GO
  702. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (4051, N'Other branch', 4027, 0)
  703. GO
  704. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (4052, N'DefaultBranch', 4031, 0)
  705. GO
  706. INSERT [dbo].[Location] ([Id], [Name], [AccountId], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (5052, N'DefaultBranch', 5028, 0)
  707. GO
  708. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Location] OFF
  709. GO
  710. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ON
  712. GO
  713. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1, N'Box (Small)', CAST(3.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, 1, 1)
  714. GO
  715. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (2, N'Box (Medium)', CAST(4.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, 1, 1)
  716. GO
  717. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (3, N'Box (Large)', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, 1, 1)
  718. GO
  719. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (4, N'Wardrobe Box Rental', CAST(8.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 2, 1)
  720. GO
  721. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (5, N'Wardrobe Box Purchase', CAST(16.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, 2, 1)
  722. GO
  723. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (6, N'TV Box Rental', CAST(24.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 2, 1)
  724. GO
  725. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (7, N'TV Box Purchase', CAST(110.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, 3, 1)
  726. GO
  727. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (8, N'Mattress Bag (Queen)', CAST(9.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, 3, 1)
  728. GO
  729. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (9, N'Mattress Bag (King)', CAST(9.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, 3, 1)
  730. GO
  731. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (10, N'Floor Protection (Hardwood)', CAST(12.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 4, 1)
  732. GO
  733. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (11, N'Floor Protection (Carpet)', CAST(12.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 4, 1)
  734. GO
  735. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (12, N'Piano Fee', CAST(125.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 4, 1)
  736. GO
  737. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (15, N'New Fee 14', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 5, 1)
  738. GO
  739. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (16, N'New Fee 14', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 5, 1)
  740. GO
  741. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (17, N'New Fee 15', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 5, 1)
  742. GO
  743. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (18, N'New Fee 16', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 6, 1)
  744. GO
  745. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (19, N'New Fee 17', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 6, 1)
  746. GO
  747. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (20, N'New Fee 18', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 6, 1)
  748. GO
  749. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (21, N'New Fee 19', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 1, 1)
  750. GO
  751. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (22, N'New Fee 20', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 3, 1)
  752. GO
  753. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (37, N'New Fee 1', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 19, 10)
  754. GO
  755. INSERT [dbo].[Fee] ([Id], [Name], [DefaultAmount], [IsRetail], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (40, N'New Fee 4', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 2, 1)
  756. GO
  757. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Fee] OFF
  758. GO
  759. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ON
  761. GO
  762. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (1, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Hi {{ job.customer.firstName }},</p><p>Thank you for contacting Suburban Solutions for your upcoming move on <b>{{ startDate | date: ''MMMM d, yyyy'' }}</b>. We appreciate the detailed list of your belongings, as it helps us match appropriate crew and truck sizes with your move request.</p><p>With the wide range of sizes of 1BDR moves we have found that larger scale 1BDR moves could greatly benefit from a 3rd man. We are committed to saving you money and want you to feel confident in having the right number of men on the job. Please let us know if you fall into the larger-than-average-1BDR category (&gt;800sq ft &amp; &gt;35 boxes) and we can adjust the estimate and crew size as needed! Here at Suburban Solutions we pride ourselves on fast response time and superior customer service throughout the move process. We use ONLY in-house labor with Worker''s Comp and General Liability Insurance. Our guys get training and performance bonuses, so you know you''re dealing with quality and dedicated employees during the move itself. Your items are insured free of charge under our $0.60/lb cargo &#34;Released Valuation&#34;, <i><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 141);">additional coverage is available BUT must be <a href="">requested beforehand</a>:</span></i> &#34;Full Valuation&#34; or specific coverage for certain <a href="">high value pieces</a>. Our rates are low to save you money and simply do not allow us to extend the insurance coverage beyond our Released Value Rate, so if you need coverage beyond your homeowner''s or renter''s coverage for moving, please ask!We use larger trucks than our competition and the best moving equipment and pads to keep your move going as efficient and safe as possible. We do not take deposits and because we CHARGE BY THE MINUTE, we do not bill you until the job is done. This estimate is non-binding and the more information you are able to provide us, the more accurate it will be. <b>Our Goal is to deliver a Safe &amp; Efficient move at the Right Price!</b><br/></p><p>Our estimate is based off of your details and our experience. For clarity''s sake the quote is broken down into two parts:<br/></p><ol><li>The <b>Truck Fee</b> includes mileage, fuel, furniture pads, dollies, straps, etc.<br/></li><li>The <b>Labor Rate</b> is based off the size of the crew and is prorated by the minute, so you''ll never pay more than the exact time we work.<br/></li></ol><p style="text-align: center;"><u>The Truck Fee and Labor Rate include everything, there are NO other charges or fees.<br/>This Estimate assumes that you are packed, organized and ready to Move!</u></p><h3>Order of Service:</h3><ul><li><b>Move Date:</b> {{ startDate | date : ''MMM d, y h:mm a'' }}</li><li><b>Move Size:</b> {{ job.moveSizeDescription }}</li><li><b>Inventory:</b> {{ job.inventoryList }}</li><li><b>Expecting 20-30 Boxes/Bins/Pieces of Luggage</b></li><li><b>Move Location(s):</b> {{ cities }}</li><li><b>Crew Size:</b> {{ crewSize }}</li><li><b>Vehicle(s):</b> {{ vehicles }}</li><li><b>Truck Fee:</b> {{ truckFee | currency }}</li><li><b>Other Fees:</b> {{ otherFees }}</li><li><b>Hourly Rate:</b> {{ crewRate | currency }}/hr</li><li><b>Insurance Option:</b> Standard $0.60/lb</li><li><b>Our Minimum is 2HRs</b>, so anything beyond that is pro-rated by the minute! The more organized you are, the faster your move will be!</li><li><b>Low End Estimate</b> ({{ hoursLow | number:2 }} hrs): {{ job.priceLow | currency }}</li><li><b>High End Estimate</b> ({{ hoursHigh | number:2 }} hrs): {{ job.priceHigh | currency }}</li><li><span style="background-color: rgb(24, 255, 255);"><i>Estimate is adjusted to accommodate for ease of maneuverability of large furniture/couches in out and around both locations, ease of access for truck parking proximal to doorways, wrapping all furniture in blankets/shrink wrap, all personal effects boxed up and ready to (the more loose items, the longer it will take to load and unload<br/></i></span></li><li><span style="background-color: rgb(24, 255, 255);"><i>Estimate accounts for the use of elevator, while its certainly easier than steps, it will slow us down bc you can only fit so much on each trip and often must compete w/ tenants and other vendors<br/></i></span></li><ul><li><span style="background-color: rgb(24, 255, 255);"><i>Excessively small elevators, elevators ran by maintenance staff and unforeseen long walks can add as much as 1-2 hours to a load or unload. Please let us know if you think any of these conditions exist so we can adjust the estimate and add additional crew members</i></span></li></ul><li><span style="background-color: rgb(24, 255, 255);"><i>Estimate assumes ~ mins between load and unload locations<br/></i></span></li><li><span style="background-color: rgb(24, 255, 255);"><i>For liability reasons, Suburban Solutions can not dismantle or reassemble cribs.<br/></i></span></li><li><span style="background-color: rgb(24, 255, 255);"><i>For clients going into storage, we can wrap all of your belongings in our moving blankets to keep them protected while in storage. Each blanket is $20. We will refund $10 per blanket should you use Suburban Solutions to move out of the storage facility. Alternatively, blankets can be purchased from Uhaul. While they are not of the same quality as our blankets, they do offer a savings.</i></span><br/></li></ul><h3>Clients Often Add:</h3><ul><li><b><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 128, 171);">Moving Boxes</span> - We recommend UHaul boxes as they deliver right to your door, for free!</b></li><li><b><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 141);">Wardrobe Boxes</span> - available for rent during your move at $8 ea. (holds approx 24&#34; of closet rack)</b> <i>Let Us Know!</i><br/></li><li><b><span style="background-color: rgb(0, 230, 118);">Junk and Donation Items</span> - accepted for our moving clients at $75 for the 1st item and $20 or $40 for each additional</b> <i>Let Us Know!</i><br/></li><li><b><span style="background-color: rgb(24, 255, 255);">Mattress Bags</span> - recommended to ensure bedbug and soil-free moving conditions. Available upon request for $9 each</b> <i>Let Us Know!</i><br/></li><li><b><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 171, 64);">T.V. Box Rental</span> - recommended to protect your flat screen during transit. Available upon request for $24 each</b> <i>Let Us Know!</i><br/></li><li><b><span style="background-color: rgb(179, 136, 255);">Floor Protection</span> - recommended for hardwood flooring and newly carpeted areas. Available upon request for $12</b> <i>Let Us Know!</i><br/></li><li><b><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);">Lamp Boxes</span> - recommended for floor and table lamps as we can not warrant any lamps or lamp shades not packed safely in boxes. Available upon request for $8</b> <i>Let us know!</i><br/></li></ul><p>Please note that a <b>Response is Required</b> in order to book our services. <b>We book on a first-come, first-served basis and do FILL UP fast.</b> Take the time to check out our <a href="">Moving Tips</a> &amp; <a href="">FAQ page</a> for any questions you may have, there are some great hints to help speed up your move and save you money! <b><i><span style="background-color: rgb(0, 230, 118);">In order to book our services</span></i></b>, please send an <b>Email Confirmation</b> for your appointment which acknowledges the <i>estimate, order of service</i> and <i>agreement to the terms</i> herein. Upon receipt, we will promptly <b>verify and confirm</b> your appointment.<br/></p><p>Let us know if what we have written in the estimate differs from the LAST time you moved - perhaps there are misleading details and would hate to send out too small of a truck or crew for larger scale 1BDR moves. We look forward to hearing back from you soon. If you have any additional questions please email or call me directly on the line listed below.Thanks &amp; look forward to hearing from you,<br/></p><p>Pat &amp; Kevin<br/></p><p>Co-Owners &amp; Head Estimators<br/><b>Suburban Solutions</b><br/><a href=""></a></p><p><b>PLEASE READ:</b> <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 141);">Clients MUST notify the crew of <a href="">high value belongings</a> before we move them, and lets be sure to identify these things as soon as we start so there''s no confusion.</span> We will be sure to take extra care of the items and have them wrapped entirely with moving pads. We don''t charge extra for this-- (but it takes extra time). We DO NOT insure particle board, pressed wood items and items previously damaged or repaired. Fragile items must be packed and labeled appropriately - marble, granite or other high value fragile pieces will need special treatment and crating to ensure their safety - Items of this nature not indicated by the client will not be covered under our insurance policy beyond the <a href="">standard rate</a>. This is an effort to protect your items'' safety and survival during the move - we are very appreciative of full disclosure and delivering the proper protection required. <b>Also, this estimate could vary depending on</b>; number of boxes, misc items, unforeseen circumstances such as weather, traffic, undisclosed details and access to elevators/loading docks. Our crews reserve the right to refuse to include large items that are not specifically mentioned in the details, inventory or follow up communications, we usually run more than 1 move per day and DO NOT like infringing upon other appointments due to detail omissions. <b><i>We appreciate your truthfulness and descriptions as they help maintain our schedule and provide for 5-star service throughout. *Offers and coupons can''t be combined; covers credit card processing and interchange fees (No AMEX - sorry!). Please refer to our website for the <a href="">FMCSA Mandated information</a> &amp; <a href="">Items We Cannot Move</a>.</i></b><br/></p><h3 style="text-align: center;"><b><i><a href=""></a><br/></i></b></h3></div>', 1, N'1BR 2 Man Crew', CAST(N'2016-03-10 16:36:28.330' AS DateTime), 1, 1, NULL)
  763. GO
  764. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (4, N'<div class="template-content"><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);text-align: left;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><div><font face="arial, sans-serif"><span>Hello  {{ customer.firstName }},</span></font><span><i><i><font face="arial, sans-serif"><span><br/></span></font></i></i></span></div><font face="arial, sans-serif"></font><div><p>Thank you for contacting Suburban Solutions for your upcoming move on<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span><span><span><span><span><span><font face="arial, sans-serif"></font></span></span></span></span></span></span>{{ startDate | date }}. We appreciate the detailed list of your belongings, as it helps us match appropriate crew and truck sizes with your move request. </p></div><span>With 2BDR moves we have found that the larger the crew size, the faster the move and the cheaper the price.  <span style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 255);"><i>Our standard crew is 3 Men, but suggest adding a fourth if your move contains long walks, difficult access and/or excessive pieces.</i> </span> For larger scale apartments (usu &gt; 1100sq ft) we send our 20, 22 or 26ft trucks.  Our crew and truck combinations have won us the praise of other companies in the industry who stick to smaller jobs, we want you to know we can have this move done with a higher dedication to detail and at a lower price than the national agents.</span><div><span><i><span><br/></span></i></span></div><div><span><i><span>Here at Suburban Solutions we pride ourselves on fast response time and superior customer service throughout the move process.  We use ONLY in-house labor with Worker''s Comp and General Liability Insurance.  Our movers get professional training and performance bonuses, so you know you''re dealing with quality and dedicated employees during the move itself.  Your items are insured free of charge under our $0.60/lb cargo &#34;Released Valuation&#34;,</span><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 153);"><span> </span>additional coverage is available BUT must be <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">requested beforehand</a>:</span><span> &#34;Full Valuation&#34; or specific coverage for certain <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">high value pieces</a>.  Our rates are low to save you money and simply do not allow us to extend the insurance coverage beyond our Released Value Rate, so if you need coverage beyond your homeowner''s or renter''s coverage for moving, please ask!</span></i></span><font face="arial, sans-serif"></font><div><p><i><span>We use larger trucks than our competition and the best moving equipment and pads possible to ensure efficiency and safety for each job.  We do not take deposits and because we CHARGE BY THE MINUTE, we do not bill you until the job is done.  This estimate is non-binding and the more information you can give us, the more accurate it will be.  <b>Our Goal is to deliver a Safe &amp; Efficient move at the Right Price!</b></span></i></p><p>Our estimate is based off of <b>your details</b> and our experience.  For clarity''s sake the quote is broken down into two parts:</p><ol><li>The <b>Truck Fee</b> includes mileage, fuel, furniture pads, dollies, straps, etc.  </li><li>The <b>Labor Rate </b>is based off the size of the crew and is prorated by the minute, so you''ll never pay more than the exact time we work. </li></ol><p></p><p style="text-align: center;"><u>The Truck Fee and Labor Rate include everything, there are NO other charges or fees.</u></p></div><i><font face="arial, sans-serif"></font></i><div><p style="text-align: center;"><u>This Estimate assumes that you are packed, organized and ready to Move!</u></p></div><font face="arial, sans-serif"></font><div><p></p><b><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><b><font size="4">Order of Service:</font></b></span></b><br/><ul><li><b><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"></span></b><ul style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><li><b>Move Date:</b> {{ startDate | date : ''MMM d, y h:mm a'' }}</li></ul><span class="Apple-converted-space"></span></li><li><b>Move Size: </b>{{ job.moveSizeDescription }}<font color="#222222"> </font></li><li><b>Inventory: {{ job.inventoryList }}</b></li><li><b>Move Location(s):</b><span>  {{ cities }}</span><br/></li></ul><ul><li><b>Crew Size:</b> {{ crewSize }}</li><li><b>Vehicle(s):</b> {{ vehicles }}</li></ul><ul><li><b>Truck Fee: </b>{{ truckFee | currency }}</li><li><b>Other Fees:</b> {{ otherFees }}</li><li><b>Hourly Rate: </b>{{ crewRate | currency }}/hr</li><li><b>Insurance Option:</b> Standard $0.60/lb</li></ul><ul><li><i><b>Our minimum for any job is 2HRs</b> - anything beyond that is prorated by the minute!</i></li><ul style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><li><b>Low End Estimate</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>({{ hoursLow | number:2 }} hrs): <b>{{ job.priceLow | currency }}</b></li><li><b>High End Estimate</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>({{ hoursHigh | number:2 }} hrs): <b>{{ job.priceHigh | currency }}</b></li></ul><li><b></b></li><li><span style="background-color: rgb(0, 255, 255);">Estimate is adjusted to accommodate for ease of maneuverability of large furniture/couches in out and around both locations, ease of access for truck parking proximal to doorways, wrapping all furniture in blankets/shrink wrap, all personal effects boxed up and ready to (the more loose items, the longer it will take to load and unload</span></li><li><span style="background-color: rgb(0, 255, 255);"><span><span><span><span><span><span><font face="arial, sans-serif">Estimate assumes ~ mins between load and unload locations</font></span></span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span><span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></li><li><span style="background-color: rgb(0, 255, 255);"><span><span><span><span><span><span><font face="arial, sans-serif">For liability reasons, Suburban Solutions can not dismantle or reassemble cribs.</font></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></li><li><span style="background-color: rgb(0, 255, 255);">For<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span>clients</span><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span>going</span><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span>into</span><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span>storage</span>, we can wrap all of your belongings in our moving blankets to keep them protected while in<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span>storage</span>.  Each blanket is $20.  We will refund $10 per blanket should you use Suburban Solutions to move out of the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span>storage</span><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>facility.  Alternatively, blankets can be purchased from Uhaul.  While they are not of the same quality as our blankets, they do offer a savings.<span><span><span><span><span><span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></li><li><span style="background-color: rgb(0, 255, 255);"><span><span><span><span><span><span><font face="arial, sans-serif">Estimate accounts for the use of elevator, while its certainly easier than steps, it will slow us down bc you can only fit so much on each trip and often must compete w/ tenants and other vendors</font></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></li><ul><li><span style="background-color: rgb(0, 255, 255);"><i><b><span><span><span><span><span><span><font face="arial, sans-serif">Excessively small elevators, elevators ran by maintenance staff and unforeseen long walks can add as much as 1-2 hours to a load or unload.  Please let us know if you think any of these conditions exist so we can adjust the estimate and add additional crew members</font></span></span></span></span></span></span></b></i></span></li></ul></ul><div><span></span><div style="text-align: left;"><font face="arial, sans-serif"><b><font size="4"><i>Clients Often Add:</i></font></b></font></div><font face="arial, sans-serif"></font><div><ul><li style="text-align: left;"><b><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 255);">Moving Boxes - </span>We recommend<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">UHaul</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>boxes as they deliver right to your door, for free!<br/></b></li><li style="text-align: left;"><b><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 153);">Wardrobe Boxes -</span> available for rent during your move at $8 ea. (holds approx 24&#34; of closet rack) <i><span>Let Us Know!</span></i></b></li><li style="text-align: left;"><b><span style="background-color: rgb(153, 255, 153);">Junk and Donation Items -</span> accepted for our moving clients at $75 for the 1st item and $20 or $40 for each additional <i><span>Let Us Know!</span></i></b></li><li style="text-align: left;"><b style="background-color: rgb(153, 255, 255);">Mattress Bags -</b><b> recommended to ensure bedbug and soil-free moving conditions.  Available upon request for $9 each </b><i>Let Us Know!</i></li><li style="text-align: left;"><b style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 153);">T.V. Box Rental -</b><b> recommended to protect your flat screen during transit.  Available upon request for $24 each </b><i>Let Us Know!</i></li><li style="text-align: left;"><b style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 255);">Floor Protection -</b> <b>recommended for hardwood flooring and newly carpeted areas.  Available upon request for $12 </b><i>Let Us Know!</i></li><li style="text-align: left;"><b><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);">Lamp Boxes -</span><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>recommended for floor and table lamps as we can not warrant any lamps or lamp shades not packed safely in boxes.  Available upon request for $8<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></b><i>Let us know!</i></li></ul></div></div><p></p><p>Please note that a<strong> Response is Required </strong>in order to book our services.<b>  We book on a first-come, first-served basis and do FILL UP fast.  </b>Take the time to check out our <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">Moving Tips</a> &amp; <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">FAQ page</a> for any questions you may have, there are some great hints to help speed up your move and save you money!  </p><p><b style="background-color: rgb(102, 255, 153);">In order to book our services;</b> please send an <b>Email Confirmation</b> for your appointment which acknowledges the <i>estimate</i>, the <i>order of service</i> and <i>agreement to the terms</i> herein.  Upon receipt, we will promptly <b>verify and confirm</b> your appointment.  Let us know if what we have written in the estimate differs from the LAST time you moved - perhaps there are misleading details and would hate to send out too small of a truck or crew for larger scale apartment moves.  </p><p>We look forward to hearing back from you soon.  If you have any additional questions please email or call me directly on the line listed below.</p>Thanks &amp; look forward to hearing from you,</div><div><br/></div><div>Pat &amp; Kevin</div><div><span><br/></span></div><div><span>Co-Owners &amp; Head Estimators</span></div><i><font face="arial, sans-serif"><span><span><span></span></span></span></font></i><div><span><b>Suburban Solutions</b></span></div><i></i><div><span><u><font color="#3333ff">phillymoving<a href="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">@<wbr/></a></font></u></span></div><br/><div class="gmail_quote"><span><b>PLEASE READ:</b> <font style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 153);">Clients MUST n</font><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 153);">otify the crew of <b><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">high value belongings</a></b> before we </span><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 153);">move</span><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 153);"> them, and lets be sure to identify these things as soon as we start so there''s no confusion.</span>  We will be sure to take extra care of the items and have them wrapped entirely with moving pads. We don''t charge extra for this-- (but it takes extra time). We DO NOT insure particle board, pressed wood items and items previously damaged or repaired.  Fragile items must be packed and labeled appropriately - marble, granite or other high value fragile pieces will need special treatment and crating to ensure their safety - Items of this nature not indicated by the client will not be covered under our insurance policy beyond the <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">standard rate</a>.  This is an effort to protect your items'' safety and survival during the move - we are very appreciative of full disclosure and delivering the proper protection required. <b style="background-color: rgb(153, 255, 153);">Also, t</b></span><span><b><span style="background-color: rgb(153, 255, 153);">his estimate could vary depending on;</span> </b>number of boxes, misc items, unforeseen circumstances such as weather, traffic, undisclosed details and access to elevators/loading docks.  We usually run right on point with our estimates and DO NOT like infringing or exceeding the HIGH END due to detail omissions. <b> <i>We appreciate your truthfulness and descriptions as they help maintain our schedule and provide for 5-star service throughout. *Offers and coupons can''t be combined; covers credit card processing and interchange fees.  Please refer to our website for <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">FMCSA Mandated information</a> &amp; <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">Items We Cannot Move.</a></i></b></span></div><span><i></i></span><table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="960" style="text-align: center;"><tbody><tr><td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="968" style="text-align: center;"><tbody><tr><td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" style="background-color: rgb(244, 248, 251);"><tbody><tr><td colspan="2" height="100%" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><table height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table><font face="arial, sans-serif"></font><div class="gmail_quote"><font size="3"><span><b>PARKING:<i> <span>C</span><span>lient assumes responsibility for parking of moving assets while on site.  Failure to reserve parking or provide proper permits may result in an infraction for our vehicles.  The client will be held immediately and entirely liable for any infraction resulting in a charge on the invoice.</span></i></b></span></font></div></div></div><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);text-align: center;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><div style="text-align: left;"><br/></div><div><div><span>USDOT 256 2112 | MC 89 4074 | PUC A-8916339</span></div></div></div></div><ul style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><li><b>Low End Estimate</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>({{ hoursLow }}hrs): {{ job.priceLow | currency }}</li><li><b>High End Estimate</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>({{ hoursHigh }}hrs): {{ job.priceHigh | currency }}</li></ul>', 1, N'2br 3man', CAST(N'2016-03-11 14:45:59.230' AS DateTime), 0, 1, NULL)
  765. GO
  766. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (6, N'<div class=''template-content''><p class="p1">Hi {{ job.customer.firstName }}, </p><p class="p1">Thank you for your response! This email confirms that your Contract has been confirmed and<br/>that your appointment is all set for {{ startDate | date : ''medium'' }}. The movers will call when<br/>they arrive at the scheduled time, or if for any reason they are running ahead or behind<br/>schedule. </p><p class="p1">This email is your final confirmation. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any updates, questions or concerns that may arise in the meantime. If you realize that you did not have enough time to pack and organize in preparation for your move, just let us know and we can add an additional Mover, Time, or Packing Supplies to help you out. However, please be aware<br/>that we are on a schedule, and that additional help or supplies are strictly based on availability.</p><p class="p1"><b>Please remember that any additions to your inventory list will require additional time and may require additional movers and/or charges. To avoid miscommunication or potential problems on moving day, please let us know as soon as possible if you have any additions or changes!</b><br/><br/>We will be in touch a few days prior to your move to re&#173;confirm your inventory and box count so we can make any last minute adjustments if need be. </p><p class="p1">Thank you for booking your move with <b>Suburban Solutions Moving and Transport</b>, we look forward to serving you!<br/><br/>Kevin and Patrick<br/>610-&#173;314-&#173;6868<br/>1888&#173;-Sub-&#173;Solv<br/>Co&#173;Owners<br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><title></title></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p class="p1"><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p></div>', 0, N'Final Job Confirmation', CAST(N'2016-07-22 16:41:52.127' AS DateTime), 1, 1, NULL)
  767. GO
  768. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (7, N'<div class=''template-content''><p>Good afternoon {{ job.customer.firstName }}<br/><br/>We apologize, but at this time we can not accommodate your request as our calendar is full on the dates you requested. We do not over commit our crews because we pride ourselves on delivering the highest level of service to our clients. Do you have any flexibility in your schedule, or are those the only days you have available?<br/><br/>Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and we wish you the best of luck with your upcoming move. In the future, if we can assist you with your moving needs, please feel free to contact us. </p><p>Best wishes in your relocation, </p><p>Pat &amp; Kevin<br/><br/>Moving Resources: Insurance Reminders | Moving Advice<br/></p></div>', 0, N'Hard Calendar Clear', CAST(N'2016-07-22 21:04:25.647' AS DateTime), 1, 1, NULL)
  769. GO
  770. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (8, N'<div class="template-content"><p></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Dear {{ job.customer.firstName }}{{ job.customer.lastName }},<br/><br/>Thank you for your prompt follow up and confirmation for your upcoming move to {{ cities }}! This is an initial confirmation only.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br/>Below is the Labor Contract that contains the date, terms and conditions for your move. This is a legal binding document for services provided by Suburban Solutions Moving and Transport. Please read it in its entirety and check the information to make sure that it is correct, and that all Contract Terms are adhered to. Also, please double check the Inventory List and let us know if anything needs to be added. Additional items will require additional movers, time, and/or charges.<br/><br/>{{ job.inventoryList }}<br/><br/>Please respond and let us know if you have any questions, and if any changes are necessary. Or if everything is correct, please respond to confirm stating &#34;I have read the Contract, Agree to the Terms, and Confirm My Appointment.&#34; Please know that by responding, you are entering into a contractual agreement for services with Suburban Solutions Moving and Transport.</p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span>Your appointment on {{ startDate | date }} is reserved for 24 Hours, but is not finalized until </span><span>we receive your confirmation.</span></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">A 10% deposit is also required to secure all long distance jobs. Please make a check out to Suburban Solutions in the amount of ______:<br/>Suburban Solutions<br/>2109 Bellemead Ave<br/>Havertown PA 19083<br/><br/><u><b>Terms of Estimate</b></u><br/><br/><i>Truck Size:</i><br/>We have booked a {{ vehicles }} truck for your move. Please understand that we may only be able to transport the items initially disclosed as we do not have the ability to book a larger truck. We do our best to be up front and disclose any items that may not fit on the truck you have reserved. In the event that we do not have enough space due to an inventory increase, we will have to prioritize your items and we may have to leave things behind or load them into a client vehicle. We are not responsible for booking any additional vehicles or trailers in this event.<br/><br/><i>Valuation:</i><br/>Your move is covered with $0.60/ lb released valuation for any damages. This means that, should anything happen to your television, the weight of the item times $0.60 is our obligated coverage (A damaged TV weighing 65lbs would net a reimbursement check for $39.00 &#173; We''re very skilled movers, but in the event of damage we all know this will not help replace the TV, so please opt for additional coverage BEFORE HAND). We would like to invite you to look into our additional Valuation should you elect for additional coverage to supplement your home owner''s or renter''s insurance. We can provide a detailed policy exclusive to your belongings based on the value you assign. If you are interested in additional coverage please let us know right away. We offer coverage plans starting at $5,000 of coverage for as low as $205.00. We would be glad to explain our pricing further with you, just call or email us! Remember, additional coverage MUST be purchased prior to your move!<br/>In order to GET A QUOTE for additional valuation coverage we will need to know the items you would like to have covered, their purchase date/cost OR current value, and if possible include a photo of each piece.<br/>Third party moving insurance is also available through MoveGuard. You may be eligible for coverage under your homeowners or renters insurance policy as well!<br/>Lastly, please be sure to continue reading below to fully understand our terms and conditions which list items we can not cover under our policy.<br/><br/><i>Payment:</i><br/>Our preferred methods are cash and personal check; however, we gladly accept all major credit cards. Please note that we have a 3% surcharge on all Credit Card Transactions. All invoicing &amp; payment is handled upon completion of the move. </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><i>Parking:</i><br/>For Philadelphia residents in high traffic/difficult parking areas, we do kindly request that you obtain the necessary permits and no parking signs from the Streets Department. The closer we can park to your building, the quicker (and cheaper) your move will be! We will make every effort to avoid parking illegally but must warn you that any parking tickets received during your move will be the clients responsibility. Please keep in mind that your estimate is based on the following assumptions:</p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">-Ease of maneuverability of large furniture/couches in out and around both locations<br/>-Ease of access for truck parking proximal to doorways<br/>-Wrapping all furniture in blankets/shrink wrap<br/>-All personal effects boxed up and ready to (the more loose items, the longer it will take to load and unload)<br/>-Three story homes take quite a bit longer as stairwells are typically tighter and getting furniture up and down can take much longer<br/>-Elevators, both freight and passenger, add time to both loads and unloads as we can only pack so much in the elevator<br/>-Drive time between load and unload assumes minimal traffic. Rush hour and/or accidents may slow us down quite a bit (as well as back roads w/ low clearance bridges!)<br/><br/><i>Items Going Into Storage:</i><br/>We can wrap all of your belongings in our moving blankets to keep them protected while in storage. Each blanket is $20. We will refund $10 per blanket should you use Suburban Solutions to move out of the storage facility. Alternatively, blankets can be purchased from Uhaul. While they are not of the same quality as our blankets, they do offer a savings.<br/><br/><b>Please understand the following terms and conditions:</b><br/>-We cannot move: Propane or other pressurized tanks, fireworks and other explosives, firearms and ammunition, house paints, gas or oils, household cleaners (ex bleach), or any perishable foods.<br/></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">-Larger, awkward shaped fragile items such as lamps/lamp shades, larger pictures/mirrors should be boxed in specialty boxes made for those items. If you choose not to box these items properly, Suburban Solutions will do its best to protect the items with pads, however, we will not be held liable for damages without the proper packaging.<br/></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">-You must make arrangements with us to move fragile items prior to your move so that we can be sure to bring the proper supplies to move them. Fragile items include artwork, sculptures, glass, lamps, etc. Any additional supplies used to move fragile items will be charged accordingly.  </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span>-Moving is a cooperative effort of both the customer and the movers. Thus, to ensure a quick and </span><span>efficient move please make sure you are packed, organized and ready to ; that all furniture is </span><span>empty and free of all items; that all fragile items are packed including artwork and lamps; that all </span><span>boxes are taped; and that all furniture is disassembled prior to our arrival. *Additional time should </span><span>be considered if you would like the movers to disassemble and/or reassemble any furniture.</span></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span>-Do not over&#173;pack boxes. They should not weigh more than 50lbs each. Small boxes should only </span><span>contain fragile items, books, etc. Medium boxes should only contain clothing, lamps, </span><span>miscellaneous items, etc. Large boxes should not be heavy and only contain pillows, linens, etc.</span></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">-Suburban Solutions does NOT insure pressed wood furniture (IKEA, Wal&#173;Mart, Target, etc.,) or any other type of furniture kits built with a cam lock and nut system. This furniture does not move well once it is built. We will pad and shrink wrap the furniture to help protect it and help hold it together during transport, but it doesn''t always make it.<br/></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">-Suburban Solutions can not be held liable for owner packed boxes. Because the packing method used by the client is unknown, we can not warrant damages done to owner packed belongings unless the box was dropped by our movers. If you can hear rattling or glass clanging when carrying a box, that means additional paper or bubble wrap is needed!<br/><br/>-Our schedule is based on the initial estimate we send over (or mutually agreed upon revisions). In the event you have additional items to move, a longer than expected walk or elevator issues, we will do everything we can to complete the job as originally estimated. We can not guarantee that we can extend the job past our originally estimated time frame unless our schedule allows. We can also not guarantee a return trip in the event the additional inventory items do not fit on the originally scheduled truck. We reserve the right to add additional movers to your move if deemed necessary by an unforeseen increase in inventory.<br/><br/>-LIABILITY OF COMPANY: We are responsible only for our own negligence. We assume no liability of any kind of loss or damage to goods caused by weather, bug or rodent infestation, rust, deterioration, an Act of God, an act of governmental agency or public enemy, or any other causes beyond our control.<br/><br/>-CONTENTS OF FURNITURE/CONTAINERS: We assume no liability for the contents of drawers, containers or other items of similar nature. All contents should be removed from items prior to the move.<br/><br/>-ELECTRONICS: We assume no liability for the electrical and/or mechanical function of any and all electronics, whether or not our employees pack them. We recommend electronics to be serviced by a qualified service company.<br/><br/>-MECHANICAL ITEMS: We assume no liability for the mechanical function of any and all mechanical devices including pianos, juke boxes, phonographs, etc., whether or not our employees pack them. We recommend mechanical items to be serviced by a qualified service company.<br/><br/>-OVERSIZE ITEMS: We assume no liability for damage to oversize items that do not fit through doorways or hallways properly. We also assume no liability for damage to doorways and/or hallways that are damaged due to oversize items.<br/><br/>-GYM EQUIPMENT: Suburban Solutions will not dismantle over sized gym equipment (treadmills, home gyms, elliptical). If you feel it will be necessary to breakdown such equipment to get it in and out of your house, this will need to be done ahead of time by the client. We can also arrange for a 3rd party company to come in and properly breakdown and/or reassemble your equipment. The typical charge per piece is roughly $140 per piece per location ($280 to breakdown and reassemble).<br/><br/>-CLAIMS: All damage claims must be made in writing via email within ten days after delivery and accompanied by a paid receipt as proof of purchase. The damage claim must include pictures and a description of the alleged damage. We have the right to inspect and repair any alleged damage, and if we are not able to do so, we have the right to hire a service professional to make the repairs.<br/><br/>-AGREEMENT: If you agree to these terms, this shall become a contract for services at the rates stated and will represent the entire agreement of the parties hereto. It shall apply to all additional services rendered by the company for the owner. Only an officer of the company, owner or partner has power to modify the terms and conditions of this contract, and then only in writing. We shall not be bound by any other promise or representation.<br/><br/>-TERMS OF PAYMENT: Payment must be made in full per the payment method specified when the job is completed. Driver will collect payment at the final destination.<br/><br/>-COLLECTION: If for any reason this matter is referred for collection, customer is responsible for all costs, including but not limited to agency fees, attorney fees or forty percent of the amount of our claim, and court costs.<br/><br/>-FOR LIABILITY REASONS:  We will not disassemble or re&#173;assemble cribs.  We are not able to disconnect or reconnect appliance that require live electric connections or plumbing connections (example: Washers, Dryers, etc..).  We can NOT load or unload into attics with pull down stairs.<br/><br/>**Please refer to our website for the FMCSA Mandated information &amp; for a complete list of the items we CANNOT move.<br/><br/><b>Please read the following to avoid any additional charges on moving day:</b></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span><b>-</b>These rates are to be used in the event of additional inventory items and location access details beyond the Order of Service of the contracted job. They are presented to the client at the time of booking as an informative measure in the event of a detail or inventory discrepancy. These additional charges are assessed per piece or per foot of cargo in a box truck and are not negotiable, so be sure the correct information is provided in the Order of Service prior to the move to prevent additional charges being added to the invoice.  Upon discovery, the crew leader will report the additional charges and will have the client acknowledge the new total before the off&#173;load is completed. The company is always available by phone or email to discuss any questions you may have resulting from these overages. </span><b><br/></b></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">For example, an entirely full 18ft box truck encountering an unreported long carry of 75ft beyond what was expressed, would be assessed at $4.00 per linear foot of load (18ft) for a total of $72 additional to the previously agreed upon rate. </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">-Long Carry (&#34;Distance Carry&#34;) - $4.00 per linear foot of cargo load<br/>A charge assessed by the carrier when a shipment must be moved more than 75ft than previously recorded in the Order of Service from the rear of the moving van to the entrance of the residence. </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">-Elevator Carry - $4.00 per linear foot of cargo load<br/>A charge to compensate the carrier for the additional labor required to move a shipment by way of an elevator not previously recorded in the Order of Service. </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">-Stair Carry - $72 per flight (12 steps) <br/>An extra charge to compensate the carrier for the additional labor and time required to move a shipment (such as large 2 &#173;man piece) up or down flights of stairs (every 12 steps) which lead to or from an origin or destination residence beyond what was expressed in the Order of Service between client and company. </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">-Storage In Transit (S.I.T.) - $20 per linear foot of cargo load per 12HR period (minimum of $200; cost will be prorated based on actual total hours delayed).  This also includes temporary storage of your household goods, not previously recorded in the Order of Service, items in the vehicle or trailer used (beyond 10HRs from original determined unload time), pending further delays, mileage and/or logistics in order to unload. </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">-Additional Pieces Added to Inventory - $30 per large 2 &#173;man pIeces, $12 per small 1 &#173;man piece<br/>An extra charge to compensate the carrier for the additional labor and time required to move additional items not calculated in the Order of Service. These additional items will be added only if the vehicle has capacity and the company can safely transport and off load them given the circumstances of the move as expressed in the in the Order of Service between client and carrier.<br/><br/>-Oversized/Overweight Items - $100 per item that is over 250lbs and that has not been disclosed.<br/>This includes all furniture, artwork, electronics, exercise equipment, glass, appliances, etc.<br/><br/>-Fragile Items - $50 per item that requires extensive packing and protection that has not been disclosed.<br/>This includes anything that is deemed fragile including, but not limited to: furniture, artwork, electronics, exercise equipment, glass, appliances, etc.<br/><br/>-Hoisting/Lowering - $50 per item from main floor to 1st floor; $100 per item from main floor to 2nd floor; $150 per item from main floor to 3rd floor.</p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span><b>**Please reach out to us before hand to ensure accurate pricing**</b></span><br/></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><br/><b>Some tips to make the move as quickly and efficiently as possible.  Keep in mind, an organized client always saves money by expediting the work! </b><br/><br/>-Please remove all clothing from dressers and box them up.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span>We often need to flip dresser upside down to get up and down stairwells. An<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></span><span>empty dresser is significantly easier to maneuver and will save us time and<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></span><span>energy!</span></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span>-Make sure all boxes are taped and labeled. This will allow<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></span><span>the movers to stack boxes from floor to ceiling in the truck, maximizing all available space.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></span><span>Please note that open boxes/bins do NOT stack in the truck causing wasted open space.</span></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">-Pack ALL lampshades, glass, fragile items and artwork individually, or move it prior to our arrival . We can not warrant lamps/lampshades that are not packaged in boxes. We do have lamp boxes available for $8 each.<br/><br/><span>-We ask that all jewelry and/or any other items of </span><span>extraordinary value are moved prior to our crew''s arrival. This ensures safe transit of </span><span>your most precious belongings and limits liability.</span></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">-Please do not overload large boxes to weigh more than 50 lbs. This runs a risk of the bottom falling out when lifted. When purchasing boxes, you will need far more small boxes, followed by medium boxes for most of your items. Large and extra large boxes are for bedding and pillows, large toys, and other awkward size items.<br/><br/><i><br/></i></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><i>Clients Often Add:</i><br/><br/><b>Moving Boxes:</b> <span>We recommend UHaul boxes as they deliver right to your door, for </span><span>free!</span></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><b>Wardrobe Boxes:</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Available for rent during your move at $8 each (holds approximately 24&#34; of closet rack). <br/><br/><b>Junk and Donation Items:</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span> Accepted from our moving clients at $75 for the 1st item and $20 or $40 for each additional.<br/><br/><b>Mattress Bags:</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span> Recommended to ensure bedbug and soil&#173;-free moving conditions. Available upon request for $9 each.<br/><br/><b>T.V. Box Rental:</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span> Recommended to protect your flat screen during transit. Available upon request for $24 each.<br/><br/><b>Floor Protection:</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span> Recommended for hardwood flooring and newly carpeted areas. Available upon request for $12.<br/><br/><b>Lamp Boxes:</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span> Recommended for floor and table lamps as we can not warrant any lamps or lamp shades not packed safely in boxes. Available upon request for $8.</p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><br/>Best wishes &amp; we look forward to working with you!<br/><br/>Pat &amp; Kevin<br/><br/>Moving Resources: Insurance Reminders | Moving Advice</p><p><br/></p></div>', 0, N'Initial Confirmation - Long Distance Move', CAST(N'2016-08-01 18:29:06.693' AS DateTime), 1, 1, NULL)
  771. GO
  772. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (9, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Dear {{ job.customer.firstName }}{{ job.customer.lastName }},<br/><br/>Thank you for your prompt follow up and confirmation for your upcoming move! This is an initial confirmation only, further action is required!! <br/><br/>Below is the Labor Contract that contains the date, terms and conditions for your move. This is a legal, binding document for services provided by Suburban Solutions Moving and Transport. Please read it in its entirety and check the information to make sure that it is correct, and that all Contract Terms are adhered to. Also, please double check the Inventory List and let us know if anything needs to be added. Additional items will require additional time and may require additional movers and/or charges.<br/><br/>{{ job.inventoryList }}<br/><br/>Please respond and let us know if you have any questions, or if any changes are necessary.  If everything is correct, please respond to confirm stating &#34;I have read the Contract, Agree to the Terms, Confirm My Inventory is Accurate and Confirm My Appointment.&#34; Please know that by responding, you are entering into a contractual agreement for services with Suburban Solutions Moving and Transport<br/><br/>Your appointment on {{ startDate | date }} starting between <span style="background-color: rgb(0, 230, 118);">8:30&#173;9:00AM</span> and is reserved for 24 hours, but is not finalized until we receive your confirmation. <br/><br/><i>Terms of Estimate</i><br/>The estimate that you received is a non-&#173;binding, general idea of how long the move will take based on the factors of the move under normal conditions. Any time over the estimate will be charged accordingly. We do our best to estimate the time frame based on the information provided. The actual move may take longer than the estimated time based on factors not disclosed, an insufficient inventory list, greater walking distance, traffic, and other unforeseen circumstances. We ask that clients are packed and ready to unless the estimate includes packing services. <br/><br/>*Please note: the time it takes to disassemble and reassemble any furniture may take additional time depending on its difficulty.<br/><br/><i>Valuation</i><br/>Your move is covered with $0.60/ lb released valuation for any damages. This means that, should anything happen to your television, the weight of the set times 0.60/lb is our obligated coverage (A damaged TV weighing 65lbs would net a reimbursement check for $39.00 &#173; We''re very skilled movers, but in the event of damage we all know this will not help replace the TV, so please opt for additional coverage BEFORE HAND). <br/>We would like to invite you to look into our additional Valuation should you elect for additional coverage to supplement your home owner''s or renter''s insurance. We can provide a detailed policy exclusive to your belongings based on the value you assign. If you are interested in additional coverage please let us know right away. We offer coverage plans starting at $5,000 of coverage for as low as $205.00. We would be glad to explain our pricing further with you, just call or email us!<b>  </b>In order to GET A QUOTE for additional valuation coverage we will need to know the items you would like to have covered, their purchase date/cost OR current value, and if possible include a photo of each piece.  <b style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Remember, additional coverage MUST be<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>purchased prior to your move!</b><br/>Third party moving insurance is also available through MoveGuard. You may also be eligible for coverage under your homeowners or renters insurance policy, so don''t forget to call them for information!<br/><br/>Please be sure to continue reading below to fully understand our terms and conditions which list items we can not cover under our policy<br/><br/><i>Payment</i><br/>Our preferred methods for payment are cash and personal check; however, we gladly accept all major credit cards. Please note that we have a 3% surcharge on all Credit Card transactions.  All invoicing and payment is handled upon completion of the move. </p><p><i>Parking</i><br/>For Philadelphia residents in high traffic/difficult parking areas, we do kindly request that you obtain the necessary permits and no parking signs from the Streets Department. The closer we can park to your building, the quicker (and cheaper) your move will be.  We will make every effort to avoid parking illegally but must warn you that any parking tickets received during the move will be the clients responsibility. </p><p><i>Arrival Time on Moving Day</i><br/>All morning moves have a fixed start range. For moves scheduled in the afternoon and evening we ask that customers be available 2 hours prior to and 1 hour after the scheduled start time. Afternoon start times will vary depending on when the previous move has been completed.<br/><br/></p><p><b>Please keep in mind that your estimate is based on the following assumptions:</b><br/><br/>-Ease of maneuverability of large furniture/couches in, out and around both locations<br/>-Ease of access for truck parking proximal to doorways<br/>-Wrapping all furniture in blankets/shrink wrap<br/>-All personal effects boxed up and ready to (the more loose items, the longer it will take to load and unload)<br/>-Three story homes take quite a bit longer as stairwells are typically tighter.  Getting furniture up and down can take much longer<br/>-Elevators, both freight and passenger, add time to both loads and unloads as we can only pack so much in the elevator<br/>-Drive time between load and unload assumes minimal traffic. Rush hour and/or accidents may slow us down quite a bit (as well as back roads w/ low clearance bridges)<br/><br/><b>For Clients who''s belongings are going into storage:</b><br/><br/>We can wrap all of your belongings in our moving blankets to keep them protected while in storage. Each blanket is $20. We will refund $10 per blanket should you use Suburban Solutions to move out of the storage facility. Alternatively, blankets can be purchased from Uhaul. While they are not of the same quality as our blankets, they do offer a savings. <br/><br/><b>Please understand the following terms and conditions:</b><br/><br/>-We cannot move: Propane or other pressurized tanks, fireworks and other explosives, firearms and ammunition, house paints, gas or oils, household cleaners (ex: bleach), or any perishable foods.</p><p>-Larger, awkward shaped fragile items such as lamps/lamp shades, larger pictures/mirrors should be boxed in specialty boxes made for those items. If you choose not to box these items properly, Suburban Solutions will do its best to protect the items with pads, however, we will not be held liable for damages without the proper packaging.</p><p><span>-You must make arrangements with us to move fragile items prior to your move so that we can </span><span>be sure to bring the proper supplies to move them. Fragile items include, but are not limited to: artwork, sculptures, glass, lamps, etc. Any additional supplies used to move fragile items will be charged accordingly.</span><br/></p><p><span>-Moving is a cooperative effort of both the customer and the movers. Thus, to ensure a quick and </span><span>efficient move please make sure you are packed, organized and ready to ; that all furniture is </span><span>empty and free of all items; that all fragile items are packed including artwork and lamps; that all </span><span>boxes are taped; and that all furniture is disassembled prior to our arrival. *Additional time should </span><span>be considered if you would like the movers to disassemble and/or reassemble any furniture.</span></p><p>-Do not over&#173;pack boxes. They should not weigh more than 50lbs each. Small boxes should only contain fragile items, books, etc. Medium boxes should only contain clothing, lamps, miscellaneous items, etc. Large boxes should not be heavy and only contain pillows, linens, etc. <br/><br/>-Suburban Solutions does NOT insure pressed wood furniture (IKEA, Wal&#173;Mart, Target, etc.,) or any other type of furniture kits built with a cam lock and nut system. This furniture does not move well once it is built. We will pad and shrink wrap the furniture to help protect it and help hold it together during transport, but it doesn''t always make it.</p><p>-Suburban Solutions can not be held liable for owner packed boxes. Because the packing method used by the client is unknown, we can not warrant damages done to owner packed belongings unless the box was dropped by our movers. If you can hear rattling or glass clanging when carrying a box, that means additional paper or bubble wrap is needed.<br/><br/>-Our schedule is based on the initial estimate we send over (or mutually agreed upon revisions). In the event you have additional items to move, a longer than expected walk or elevator issues, we will do everything we can to complete the job as originally estimated. We can not guarantee that we can extend the job past our originally estimated time frame unless our schedule allows. We can also not guarantee a return trip in the event the additional inventory items do not fit on the originally scheduled truck. We reserve the right to add additional movers to your move if deemed necessary by an unforeseen increase in inventory.<br/><br/><b>LIABILITY OF COMPANY</b>: </p><p><span>We are responsible only for our own negligence. We assume no </span><span>liability of any kind of loss or damage to goods caused by weather, bug or rodent infestation, rust, </span><span>deterioration, an Act of God, an act of governmental agency or public enemy, or any other causes </span><span>beyond our control.</span></p><p><b>CONTENTS OF FURNITURE/CONTAINERS</b>: </p><p>We assume no liability for the contents of drawers, containers or other items of similar nature. All contents should be removed from items prior to the move.<br/><br/><b>ELECTRONICS</b>: </p><p>We assume no liability for the electrical and/or mechanical function of any and all electronics, whether or not our employees pack them. We recommend electronics to be serviced by a qualified service company.<br/><br/><b>MECHANICAL ITEMS</b>: </p><p>We assume no liability for the mechanical function of any and all mechanical devices including pianos, juke boxes, phonographs, etc., whether or not our employees pack them. We recommend mechanical items to be serviced by a qualified service company.<br/><br/><b>OVERSIZED ITEMS</b>: </p><p>We assume no liability for damage to oversized items that do not fit through doorways or hallways properly. We also assume no liability for damage to doorways and/or hallways that are damaged due to oversized items.<br/><br/><b>GYM EQUIPMENT</b>: </p><p>Suburban Solutions will not dismantle oversized gym equipment (treadmills, home gyms, elliptical). If you feel it will be necessary to breakdown such equipment to get it in and out of your house, this will need to be done ahead of time. We can also arrange for a 3rd party company to come in and properly breakdown and/or reassemble your equipment. The typical charge per piece is roughly ~$140 per piece per location ($280 to breakdown and reassemble).<br/><br/><b>CLAIMS</b>: </p><p>All damage claims must be made in writing via email within ten days after delivery and accompanied by a paid receipt as proof of purchase. The damage claim must include pictures and a description of the alleged damage. We have the right to inspect and repair any alleged damage.  If we are not able to do so, we have the right to hire a service professional to make the repairs.<br/><br/><b>AGREEMENT</b>: </p><p>If you agree to these terms, this shall become a contract for services at the rates stated and will represent the entire agreement of the parties hereto. It shall apply to all additional services rendered by the company for the owner. Only an officer of the company, owner or partner has power to modify the terms and conditions of this contract, and then only in writing. We shall not be bound by any other promise or representation.<br/><br/><b>TERMS OF PAYMENT</b>: </p><p>Payment must be made in full per the payment method specified when the job is completed. The driver will collect payment at the final destination.<br/><br/><b>COLLECTIONS</b>: </p><p>If for any reason this matter is referred for collection, customer is responsible for all costs, including but not limited to agency fees, attorney fees or forty percent of the amount of our claim, and court costs.<br/><br/><b>For Liability Reasons</b>:<br/>-We will not disassemble OR re&#173;assemble cribs. <br/>-We are not able to disconnect or reconnect appliance that require live electric connections or plumbing connections (ex: Washers, Dryers, etc..).<br/>-We can NOT load or unload into attics with pull down stairs.<br/>-Please refer to our website for the FMCSA Mandated information &amp; Items We Cannot Move.<br/><br/><b>ADDITIONAL SERVICES</b><br/>Please be aware that there are additional charges for the following additional services. These services are not provided in ordinary household moving within our hourly rated time. Please list all inventory appropriately so that all Contract Terms are adhered to. We do not want to surprise you with any charges, but we also do not want to be surprised when we show up to do your move.</p><p><i>Additional Services Include</i>:<br/>-Oversized/Overweight Items: $100 per item that is over 250lbs that has not been disclosed. This includes all furniture, artwork, electronics, exercise equipment, glass, appliances, etc.<br/>-Fragile Items: $50 per item that requires extensive packing and protection that has not been disclosed. This includes anything that is deemed fragile including furniture, artwork, electronics, exercise equipment, glass, appliances, etc.<br/>-Excessive Stair Carry: $50 per every 2 flights of stairs if an item does not fit into the designated elevator and we have to walk up the stairs.<br/>-Hoisting/Lowering: $50 per item from main floor to 1st floor; $100 per item from main floor to 2nd floor; $150 per item from main floor to 3rd floor.<br/><i><b><br/></b></i></p><p><i><b>Some tips to make the move as quickly and efficiently as possible</b></i><span>:</span><br/></p><p>-Remove all clothing from dressers and box them up We often need to flip dresser upside down to get up and down stairwells. An empty dresser is significantly easier to maneuver and will save us time and energy!<br/><br/>-Have all boxes are taped and labeled. This will allow the movers to stack boxes from floor to ceiling in the truck, maximizing all available space. Please note that open boxes/bins do NOT stack in the truck.<br/><br/>-Though we strive to treat all of your items with the utmost respect and care, we suggest that our clients pack ALL lampshades, glass, fragile items and artwork individually, or move it prior to our arrival. We can not warrant lamps/lampshades that are not packaged in boxes. We do have lamp boxes available for $8 each.<br/><br/><span>-We ask that all jewelry and/or any other items of </span><span>extraordinary value are moved prior to our crew''s arrival. This ensures safe transit of </span><span>your most precious belongings and limits liability.</span></p><p>-Please do not overload large boxes to weigh more than 50 lbs. This runs a risk of the bottom falling out when lifted. When purchasing boxes, you will need far more small boxes, followed by medium boxes for most of your items. Large and extra large boxes are for bedding and pillows, large toys, and other awkward size items.<br/><br/><b>NOTE</b>: Your move is covered with $0.60/ lb released valuation. This means that, should anything happen to your television, the weight of the set times 0.60/lb is our obligated coverage (a damaged TV weighing 65lbs would net a reimbursement check for $39). &#173; We''re very skilled movers, but in the event of damage we all know this will not help replace the TV &#173; so please opt for additional coverage BEFORE HAND.  We would like to invite you to look into our additional Valuation should you elect for additional coverage to supplement your home owner''s or renter''s insurance. We can provide a detailed policy exclusive to your belongings based on the value you assign. In order to GET A QUOTE for additional valuation coverage; send us an email listing the items you would like to have covered, their purchase date/cost OR current value, and if possible include a photo of each piece. In order to add additional valuation, we must receive the request 72 hours prior to your move.<br/><br/><b>Clients Often Add</b>:<br/><br/>-Moving Boxes:  we recommend UHaul boxes as they deliver right to your door, for free!<br/>-Wardrobe Boxes:  available for rent during your move at $8 each.  Holds approximately 24&#34; of closet rack.<br/>-Junk and Donation Items:  accepted for our moving clients at $75 for the 1st item and $20 or $40 for each additional.<br/>-Mattress Bags:  recommended to ensure bedbug and soil-&#173;free moving conditions. Available upon request for $9 each.<br/>-T.V. Box Rental: &#173; recommended to protect your flat screen during transit. Available upon request for $24 each.<br/>-Floor Protection:  recommended for hardwood flooring and newly carpeted areas.  Available upon request for $12.<br/>-Lamp Boxes:  recommended for floor and table lamps as we can not warrant any lamps or lamp shades not packed safely in boxes. Available upon request for $8 each.<br/><br/><br/></p><p>Thanks for choosing Suburban Solutions!  We wish you the very best<span> &amp; look forward to working with you!</span></p><p>Pat &amp; Kevin<br/><br/>Moving Resources: Insurance Reminders | Moving Advice<br/></p></div>', 0, N'Initial Job Confirmation', CAST(N'2016-08-25 13:41:34.830' AS DateTime), 1, 1, NULL)
  773. GO
  774. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (10, N'<div class=''template-content''><p>Good day!<br/><br/>Just touching base regarding your pending quote. Please let us know if you''re still interested in using our services as our calendar is filling up quickly.<br/><br/>Should you have any additional information regarding your move that could improve our estimate, please feel free to follow up with us as we would like to provide you with the most accurate estimate possible.<br/><br/>If you went with another company, we''d love to hear why.  We truly appreciate your feedback and the opportunity to improve as a company.<br/><br/>In preparation for your move, please feel free to look at some of the great tips and resources provided on our website.<br/><br/>Best wishes &amp; look forward to hearing from you,<br/><br/>Pat &amp; Kevin<br/></p></div>', 0, N'Quote Follow Up', CAST(N'2016-08-25 18:21:57.580' AS DateTime), 1, 1, NULL)
  775. GO
  776. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (11, N'<div class=''template-content''><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Good !<br/><br/>Thank you again for choosing Suburban Solutions for your upcoming move. We are looking forward to providing you the best possible service! Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns and we will get back to you right away!<br/><br/>We currently have you down for the following extra materials:  {{}}Insert extra materials here{{}}</p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span>If you need anything like TV </span><span>Boxes, Floor Protection, Mattress Bags or additional boxes, please do not hesitate to ask!</span></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><br/><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);">If they do not have any extras, delete the first sentence above but keep the second</span><br/><br/>If you have any changes to your inventory, listed below, please let us know as soon as possible! It''s very important that we have a complete and detailed list of what we are moving. We want to make sure we have the right truck and crew combination to best accommodate you!<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br/>Please understand that additional items will take additional time and potentially result in a higher final invoice. We often have multiple jobs scheduled for each crew each day, so any updates can create scheduling conflicts.<br/><br/>{{ job.inventoryList }}<br/><br/>As a reminder, here are the terms and conditions we have agreed to:<br/><br/>? We cannot move: Propane or other pressurized tanks, fireworks and other explosives, firearms and ammunition, house paints, gas or oils, household cleaners (ex bleach), or any perishable foods.</p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">? Larger, awkward shaped fragile items such as lamps/lamp shades, larger pictures/mirrors should be boxed in specialty boxes made for those items. If you choose not to box these items properly, Suburban Solutions will do its best to protect the items with pads, however, we will not be held liable for damages without the proper packaging.</p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span>? You must make arrangements with us to move fragile items prior to your move so that we can<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></span><span>be sure to bring the proper supplies to move them. Fragile items include, but are not limited to artwork, sculptures,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></span><span>glass, lamps, etc. Any additional supplies used to move fragile items will be charged accordingly. </span><br/></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span>? Moving is a cooperative effort of both the customer and the movers. Thus, to ensure a quick and </span><span>efficient move please make sure you are: </span><span> packed, organized and ready to ; that all furniture is </span><span>empty and free of all items; that all fragile items are packed including artwork and lamps; that all </span><span>boxes are taped; and that all furniture is disassembled prior to our arrival.  *Additional time should </span><span>be considered if you would like the movers to disassemble and/or reassemble any furniture.</span></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">? Do not over&#173;pack boxes. They should not weigh more than 50lbs each. Small boxes should only contain fragile items, books, etc. Medium boxes should only contain clothing, lamps, miscellaneous items, etc. Large boxes should not be heavy and only contain pillows, linens, etc.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br/><br/>? Suburban Solutions does NOT insure pressed wood furniture (IKEA, Wal&#173;Mart, Target, etc.,) or any other type of furniture kits built with a cam lock and nut system. This furniture does not move well once it is built. We will pad and shrink wrap the furniture to help protect it and help hold it together during transport, but it doesn''t always make it.<br/><br/>? Suburban Solutions can not be held liable for owner packed boxes. Because the packing method used by the client is unknown, we can not warrant damages done to owner packed belongings unless the box was dropped by our movers. If you can hear rattling or glass clanging when carrying a box, that means additional paper or bubble wrap is needed.<br/><br/>? Our schedule is based on the initial estimate we send over (or mutually agreed upon revisions). In the event you have additional items to move, a longer than expected walk or elevator issues, we will do everything we can to complete the job as originally estimated. We can not guarantee that we can extend the job past our originally estimated time frame unless our schedule allows. We can also not guarantee a return trip in the event the additional inventory items do not fit on the originally scheduled truck. We reserve the right to add additional movers to your move if deemed necessary by an unforeseen increase in inventory.<br/><br/><b>LIABILITY OF COMPANY</b>: </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span>We are responsible only for our own negligence. We assume no </span><span>liability of any kind of loss or damage to goods caused by weather, bug or rodent infestation, rust, </span><span>deterioration, an Act of God, an act of governmental agency or public enemy, or any other causes </span><span>beyond our control.</span></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><b>CONTENTS OF FURNITURE/CONTAINERS</b>: </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">We assume no liability for the contents of drawers, containers or other items of similar nature. All contents should be removed from items prior to the move.<br/><br/><b>ELECTRONICS</b>: </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">We assume no liability for the electrical and/or mechanical function of any and all electronics, whether or not our employees pack them. We recommend electronics to be serviced by a qualified service company.<br/><br/><b>MECHANICAL ITEMS</b>: </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">We assume no liability for the mechanical function of any and all mechanical devices including pianos, juke boxes, phonographs, etc., whether or not our employees pack them. We recommend mechanical items to be serviced by a qualified service company.<br/><br/><b>OVERSIZED ITEMS</b>: </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">We assume no liability for damage to oversized items that do not fit through doorways or hallways properly. We also assume no liability for damage to doorways and/or hallways that are damaged due to oversized items.<br/><br/><b>GYM EQUIPMENT</b>: Suburban Solutions will not dismantle over sized gym equipment (treadmills, home gyms, elliptical). If you feel it will be necessary to breakdown such equipment to get it in and out of your house, this will need to be done ahead of time. We can also arrange for a 3rd party company to come in and properly breakdown and/or reassemble your equipment. The typical charge per piece is roughly ~$140 per piece per location ($280 to breakdown and reassemble).<br/><br/><b>CLAIMS</b>: </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">All damage claims must be made in writing via email within ten days after delivery and accompanied by a paid receipt as proof of purchase. The damage claim must include pictures and a description of the alleged damage. We have the right to inspect and repair any alleged damage.  If we are not able to do so, we have the right to hire a service professional to make the repairs.<br/><br/><b>AGREEMENT</b>: </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">If you agree to these terms, this shall become a contract for services at the rates stated and will represent the entire agreement of the parties hereto. It shall apply to all additional services rendered by the company for the owner. Only an officer of the company, owner or partner has power to modify the terms and conditions of this contract, and then only in writing. We shall not be bound by any other promise or representation.<br/><br/><b>TERMS OF PAYMENT</b>: </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Payment must be made in full per the payment method specified when the job is completed.  The driver will collect payment at the final destination.<br/><br/><b>COLLECTIONS</b>: </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">If for any reason this matter is referred for collection, customer is responsible for all costs, including but not limited to agency fees, attorney fees or forty percent of the amount of our claim, and court costs.<br/><br/><i>For Liability Reasons:</i><br/>-We will disassemble but can not re&#173;assemble cribs.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br/>-We are not able to disconnect or reconnect appliance that require live electric connections or plumbing connections (ex: Washers and Dryers).<br/>-We can NOT load or unload into attics with pull down stairs.<br/><br/>**Please refer to our website for the FMCSA Mandated information &amp; Items We Cannot Move.**<br/><br/><b>VALUATION:</b></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span>Your move is covered with $0.60/ lb released valuation for any damages. This means that, </span><span>should anything happen to your television, the weight of the set times 0.60/lb is our obligated </span><span>coverage (A damaged TV weighing 65lbs would net a reimbursement check for $39).  We''re </span><span>very skilled movers, but in the event of damage we all know this will not help replace the TV, so </span><span>please opt for additional coverage BEFORE HAND. We would like to invite you to look into our additional Valuation.  You may also elect for additional </span><span>coverage to supplement your home owner''s or renter''s insurance. We can provide a detailed </span><span>policy exclusive to your belongings based on the value you assign. </span><span>If you are interested in additional coverage please let us know right away. We offer coverage </span><span>plans starting at $5,000 of coverage for as low as $205.00. We would be glad to explain our </span><span>pricing further with you, just call or email us!<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);float: none;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">In order to GET A QUOTE for additional valuation coverage we will need to know the items you<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></span><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);float: none;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">would like to have covered, their purchase date/cost OR current value, and if possible include a<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></span><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);float: none;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">photo of each piece.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></span><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);float: none;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Third party moving insurance is also available through MoveGuard. You may be eligible for<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></span><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);float: none;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">coverage under your homeowners or renters insurance policy as well!</span><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Remember, additional coverage MUST be </span><span>purchased prior to your move! </span></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><br/><b><i>**Please be sure to continue reading below to fully understand our terms and conditions which list items we can not cover under our policy**</i></b><br/><br/><br/><br/><b>ADDITIONAL SERVICES</b><br/><br/>Please be aware that there are additional charges for the following additional services. These services are not provided in ordinary household moving within our hourly rated time. Please list all inventory appropriately so that all Contract Terms are adhered to. We do not want to surprise you with any charges, but we also do not want to be surprised when we show up to do your move. </p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span><b>Additional Services include:</b></span></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span><i>Oversized/Overweight Items</i>: $100 per item that is over 250lbs and that has not been disclosed. This </span><span>includes all furniture, artwork, electronics, exercise equipment, glass, appliances, etc.</span></p><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><i>Fragile Items:</i><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>$50 per item that requires extensive packing and protection that has not been disclosed. This includes anything that is deemed fragile including furniture, artwork, electronics, exercise equipment, glass, appliances, etc.<br/><br/><i>Excessive Stair Carry:</i><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>$50 per every 2 flights of stairs if an item does not fit into the designated elevator and we have to walk up the stairs.<br/><br/><i>Hoisting/Lowering:<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></i>$50 per item from main floor to 1st floor; $100 per item from main floor to 2nd floor; $150 per item from main floor to 3rd floor.<br/><br/><b>Some tips to make the move as quickly and efficiently as possible:</b><br/><br/>?Please remove all clothing from dressers and box them up.  We often need to flip dresser upside down to get up and down stairwells. An empty dresser is significantly easier to maneuver and will save us time and energy!<br/><br/>? Ensure all boxes are taped and labeled. This will allow the movers to stack boxes from floor to ceiling in the truck, maximizing all available space. Please note that open boxes/bins do NOT stack in the truck causing wasted open space if they can not be stacked.<br/><br/>? Though we strive to treat all of your items with the utmost respect and care, we suggest<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>that our clients pack ALL lampshades, glass, fragile items and artwork individually, or<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>move it prior to our arrival. We can not warrant lamps/lampshades that are not packaged in boxes. We<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>do have lamp boxes available for $8 each.<br/><br/>? We ask that all jewelry and/or any other items of<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>extraordinary value are moved prior to our crew''s arrival. This ensures safe transit of<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>your most precious belongings and limits liability.<br/><br/>? Please do not overload large boxes to weigh more than 50 lbs. This runs a risk of the bottom<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>falling out when lifted. When purchasing boxes, you will need far more small boxes, followed by<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>medium boxes for most of your items. Large and extra large boxes are for bedding and pillows,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>large toys, and other awkward size items.<br/><br/><b>Clients Often Add</b>:<br/><br/>? Moving Boxes:  we recommend UHaul boxes as they deliver right to your door, for<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>free!<br/><br/>? Wardrobe Boxes:  available for rent during your move at $8 each (holds approximately 24&#34;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>of closet rack).<br/><br/>? Junk and Donation Items:  accepted from our moving clients at $75 for the 1st item<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>and $20 or $40 for each additional item.<br/><br/>? Mattress Bags: &#173; recommended to ensure bedbug and soil&#173;-free moving conditions.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Available upon request for $9 each.<br/><br/>? T.V. Box Rental: &#173; recommended to protect your flat screen during transit.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Available upon request for $24 each.<br/><br/>? Floor Protection: &#173; recommended for hardwood flooring and newly carpeted areas.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Available upon request for $12.<br/><br/>? Lamp Boxes:  recommended for floor and table lamps as we can not warrant any<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>lamps or lamp shades not packed safely in boxes. Available upon request for $8 each.<br/></p></div>', 0, N'Week of Move Follow-Up', CAST(N'2016-08-26 13:11:54.700' AS DateTime), 1, 1, NULL)
  777. GO
  778. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (19, N'<div class=''template-content''><ul style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><li>{{ job.customer.firstName }}{{ job.customer.lastName }},<br/><br/>We would like to thank you again for your business! It was a pleasure moving you into your new home and we hope you are all settled in and unpacked. We trust you are satisfied with our service. Our team members are always striving to improve our services, so any feedback you can provide would be very appreciated!<br/><br/>Our business thrives on referrals! At this time we are focusing on websites like Angie''s List, Google Plus and We would really appreciate it if you would take a few quick moments to write a review for us on any or all of these pages. It would a LONG way in helping us grow!</li><li><br/></li><li>As valued customer of ours, we''d love to offer you a $6.00 annual subscription to Angie''s List to make it easier to write your review.  Please see below for step by step information.<br/><br/>Below are the links to our pages on Angie''s List, Google Plus and  <br/><br/>Thanks again so much and we hope to hear from you soon!<br/><br/>Patrick and Kevin<br/><br/><br/><br/><b>How to become a member and write a review on Angie’s List:</b><br/><br/>*<b>Connect&#173; - Call&#173;</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>- Angie’s List 1-&#173;866-&#173;986-&#173;5478 or online -</li><li>*<b>Join Angie’s List&#173;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></b>- Suburban Solutions is sharing a discounted Angie’s List membership of only $6 for the entire year. </li><li><span>*<b>Who referred you?</b>&#173; Give Company Name (Suburban Solutions) and I.D. (11013437).</span></li><li><span>*<b>Write Review&#173;</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>- Let the Representative know you would like to write a review for Patrick and </span><span>Kevin</span></li><li><span>*<b>Get excited!&#173;</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Welcome to Angie’s List! You now have access to one of the largest Home </span><span>Service Resources and special offers from our preferred companies in your area!</span></li></ul><p style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588);background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><br/>**Angie’s List is committed to helping members connect with the most highly rated companies for all of their home improvement projects and service needs. If you are not satisfied with your experience, we offer 110% money back guarantee. This is risk free for you. Let us know how we can help!</p></div>', 0, N'Review Request : PHL', CAST(N'2016-08-26 14:16:35.470' AS DateTime), 1, 1, NULL)
  779. GO
  780. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (23, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Hi {{ job.customer.firstName }},</p><p>We can service your job.<br/>Price:</p><p>1. Crew size: </p><p><b>{{ crewSize }}</b></p><p><b>{{ crewRate }}</b></p><p>2. Trucks count:</p><p><b>{{ truckCount }}</b></p><p><b>{{ truckRate }}</b></p><p>Hours:<b> {{ hoursHigh | number:2 }}</b></p><p><b>Total: {{ job.priceHigh | currency }}</b></p><p><br/></p></div>', 1, N'Quote', CAST(N'2017-06-20 15:45:47.247' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 2)
  781. GO
  782. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (24, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Dear {{ job.customer.firstName }},</p><p>We are sorry, but we are not available to service your job on {{ startDate | date : ''MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a'' }}.</p><p>Can we discuss other date?</p></div>', 1, N'No Availability - flexibility', CAST(N'2017-08-11 16:17:13.037' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 3)
  783. GO
  784. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (1025, N'Can''t serve job? system template content', 1, N'Can''t serve job?', CAST(N'2017-08-15 19:44:59.663' AS DateTime), 1, 3028, 1)
  785. GO
  786. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (2025, N'Can''t serve job? system template content', 1, N'Can''t serve job?', CAST(N'2017-08-15 23:34:52.680' AS DateTime), 1, 4027, 1)
  787. GO
  788. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (2026, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Dear <span>{{ job.customer.firstName }},</span></p><p><span>We are sorry but we are unable to service your job request on {{ startDate | date: ''MMMM d, yyyy'' }}.</span></p><p><span><br/></span></p></div>', 1, N'Can''t serve job?', CAST(N'2017-08-15 23:34:52.680' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 1)
  789. GO
  790. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (2027, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Dear {{ job.customer.firstName }},</p><p>We are sorry, but we are unable to service your job on {{ startDate | date : ''MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a'' }}.</p><p>See you later.</p></div>', 1, N'No Availability - see you later', CAST(N'2017-08-16 00:24:52.053' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 4)
  791. GO
  792. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (2028, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Dear <span>{{ job.customer.firstName }},</span></p><p><span>We are sorry but we are unable to service your job request on {{ startDate | date: ''MMMM d, yyyy'' }}.</span></p><p><span><br/></span></p></div>', 1, N'Can''t serve job?', CAST(N'2017-08-22 10:26:16.913' AS DateTime), 1, 4031, 1)
  793. GO
  794. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (2029, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Hi {{ job.customer.firstName }},</p><p>We can service your job.<br/>Price:</p><p>1. Crew size: </p><p><b>{{ crewSize }}</b></p><p><b>{{ crewRate }}</b></p><p>2. Trucks count:</p><p><b>{{ truckCount }}</b></p><p><b>{{ truckRate }}</b></p><p>Hours:<b> {{ hoursHigh | number:2 }}</b></p><p><b>Total: {{ job.priceHigh | currency }}</b></p><p><br/></p></div>', 1, N'Quote', CAST(N'2017-08-22 10:26:30.800' AS DateTime), 1, 4031, 2)
  795. GO
  796. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (3028, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Dear <span>{{ job.customer.firstName }},</span></p><p><span>We are sorry but we are unable to service your job request on {{ startDate | date: ''MMMM d, yyyy'' }}.</span></p><p><span><br/></span></p></div>', 1, N'Can''t serve job?', CAST(N'2017-08-22 11:35:32.413' AS DateTime), 1, 5028, 1)
  797. GO
  798. INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [IsEstimateTemplate], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [IsApproved], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (3029, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Hi {{ job.customer.firstName }},</p><p>We can service your job.<br/>Price:</p><p>1. Crew size: </p><p><b>{{ crewSize }}</b></p><p><b>{{ crewRate }}</b></p><p>2. Trucks count:</p><p><b>{{ truckCount }}</b></p><p><b>{{ truckRate }}</b></p><p>Hours:<b> {{ hoursHigh | number:2 }}</b></p><p><b>Total: {{ job.priceHigh | currency }}</b></p><p><br/></p></div>', 1, N'Quote', CAST(N'2017-08-22 11:35:32.433' AS DateTime), 1, 5028, 2)
  799. GO
  800. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[EmailTemplate] OFF
  801. GO
  802. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JobSize] ON
  804. GO
  805. INSERT [dbo].[JobSize] ([Id], [Name], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursHigh], [DurationHoursLow], [EmailTemplateId], [IsDeleted], [TruckRate], [RequiredNumTrucks], [RequiredNumCrew]) VALUES (1, N'New Job Size', CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Test job size', 5, 5, 4, 1, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, 2)
  806. GO
  807. INSERT [dbo].[JobSize] ([Id], [Name], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursHigh], [DurationHoursLow], [EmailTemplateId], [IsDeleted], [TruckRate], [RequiredNumTrucks], [RequiredNumCrew]) VALUES (2, N'1BR 2 Man Crew', CAST(125.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'A small quick job.', 6, 4, 1, 0, CAST(165.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, 3)
  808. GO
  809. INSERT [dbo].[JobSize] ([Id], [Name], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursHigh], [DurationHoursLow], [EmailTemplateId], [IsDeleted], [TruckRate], [RequiredNumTrucks], [RequiredNumCrew]) VALUES (3, N'New Job Size', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 0)
  810. GO
  811. INSERT [dbo].[JobSize] ([Id], [Name], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursHigh], [DurationHoursLow], [EmailTemplateId], [IsDeleted], [TruckRate], [RequiredNumTrucks], [RequiredNumCrew]) VALUES (4, N'Small Job', CAST(95.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Small Job', 4, 3, 4, 0, CAST(150.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, 2)
  812. GO
  813. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JobSize] OFF
  814. GO
  815. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JobStatus] ON
  817. GO
  818. INSERT [dbo].[JobStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (1, N'Awaiting Estimate (Draft)')
  819. GO
  820. INSERT [dbo].[JobStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (2, N'Awaiting Customer Approval (Pending)')
  821. GO
  822. INSERT [dbo].[JobStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (3, N'Awaiting Admin Approval (Customer Approved)')
  823. GO
  824. INSERT [dbo].[JobStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (4, N'Awaiting Resources (Admin Approved)')
  825. GO
  826. INSERT [dbo].[JobStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (5, N'Resourced')
  827. GO
  828. INSERT [dbo].[JobStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (6, N'In Progress')
  829. GO
  830. INSERT [dbo].[JobStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (7, N'Wrap Up')
  831. GO
  832. INSERT [dbo].[JobStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (8, N'Complete')
  833. GO
  834. INSERT [dbo].[JobStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (9, N'Closed')
  835. GO
  836. INSERT [dbo].[JobStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (10, N'Unable to service')
  837. GO
  838. INSERT [dbo].[JobStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (11, N'No resources available')
  839. GO
  840. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JobStatus] OFF
  841. GO
  842. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[MoveSize] ON
  844. GO
  845. INSERT [dbo].[MoveSize] ([Id], [Name], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1, N'Piece Delivery', 0)
  846. GO
  847. INSERT [dbo].[MoveSize] ([Id], [Name], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2, N'Studio', 0)
  848. GO
  849. INSERT [dbo].[MoveSize] ([Id], [Name], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (3, N'1 BDR', 0)
  850. GO
  851. INSERT [dbo].[MoveSize] ([Id], [Name], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (4, N'1.5 BDR', 0)
  852. GO
  853. INSERT [dbo].[MoveSize] ([Id], [Name], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (5, N'2 BDR', 0)
  854. GO
  855. INSERT [dbo].[MoveSize] ([Id], [Name], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (6, N'Row Home/Town Home', 0)
  856. GO
  857. INSERT [dbo].[MoveSize] ([Id], [Name], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (7, N'3+ Bedroom Apt', 0)
  858. GO
  859. INSERT [dbo].[MoveSize] ([Id], [Name], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (8, N'Single Family Home', 0)
  860. GO
  861. INSERT [dbo].[MoveSize] ([Id], [Name], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (9, N'Office', 0)
  862. GO
  863. INSERT [dbo].[MoveSize] ([Id], [Name], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (10, N'Labor Only (Truck or Pod Loading or Unloading)', 1)
  864. GO
  865. INSERT [dbo].[MoveSize] ([Id], [Name], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (11, N'Other', 0)
  866. GO
  867. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[MoveSize] OFF
  868. GO
  869. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ServiceType] ON
  871. GO
  872. INSERT [dbo].[ServiceType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (1, N'Full Service Moving')
  873. GO
  874. INSERT [dbo].[ServiceType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (2, N'Junk Removal')
  875. GO
  876. INSERT [dbo].[ServiceType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (3, N'Moving within Same Building')
  877. GO
  878. INSERT [dbo].[ServiceType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (4, N'Loading Labor Only (Your rental Truck or POD Load)')
  879. GO
  880. INSERT [dbo].[ServiceType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (5, N'Unloading Labor Only (Your rental Truck or POD Load)')
  881. GO
  882. INSERT [dbo].[ServiceType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (6, N'Other')
  883. GO
  884. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ServiceType] OFF
  885. GO
  886. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Job] ON
  888. GO
  889. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (1, N'Josh Nicholson', 4, NULL, 1, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, NULL, 1, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, NULL, N'A lot?', N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', CAST(1400.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(3000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', 0, 1, N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, 2, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-03-06 03:38:20.173' AS DateTime), 1, N'fe9a3144-29fe-4694-8a18-21a8d45dc5da', CAST(N'2017-08-22 13:10:31.593' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-08-22 13:10:31.593' AS DateTime), 1, NULL)
  890. GO
  891. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (2, N'Josh Nicholson', 4, NULL, 2, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, NULL, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, NULL, N'A lot?', N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', CAST(6260.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(6410.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', 0, 2, N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, 2, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-03-06 03:47:40.863' AS DateTime), 1, N'81816a1b-fa16-4513-9cf1-8e86ff6c8175', CAST(N'2017-08-20 16:46:28.407' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-03-08 03:35:48.020' AS DateTime), 1, NULL)
  892. GO
  893. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (6, N'David Nicholson', 1, NULL, 6, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, NULL, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, NULL, N'A lot?', N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', 0, 6, N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, 2, 3, NULL, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-04-04 01:02:15.953' AS DateTime), 1, N'bbfe630d-4389-4635-9438-71ecc489be28', CAST(N'2017-04-04 01:02:16.063' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-04-04 01:02:16.063' AS DateTime), 1, NULL)
  894. GO
  895. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (8, N'Barack Obama', 4, N'A very secure place.', 8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 11, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(15000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(15000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 8, N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, N'Military equipment', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-04-06 00:01:05.983' AS DateTime), 1, N'43f17a29-de39-4ae8-ab3c-2600c35fb14a', CAST(N'2017-06-08 12:08:32.067' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-04-26 00:21:44.390' AS DateTime), 1, NULL)
  896. GO
  897. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (9, N'John Smith', 1, NULL, 9, NULL, N'outside of fence', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'1 box', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, N'1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, N'driveway', CAST(15000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(15000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 3, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 9, N'Google Search', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-04-27 22:02:40.137' AS DateTime), 1, N'a3f67c60-8001-49eb-b3a7-20ec9ec0a540', CAST(N'2017-05-02 13:20:16.837' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-04-27 22:02:40.233' AS DateTime), 1, NULL)
  898. GO
  899. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (10, N'John Smith', 10, N'good access', 10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'', 1, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 11, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(15000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(22500.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 2, NULL, 3, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'junk', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-04-27 22:06:18.867' AS DateTime), 1, N'8f590b6e-6150-48d6-b717-84ed1c2990b6', CAST(N'2017-09-05 15:36:56.643' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-08-22 10:12:46.557' AS DateTime), 1, 0)
  900. GO
  901. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (11, N'Buwef Bewfubw', 10, NULL, 11, N'gerger', N'wewvw', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'regreg', 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, N'ergeg', N'rege', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL, N'tyjty', CAST(15000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(20500.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 1, NULL, 2, 11, N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-06-05 12:42:45.210' AS DateTime), 1, N'14a45b12-6beb-4301-a350-e2a32b3fd954', CAST(N'2017-09-05 14:49:29.077' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-08-16 00:51:26.367' AS DateTime), 1, 0)
  902. GO
  903. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (12, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 12, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, NULL, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, NULL, N'A lot?', N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', CAST(15000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(15000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', 0, 12, N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, 2, 3, NULL, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-06-07 16:55:52.910' AS DateTime), 1, N'89cbc769-09be-4baa-b61f-a252c23ec8a1', CAST(N'2017-06-08 11:24:16.787' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-06-07 16:55:52.997' AS DateTime), 1, NULL)
  904. GO
  905. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (13, N'Jamie Vardy', 10, NULL, 13, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 1, 1, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, NULL, N'A lot?', N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', CAST(15000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(15000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', 1, 13, N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, 2, 3, NULL, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-06-08 08:49:45.413' AS DateTime), 1, N'1db5a2aa-f8dc-43fb-a2d2-9cde087e5c3c', CAST(N'2017-09-07 12:32:28.603' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-08-23 01:06:19.073' AS DateTime), 1, 0)
  906. GO
  907. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (14, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 14, N'jtyjty', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'htrhr', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 11, NULL, NULL, N'jtyjtyjt', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-06-26 14:42:17.693' AS DateTime), 1, N'1abcddb7-7c4d-408f-a69d-9f73f2ceb225', CAST(N'2017-06-26 14:42:17.813' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-06-26 14:42:17.813' AS DateTime), 1, NULL)
  908. GO
  909. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (15, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 15, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, NULL, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, NULL, N'A lot?', N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', 0, 15, N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, 2, 3, NULL, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-06-26 14:43:53.403' AS DateTime), 1, N'f9b8f0c0-d9e7-4dae-b8d8-6d972b717fbe', CAST(N'2017-06-26 14:43:53.423' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-06-26 14:43:53.423' AS DateTime), 1, NULL)
  910. GO
  911. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (16, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 16, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, NULL, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, NULL, N'A lot?', N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', 0, 16, N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, 2, 3, NULL, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-06-26 14:45:22.213' AS DateTime), 1, N'a62744c6-6679-4233-8f26-53bfcd9d50cc', CAST(N'2017-06-26 14:45:22.213' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-06-26 14:45:22.213' AS DateTime), 1, NULL)
  912. GO
  913. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (17, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 17, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, NULL, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, NULL, N'A lot?', N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', 0, 17, N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, 2, 3, NULL, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-06-26 15:02:50.827' AS DateTime), 1, N'c7c53598-e0ef-4293-b8fc-e973223ecb45', CAST(N'2017-06-26 15:02:51.040' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-06-26 15:02:51.040' AS DateTime), 1, NULL)
  914. GO
  915. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (18, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 18, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, NULL, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, NULL, N'A lot?', N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', 0, 18, N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, 2, 3, NULL, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-06-26 15:03:23.643' AS DateTime), 1, N'8052dcfc-4158-4a9d-9390-2c28f00b5b13', CAST(N'2017-06-26 15:03:23.643' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-06-26 15:03:23.643' AS DateTime), 1, NULL)
  916. GO
  917. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (20, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 0, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Test', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, N'Test', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, N'Test', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, N'Test', N'Test', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'Test', 0, 0, N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:30:49.790' AS DateTime), 1, N'a2c0040c-ba66-4d6e-aad8-92c9987c6be0', CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:32:09.620' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:32:09.113' AS DateTime), 2, NULL)
  918. GO
  919. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (21, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 0, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Test', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, N'Test', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, N'Test', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, N'Test', N'Test', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'Test', 0, 0, N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:33:41.880' AS DateTime), 1, N'9b38565d-f76d-4088-a81b-fe4a83e50a59', CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:33:49.760' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:33:49.760' AS DateTime), 2, NULL)
  920. GO
  921. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (22, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 0, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Test', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, N'Test', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, N'Test', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, N'Test', N'Test', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'Test', 0, 0, N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:34:07.697' AS DateTime), 1, N'1b365d00-c600-4266-93ea-92f7cc49f0c6', CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:34:16.437' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:34:16.437' AS DateTime), 2, NULL)
  922. GO
  923. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (23, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 0, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Test', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, N'Test', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, N'Test', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, N'Test', N'Test', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'Test', 0, 0, N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:34:43.570' AS DateTime), 1, N'cefaeedb-75b7-44ba-b45c-00667db9d195', CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:34:58.580' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:34:58.580' AS DateTime), 2, NULL)
  924. GO
  925. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (24, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 23, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Test', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, N'Test', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, N'Test', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, N'Test', N'Test', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'Test', 0, 0, N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:44:58.333' AS DateTime), 1, N'4411bdf9-7b14-4483-81a6-e0cb4979c8a1', CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:45:05.657' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:45:05.657' AS DateTime), 2, NULL)
  926. GO
  927. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (25, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 24, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Test', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, N'Test', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, N'Test', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, N'Test', N'Test', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'Test', 0, 20, N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:49:26.523' AS DateTime), 1, N'a1966104-e1d1-4f93-ac47-e4ddf254e895', CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:50:05.697' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:50:05.697' AS DateTime), 2, NULL)
  928. GO
  929. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (26, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 25, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Test', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, N'Test', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, N'Test', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, N'Test', N'Test', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'Test', 0, 21, N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:55:07.887' AS DateTime), 1, N'2a39f00d-8b8d-4ead-9985-6a6d51d511fd', CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:55:08.903' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:55:08.903' AS DateTime), 2, NULL)
  930. GO
  931. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (27, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 26, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Test', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, N'Test', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, N'Test', N'Test', NULL, NULL, N'Test', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, N'Test', N'Test', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'Test', 0, 22, N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:59:59.603' AS DateTime), 1, N'd30bef6c-880f-48fb-9bdc-d7dc69a72898', CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:59:59.650' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:59:59.650' AS DateTime), 2, NULL)
  932. GO
  933. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (28, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 27, N'test', N'test', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'test', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, N'test', N'test', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL, N'test', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'test', 0, 23, N'Google Search', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-07-31 10:04:05.183' AS DateTime), 1, N'2adca9c0-89e3-490e-ad59-cb0d9d2eebc6', CAST(N'2017-07-31 10:04:05.183' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-31 10:04:05.183' AS DateTime), 10, NULL)
  934. GO
  935. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (29, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 28, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, NULL, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, NULL, N'A lot?', N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 19, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', 0, 24, N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, 2, 3, NULL, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-07-31 11:03:30.243' AS DateTime), 1, N'5007c4eb-fce1-450c-a3c8-b4057f6d401b', CAST(N'2017-07-31 11:03:30.320' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-31 11:03:30.320' AS DateTime), 10, NULL)
  936. GO
  937. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (30, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 29, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, NULL, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, N'A lot?', N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', 0, 25, N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, 2, 3, NULL, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-07-31 13:24:02.997' AS DateTime), 1, N'd0b9dc67-18a7-48be-831d-5f805123c470', CAST(N'2017-07-31 13:24:03.070' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-31 13:24:03.070' AS DateTime), 1, NULL)
  938. GO
  939. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (31, N'Test Test', 10, NULL, 30, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 1, NULL, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, NULL, N'A lot?', N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', CAST(15000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(15000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 4050, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', 0, 26, N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, 2, 3, NULL, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-08-16 18:22:26.090' AS DateTime), 1, N'eec19c2d-5fd1-4558-a3a5-cec684aa41fb', CAST(N'2017-08-16 18:59:19.893' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-08-16 18:59:19.893' AS DateTime), 4027, NULL)
  940. GO
  941. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (32, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 31, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, NULL, N'A lot?', N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 5052, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', 0, 27, N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, 2, 3, NULL, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-08-23 01:22:52.667' AS DateTime), 1, N'6ffd8a2d-e9d4-4135-a4ea-642ba8cccf76', CAST(N'2017-08-23 01:22:52.750' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-08-23 01:22:52.750' AS DateTime), 5028, NULL)
  942. GO
  943. INSERT [dbo].[Job] ([Id], [JobName], [JobStatusId], [AccessDescription], [CustomerId], [DifficultItems], [DropoffDetails], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FlatRateAmount], [InventoryList], [IsJobUnserviceable], [IsResourcesAvailable], [IsFlatRate], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobFlagId], [JobSizeId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [MoveSizeId], [MoveSizeDescription], [Notes], [NumExpectedBoxes], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [PickupDetails], [PriceLow], [PriceHigh], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [QuoteId], [QuoteRequestId], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOther], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [ThreadId], [UpdatedDate], [JobStatusUpdateDate], [AccountId], [Deposit]) VALUES (33, N'Josh Nicholson', 1, NULL, 32, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage go in there.', NULL, NULL, NULL, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'', 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, NULL, N'A lot?', N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', 0, 28, N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, 2, 3, NULL, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-09-06 09:39:41.833' AS DateTime), 1, N'6c835cc8-5bb0-4fbf-9fbd-c076098d13c6', CAST(N'2017-09-06 09:39:41.913' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-09-06 09:39:41.913' AS DateTime), 1, 0)
  944. GO
  945. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Job] OFF
  946. GO
  947. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ON
  949. GO
  950. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1, N'Pack Time (+ materials)', 25, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  951. GO
  952. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (2, N'Load Time', 25, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  953. GO
  954. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (3, N'Drive Time', 25, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  955. GO
  956. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (4, N'Unload Time', 25, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  957. GO
  958. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (5, N'Flight Time', 25, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  959. GO
  960. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (6, N'Local Crew Travel Time', 25, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  961. GO
  962. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (7, N'Management Time', 30, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  963. GO
  964. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (8, N'Truck/Trailer/Pad Rental', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  965. GO
  966. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (9, N'Flights', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  967. GO
  968. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (10, N'Ground Transportation', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  969. GO
  970. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (11, N'Personal Vehicle Mileage', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  971. GO
  972. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (12, N'Lodging', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  973. GO
  974. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (13, N'Tolls', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  975. GO
  976. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (14, N'Packing Materials', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  977. GO
  978. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (15, N'Per Diem', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  979. GO
  980. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (244, N'Total Miles', 0, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  981. GO
  982. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (245, N'Avg Truck mpg', 8, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  983. GO
  984. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (246, N'Avg Price/gal', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  985. GO
  986. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (247, N'Margin', 0, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  987. GO
  988. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (248, N'Commission', 0, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  989. GO
  990. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (500, N'Pack Time (+ materials)', 25, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 1)
  991. GO
  992. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (501, N'Load Time', 25, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 1)
  993. GO
  994. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (502, N'Drive Time', 25, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 1)
  995. GO
  996. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (503, N'Unload Time', 25, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 1)
  997. GO
  998. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (504, N'Flight Time', 25, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 1)
  999. GO
  1000. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (505, N'Local Crew Travel Time', 25, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 1)
  1001. GO
  1002. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (506, N'Management Time', 30, 1, 0, 0, NULL, 1)
  1003. GO
  1004. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (507, N'Truck/Trailer/Pad Rental', 0, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
  1005. GO
  1006. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (508, N'Flights', 0, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
  1007. GO
  1008. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (509, N'Ground Transportation', 0, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
  1009. GO
  1010. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (510, N'Personal Vehicle Mileage', 0, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
  1011. GO
  1012. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (511, N'Lodging', 0, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
  1013. GO
  1014. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (512, N'Tolls', 0, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
  1015. GO
  1016. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (514, N'Per Diem', 0, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
  1017. GO
  1018. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (515, N'Total Miles', 5, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
  1019. GO
  1020. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (516, N'Avg Truck mpg', 8, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
  1021. GO
  1022. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (517, N'Avg Price/gal', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
  1023. GO
  1024. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (518, N'Margin', 0, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
  1025. GO
  1026. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (519, N'Commission', 0, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
  1027. GO
  1028. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1560, N'TEST', 1, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 1)
  1029. GO
  1030. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1581, N'Pack Time (+ materials)', 25, 1, 0, 0, 13, 1)
  1031. GO
  1032. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1582, N'Load Time', 25, 1, 0, 0, 13, 1)
  1033. GO
  1034. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1583, N'Drive Time', 25, 1, 0, 0, 13, 1)
  1035. GO
  1036. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1584, N'Unload Time', 25, 1, 0, 0, 13, 1)
  1037. GO
  1038. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1585, N'Flight Time', 25, 1, 0, 0, 13, 1)
  1039. GO
  1040. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1586, N'Local Crew Travel Time', 25, 1, 0, 0, 13, 1)
  1041. GO
  1042. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1587, N'Management Time', 30, 1, 0, 0, 13, 1)
  1043. GO
  1044. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1588, N'Truck/Trailer/Pad Rental', 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 13, 1)
  1045. GO
  1046. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1589, N'Flights', 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 13, 1)
  1047. GO
  1048. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1590, N'Ground Transportation', 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 13, 1)
  1049. GO
  1050. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1591, N'Personal Vehicle Mileage', 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 13, 1)
  1051. GO
  1052. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1592, N'Lodging', 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 13, 1)
  1053. GO
  1054. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1593, N'Tolls', 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 13, 1)
  1055. GO
  1056. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1594, N'Per Diem', 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 13, 1)
  1057. GO
  1058. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1595, N'Total Miles', 5, 3, NULL, NULL, 13, 1)
  1059. GO
  1060. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1596, N'Avg Truck mpg', 8, 3, NULL, NULL, 13, 1)
  1061. GO
  1062. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1597, N'Avg Price/gal', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, 13, 1)
  1063. GO
  1064. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1598, N'Margin', 0, 4, NULL, NULL, 13, 1)
  1065. GO
  1066. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1599, N'Commission', 0, 4, NULL, NULL, 13, 1)
  1067. GO
  1068. INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] ([Id], [Name], [Price], [Type], [Hours], [CrewSize], [JobId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1600, N'TEST', 1, 1, 1, 1, 13, 1)
  1069. GO
  1070. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[LaborEstimateValues] OFF
  1071. GO
  1072. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[QuoteStatus] ON
  1074. GO
  1075. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (1, N'Not sent')
  1076. GO
  1077. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (2, N'Sent to customer')
  1078. GO
  1079. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (3, N'Rejected by customer')
  1080. GO
  1081. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (4, N'Approved by customer')
  1082. GO
  1083. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[QuoteStatus] OFF
  1084. GO
  1085. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Quote] ON
  1087. GO
  1088. INSERT [dbo].[Quote] ([Id], [JobId], [UserId], [QuoteStatusId], [Token], [CreationDate], [ExpirationDate], [AccountId], [EmailId], [CustomerQuestion]) VALUES (1, 13, 93, 2, N'9de1a335-f99a-44c7-b244-99a829fd9e4b', CAST(N'2017-08-31 11:23:39.587' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-08-31 21:23:39.587' AS DateTime), 1, 3, NULL)
  1089. GO
  1090. INSERT [dbo].[Quote] ([Id], [JobId], [UserId], [QuoteStatusId], [Token], [CreationDate], [ExpirationDate], [AccountId], [EmailId], [CustomerQuestion]) VALUES (2, 11, 93, 2, N'48a7a34e-8f2b-4988-b32a-7317c9fb2b5b', CAST(N'2017-09-05 14:34:43.797' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-09-06 00:34:43.797' AS DateTime), 1, 4, NULL)
  1091. GO
  1092. INSERT [dbo].[Quote] ([Id], [JobId], [UserId], [QuoteStatusId], [Token], [CreationDate], [ExpirationDate], [AccountId], [EmailId], [CustomerQuestion]) VALUES (3, 10, 93, 2, N'8cb73431-9ab7-4065-9d92-2d4c5db5d96d', CAST(N'2017-09-05 15:16:42.410' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-09-06 01:16:42.410' AS DateTime), 1, 5, N'test')
  1093. GO
  1094. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Quote] OFF
  1095. GO
  1096. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ON
  1098. GO
  1099. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (1, NULL, N'143 Oak St', N'143 Oak St', N'', N'', 1, N'Bridgewater', N'Bridgewater', 0, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, N'Nicholson', 8, 0, N'A lot?', 7, 13, N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'7188777320', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', CAST(N'2017-03-12 14:00:46.703' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-03-19 14:00:46.703' AS DateTime), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, N'2100 Route 206 N', NULL, N'Suite 100', NULL, N'Bridgewater', NULL, N'The second location is a storage facility with a drive-up unit with exterior access.', NULL, 30, 0, N'08807', NULL, 30, 30, 2, 0, NULL, CAST(N'2017-03-06 03:38:20.173' AS DateTime), 1, N'08807', N'08807', 1)
  1100. GO
  1101. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (2, NULL, N'143 Oak St', N'143 Oak St', N'', N'', 1, N'Bridgewater', N'Bridgewater', 0, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'2', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 1, 22, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, N'Nicholson', 8, 0, N'A lot?', 2, 2, N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'7188777320', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', CAST(N'2017-03-12 14:00:08.507' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-03-19 14:00:08.507' AS DateTime), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, N'2100 Route 206 N', NULL, N'Suite 100', NULL, N'Bridgewater', NULL, N'The second location is a storage facility with a drive-up unit with exterior access.', NULL, 30, 0, N'08807', NULL, 30, 30, 2, 0, NULL, CAST(N'2017-03-06 03:47:40.863' AS DateTime), 1, N'08807', N'08807', 1)
  1102. GO
  1103. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (6, NULL, N'143 Oak St', N'205 W Main St', N'', N'', 1, N'Bridgewater', N'Somerville', 0, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', N'6', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'David', 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 6, NULL, NULL, N'Nicholson', 8, 0, N'A lot?', 2, 2, N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'7188777320', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', CAST(N'2017-04-10 14:00:56.967' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-04-17 14:00:56.967' AS DateTime), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'', N'Suite 100', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'', N'The second location is a storage facility with a drive-up unit with exterior access.', N'', 30, 0, N'08807', N'', 30, 30, 2, 3, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-04-04 01:02:15.953' AS DateTime), 1, N'08807', N'08876', 1)
  1104. GO
  1105. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (8, N'A very secure place.', N'1600 Pennsylvania Ave', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, N'Washington, DC', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Barack', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, NULL, N'Obama', 11, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, N'7188777320', NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-04-05 14:00:06.773' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-04-06 14:00:06.773' AS DateTime), 4, NULL, 2, NULL, N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, N'Military equipment', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 52, 99, 0, 0, NULL, CAST(N'2017-04-06 00:01:05.983' AS DateTime), 1, N'20001', NULL, 1)
  1106. GO
  1107. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (9, NULL, N'2109 Bellemead Ave', N'1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW', NULL, NULL, 0, N'Havertown', N'Washington, DC', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'outside of fence', N'1', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'John', 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, N'1 box', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 9, NULL, NULL, N'Smith', 3, 0, N'1', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, N'555-1212', N'driveway', N'1', CAST(N'2017-05-01 14:00:34.113' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-05-08 14:00:34.113' AS DateTime), 3, NULL, 1, NULL, N'Google Search', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 38, 52, 0, 0, NULL, CAST(N'2017-04-27 22:02:40.137' AS DateTime), 1, N'19083', N'20500', 1)
  1108. GO
  1109. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (10, N'good access', N'1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, N'Washington, DC', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'John', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 10, NULL, NULL, N'Smith', 11, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, N'888-555-1221', NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2017-04-27 14:00:06.297' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-04-28 14:00:06.297' AS DateTime), 2, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'junk', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 52, 99, 0, 0, NULL, CAST(N'2017-04-27 22:06:18.867' AS DateTime), 1, N'20500', NULL, 1)
  1110. GO
  1111. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (11, NULL, N'efiwniw', N'reuh', N'fneiw', N'ofiewjof', 1, N'fiwehifwh', N'ewfwe', 0, N'gerger', N'tyjtyk', NULL, N'rthrth', NULL, N'wewvw', N'5', 1, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'buwef', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, N'regreg', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 11, NULL, NULL, N'bewfubw', 4, 0, N'ergeg', 0, 0, N'rege', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL, N'9853049860', N'tyjty', N'3', CAST(N'2017-06-05 09:00:13.223' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-06-06 09:00:13.223' AS DateTime), 2, NULL, 1, NULL, N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'tykytjt', NULL, N'rthrthr', NULL, N'hrthtr', NULL, N'rthrthrthr', NULL, 3, 0, N'rtjrtjtr', NULL, 8, 4, 0, 0, NULL, CAST(N'2017-06-05 12:42:45.210' AS DateTime), 1, N'ergregreg', N'wefwef', 1)
  1112. GO
  1113. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (12, NULL, N'143 Oak St', N'205 W Main St', N'', N'', 1, N'Bridgewater', N'Somerville', 0, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', N'6', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 12, NULL, NULL, N'Nicholson', 8, 0, N'A lot?', 2, 2, N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'7188777320', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', CAST(N'2017-06-14 09:00:25.760' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-06-21 08:00:25.760' AS DateTime), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'', N'Suite 100', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'', N'The second location is a storage facility with a drive-up unit with exterior access.', N'', 30, 0, N'08807', N'', 30, 30, 2, 3, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-06-07 16:55:52.910' AS DateTime), 1, N'08807', N'08876', 1)
  1114. GO
  1115. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (13, NULL, N'143 Oak St', N'205 W Main St', N'', N'', 1, N'Bridgewater', N'Somerville', 0, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', N'6', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Jamie', 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 13, NULL, NULL, N'Vardy', 8, 0, N'A lot?', 2, 2, N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'7188777320', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', CAST(N'2017-06-15 09:00:15.673' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-06-22 09:00:15.673' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'', N'Suite 100', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'', N'The second location is a storage facility with a drive-up unit with exterior access.', N'', 30, 0, N'08807', N'', 30, 30, 2, 3, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-06-08 08:49:45.413' AS DateTime), 1, N'08807', N'08876', 1)
  1116. GO
  1117. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (15, NULL, N'143 Oak St', N'205 W Main St', N'', N'', 1, N'Bridgewater', N'Somerville', 0, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', N'6', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 15, NULL, NULL, N'Nicholson', 8, 0, N'A lot?', 2, 2, N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'7188777320', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', CAST(N'2017-07-03 09:00:46.950' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-10 09:00:46.950' AS DateTime), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'', N'Suite 100', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'', N'The second location is a storage facility with a drive-up unit with exterior access.', N'', 30, 0, N'08807', N'', 30, 30, 2, 3, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-06-26 14:43:53.403' AS DateTime), 1, N'08807', N'08876', 1)
  1118. GO
  1119. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (16, NULL, N'143 Oak St', N'205 W Main St', N'', N'', 1, N'Bridgewater', N'Somerville', 0, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', N'6', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 16, NULL, NULL, N'Nicholson', 8, 0, N'A lot?', 2, 2, N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'7188777320', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', CAST(N'2017-07-03 09:00:46.950' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-10 09:00:46.950' AS DateTime), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'', N'Suite 100', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'', N'The second location is a storage facility with a drive-up unit with exterior access.', N'', 30, 0, N'08807', N'', 30, 30, 2, 3, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-06-26 14:45:22.213' AS DateTime), 1, N'08807', N'08876', 1)
  1120. GO
  1121. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (17, NULL, N'143 Oak St', N'205 W Main St', N'', N'', 1, N'Bridgewater', N'Somerville', 0, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', N'6', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 17, NULL, NULL, N'Nicholson', 8, 0, N'A lot?', 2, 2, N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'7188777320', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', CAST(N'2017-07-03 09:00:46.950' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-10 09:00:46.950' AS DateTime), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'', N'Suite 100', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'', N'The second location is a storage facility with a drive-up unit with exterior access.', N'', 30, 0, N'08807', N'', 30, 30, 2, 3, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-06-26 15:02:50.827' AS DateTime), 1, N'08807', N'08876', 1)
  1122. GO
  1123. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (18, NULL, N'143 Oak St', N'205 W Main St', N'', N'', 1, N'Bridgewater', N'Somerville', 0, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', N'6', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 18, NULL, NULL, N'Nicholson', 8, 0, N'A lot?', 2, 2, N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'7188777320', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', CAST(N'2017-07-03 09:00:46.950' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-07-10 09:00:46.950' AS DateTime), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'', N'Suite 100', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'', N'The second location is a storage facility with a drive-up unit with exterior access.', N'', 30, 0, N'08807', N'', 30, 30, 2, 3, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-06-26 15:03:23.643' AS DateTime), 1, N'08807', N'08876', 1)
  1124. GO
  1125. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (20, NULL, N'TestAdddress', N'Test', N'Test', N'Test', 1, N'TestCity', N'Test', 0, N'Test', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Test', N'1', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Test', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 25, N'Test', NULL, N'Nicholson', 2, 0, N'Test', 0, 0, N'Test', NULL, NULL, N'Test', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, N'Test', N'7188777320', N'Test', N'1', CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:00:43.377' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-08-01 09:00:43.377' AS DateTime), 4, NULL, 1, N'Test', N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 3, 3, 0, 0, NULL, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:49:26.523' AS DateTime), 1, N'TestZip', N'Test', 2)
  1126. GO
  1127. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (21, NULL, N'TestAdddress', N'Test', N'Test', N'Test', 1, N'TestCity', N'Test', 0, N'Test', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Test', N'1', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Test', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 26, N'Test', NULL, N'Nicholson', 2, 0, N'Test', 0, 0, N'Test', NULL, NULL, N'Test', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, N'Test', N'7188777320', N'Test', N'1', CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:00:43.377' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-08-01 09:00:43.377' AS DateTime), 4, NULL, 1, N'Test', N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 3, 3, 0, 0, NULL, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:55:07.887' AS DateTime), 1, N'TestZip', N'Test', 2)
  1128. GO
  1129. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (22, NULL, N'TestAdddress', N'Test', N'Test', N'Test', 1, N'TestCity', N'Test', 0, N'Test', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Test', N'1', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Test', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 27, N'Test', NULL, N'Nicholson', 2, 0, N'Test', 0, 0, N'Test', NULL, NULL, N'Test', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, N'Test', N'7188777320', N'Test', N'1', CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:00:43.377' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-08-01 09:00:43.377' AS DateTime), 4, NULL, 1, N'Test', N'Yelp!', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 3, 3, 0, 0, NULL, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:59:59.603' AS DateTime), 1, N'TestZip', N'Test', 2)
  1130. GO
  1131. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (23, NULL, N'testAddress', N'test', N'test', N'test', 1, N'test', N'test', 0, N'test', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'test', N'3', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'test', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 28, NULL, NULL, N'Nicholson', 5, 0, N'test', 0, 0, N'test', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL, N'7188777320', N'test', N'1', CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:00:31.140' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-08-01 09:00:31.140' AS DateTime), 4, NULL, 1, N'test', N'Google Search', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 2, 5, 0, 0, NULL, CAST(N'2017-07-31 10:04:05.183' AS DateTime), 1, N'test', N'test', 10)
  1132. GO
  1133. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (24, NULL, N'143 Oak St', N'205 W Main St', N'', N'', 1, N'Bridgewater', N'Somerville', 0, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', N'6', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 29, NULL, NULL, N'Nicholson', 8, 0, N'A lot?', 2, 2, N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'7188777320', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', CAST(N'2017-08-07 09:00:21.067' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-08-14 09:00:21.067' AS DateTime), 19, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'', N'Suite 100', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'', N'The second location is a storage facility with a drive-up unit with exterior access.', N'', 30, 0, N'08807', N'', 30, 30, 2, 3, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-07-31 11:03:30.243' AS DateTime), 1, N'08807', N'08876', 10)
  1134. GO
  1135. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (25, NULL, N'143 Oak St', N'205 W Main St', N'', N'', 1, N'Bridgewater', N'Somerville', 0, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', N'6', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 30, NULL, NULL, N'Nicholson', 2, 0, N'A lot?', 2, 2, N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'7188777320', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:00:23.297' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-08-01 09:00:23.297' AS DateTime), 4, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'', N'Suite 100', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'', N'The second location is a storage facility with a drive-up unit with exterior access.', N'', 30, 0, N'08807', N'', 30, 30, 2, 3, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-07-31 13:24:02.997' AS DateTime), 1, N'08807', N'08876', 1)
  1136. GO
  1137. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (26, NULL, N'143 Oak St', N'205 W Main St', N'', N'', 0, N'Bridgewater', N'Somerville', 0, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', N'6', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'test', 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 31, NULL, NULL, N'test', 8, 0, N'A lot?', 2, 2, N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'777777777777', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', CAST(N'2017-08-23 09:00:11.597' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-08-30 09:00:11.597' AS DateTime), 4050, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'', N'Suite 100', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'', N'The second location is a storage facility with a drive-up unit with exterior access.', N'', 30, 0, N'08807', N'', 30, 30, 2, 3, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-08-16 18:22:26.090' AS DateTime), 1, N'08807', N'08876', 4027)
  1138. GO
  1139. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (27, NULL, N'143 Oak St', N'205 W Main St', N'', N'', 1, N'Bridgewater', N'Somerville', 0, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage in there.', N'6', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'I have sooooo much stuff it would be impossible to list everything here. Can somebody come by and do an estimate?', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 32, NULL, NULL, N'Nicholson', 8, 0, N'A lot?', 2, 2, N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'7188777320', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', CAST(N'2017-08-30 09:00:13.470' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-09-06 09:00:13.470' AS DateTime), 5052, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'', N'Suite 100', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'', N'The second location is a storage facility with a drive-up unit with exterior access.', N'', 30, 0, N'08807', N'', 30, 30, 2, 3, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-08-23 01:22:52.667' AS DateTime), 1, N'08807', N'08876', 5028)
  1140. GO
  1141. INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ([Id], [AccessDescription], [Address1], [Address1Dropoff], [Address2], [Address2Dropoff], [CanContactPhone], [City], [CityDropoff], [CurrentFloor], [DifficultItems], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToAddressDropoff], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [DistanceElevatorToTruckDropoff], [DropoffDetails], [DropoffAddressTypeId], [ElevatorSizeId], [ElevatorSizeDropoffId], [Email], [EmailConfirm], [File1Belongings], [File1JunkRemoval], [File2Belongings], [FirstName], [Floor], [FloorDropoff], [HasDriveway], [HasDrivewayDropoff], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorDropoffId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasElevatorReservationsDropoff], [HasLoadingDock], [HasLoadingDockDropoff], [HasSecondLocation], [HasSecondLocationDropoff], [InventoryList], [IsDrivewayDropoffCurvy], [IsDrivewayDropoffFlat], [IsDrivewayDropoffLong], [IsDrivewayDropoffShort], [IsDrivewayDropoffSteep], [IsDrivewayDropoffTooSmall], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [IsFurnitureWrapped], [IsFurnitureWrappedDropoff], [JobId], [JunkRemovalExplain], [LaborOnlyInfo], [LastName], [MoveSizeId], [NewFloor], [NumExpectedBoxes], [NumFloors], [NumFloorsDropoff], [OtherConcerns], [OtherDetails], [OtherDropoffDetails], [OtherExplain], [OtherPickupDetails], [OtherServicesBrushRemoval], [OtherServicesCleaning], [OtherServicesJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesLabor], [OtherServicesMobileDumpster], [OtherServicesMobileJunkRemoval], [OtherServicesMoving], [OtherServicesOther], [OtherServicesPacking], [OtherServicesPowerWashing], [OtherServicesSeasonalCleanup], [OtherServicesStorage], [PackingExplain], [Phone], [PickupDetails], [PickupAddressTypeId], [PreferredDateTime], [PreferredDateTime2], [PrimaryLocationId], [PrimaryLocationOther], [PrimaryServiceId], [PromoCode], [ReferredBy], [ReferredByOther], [ReferredByReferral], [RemovalDescription], [SecondAddress1], [SecondAddress1Dropoff], [SecondAddress2], [SecondAddress2Dropoff], [SecondCity], [SecondCityDropoff], [SecondLocationDetails], [SecondLocationDetailsDropoff], [SecondStateId], [SecondStateDropoffId], [SecondZip], [SecondZipDropoff], [StateId], [StateDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeId], [StorageUnitTypeDropoffId], [StorageUnitTypeOtherDropoff], [SubmittedDate], [TermsConditions], [Zip], [ZipDropoff], [AccountId]) VALUES (28, NULL, N'143 Oak St', N'205 W Main St', N'', N'', 1, N'Bridgewater', N'Somerville', 0, N'Jeez, in my opinion EVERYTHING is difficult! Lol. What do you consider ''difficult''?', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'The first dropoff location is a storage unit. Just the stuff from the guestroom and the garage go in there.', N'6', 0, 0, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Josh', 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, N'', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, N'Yes but it probably needs to be re-wrapped', N'Tell me more', 33, NULL, NULL, N'Nicholson', 8, 0, N'A lot?', 2, 2, N'By the way, I''m not a real customer, just a robot!', N'I chose ''Other'' because my house is a small castle located next to a private lake.', NULL, N'In addition to the other services I requested above, could you also fix some holes in my wall and paint it?', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, N'7188777320', N'My house has a driveway leading up to the garage. The garage has a door leading into the 1st floor and down to the basement.', N'1', CAST(N'2017-09-13 09:00:33.233' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2017-09-20 09:00:33.233' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 1, N'FREEMOVE', N'Other', N'AppJaxx', NULL, NULL, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'', N'Suite 100', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'', N'The second location is a storage facility with a drive-up unit with exterior access.', N'', 30, 0, N'08807', N'', 30, 30, 2, 3, N'Underground Bunker', CAST(N'2017-09-06 09:39:41.833' AS DateTime), 1, N'08807', N'08876', 1)
  1142. GO
  1143. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[QuoteRequest] OFF
  1144. GO
  1145. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ResourceType] ON
  1147. GO
  1148. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceType] ([Id], [ResourceTypeName]) VALUES (1, N'Truck')
  1149. GO
  1150. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceType] ([Id], [ResourceTypeName]) VALUES (2, N'Driver')
  1151. GO
  1152. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceType] ([Id], [ResourceTypeName]) VALUES (3, N'Crew')
  1153. GO
  1154. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ResourceType] OFF
  1155. GO
  1156. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ResourceAvailabilityScheduleItem] ON
  1158. GO
  1159. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceAvailabilityScheduleItem] ([Id], [ResourceId], [ResourceTypeId], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime], [AccountId]) VALUES (13, 1, 2, CAST(N'2016-05-10 13:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2016-05-10 23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1)
  1160. GO
  1161. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceAvailabilityScheduleItem] ([Id], [ResourceId], [ResourceTypeId], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime], [AccountId]) VALUES (14, 1, 2, CAST(N'2016-05-10 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2016-05-10 22:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1)
  1162. GO
  1163. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceAvailabilityScheduleItem] ([Id], [ResourceId], [ResourceTypeId], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime], [AccountId]) VALUES (15, 1, 2, CAST(N'2016-05-10 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2016-05-10 22:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1)
  1164. GO
  1165. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceAvailabilityScheduleItem] ([Id], [ResourceId], [ResourceTypeId], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime], [AccountId]) VALUES (20, 1, 2, CAST(N'2016-05-24 13:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2016-05-24 23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1)
  1166. GO
  1167. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceAvailabilityScheduleItem] ([Id], [ResourceId], [ResourceTypeId], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime], [AccountId]) VALUES (21, 1, 2, CAST(N'2016-05-26 19:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2016-05-26 05:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1)
  1168. GO
  1169. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceAvailabilityScheduleItem] ([Id], [ResourceId], [ResourceTypeId], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime], [AccountId]) VALUES (22, 10, 3, CAST(N'2016-05-25 13:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2016-05-25 23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1)
  1170. GO
  1171. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ResourceAvailabilityScheduleItem] OFF
  1172. GO
  1173. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ResourceStatusReason] ON
  1175. GO
  1176. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceStatusReason] ([Id], [Abbr], [Description], [Name]) VALUES (1, N'Unav', N'Unavailable', N'Unavailable')
  1177. GO
  1178. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceStatusReason] ([Id], [Abbr], [Description], [Name]) VALUES (2, N'MDO', N'Management Day Off', N'Management Day Off')
  1179. GO
  1180. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceStatusReason] ([Id], [Abbr], [Description], [Name]) VALUES (3, N'Vac', N'Vacation', N'Vacation')
  1181. GO
  1182. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceStatusReason] ([Id], [Abbr], [Description], [Name]) VALUES (4, N'Susp', N'Suspended', N'Suspended')
  1183. GO
  1184. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ResourceStatusReason] OFF
  1185. GO
  1186. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ON
  1188. GO
  1189. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (3, 1, 3, 6, CAST(N'2016-06-01 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 1)
  1190. GO
  1191. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (4, 1, 3, 7, CAST(N'2016-05-30 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 0, 1)
  1192. GO
  1193. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (5, 1, 3, 6, CAST(N'2016-06-07 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 0, 1)
  1194. GO
  1195. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (6, 1, 3, 7, CAST(N'2016-06-07 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 0, 1, 1)
  1196. GO
  1197. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (9, 1, 1, 2, CAST(N'2016-07-07 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 0, 1)
  1198. GO
  1199. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (10, 1, 1, 1, CAST(N'2016-07-07 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 0, 1, 1)
  1200. GO
  1201. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (11, 1, 2, 4, CAST(N'2016-07-07 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 0, 1)
  1202. GO
  1203. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (12, 1, 1, 2, CAST(N'2016-07-14 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 1)
  1204. GO
  1205. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (13, 1, 1, 2, CAST(N'2016-07-13 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 1)
  1206. GO
  1207. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (14, 1, 1, 2, CAST(N'2016-07-15 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 1)
  1208. GO
  1209. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (15, 1, 1, 2, CAST(N'2016-07-16 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 0, 1)
  1210. GO
  1211. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (16, 1, 1, 2, CAST(N'2016-07-18 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 0, 1)
  1212. GO
  1213. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (17, 1, 1, 1, CAST(N'2016-07-22 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 0, 1)
  1214. GO
  1215. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (18, 1, 1, 4, CAST(N'2016-07-21 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 1)
  1216. GO
  1217. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (19, 1, 3, 6, CAST(N'2016-07-23 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 1)
  1218. GO
  1219. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (20, 1, 2, 5, CAST(N'2016-07-23 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 0, 1, 1)
  1220. GO
  1221. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (21, 1, 3, 23, CAST(N'2016-09-22 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 0, 1)
  1222. GO
  1223. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (22, 1, 1, 1, CAST(N'2016-09-04 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 0, 1, 1)
  1224. GO
  1225. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (24, 1, 1, 15, CAST(N'2016-09-07 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 0, 1, 1)
  1226. GO
  1227. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (25, 1, 1, 15, CAST(N'2016-09-21 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 0, 1, 1)
  1228. GO
  1229. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (27, 1, 2, 1, CAST(N'2016-09-21 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 0, 1, 1)
  1230. GO
  1231. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (28, 1, 2, 1, CAST(N'2016-10-03 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 0, 1)
  1232. GO
  1233. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (29, 1, 3, 6, CAST(N'2016-10-03 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 1)
  1234. GO
  1235. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (30, 1, 3, 6, CAST(N'2016-10-04 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 1)
  1236. GO
  1237. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (38, 3, 2, 1, CAST(N'2016-11-07 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 1)
  1238. GO
  1239. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ([Id], [ResourceStatusReasonId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId], [Date], [IsUnavailableAM], [IsUnavailablePM], [AccountId]) VALUES (39, 4, 2, 1, CAST(N'2016-11-08 12:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 1)
  1240. GO
  1241. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] OFF
  1242. GO
  1243. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Todo] ON
  1245. GO
  1246. INSERT [dbo].[Todo] ([Id], [CreatedById], [IsCompleted], [Title], [AccountId]) VALUES (1, N'5718dddaedc74e766d83a595', 1, N'Call Brian about Movelink', 1)
  1247. GO
  1248. INSERT [dbo].[Todo] ([Id], [CreatedById], [IsCompleted], [Title], [AccountId]) VALUES (2, N'5718dddaedc74e766d83a595', 1, N'Ask Kevin about his mom', 1)
  1249. GO
  1250. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Todo] OFF
  1251. GO
  1252. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[FuelType] ON
  1254. GO
  1255. INSERT [dbo].[FuelType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (1, N'Diesel')
  1256. GO
  1257. INSERT [dbo].[FuelType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (2, N'Unleaded Gas')
  1258. GO
  1259. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[FuelType] OFF
  1260. GO
  1261. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TruckSize] ON
  1263. GO
  1264. INSERT [dbo].[TruckSize] ([Id], [IsDeleted], [Name]) VALUES (1, 0, N'18'' Box')
  1265. GO
  1266. INSERT [dbo].[TruckSize] ([Id], [IsDeleted], [Name]) VALUES (2, 0, N'22')
  1267. GO
  1268. INSERT [dbo].[TruckSize] ([Id], [IsDeleted], [Name]) VALUES (3, 0, N'24 Foot Box')
  1269. GO
  1270. INSERT [dbo].[TruckSize] ([Id], [IsDeleted], [Name]) VALUES (5, 0, N'26'' Box')
  1271. GO
  1272. INSERT [dbo].[TruckSize] ([Id], [IsDeleted], [Name]) VALUES (6, 0, N'New Truck Size')
  1273. GO
  1274. INSERT [dbo].[TruckSize] ([Id], [IsDeleted], [Name]) VALUES (7, 0, N'53" Trailer')
  1275. GO
  1276. INSERT [dbo].[TruckSize] ([Id], [IsDeleted], [Name]) VALUES (8, 1, N'New Truck Size')
  1277. GO
  1278. INSERT [dbo].[TruckSize] ([Id], [IsDeleted], [Name]) VALUES (9, 1, N'New Truck Size')
  1279. GO
  1280. INSERT [dbo].[TruckSize] ([Id], [IsDeleted], [Name]) VALUES (10, 0, N'New Truck Size')
  1281. GO
  1282. INSERT [dbo].[TruckSize] ([Id], [IsDeleted], [Name]) VALUES (11, 0, N'New Truck Size')
  1283. GO
  1284. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TruckSize] OFF
  1285. GO
  1286. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ON
  1288. GO
  1289. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1, 220500, 0, CAST(N'2014-10-23 05:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'11 ft', NULL, 12500, N'7.4L V-8 Vortec Gas, 270 Net HP, 454 cu. In.', CAST(N'2017-03-01 06:00:00.000' AS DateTime), NULL, 1, 18000, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, CAST(N'2014-11-25 06:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 200000, CAST(N'2016-10-04 15:56:06.187' AS DateTime), N'ABC123', N'GMC', N'Mover 3000', N'Goose', CAST(N'2016-10-18 05:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 230000, CAST(N'2017-05-03 05:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 5, 1, CAST(N'2016-12-01 06:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'245/70R/19.5 G', NULL, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2008, 1, 1)
  1290. GO
  1291. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (2, 25456, 12, CAST(N'2016-10-05 04:00:00.000' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, CAST(100.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, CAST(N'2016-10-05 04:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 0, CAST(N'2016-10-05 13:23:24.610' AS DateTime), N'ABC123', N'Ford', N'Galliga', N'TJ', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2006, 2, 1)
  1292. GO
  1293. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'Rocky', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, 1)
  1294. GO
  1295. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'Mav', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, 1)
  1296. GO
  1297. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'Chief', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, 1)
  1298. GO
  1299. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (15, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'Uhaul - 26''', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, 1)
  1300. GO
  1301. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'personal vehicle', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, 1)
  1302. GO
  1303. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (19, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'Uhaul - 20''', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, 1)
  1304. GO
  1305. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1046, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 0, CAST(N'2017-07-31 13:07:01.270' AS DateTime), N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'New Truck', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 19, 10)
  1306. GO
  1307. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1047, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, NULL, 0, CAST(N'2017-07-31 15:15:13.303' AS DateTime), N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'New Truck', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 4, 1)
  1308. GO
  1309. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1048, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, NULL, 0, CAST(N'2017-07-31 15:17:03.443' AS DateTime), N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'New Truck', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 4, 1)
  1310. GO
  1311. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1049, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, NULL, 0, CAST(N'2017-07-31 15:17:46.487' AS DateTime), N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'New Truck', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 4, 1)
  1312. GO
  1313. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1050, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, NULL, 0, CAST(N'2017-07-31 15:17:58.813' AS DateTime), N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'New Truck', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 4, 1)
  1314. GO
  1315. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1051, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, NULL, 0, CAST(N'2017-07-31 15:18:27.473' AS DateTime), N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'New Truck', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 4, 1)
  1316. GO
  1317. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1052, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 0, CAST(N'2017-07-31 15:20:12.420' AS DateTime), N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'SuperTruck', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 4, 1)
  1318. GO
  1319. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (1053, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 0, CAST(N'2017-08-01 09:46:58.053' AS DateTime), N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'Windows Truck', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 7, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 20, 11)
  1320. GO
  1321. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (2053, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 0, CAST(N'2017-08-01 17:30:27.510' AS DateTime), N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'New Truck', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 3, 1)
  1322. GO
  1323. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (2054, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 0, CAST(N'2017-08-02 12:11:29.430' AS DateTime), N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'New Truck', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 2, 1)
  1324. GO
  1325. INSERT [dbo].[Truck] ([Id], [ActualMileage], [BatteryChangeFrequency], [BatteryLastInstallDate], [Clearance], [DriveCamId], [EmptyTruckWeight], [EngineSize], [FMCSAInspectionExpirationDate], [FuelCardInfo], [FuelTypeId], [GrossVehicleWeight], [HourlyRate], [IsDeleted], [LastOilChangeDate], [LastOilChangeMileage], [LastUpdatedDate], [LicensePlate], [Make], [Model], [Name], [OilChangeFrequencyDate], [OilChangeFrequencyMileage], [RegistrationExpirationDate], [RegistrationStateId], [ResourceTypeId], [StateInspectionExpirationDate], [TireSize], [TollPassTransponderNumber], [TruckSizeId], [TruckWeight], [VIN], [WiperSizeDriver], [WiperSizePassenger], [Year], [LocationId], [AccountId]) VALUES (2055, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 0, CAST(N'2017-08-23 01:17:16.923' AS DateTime), N'ABC123', NULL, NULL, N'New Truck', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1)
  1326. GO
  1327. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Truck] OFF
  1328. GO
  1329. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ON
  1331. GO
  1332. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (1, CAST(250.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 1, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-04-21 14:30:46.703' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(150.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1333. GO
  1334. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (2, CAST(200.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Initial Move', CAST(4.250000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 2, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-03-24 14:00:08.507' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1335. GO
  1336. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (7, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 6, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-04-10 14:00:56.967' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1337. GO
  1338. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (9, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 8, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-04-29 04:59:06.773' AS DateTime), 0, 1, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1339. GO
  1340. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (10, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 9, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-05-01 14:00:34.113' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1341. GO
  1342. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (11, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(8.750000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 10, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-04-27 14:00:06.297' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0)
  1343. GO
  1344. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (12, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(7.750000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 11, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-06-05 09:00:13.223' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0)
  1345. GO
  1346. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (13, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 12, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-06-14 09:00:25.760' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1347. GO
  1348. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (14, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 13, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-06-15 09:00:15.673' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0)
  1349. GO
  1350. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (15, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 2', CAST(1.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(4.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, 13, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 1, 0, 1, CAST(N'2017-06-16 09:00:15.673' AS DateTime), 0, 0, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0)
  1351. GO
  1352. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (17, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 14, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-06-26 09:00:16.690' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1353. GO
  1354. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (18, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 15, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-07-03 09:00:46.950' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1355. GO
  1356. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (19, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 16, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-07-03 09:00:46.950' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1357. GO
  1358. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (20, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 17, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-07-03 09:00:46.950' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1359. GO
  1360. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (21, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 18, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-07-03 09:00:46.950' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1361. GO
  1362. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (22, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 24, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:00:43.377' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1363. GO
  1364. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (23, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 25, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:00:43.377' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1365. GO
  1366. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (24, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 26, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:00:43.377' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1367. GO
  1368. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (25, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 27, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:00:43.377' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1369. GO
  1370. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (26, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 28, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:00:31.140' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1371. GO
  1372. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (27, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 29, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-08-07 09:00:21.067' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1373. GO
  1374. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (28, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 30, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-07-31 09:00:23.297' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1375. GO
  1376. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (29, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 31, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-08-23 09:00:11.597' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1377. GO
  1378. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (30, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 32, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-08-30 09:00:13.470' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL)
  1379. GO
  1380. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (31, CAST(2000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 1', CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(5.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, 33, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 2, 1, 1, CAST(N'2017-09-13 09:00:33.233' AS DateTime), 1, 0, CAST(5000.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0)
  1381. GO
  1382. INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] ([Id], [CrewRate], [Description], [DurationHoursLow], [DurationHoursHigh], [EventOrder], [JobId], [DriveTime], [Notes], [RequiredNumCrew], [RequiredNumDrivers], [RequiredNumTrucks], [StartDate], [IsAM], [IsPM], [TruckRate], [TotalMiles]) VALUES (1031, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), N'Day 3', CAST(1.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(4.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, 13, CAST(22.366667 AS Decimal(38, 6)), NULL, 1, 0, 1, CAST(N'2017-06-17 09:00:15.673' AS DateTime), 0, 0, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0)
  1383. GO
  1384. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JobEvent] OFF
  1385. GO
  1386. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Address] ON
  1388. GO
  1389. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (1, N'143 Oak St', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 7, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1390. GO
  1391. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (2, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'Suite 100', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 2', NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 7, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1392. GO
  1393. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (3, N'143 Oak St', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 13, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1394. GO
  1395. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (4, N'143 Oak St', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1396. GO
  1397. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (6, N'205 W Main St', N'', N'Somerville', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08876', 1, NULL)
  1398. GO
  1399. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (15, N'143 Oak St', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1400. GO
  1401. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (16, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'Suite 100', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 2', NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1402. GO
  1403. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (17, N'205 W Main St', N'', N'Somerville', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08876', 1, NULL)
  1404. GO
  1405. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (20, N'1600 Pennsylvania Ave', NULL, N'Washington, DC', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 52, N'20001', 1, NULL)
  1406. GO
  1407. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (21, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL)
  1408. GO
  1409. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (22, N'2109 Bellemead Ave', NULL, N'Havertown', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, NULL, 38, N'19083', 1, NULL)
  1410. GO
  1411. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (23, N'1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW', NULL, N'Washington, DC', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 1, NULL, 52, N'20500', 1, NULL)
  1412. GO
  1413. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (29, N'143 Oak St', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1414. GO
  1415. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (30, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'Suite 100', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 2', NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1416. GO
  1417. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (31, N'205 W Main St', N'', N'Somerville', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08876', 1, NULL)
  1418. GO
  1419. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (35, N'143 Oak St', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1420. GO
  1421. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (36, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'Suite 100', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 2', NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1422. GO
  1423. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (37, N'205 W Main St', N'', N'Somerville', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08876', 1, NULL)
  1424. GO
  1425. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (38, N'143 Oak St', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1426. GO
  1427. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (39, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'Suite 100', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 2', NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1428. GO
  1429. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (40, N'205 W Main St', N'', N'Somerville', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08876', 1, NULL)
  1430. GO
  1431. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (41, N'143 Oak St', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1432. GO
  1433. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (42, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'Suite 100', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 2', NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1434. GO
  1435. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (43, N'205 W Main St', N'', N'Somerville', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08876', 1, NULL)
  1436. GO
  1437. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (44, N'143 Oak St', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1438. GO
  1439. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (45, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'Suite 100', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 2', NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1440. GO
  1441. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (46, N'205 W Main St', N'', N'Somerville', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08876', 1, NULL)
  1442. GO
  1443. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (49, N'TestAdddress', N'Test', N'TestCity', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 3, N'TestZip', 2, NULL)
  1444. GO
  1445. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (50, N'Test', N'Test', N'Test', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 3, N'Test', 2, NULL)
  1446. GO
  1447. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (51, N'testAddress', N'test', N'test', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 2, N'test', 10, NULL)
  1448. GO
  1449. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (52, N'test', N'test', N'test', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 5, N'test', 10, NULL)
  1450. GO
  1451. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (53, N'143 Oak St', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 10, NULL)
  1452. GO
  1453. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (54, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'Suite 100', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 2', NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 10, NULL)
  1454. GO
  1455. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (55, N'205 W Main St', N'', N'Somerville', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08876', 10, NULL)
  1456. GO
  1457. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (56, N'143 Oak St', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1458. GO
  1459. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (57, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'Suite 100', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 2', NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1460. GO
  1461. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (58, N'205 W Main St', N'', N'Somerville', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08876', 1, NULL)
  1462. GO
  1463. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (59, N'143 Oak St', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 4027, NULL)
  1464. GO
  1465. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (60, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'Suite 100', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 2', NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 4027, NULL)
  1466. GO
  1467. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (61, N'205 W Main St', N'', N'Somerville', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08876', 4027, NULL)
  1468. GO
  1469. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (62, N'143 Oak St', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 5028, NULL)
  1470. GO
  1471. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (63, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'Suite 100', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 2', NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 5028, NULL)
  1472. GO
  1473. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (64, N'205 W Main St', N'', N'Somerville', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08876', 5028, NULL)
  1474. GO
  1475. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (65, N'9 New York Ave, Laredo, TX 78043, USA', N'', N'Laredo', N'New Address', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, CAST(27.496492 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(-99.466996 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 0, N'78043', 1, N'TX')
  1476. GO
  1477. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (66, N'24 5th Ave, Seattle, WA 98121, USA', N'', N'Seattle', N'New Address', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, CAST(47.617958 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(-122.346368 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 0, N'98121', 1, N'WA')
  1478. GO
  1479. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (67, N'9 8th Ave, New York, NY 10014, USA', N'', N'New York', N'New Address', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, CAST(40.737233 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(-74.005185 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 0, N'10014', 1, N'NY')
  1480. GO
  1481. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (68, N'345 6th Ave, New York, NY 10014, USA', N'', N'New York', N'New Address', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, CAST(40.732015 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(-74.001200 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 0, NULL, 0, N'10014', 1, N'NY')
  1482. GO
  1483. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (70, N'143 Oak St', N'', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 31, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1484. GO
  1485. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (71, N'2100 Route 206 N', N'Suite 100', N'Bridgewater', N'Pickup 2', NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 31, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08807', 1, NULL)
  1486. GO
  1487. INSERT [dbo].[Address] ([Id], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Description], [DistanceElevatorToAddress], [DistanceElevatorToTruck], [ElevatorSizeId], [Floor], [HasDriveway], [HasElevatorId], [HasElevatorReservations], [HasLoadingDock], [IsDrivewayCurvy], [IsDrivewayFlat], [IsDrivewayLong], [IsDrivewayShort], [IsDrivewaySteep], [IsDrivewayTooSmall], [JobEventId], [Latitude], [Longitude], [NumFloors], [StateAbbr], [StateId], [Zip], [AccountId], [State]) VALUES (72, N'205 W Main St', N'', N'Somerville', N'Dropoff 1', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 31, CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), CAST(0.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2, NULL, 30, N'08876', 1, NULL)
  1488. GO
  1489. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Address] OFF
  1490. GO
  1491. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ON
  1493. GO
  1494. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (1, 1, N'', N'Josh', 1, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 1)
  1495. GO
  1496. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (2, 1, N'', N'Josh', 2, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 1)
  1497. GO
  1498. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (6, 1, N'', N'David', 6, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 1)
  1499. GO
  1500. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (8, 1, N'', N'Barack', 8, N'Obama', N'7188777320', 1)
  1501. GO
  1502. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (9, 0, N'', N'John', 9, N'Smith', N'555-1212', 1)
  1503. GO
  1504. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (10, 0, N'', N'John', 10, N'Smith', N'888-555-1221', 1)
  1505. GO
  1506. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (11, 1, N'', N'Buwef', 11, N'Bewfubw', N'9853049860', 1)
  1507. GO
  1508. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (12, 1, N'', N'Josh', 12, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 1)
  1509. GO
  1510. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (13, 1, N'', N'Jamie', 13, N'Vardy', N'7188777320', 1)
  1511. GO
  1512. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (14, 1, N'', N'Josh', 14, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 1)
  1513. GO
  1514. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (15, 1, N'', N'Josh', 15, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 1)
  1515. GO
  1516. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (16, 1, N'', N'Josh', 16, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 1)
  1517. GO
  1518. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (17, 1, N'', N'Josh', 17, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 1)
  1519. GO
  1520. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (18, 1, N'', N'Josh', 18, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 1)
  1521. GO
  1522. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (23, 1, N'', N'Josh', 24, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 2)
  1523. GO
  1524. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (24, 1, N'', N'Josh', 25, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 2)
  1525. GO
  1526. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (25, 1, N'', N'Josh', 26, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 2)
  1527. GO
  1528. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (26, 1, N'', N'Josh', 27, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 2)
  1529. GO
  1530. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (27, 1, N'', N'Josh', 28, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 10)
  1531. GO
  1532. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (28, 1, N'', N'Josh', 29, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 10)
  1533. GO
  1534. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (29, 1, N'', N'Josh', 30, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 1)
  1535. GO
  1536. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (30, 0, N'', N'Test', 31, N'Test', N'777777777777', 4027)
  1537. GO
  1538. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (31, 1, N'', N'Josh', 32, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 5028)
  1539. GO
  1540. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([Id], [CanContactPhone], [Email], [FirstName], [JobId], [LastName], [Phone], [AccountId]) VALUES (32, 1, N'', N'Josh', 33, N'Nicholson', N'7188777320', 1)
  1541. GO
  1542. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Customer] OFF
  1543. GO
  1544. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Email] ON
  1546. GO
  1547. INSERT [dbo].[Email] ([Id], [AvatarUrl], [CcEmail], [ContentHtml], [ContentText], [FromEmail], [FromFirstName], [FromLastName], [FromNickname], [IsDraft], [SendDate], [SenderIp], [Subject], [ThreadId], [ToEmail], [ToFirstName], [ToLastName], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (1, NULL, NULL, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Dear Jamie,</p><p>We are sorry, but we are unable to service your job on .</p><p>See you later.</p></div>', N'Dear {{ job.customer.firstName }},We are sorry, but we are unable to service your job on {{ startDate | date : ''MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a'' }}.See you later.', N'', N'Admin', N'User', NULL, 1, CAST(N'2017-08-29 14:28:30.503' AS DateTime), NULL, N'Your Upcoming Move', N'1db5a2aa-f8dc-43fb-a2d2-9cde087e5c3c', N'', N'Jamie', N'Vardy', 1, NULL)
  1548. GO
  1549. INSERT [dbo].[Email] ([Id], [AvatarUrl], [CcEmail], [ContentHtml], [ContentText], [FromEmail], [FromFirstName], [FromLastName], [FromNickname], [IsDraft], [SendDate], [SenderIp], [Subject], [ThreadId], [ToEmail], [ToFirstName], [ToLastName], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (2, NULL, NULL, N'<p>Test</p>', N'', N'', N'Admin', N'User', NULL, 1, CAST(N'2017-08-29 14:28:42.850' AS DateTime), NULL, N'Your Upcoming Move', N'1db5a2aa-f8dc-43fb-a2d2-9cde087e5c3c', N'', N'Jamie', N'Vardy', 1, NULL)
  1550. GO
  1551. INSERT [dbo].[Email] ([Id], [AvatarUrl], [CcEmail], [ContentHtml], [ContentText], [FromEmail], [FromFirstName], [FromLastName], [FromNickname], [IsDraft], [SendDate], [SenderIp], [Subject], [ThreadId], [ToEmail], [ToFirstName], [ToLastName], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (3, N'/assets/images/avatars/hair-black-eyes-blue-green-skin-tanned.png', NULL, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Hi Jamie,</p><p>We can service your job.<br/>Price:</p><p>1. Crew size: </p><p><b>2 man Crew (Day 1 - Day 1)<br/>1 man Crew (Day 2 - Day 2)<br/>1 man Crew (Day 3 - Day 3)<br/></b></p><p><b>Crew Rate (Day 1 - Day 1) - $2,000.00/hr<br/>Crew Rate (Day 2 - Day 2) - $0.00/hr<br/>Crew Rate (Day 3 - Day 3) - $0.00/hr<br/></b></p><p>2. Trucks count:</p><p><b>1 Truck (Day 1 - Day 1)<br />1 Truck (Day 2 - Day 2)<br />1 Truck (Day 3 - Day 3)<br /></b></p><p><b>Truck Fee (Day 1 - Day 1) - $5,000.00/Truck<br/>Truck Fee (Day 2 - Day 2) - $0.00/Truck<br/>Truck Fee (Day 3 - Day 3) - $0.00/Truck<br/></b></p><p>Hours:<b> 13.00</b></p><p><b>Total: $15,000.00</b></p><p><br/></p></div>', N'Hi {{ job.customer.firstName }},We can service your job.Price:1. Crew size: {{ crewSize }}{{ crewRate }}2. Trucks count:{{ truckCount }}{{ truckRate }}Hours: {{ hoursHigh | number:2 }}Total: {{ job.priceHigh | currency }}', N'', N'Admin', N'User', NULL, 1, CAST(N'2017-08-31 11:23:43.927' AS DateTime), NULL, N'Quote', N'1db5a2aa-f8dc-43fb-a2d2-9cde087e5c3c', N'', N'Jamie', N'Vardy', 1, 2)
  1552. GO
  1553. INSERT [dbo].[Email] ([Id], [AvatarUrl], [CcEmail], [ContentHtml], [ContentText], [FromEmail], [FromFirstName], [FromLastName], [FromNickname], [IsDraft], [SendDate], [SenderIp], [Subject], [ThreadId], [ToEmail], [ToFirstName], [ToLastName], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (4, NULL, NULL, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Hi Buwef,</p><p>We can service your job.<br/>Price:</p><p>1. Crew size: </p><p><b>2 man Crew (Day 1 - Day 1)<br/></b></p><p><b>Crew Rate (Day 1 - Day 1) - $2,000.00/hr<br/></b></p><p>2. Trucks count:</p><p><b>1 Truck (Day 1 - Day 1)<br /></b></p><p><b>Truck Fee (Day 1 - Day 1) - $5,000.00/Truck<br/></b></p><p>Hours:<b> 7.75</b></p><p><b>Total: $20,500.00</b></p><p><br/></p></div>', N'Hi {{ job.customer.firstName }},We can service your job.Price:1. Crew size: {{ crewSize }}{{ crewRate }}2. Trucks count:{{ truckCount }}{{ truckRate }}Hours: {{ hoursHigh | number:2 }}Total: {{ job.priceHigh | currency }}', N'', N'Admin', N'User', NULL, 1, CAST(N'2017-09-05 14:34:48.727' AS DateTime), NULL, N'Quote', N'14a45b12-6beb-4301-a350-e2a32b3fd954', N'', N'Buwef', N'Bewfubw', 1, 2)
  1554. GO
  1555. INSERT [dbo].[Email] ([Id], [AvatarUrl], [CcEmail], [ContentHtml], [ContentText], [FromEmail], [FromFirstName], [FromLastName], [FromNickname], [IsDraft], [SendDate], [SenderIp], [Subject], [ThreadId], [ToEmail], [ToFirstName], [ToLastName], [AccountId], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (5, NULL, NULL, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Hi John,</p><p>We can service your job.<br/>Price:</p><p>1. Crew size: </p><p><b>2 man Crew (Day 1 - Day 1)<br/></b></p><p><b>Crew Rate (Day 1 - Day 1) - $2,000.00/hr<br/></b></p><p>2. Trucks count:</p><p><b>1 Truck (Day 1 - Day 1)<br /></b></p><p><b>Truck Fee (Day 1 - Day 1) - $5,000.00/Truck<br/></b></p><p>Hours:<b> 8.75</b></p><p><b>Total: $22,500.00</b></p><p><br/></p></div>', N'Hi {{ job.customer.firstName }},We can service your job.Price:1. Crew size: {{ crewSize }}{{ crewRate }}2. Trucks count:{{ truckCount }}{{ truckRate }}Hours: {{ hoursHigh | number:2 }}Total: {{ job.priceHigh | currency }}', N'', N'Admin', N'User', NULL, 1, CAST(N'2017-09-05 15:16:47.407' AS DateTime), NULL, N'Quote', N'8f590b6e-6150-48d6-b717-84ed1c2990b6', N'', N'John', N'Smith', 1, 2)
  1556. GO
  1557. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Email] OFF
  1558. GO
  1559. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[EmailSnippet] ON
  1561. GO
  1562. INSERT [dbo].[EmailSnippet] ([Id], [Content], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [LocationId], [IsApproved], [AccountId]) VALUES (4, N'<div class=''snippet-content''><p>fewfwgew{{ job.inventoryList }}{{ startDate | date: ''MMMM d, yyyy'' }}</p></div>', N'Test', CAST(N'2017-06-19 15:47:49.277' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 1)
  1563. GO
  1564. INSERT [dbo].[EmailSnippet] ([Id], [Content], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [LocationId], [IsApproved], [AccountId]) VALUES (5, N'<div class=''snippet-content''><p>New snippet</p></div>', N'New Snippet', CAST(N'2017-06-19 16:56:02.350' AS DateTime), 3, 1, 1)
  1565. GO
  1566. INSERT [dbo].[EmailSnippet] ([Id], [Content], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [LocationId], [IsApproved], [AccountId]) VALUES (6, N'<div class=''snippet-content''><p>Text Text Text</p></div>', N'New Snippet1', CAST(N'2017-06-19 17:11:50.660' AS DateTime), 1, 0, 1)
  1567. GO
  1568. INSERT [dbo].[EmailSnippet] ([Id], [Content], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [LocationId], [IsApproved], [AccountId]) VALUES (7, N'<div class=''snippet-content''><p>My snippet</p></div>', N'My snippet', CAST(N'2017-06-20 11:36:01.693' AS DateTime), 1, 1, 1)
  1569. GO
  1570. INSERT [dbo].[EmailSnippet] ([Id], [Content], [Name], [UpdatedDate], [LocationId], [IsApproved], [AccountId]) VALUES (8, N'<div class="snippet-content"><p>test </p></div>', N'test1', CAST(N'2017-06-20 11:40:33.973' AS DateTime), 1, 0, 1)
  1571. GO
  1572. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[EmailSnippet] OFF
  1573. GO
  1574. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[BranchToEmailTemplate] ON
  1576. GO
  1577. INSERT [dbo].[BranchToEmailTemplate] ([Id], [BranchId], [EmailTemplateId]) VALUES (1, 1, 1)
  1578. GO
  1579. INSERT [dbo].[BranchToEmailTemplate] ([Id], [BranchId], [EmailTemplateId]) VALUES (10, 1, 4)
  1580. GO
  1581. INSERT [dbo].[BranchToEmailTemplate] ([Id], [BranchId], [EmailTemplateId]) VALUES (14, 2, 6)
  1582. GO
  1583. INSERT [dbo].[BranchToEmailTemplate] ([Id], [BranchId], [EmailTemplateId]) VALUES (15, 2, 7)
  1584. GO
  1585. INSERT [dbo].[BranchToEmailTemplate] ([Id], [BranchId], [EmailTemplateId]) VALUES (21, 1, 23)
  1586. GO
  1587. INSERT [dbo].[BranchToEmailTemplate] ([Id], [BranchId], [EmailTemplateId]) VALUES (22, 3, 24)
  1588. GO
  1589. INSERT [dbo].[BranchToEmailTemplate] ([Id], [BranchId], [EmailTemplateId]) VALUES (2026, 2, 2026)
  1590. GO
  1591. INSERT [dbo].[BranchToEmailTemplate] ([Id], [BranchId], [EmailTemplateId]) VALUES (2027, 4, 2026)
  1592. GO
  1593. INSERT [dbo].[BranchToEmailTemplate] ([Id], [BranchId], [EmailTemplateId]) VALUES (2028, 3048, 2027)
  1594. GO
  1595. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[BranchToEmailTemplate] OFF
  1596. GO
  1597. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JobFee] ON
  1599. GO
  1600. INSERT [dbo].[JobFee] ([Id], [JobId], [FeeId], [FeeAmount], [FeeQuantity]) VALUES (1, 2, 5, CAST(16.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 10)
  1601. GO
  1602. INSERT [dbo].[JobFee] ([Id], [JobId], [FeeId], [FeeAmount], [FeeQuantity]) VALUES (2, 2, 12, CAST(125.000000 AS Decimal(38, 6)), 2)
  1603. GO
  1604. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JobFee] OFF
  1605. GO
  1606. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JobEventResource] ON
  1608. GO
  1609. INSERT [dbo].[JobEventResource] ([Id], [JobEventId], [JobId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId]) VALUES (15, 13, 12, 3, 59)
  1610. GO
  1611. INSERT [dbo].[JobEventResource] ([Id], [JobEventId], [JobId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId]) VALUES (16, 13, 12, 2, 46)
  1612. GO
  1613. INSERT [dbo].[JobEventResource] ([Id], [JobEventId], [JobId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId]) VALUES (17, 9, 8, 2, 46)
  1614. GO
  1615. INSERT [dbo].[JobEventResource] ([Id], [JobEventId], [JobId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId]) VALUES (18, 9, 8, 3, 59)
  1616. GO
  1617. INSERT [dbo].[JobEventResource] ([Id], [JobEventId], [JobId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId]) VALUES (6076, 1, 1, 3, 59)
  1618. GO
  1619. INSERT [dbo].[JobEventResource] ([Id], [JobEventId], [JobId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId]) VALUES (6077, 1, 1, 2, 46)
  1620. GO
  1621. INSERT [dbo].[JobEventResource] ([Id], [JobEventId], [JobId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId]) VALUES (6086, 11, 10, 3, 5)
  1622. GO
  1623. INSERT [dbo].[JobEventResource] ([Id], [JobEventId], [JobId], [ResourceTypeId], [ResourceId]) VALUES (6087, 11, 10, 2, 26)
  1624. GO
  1625. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JobEventResource] OFF
  1626. GO
  1627. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JobFile] ON
  1629. GO
  1630. INSERT [dbo].[JobFile] ([Id], [JobId], [Uri]) VALUES (2, 6, N'joshco/6/truck.png')
  1631. GO
  1632. INSERT [dbo].[JobFile] ([Id], [JobId], [Uri]) VALUES (4, 8, N'joshco/8/truck.png')
  1633. GO
  1634. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JobFile] OFF
  1635. GO
  1636. INSERT [dbo].[Discount] ([JobId], [Measurement], [Price]) VALUES (10, N'%', 50)
  1637. GO
  1638. INSERT [dbo].[Discount] ([JobId], [Measurement], [Price]) VALUES (11, N'$', 5000)
  1639. GO
  1640. INSERT [dbo].[Discount] ([JobId], [Measurement], [Price]) VALUES (13, N'%', 0)
  1641. GO
  1642. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ON
  1644. GO
  1645. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1, 7, 2)
  1646. GO
  1647. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (2, 7, 1)
  1648. GO
  1649. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (4, 9, 3)
  1650. GO
  1651. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (5, 10, 3)
  1652. GO
  1653. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (10, 7, 3)
  1654. GO
  1655. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (11, 7, 4)
  1656. GO
  1657. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (12, 7, 5)
  1658. GO
  1659. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (13, 7, 6)
  1660. GO
  1661. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (14, 7, 7)
  1662. GO
  1663. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (15, 7, 8)
  1664. GO
  1665. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (25, 31, 3)
  1666. GO
  1667. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (38, 17, 1)
  1668. GO
  1669. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (39, 17, 2)
  1670. GO
  1671. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (40, 17, 4)
  1672. GO
  1673. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (47, 39, 4)
  1674. GO
  1675. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (52, 44, 5)
  1676. GO
  1677. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (54, 46, 2)
  1678. GO
  1679. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (55, 47, 7)
  1680. GO
  1681. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (56, 48, 1)
  1682. GO
  1683. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (57, 49, 1)
  1684. GO
  1685. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (58, 50, 4)
  1686. GO
  1687. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (59, 55, 1)
  1688. GO
  1689. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (60, 56, 2)
  1690. GO
  1691. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (62, 58, 1)
  1692. GO
  1693. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (63, 59, 2)
  1694. GO
  1695. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (64, 60, 1)
  1696. GO
  1697. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (75, 71, 2)
  1698. GO
  1699. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (76, 72, 1)
  1700. GO
  1701. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (77, 73, 2)
  1702. GO
  1703. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (78, 74, 1)
  1704. GO
  1705. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (82, 78, 2)
  1706. GO
  1707. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (85, 81, 1)
  1708. GO
  1709. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (86, 82, 7)
  1710. GO
  1711. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (87, 83, 4)
  1712. GO
  1713. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (88, 84, 4)
  1714. GO
  1715. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (89, 85, 1)
  1716. GO
  1717. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (90, 86, 6)
  1718. GO
  1719. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (91, 87, 6)
  1720. GO
  1721. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (92, 88, 7)
  1722. GO
  1723. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (93, 89, 1)
  1724. GO
  1725. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (94, 89, 2)
  1726. GO
  1727. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (95, 89, 3)
  1728. GO
  1729. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (96, 90, 1)
  1730. GO
  1731. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (97, 91, 3)
  1732. GO
  1733. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (98, 92, 1)
  1734. GO
  1735. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (99, 94, 1)
  1736. GO
  1737. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (100, 94, 2)
  1738. GO
  1739. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (101, 94, 3)
  1740. GO
  1741. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (102, 94, 4)
  1742. GO
  1743. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (103, 94, 5)
  1744. GO
  1745. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (104, 94, 6)
  1746. GO
  1747. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (105, 94, 7)
  1748. GO
  1749. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (106, 95, 4)
  1750. GO
  1751. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (107, 96, 4)
  1752. GO
  1753. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (108, 97, 4)
  1754. GO
  1755. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (109, 98, 5)
  1756. GO
  1757. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (110, 99, 6)
  1758. GO
  1759. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (111, 100, 6)
  1760. GO
  1761. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (112, 101, 6)
  1762. GO
  1763. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (113, 102, 6)
  1764. GO
  1765. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (114, 103, 6)
  1766. GO
  1767. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (115, 104, 6)
  1768. GO
  1769. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (117, 106, 4)
  1770. GO
  1771. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (120, 109, 6)
  1772. GO
  1773. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (122, 111, 6)
  1774. GO
  1775. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (123, 112, 5)
  1776. GO
  1777. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (124, 113, 6)
  1778. GO
  1779. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (125, 114, 6)
  1780. GO
  1781. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (126, 115, 6)
  1782. GO
  1783. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (127, 116, 6)
  1784. GO
  1785. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (128, 117, 6)
  1786. GO
  1787. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (129, 155, 14)
  1788. GO
  1789. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (130, 156, 17)
  1790. GO
  1791. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (131, 157, 17)
  1792. GO
  1793. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (132, 158, 8)
  1794. GO
  1795. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1133, 1166, 19)
  1796. GO
  1797. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1141, 1174, 19)
  1798. GO
  1799. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1153, 1177, 19)
  1800. GO
  1801. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1166, 110, 2)
  1802. GO
  1803. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1167, 110, 3)
  1804. GO
  1805. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1168, 110, 4)
  1806. GO
  1807. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1169, 110, 5)
  1808. GO
  1809. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1170, 110, 6)
  1810. GO
  1811. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1171, 110, 7)
  1812. GO
  1813. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1174, 30, 2)
  1814. GO
  1815. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1175, 30, 3)
  1816. GO
  1817. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1184, 2193, 1)
  1818. GO
  1819. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1185, 2195, 1029)
  1820. GO
  1821. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1186, 2196, 1029)
  1822. GO
  1823. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1187, 2197, 1029)
  1824. GO
  1825. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (1188, 2198, 1029)
  1826. GO
  1827. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (2176, 3186, 2029)
  1828. GO
  1829. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (2177, 3191, 2033)
  1830. GO
  1831. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (2178, 3195, 2036)
  1832. GO
  1833. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (2179, 3198, 2038)
  1834. GO
  1835. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (2180, 3200, 2039)
  1836. GO
  1837. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (3176, 4184, 1)
  1838. GO
  1839. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (3177, 4187, 1)
  1840. GO
  1841. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (3178, 4188, 7)
  1842. GO
  1843. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (3179, 4189, 19)
  1844. GO
  1845. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (3180, 4190, 6)
  1846. GO
  1847. INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] ([Id], [UserId], [LocationId]) VALUES (3181, 4192, 3049)
  1848. GO
  1849. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[UserToBranches] OFF
  1850. GO
  1851. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[OtherService] ON
  1853. GO
  1854. INSERT [dbo].[OtherService] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (1, N'Brush Removal')
  1855. GO
  1856. INSERT [dbo].[OtherService] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (2, N'Cleaning')
  1857. GO
  1858. INSERT [dbo].[OtherService] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (3, N'Junk Removal')
  1859. GO
  1860. INSERT [dbo].[OtherService] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (4, N'Labor')
  1861. GO
  1862. INSERT [dbo].[OtherService] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (5, N'Mobile Dumpster')
  1863. GO
  1864. INSERT [dbo].[OtherService] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (6, N'Mobile Junk Removal')
  1865. GO
  1866. INSERT [dbo].[OtherService] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (7, N'Moving')
  1867. GO
  1868. INSERT [dbo].[OtherService] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (8, N'Other')
  1869. GO
  1870. INSERT [dbo].[OtherService] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (9, N'Packing')
  1871. GO
  1872. INSERT [dbo].[OtherService] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (10, N'Power Washing')
  1873. GO
  1874. INSERT [dbo].[OtherService] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (11, N'Seasonal Clean-up')
  1875. GO
  1876. INSERT [dbo].[OtherService] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (12, N'Storage')
  1877. GO
  1878. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[OtherService] OFF
  1879. GO
  1880. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ON
  1882. GO
  1883. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (1, 2, 1)
  1884. GO
  1885. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (2, 3, 1)
  1886. GO
  1887. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (3, 8, 1)
  1888. GO
  1889. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (4, 9, 1)
  1890. GO
  1891. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (5, 12, 1)
  1892. GO
  1893. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (6, 7, 2)
  1894. GO
  1895. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (7, 9, 2)
  1896. GO
  1897. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (8, 2, 2)
  1898. GO
  1899. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (9, 12, 2)
  1900. GO
  1901. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (10, 1, 2)
  1902. GO
  1903. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (11, 10, 2)
  1904. GO
  1905. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (12, 8, 2)
  1906. GO
  1907. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (13, 4, 3)
  1908. GO
  1909. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (14, 2, 3)
  1910. GO
  1911. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (15, 10, 3)
  1912. GO
  1913. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (16, 1, 3)
  1914. GO
  1915. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (17, 11, 3)
  1916. GO
  1917. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (18, 5, 3)
  1918. GO
  1919. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (19, 3, 3)
  1920. GO
  1921. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (20, 8, 3)
  1922. GO
  1923. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (21, 9, 4)
  1924. GO
  1925. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (22, 2, 4)
  1926. GO
  1927. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (23, 12, 4)
  1928. GO
  1929. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (24, 3, 4)
  1930. GO
  1931. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (25, 8, 4)
  1932. GO
  1933. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (26, 9, 5)
  1934. GO
  1935. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (27, 2, 5)
  1936. GO
  1937. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (28, 12, 5)
  1938. GO
  1939. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (29, 3, 5)
  1940. GO
  1941. INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ([Id], [OtherServiceId], [ServiceTypeId]) VALUES (30, 8, 5)
  1942. GO
  1943. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] OFF
  1944. GO
  1945. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Role] ON
  1947. GO
  1948. INSERT [dbo].[Role] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (1, N'Corporate Admin')
  1949. GO
  1950. INSERT [dbo].[Role] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (2, N'Branch Owner')
  1951. GO
  1952. INSERT [dbo].[Role] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (3, N'Branch Manager')
  1953. GO
  1954. INSERT [dbo].[Role] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (4, N'Branch Assistant Manager')
  1955. GO
  1956. INSERT [dbo].[Role] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (5, N'Crew Leader')
  1957. GO
  1958. INSERT [dbo].[Role] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (6, N'Crew Member')
  1959. GO
  1960. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Role] OFF
  1961. GO
  1962. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ON
  1964. GO
  1965. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (1, 7, 1)
  1966. GO
  1967. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (4, 9, 2)
  1968. GO
  1969. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (5, 10, 3)
  1970. GO
  1971. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (9, 17, 6)
  1972. GO
  1973. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (21, 30, 2)
  1974. GO
  1975. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (22, 31, 3)
  1976. GO
  1977. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (30, 39, 6)
  1978. GO
  1979. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (37, 46, 6)
  1980. GO
  1981. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (38, 47, 6)
  1982. GO
  1983. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (39, 48, 6)
  1984. GO
  1985. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (40, 49, 5)
  1986. GO
  1987. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (41, 50, 6)
  1988. GO
  1989. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (42, 55, 6)
  1990. GO
  1991. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (43, 56, 5)
  1992. GO
  1993. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (45, 58, 6)
  1994. GO
  1995. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (46, 59, 6)
  1996. GO
  1997. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (47, 60, 6)
  1998. GO
  1999. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (58, 71, 6)
  2000. GO
  2001. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (59, 72, 6)
  2002. GO
  2003. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (60, 73, 6)
  2004. GO
  2005. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (61, 74, 5)
  2006. GO
  2007. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (65, 78, 6)
  2008. GO
  2009. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (68, 81, 6)
  2010. GO
  2011. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (69, 82, 5)
  2012. GO
  2013. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (70, 83, 6)
  2014. GO
  2015. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (71, 84, 6)
  2016. GO
  2017. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (72, 85, 6)
  2018. GO
  2019. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (73, 86, 5)
  2020. GO
  2021. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (74, 87, 5)
  2022. GO
  2023. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (75, 88, 6)
  2024. GO
  2025. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (76, 89, 6)
  2026. GO
  2027. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (77, 90, 3)
  2028. GO
  2029. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (78, 91, 2)
  2030. GO
  2031. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (79, 92, 3)
  2032. GO
  2033. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (80, 93, 1)
  2034. GO
  2035. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (81, 94, 2)
  2036. GO
  2037. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (82, 95, 3)
  2038. GO
  2039. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (83, 96, 4)
  2040. GO
  2041. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (84, 97, 5)
  2042. GO
  2043. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (85, 98, 6)
  2044. GO
  2045. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (86, 99, 3)
  2046. GO
  2047. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (87, 100, 5)
  2048. GO
  2049. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (88, 101, 5)
  2050. GO
  2051. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (89, 102, 5)
  2052. GO
  2053. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (90, 103, 5)
  2054. GO
  2055. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (91, 104, 5)
  2056. GO
  2057. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (93, 106, 3)
  2058. GO
  2059. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (96, 109, 4)
  2060. GO
  2061. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (97, 110, 2)
  2062. GO
  2063. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (98, 111, 4)
  2064. GO
  2065. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (99, 112, 4)
  2066. GO
  2067. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (100, 113, 3)
  2068. GO
  2069. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (101, 114, 3)
  2070. GO
  2071. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (102, 115, 3)
  2072. GO
  2073. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (103, 116, 3)
  2074. GO
  2075. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (104, 117, 3)
  2076. GO
  2077. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (105, 118, 1)
  2078. GO
  2079. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (106, 155, 3)
  2080. GO
  2081. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (107, 156, 4)
  2082. GO
  2083. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (108, 157, 6)
  2084. GO
  2085. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (109, 158, 5)
  2086. GO
  2087. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (1109, 1159, 1)
  2088. GO
  2089. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (1110, 1160, 1)
  2090. GO
  2091. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (1111, 1161, 1)
  2092. GO
  2093. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (1116, 1166, 5)
  2094. GO
  2095. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (1124, 1174, 6)
  2096. GO
  2097. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (1127, 1177, 2)
  2098. GO
  2099. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (1128, 1178, 1)
  2100. GO
  2101. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (1132, 1182, 1)
  2102. GO
  2103. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (1134, 1184, 1)
  2104. GO
  2105. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2134, 2184, 1)
  2106. GO
  2107. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2143, 2193, 6)
  2108. GO
  2109. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2144, 2194, 1)
  2110. GO
  2111. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2145, 2195, 6)
  2112. GO
  2113. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2146, 2196, 6)
  2114. GO
  2115. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2147, 2197, 6)
  2116. GO
  2117. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2148, 2198, 6)
  2118. GO
  2119. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2149, 2199, 1)
  2120. GO
  2121. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2150, 2200, 1)
  2122. GO
  2123. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2151, 2201, 1)
  2124. GO
  2125. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2152, 2202, 1)
  2126. GO
  2127. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2153, 2203, 1)
  2128. GO
  2129. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2154, 2204, 1)
  2130. GO
  2131. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2155, 2205, 1)
  2132. GO
  2133. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2156, 2206, 1)
  2134. GO
  2135. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2157, 2207, 1)
  2136. GO
  2137. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2158, 2208, 1)
  2138. GO
  2139. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2159, 2209, 1)
  2140. GO
  2141. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (2160, 2210, 1)
  2142. GO
  2143. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3134, 3184, 1)
  2144. GO
  2145. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3135, 3185, 1)
  2146. GO
  2147. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3136, 3186, 6)
  2148. GO
  2149. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3137, 3187, 1)
  2150. GO
  2151. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3138, 3188, 1)
  2152. GO
  2153. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3139, 3189, 1)
  2154. GO
  2155. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3140, 3190, 1)
  2156. GO
  2157. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3141, 3191, 6)
  2158. GO
  2159. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3142, 3192, 1)
  2160. GO
  2161. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3143, 3193, 1)
  2162. GO
  2163. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3144, 3194, 1)
  2164. GO
  2165. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3145, 3195, 6)
  2166. GO
  2167. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3146, 3196, 1)
  2168. GO
  2169. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3147, 3197, 1)
  2170. GO
  2171. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3148, 3198, 6)
  2172. GO
  2173. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3149, 3199, 1)
  2174. GO
  2175. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (3150, 3200, 6)
  2176. GO
  2177. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (4134, 4184, 6)
  2178. GO
  2179. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (4135, 4185, 1)
  2180. GO
  2181. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (4136, 4186, 1)
  2182. GO
  2183. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (4137, 4187, 6)
  2184. GO
  2185. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (4138, 4188, 6)
  2186. GO
  2187. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (4139, 4189, 6)
  2188. GO
  2189. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (4140, 4190, 6)
  2190. GO
  2191. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (4141, 4191, 1)
  2192. GO
  2193. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (4142, 4192, 6)
  2194. GO
  2195. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (4143, 4193, 1)
  2196. GO
  2197. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (4144, 4194, 1)
  2198. GO
  2199. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (5143, 5193, 1)
  2200. GO
  2201. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (5144, 5194, 1)
  2202. GO
  2203. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (5145, 5195, 1)
  2204. GO
  2205. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (5146, 5196, 1)
  2206. GO
  2207. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (5147, 5197, 1)
  2208. GO
  2209. INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] ([Id], [UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES (6144, 6194, 1)
  2210. GO
  2211. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[UserToRoles] OFF
  2212. GO
  2213. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[AddressType] ON
  2215. GO
  2216. INSERT [dbo].[AddressType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (1, N'Single Family Home')
  2217. GO
  2218. INSERT [dbo].[AddressType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (2, N'Apartment Complex')
  2219. GO
  2220. INSERT [dbo].[AddressType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (3, N'Town/Row Home')
  2221. GO
  2222. INSERT [dbo].[AddressType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (4, N'Condominium')
  2223. GO
  2224. INSERT [dbo].[AddressType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (5, N'Office Building')
  2225. GO
  2226. INSERT [dbo].[AddressType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (6, N'Storage Unit')
  2227. GO
  2228. INSERT [dbo].[AddressType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (7, N'Other')
  2229. GO
  2230. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[AddressType] OFF
  2231. GO
  2232. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[InventoryCategory] ON
  2234. GO
  2235. INSERT [dbo].[InventoryCategory] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (1, N'Furniture')
  2236. GO
  2237. INSERT [dbo].[InventoryCategory] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (2, N'Floor Covering')
  2238. GO
  2239. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[InventoryCategory] OFF
  2240. GO
  2241. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[InventoryItem] ON
  2243. GO
  2244. INSERT [dbo].[InventoryItem] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (1, N'Arm Chair')
  2245. GO
  2246. INSERT [dbo].[InventoryItem] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (2, N'Carpet')
  2247. GO
  2248. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[InventoryItem] OFF
  2249. GO
  2250. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[InventoryItemCategory] ON
  2252. GO
  2253. INSERT [dbo].[InventoryItemCategory] ([Id], [InventoryItemId], [InventoryCategoryId]) VALUES (1, 1, 1)
  2254. GO
  2255. INSERT [dbo].[InventoryItemCategory] ([Id], [InventoryItemId], [InventoryCategoryId]) VALUES (2, 2, 2)
  2256. GO
  2257. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[InventoryItemCategory] OFF
  2258. GO
  2259. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[InventoryRoom] ON
  2261. GO
  2262. INSERT [dbo].[InventoryRoom] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (1, N'Bedroom')
  2263. GO
  2264. INSERT [dbo].[InventoryRoom] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (2, N'Family Room')
  2265. GO
  2266. INSERT [dbo].[InventoryRoom] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (3, N'Living Room')
  2267. GO
  2268. INSERT [dbo].[InventoryRoom] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (4, N'Study/Office')
  2269. GO
  2270. INSERT [dbo].[InventoryRoom] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (5, N'Kitchen')
  2271. GO
  2272. INSERT [dbo].[InventoryRoom] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (6, N'Garage')
  2273. GO
  2274. INSERT [dbo].[InventoryRoom] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (7, N'Attic')
  2275. GO
  2276. INSERT [dbo].[InventoryRoom] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (8, N'Basement')
  2277. GO
  2278. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[InventoryRoom] OFF
  2279. GO
  2280. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JobFlag] ON
  2282. GO
  2283. INSERT [dbo].[JobFlag] ([Id], [Name], [Description], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (1, N'Full Schedule', N'The schedule is too full to take this job.', 0)
  2284. GO
  2285. INSERT [dbo].[JobFlag] ([Id], [Name], [Description], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (2, N'Out of service area', N'The job address is outside of our current service area.', 0)
  2286. GO
  2287. INSERT [dbo].[JobFlag] ([Id], [Name], [Description], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (3, N'New Job Flag', NULL, 0)
  2288. GO
  2289. INSERT [dbo].[JobFlag] ([Id], [Name], [Description], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (4, N'New Job Flag', NULL, 0)
  2290. GO
  2291. INSERT [dbo].[JobFlag] ([Id], [Name], [Description], [IsDeleted]) VALUES (5, N'New Job Flag', NULL, 0)
  2292. GO
  2293. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[JobFlag] OFF
  2294. GO
  2295. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ResourceStatus] ON
  2297. GO
  2298. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (1, N'unavailable')
  2299. GO
  2300. INSERT [dbo].[ResourceStatus] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (2, N'available')
  2301. GO
  2302. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ResourceStatus] OFF
  2303. GO
  2304. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[StorageUnitType] ON
  2306. GO
  2307. INSERT [dbo].[StorageUnitType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (1, N'Drive up Storage Unit (exterior access)')
  2308. GO
  2309. INSERT [dbo].[StorageUnitType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (2, N'Interior Storage Unit')
  2310. GO
  2311. INSERT [dbo].[StorageUnitType] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (3, N'Other')
  2312. GO
  2313. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[StorageUnitType] OFF
  2314. GO
  2315. INSERT [dbo].[SystemEmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [Name], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (1, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Dear <span>{{ job.customer.firstName }},</span></p><p><span>We are sorry but we are unable to service your job request on {{ startDate | date: ''MMMM d, yyyy'' }}.</span></p><p><span><br/></span></p></div>', N'Can''t serve job?', 1)
  2316. GO
  2317. INSERT [dbo].[SystemEmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [Name], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (2, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Hi {{ job.customer.firstName }},</p><p>We can service your job.<br/>Price:</p><p>1. Crew size: </p><p><b>{{ crewSize }}</b></p><p><b>{{ crewRate }}</b></p><p>2. Trucks count:</p><p><b>{{ truckCount }}</b></p><p><b>{{ truckRate }}</b></p><p>Hours:<b> {{ hoursHigh | number:2 }}</b></p><p><b>Total: {{ job.priceHigh | currency }}</b></p><p><br/></p></div>', N'Quote', 2)
  2318. GO
  2319. INSERT [dbo].[SystemEmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [Name], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (3, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Dear {{ job.customer.firstName }},</p><p>We are sorry, but we are not available to service your job on {{ startDate | date : ''MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a'' }}.</p><p>Can we discuss other date?</p></div>', N'No availability - flexibility', 3)
  2320. GO
  2321. INSERT [dbo].[SystemEmailTemplate] ([Id], [Content], [Name], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (4, N'<div class="template-content"><p>Dear {{ job.customer.firstName }},</p><p>We are sorry, but we are unable to service your job on {{ startDate | date : ''MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a'' }}.</p><p>See you later.</p></div>', N'No availability - see you later', 4)
  2322. GO
  2323. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[UnableToServiceReason] ON
  2325. GO
  2326. INSERT [dbo].[UnableToServiceReason] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (1, N'Company Unavailable')
  2327. GO
  2328. INSERT [dbo].[UnableToServiceReason] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (2, N'Outside Service Area')
  2329. GO
  2330. INSERT [dbo].[UnableToServiceReason] ([Id], [Name]) VALUES (3, N'Other')
  2331. GO
  2332. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[UnableToServiceReason] OFF
  2333. GO
  2334. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[UnavailableResourcesOption] ON
  2336. GO
  2337. INSERT [dbo].[UnavailableResourcesOption] ([Id], [Name], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (1, N'No availability - flexibility', 3)
  2338. GO
  2339. INSERT [dbo].[UnavailableResourcesOption] ([Id], [Name], [SystemActionTypeId]) VALUES (2, N'No availability - see you later', 4)
  2340. GO
  2341. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[UnavailableResourcesOption] OFF
  2342. GO
  2343. INSERT [dbo].[XXXFKConstraints] ([drop_script], [create_script]) VALUES (N'
  2344. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Truck] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__Truck__ResourceT__00B50445];
  2345. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Truck] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__Truck__TruckSize__01A9287E];
  2346. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[QuoteRequest] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__QuoteRequ__JobId__3DBE1285];
  2347. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobEvent] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__JobEvent__JobId__409A7F30];
  2348. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobEventResource] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__JobEventR__JobEv__418EA369];
  2349. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Address] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__Address__JobEven__4282C7A2];
  2350. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Customer] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__Customer__JobId__58A712EB];
  2351. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Employee] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__Employee__Licens__5B837F96];
  2352. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Employee] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__Employee__StateI__5C77A3CF];
  2353. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Job] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__Job__JobStatusId__5D6BC808];
  2354. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Job] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__Job__JobSizeId __604834B3];
  2355. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Job] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__Job__MoveSizeId__62307D25];
  2356. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Job] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__Job__PrimaryLoca__6418C597];
  2357. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Job] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__Job__PrimaryServ__650CE9D0];
  2358. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobEventResource] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__JobEventR__JobId__69D19EED];
  2359. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobFee] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__JobFee__JobId__6AC5C326];
  2360. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobFee] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__JobFee__FeeId__6CAE0B98];
  2361. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobSize] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__JobSize__EmailTe__6E96540A];
  2362. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__OtherServ__Other__6F8A7843];
  2363. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__OtherServ__Servi__707E9C7C];
  2364. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Quote] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__Quote__JobId__7172C0B5];
  2365. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[QuoteRequest] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__QuoteRequ__MoveS__744F2D60];
  2366. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[QuoteRequest] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__QuoteRequ__Prima__763775D2];
  2367. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[QuoteRequest] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__QuoteRequ__Prima__772B9A0B];
  2368. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[QuoteRequest] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__QuoteRequ__State__781FBE44];
  2369. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[QuoteRequest] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__QuoteRequ__State__7913E27D];
  2370. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ResourceAvailabilityScheduleItem] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__ResourceA__Resou__7A0806B6];
  2371. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__ResourceU__Resou__7AFC2AEF];
  2372. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__ResourceU__Resou__7CE47361];
  2373. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Truck] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__Truck__FuelTypeI__7ECCBBD3];
  2374. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Truck] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__Truck__Registrat__7FC0E00C];', N'
  2375. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Job] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Job__PrimaryLoca__6418C597] FOREIGN KEY ([PrimaryLocationId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Location]([Id]);
  2376. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__QuoteRequ__Prima__763775D2] FOREIGN KEY ([PrimaryLocationId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Location]([Id]);
  2377. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobFee] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__JobFee__FeeId__6CAE0B98] FOREIGN KEY ([FeeId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Fee]([Id]);
  2378. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Job] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Job__JobSizeId__604834B3] FOREIGN KEY ([JobSizeId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[JobSize]([Id]);
  2379. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__QuoteRequ__JobId__3DBE1285] FOREIGN KEY ([JobId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Job]([Id]);
  2380. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobEvent] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__JobEvent__JobId__409A7F30] FOREIGN KEY ([JobId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Job]([Id]);
  2381. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Customer] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Customer__JobId__58A712EB] FOREIGN KEY ([JobId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Job]([Id]);
  2382. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobEventResource] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__JobEventR__JobId__69D19EED] FOREIGN KEY ([JobId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Job]([Id]);
  2383. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobFee] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__JobFee__JobId__6AC5C326] FOREIGN KEY ([JobId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Job]([Id]);
  2384. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Quote] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Quote__JobId__7172C0B5] FOREIGN KEY ([JobId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Job]([Id]);
  2385. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Truck] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Truck__TruckSize__01A9287E] FOREIGN KEY ([TruckSizeId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[TruckSize]([Id]);
  2386. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__ResourceU__Resou__7AFC2AEF] FOREIGN KEY ([ResourceStatusReasonId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[ResourceStatusReason]([Id]);
  2387. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobEventResource] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__JobEventR__JobEv__418EA369] FOREIGN KEY ([JobEventId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[JobEvent]([Id]);
  2388. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Address] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Address__JobEven__4282C7A2] FOREIGN KEY ([JobEventId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[JobEvent]([Id]);
  2389. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobSize] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__JobSize__EmailTe__6E96540A] FOREIGN KEY ([EmailTemplateId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[EmailTemplate]([Id]);
  2390. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Job] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Job__MoveSizeId__62307D25] FOREIGN KEY ([MoveSizeId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[MoveSize]([Id]);
  2391. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__QuoteRequ__MoveS__744F2D60] FOREIGN KEY ([MoveSizeId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[MoveSize]([Id]);
  2392. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__OtherServ__Other__6F8A7843] FOREIGN KEY ([OtherServiceId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[OtherService]([Id]);
  2393. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Truck] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Truck__ResourceT__00B50445] FOREIGN KEY ([ResourceTypeId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[ResourceType]([Id]);
  2394. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ResourceAvailabilityScheduleItem] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__ResourceA__Resou__7A0806B6] FOREIGN KEY ([ResourceTypeId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[ResourceType]([Id]);
  2395. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ResourceUnavailability] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__ResourceU__Resou__7CE47361] FOREIGN KEY ([ResourceTypeId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[ResourceType]([Id]);
  2396. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Job] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Job__PrimaryServ__650CE9D0] FOREIGN KEY ([PrimaryServiceId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[ServiceType]([Id]);
  2397. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OtherServiceServiceType] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__OtherServ__Servi__707E9C7C] FOREIGN KEY ([ServiceTypeId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[ServiceType]([Id]);
  2398. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__QuoteRequ__Prima__772B9A0B] FOREIGN KEY ([PrimaryServiceId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[ServiceType]([Id]);
  2399. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Job] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Job__JobStatusId__5D6BC808] FOREIGN KEY ([JobStatusId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[JobStatus]([Id]);
  2400. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Truck] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Truck__FuelTypeI__7ECCBBD3] FOREIGN KEY ([FuelTypeId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[FuelType]([Id]);
  2401. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Employee] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Employee__Licens__5B837F96] FOREIGN KEY ([LicenseStateId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[State]([Id]);
  2402. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Employee] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Employee__StateI__5C77A3CF] FOREIGN KEY ([StateId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[State]([Id]);
  2403. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__QuoteRequ__State__781FBE44] FOREIGN KEY ([StateId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[State]([Id]);
  2404. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[QuoteRequest] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__QuoteRequ__State__7913E27D] FOREIGN KEY ([StateDropoffId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[State]([Id]);
  2405. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Truck] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Truck__Registrat__7FC0E00C] FOREIGN KEY ([RegistrationStateId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[State]([Id]);')
  2406. GO
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