
rb2 symbol attack gains from "scratch"

May 19th, 2017
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  1. start with Rebeat Resort Add Enemies
  2. -> Farm mushroom spawn near the entrance of VF: Depths for 2 spores
  3. -> also fight Fenrisulfr for 1 Earth Ripper
  4. -> farm 2 Dot Antenna from Darkness 60 Pixelvaders (40% each) or Deer Girl in the Colosseum (15% each)
  6. now Midcompany Add Enemies
  7. -> implement Rebeat Resort Add Enemies
  8. -> get 1 Shampuru Ear from Crazy Buff Shampuru in Rebeat Resort (70%; spawns near the save point up north; not hard but has high regen)
  9. -> get 2 Small Conductors from Bits in Endless Zone or Midcompany (40%)
  10. -> get 2 Bomb Fuse from Bomb-omburari in Endless Zone (for Lowee Global Expo change dungeon later)
  11. -> get 3 Orange Jelly from Red Dogoos in Midcompany (40%)
  13. now Midcompany Change Dungeon
  14. -> implement Midcompany Add Enemies
  15. -> get 2 Pachimon Circuit from Killmochine* in Midcompany (60% each fight; not hard but has some small regen; there are two spawns)
  16. -> get 2 Horsebird Tail from Fat Horsebirds in Atari Marsh Depths
  18. now Lowee Global Expo Change Dungeon
  19. -> implement Midcompany Change Dungeon
  20. -> get 5 Phantom Wing from Fairyfly in Midcompany
  21. --> obviously there's the 1 spawn, but both boxbirds spawn with one too
  23. now Gamindustri Graveyard Add Enemies
  24. -> implement Lowee Global Expo Change Dungeon
  25. -> get 4 Disc Shard from Disc in Graveyard
  26. -> get 3 Magical Stone from Magic Stone in Global expo [west] with Change Dungeon
  28. *(Magic Stone is not visually seen on the field but it is usually together with High Heal Dogoos at the top center of the map or with Ice Golems in the west.)
  29. * basically every single enemy after the Judge cutscene trigger has a Disc in it
  30. * can also get 2 Venomous Ribbon then do item change and grab Disc Shard near the entrance 3 times
  31. * for later dungeon clearing, put Cave in and use Uni Rush + Cave EXE, kills even the Gamindustri Graveyard scrubs
  33. once you have those drops, implement Gamindustri Graveyard Add Enemies
  34. fight God of Woe in there for the Symbol Gains plan
  36. The plan itself requires 1 Disc Shard (you got this as extra earlier if you followed this guide) and 1 Wood Shell (drops from Forest Turtle in Iris Field at 50%; nothing hard if you beat Killmochine and God of Woe already)
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