
Esper capital

May 28th, 2013
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  1. /me Ok, so a recap of the capitol city where this is taking place since new people. Everything going down at the moment is happening in the Capitol City of Almura, nicknamed after the country's mad king Caladrel, so its called Caladreth. The city lies around the center of the large desert country which rests against the neighboring country of Rybark, which as the pastebin states, is preparing to go to war with! The city is quite large and is built in tiers within a large stone wall to keep out the desert heat and sands. The lower-class civilians all leave against the wall in the outer-rings of the city. This is the slums, the refugees, orphanages, poor, black-market kind of place. Then theres the middle rings of the city. That's where most of the business's lie, the middle-class, the guards live, the workers, etc. Then living closely around the glorious palace of kind Caladrel who rests right in the middle of the city is the higher-class people! The rich who own large estates with imported grass and flowers. That's where the king draws his army recruits and who the king dines with! The city of course houses a large number of illegal mages as well. Mages who have been drafted into the loyal army by the latest new laws and who have fled the draft, now living under-cover in the cities slums or in some of the cities bars through a secret system of housings for the hiding magic-users. The opinion on the king's latest decisions vary across the city with small riots and demonstrations happening here and there.
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