
Jet Force Gemini: Any% Route

Feb 16th, 2013
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  1. Jet Force Gemini: Any% Route
  3. Version History
  4. ---------------
  5. 2.1a
  6. - Lupus Ichor/Water Ruin before Spacestation
  7. - Vela Sekhmet Cutscene Skip
  8. - Vela Mizar's Palace Cutscene Skip
  10. 2.1
  11. - Oxygen Tank Early
  12. - SS Anubis Passageway/Depository as Vela
  13. - Spacestation as Lupus
  14. - Level Reroutes
  15. - Updated Enemies
  16. - Deathwarps
  17. - Route Abbreviations
  19. 2.0a
  20. - SS Anubis Passageway as Juno
  21. - Ichor Perimeter as Vela
  23. 2.0
  24. - Reordered Most Levels
  25. - Updated Enemies
  26. - Deathwarps
  27. - Sekhmet Skip
  29. 1.0
  30. - Created route
  32. Information
  33. -----------
  34. - Start Time upon selecting "END" to start the file.
  35. - End Time when control is lost in the final Robot Mission on the Asteroid.
  36. - Strafe Running is ~15% faster than normal running (same applies to flying) (Lupus cannot strafe fly).
  37. - Skipping the Intro Cutscene works on both (U) and (J).
  39. * Oxygen Tank Early is ~6-8 seconds slower over getting it with Vela later.
  40. - Pillar strat for the tribals after Cortex now makes it ~20 seconds slower.
  41. * Deathwarp in Rith Essa Mine is ~2 seconds slower than activating the elevator.
  43. Jetpack
  44. -------
  45. - C-Up can be used to gain height. This uses more fuel than hovering.
  46. - C-Down can be used to hover and maintain a specific height.
  47. - To strafe fly you MUST be strafe running on the ground then jump into the air, once in the air you will no longer need to hold C-Left/C-Right as it will be held for you until you land on the ground again.
  49. * C-Up/Down also have the same effects when swimming with Vela.
  51. Searching the Route
  52. -------------------
  53. [V3-GWLO]
  54. ↑↑ ↑ ↑
  55. ║║ ║ ╚→ Region (first two letters of name, i.e. Lodge = LO)
  56. ║║ ╚→ Level (level initials, i.e. Goldwood = GW )
  57. ║╚→ Character Use Count
  58. ╚→ Character
  62. Route
  63. -----
  65. Reset to Skip the Intro Cutscene
  67. Goldwood: Outset [J1-GWOU]
  68. -------------------------------------------------
  70. Outset A
  71. Skip Magnus
  72. Outset B
  73. Skip Magnus (Again)
  74. Kill 3 Cyclops Drones (Take damage off these as they fall)
  75. Outset D
  76. Avoid Soldier Drones
  77. 1 Tribal by tree under 1st Sniper Drone
  78. Kill 2nd Sniper Drone
  79. 2 Tribals between huts
  80. Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
  81. Enter Cave
  82. Outset E
  83. Take Left path
  84. Avoid Soldier Drones
  85. Shoot open box to reveal Yellow Key
  86. 4 Tribals
  87. Yellow Key
  88. Deathwarp
  89. Fall down hole and exit cave
  90. Outset F
  91. Gemini Holder
  93. Connector
  94. Follow the path
  95. After Stairs take Left path
  96. Talk to Magnus for Red Key
  97. Climb hill
  98. Enter Red Key Door
  99. Connector II
  100. Avoid or Kill Armor Drone
  101. Machine Gun
  102. Exit Cave
  103. Connector
  104. Open Machine Gun Lock (on the right)
  105. Follow the path
  107. Goldwood: Interior [J1-GWIN]
  108. -------------------------------------------------
  110. Interior A
  111. Machine Gun Capacity Crate
  112. Avoid Initial Soldier Drones
  113. 1 Tribal under Tree
  114. Kill 4 Soldier Drones in Village
  115. 1 Tribal on hut
  116. Kill 2 Soldier Drones by exit
  117. Kill 1 Armor Drone by exit
  118. Interior B
  119. Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
  120. Machine Gun Ammo (if needed)
  121. Avoid all Drones
  122. Kill last wave of Arachno Drones above Sniper Drone
  123. Interior C
  124. Kill Ninja Drone
  125. Machine Gun Capacity Crate
  126. 4 Tribals
  127. Machine Gun Ammo (if needed)
  128. Equip Machine Gun
  129. Interior D
  130. Enter ADS and Shooting
  131. Kill all Stealth Drones
  132. 3 Tribals behind boxes by exit
  133. Exit
  135. SS Anubis: Hold [J1-SAHO]
  136. -------------------------------------------------
  138. Hold A
  139. Machine Gun Capacity Crate
  140. Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
  141. Gemini Holder
  142. Skip Magnus
  143. Hold B
  144. Kill all Drones
  145. 2 Tribals by Stag Drone
  146. Cell Door Panel above and to the left of Stag Drone
  147. Hold C
  148. Cell Door Panel on the right side of entry door
  149. Full Machine Gun Ammo
  150. Full Pistol Ammo
  151. Kill 5 Soldier Drones
  152. Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
  153. Hold D
  154. Cell Door Panel on the left
  155. 1 Tribal on blocks
  156. Machine Gun Capacity Crate
  157. Cell Door Panel on lower wall between gap
  158. Cell Door Panel high above exit
  159. Kill 3 Soldier Drones across gap
  160. Hold E
  161. Cell Door Panel straight up and to the right a little
  162. Cell Door Panel between blocks just below the glass walls
  163. Head to top of conveyor belt
  164. Kill wave of flying Cyclops Drones that fly around
  165. Hold H
  166. 1 Tribal on the right
  167. Cell Door Panel on left of left cell
  168. 4 Tribals
  169. Free Vela
  170. 2 Tribals
  171. Exit
  172. Run to the Ship
  173. Select Juno on Character Select (Left)
  175. Tawfret: Bog [J1-TFBO]
  176. -------------------------------------------------
  178. Bog A
  179. Exit
  180. Bog B
  181. Run straight ahead and exit
  182. Bog D
  183. Talk to Jeff for Tri-Rockets
  184. Open second crypt on left
  185. 2 Tri-Rocket Capacity Crates
  186. Exit crypt
  187. Exit graveyard
  189. Tawfret: Bridge [J1-TFBR]
  190. -------------------------------------------------
  192. Bridge A
  193. Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
  194. 4 Tribals on platforms
  195. Bridge B
  196. Kill all Stealth Drones by exit
  197. Bridge C
  198. Get the Pants from the tree on the center island
  199. Swim to exit
  200. Bridge D
  201. Climb stairs
  202. Enter building on the right that has all the Ammo on top of it
  203. 1 Tribal
  204. Sniper Rifle
  205. Exit
  206. Enter Town Hall
  207. Give Gimlet his Pants for the Crow Bar
  208. Exit Town Hall
  209. Climb stone wall on the right
  210. Robot Component 1
  211. Enter Town Hall Chimney
  212. Bridge E
  213. Head straight
  214. Use Tri-Rockets on the Coffin on the left
  215. Crawl through the hole
  216. Sniper Rifle Capacity Crate
  217. 2 Tribals
  218. Crawl back through the hole
  219. Go left
  220. 2 Tribals
  221. Robot Component 2
  222. Follow the path to exit
  223. Grab Mizar Coins along the way
  224. Bridge D
  225. Climb stairs
  226. Head to the left
  227. Use Tri-Rocket to open door
  228. Climb wall
  229. Sniper Rifle Capacity Crate
  230. 2 Tribals
  231. Enter Trap Door
  232. Bridge E
  233. Robot Component 3
  234. 1 Tribal
  235. Exit
  236. Bridge D
  237. Exit and climb on top of building
  238. Skip Floyd Cutscene
  239. Exit
  241. Tawfret: Castle [J1-TFCA]
  242. -------------------------------------------------
  244. Castle A
  245. Avoid both Cyborg Drones
  246. Avoid Arachno Drones (if you can)
  247. Kill 4 Rhino Drones
  248. Castle B
  249. Machine Gun Capacity Crate
  250. Kill all Drones
  251. Take the left path after second Gate
  252. Castle C
  253. 1 Tribal
  254. Go right
  255. 1 Tribal behind top left pillar
  256. Kill 1 Barricade Drone
  257. Tri-Rocket Capacity Crate
  258. Kill yourself with Tri-Rockets
  259. or Backtrack to water and go right
  260. Gemini Holder
  261. Kill 2 Sniper Drones
  262. 2 Tribals under Sniper Drones
  263. Kill all Drones
  264. 2 Tribals on both sides of the protruding wall by Life Force Door
  265. Castle D
  266. Full Health on right
  267. Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
  268. Run onto symbol in the center
  269. Defeat Fett-Bubb
  270. Castle E
  271. Run to the Ship
  272. Pause and Switch to Vela on the Map
  273. Select Sekhmet on the Map
  274. Skip Sekhmet Cutscene
  276. Sekhmet: Battle Cruiser [V1-SKBC]
  277. -------------------------------------------------
  279. Battle Cruiser A
  280. Skip Midge
  281. Exit to the left
  282. Battle Cruiser B
  283. Kill 3 Soldier Drones
  284. Battle Cruiser C
  285. Gemini Holder
  286. Machine Gun
  287. Pause and warp back to start
  288. Battle Cruiser A
  289. Skip Midge (Again, doesn’t always work)
  290. Sekhmet Skip (Green Key Door Clip)
  291. Battle Cruiser M
  292. Kill 3 Barricade Drones on ground level
  293. Run up the Spiral and Exit
  294. Run to the Ship
  296. Cerulean: Dune [V1-CRDU]
  297. -------------------------------------------------
  299. Dune A
  300. Gold Bar 1 behind the pillar at the start
  301. Machine Gun Capacity Crate
  302. Pistol Capacity Crate
  303. Kill all Deflector Drones
  304. Stay to the right along the wall
  305. Kill 1 Deflector Drone
  306. Gold Bar 2 by water
  307. Gold Bar 3 on top of drain pipe to the north (assuming you face north at the beginning of this level)
  308. Head south back to Life Force Door
  309. Gemini Holder
  310. Give Fishface the Gold Bars for Tri-Rockets
  311. Head north east
  312. Avoid Deflector Drones
  313. Dune B
  314. 6 Tribals
  315. Yellow Key
  316. Dune C
  317. Head left and enter cave
  318. Gemini Holder
  319. Homing Missiles
  320. Full Machine Gun Ammo
  321. Kill Cyclops Drones
  322. Enter Life Force Door
  323. Dune D
  324. Kill all Drones
  325. 3 Tri-Rocket Capacity Crates
  326. 2 Tribals behind Ship
  327. Jump on Ship
  329. Ichor: Military Base [V1-ICMB]
  330. -------------------------------------------------
  332. Military Base A
  333. Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
  334. Full Machine Gun Ammo
  335. Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
  336. Kill all Drones
  337. Military Base B
  338. Avoid Drones
  339. Jump up to ledge and take secret exit on the right
  340. Military Base C
  341. Sniper Rifle (right)
  342. Exit
  343. Military Base E
  344. Kill all Drones
  345. Military Base G
  346. Kill Cyborg Drone
  347. Kill Deflector Drones
  348. Gemini Holder
  349. Military Base H
  350. Kill all Drones
  351. Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
  352. Military Base I
  353. 15 Tri-Rocket Ammo
  354. Run passed Pistons
  355. Kill Cyborg Drone
  356. Military Base J
  357. Yellow, Red, Purple
  358. Military Base K
  359. Homing Missile Capacity Crate
  360. Military Base L
  361. Avoid Drones
  362. Kill 5 Barricade Drones across bridge
  363. Kill Arachno Drones across bridge
  364. Military Base M
  365. Kill yourself for full Health
  366. Full Ammo
  367. Defeat Lurg
  368. Run to the Ship
  369. Select Lupus on Character Select (Right)
  371. Spawnship: Troop Carrier [L1-SPTC]
  372. -------------------------------------------------
  374. Troop Carrier A
  375. Machine Gun (right)
  376. Grab at least 1 Mizar Coin
  377. Ride elevator up
  378. Troop Carrier B
  379. Kill all Drones
  380. Troop Carrier C
  381. Machine Gun Capacity Crate on the right
  382. Kill Weevil
  383. Troop Carrier D
  384. Hover across platforms
  385. Kill 2 Deflector Drones
  386. Troop Carrier G
  387. Avoid Drones
  388. Use right Door
  389. Troop Carrier H
  390. Kill Cyclops Drones
  391. Hover to Red Key
  392. Troop Carrier F
  393. Straight
  394. Troop Carrier B
  395. Straight
  396. Troop Carrier I
  397. Kill 1 Sniper Drone
  398. Enter Sniper Drone Door
  399. Troop Carrier J
  400. Sniper Rifle
  401. Yellow Key
  402. Troop Carrier I
  403. Yellow Key Door
  404. Troop Carrier K
  405. Follow path
  406. Troop Carrier L
  407. Exit
  408. Run to the Ship
  410. Rith Essa: Bluff [L1-REBL]
  411. -------------------------------------------------
  413. Bluff A
  414. Climb hill
  415. Hover passed waterfall
  416. Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
  417. Gemini Holder
  418. Homing Missiles
  419. Climb hill
  420. Bluff B
  421. 2 Homing Missile Capacity Crates between spikes
  422. Avoid Drones
  423. Kill last wave of Cyclops Drones that spawn far off at the end
  425. Connector
  426. Tri-Rockets
  427. Exit
  429. Rith Essa: Interior [L1-REIN]
  430. -------------------------------------------------
  432. Interior A
  433. 1 Tribal on platform to the right
  434. Tri-Rocket Capacity Crate
  435. Full Ammo
  436. 1 Tribal in crevice on left
  437. Avoid all Drones
  438. 1 Tribal on platform with Mizar Coins
  439. 1 Tribal on upper ledge after bridge with Stag Drone
  440. Interior B
  441. Tri-Rocket Capacity Crate behind you on the left
  442. Run to the Ship
  444. Eschebone: Approach [L1-EBAP]
  445. -------------------------------------------------
  447. Approach A
  448. Tri-Rocket Capacity Crate on the right
  449. 1 Tribal to the left of entry
  450. 1 Tribal by exit
  451. Approach B
  452. Gemini Holder on the right
  453. 2 Tribals on islands
  454. Approach C
  455. 2 Tribals on right
  456. Hover in mouth
  457. Approach D
  458. Homing Missiles Capacity Crate
  459. Kill all Drones
  460. Equip Sniper Rifle
  461. Approach E
  462. Snipe 5 Rhino Drones (Save at least 1 Snipe Rifle Bullet)
  464. Eschebone: Thorax [L1-EBTH]
  465. -------------------------------------------------
  467. Thorax A
  468. Exit left side
  469. Climb on top
  471. Eschebone: Cortex [L1-EBCO]
  472. -------------------------------------------------
  474. Cortex A
  475. Right
  476. 2 Tribals
  477. 1 Tribal after glass
  478. Left
  479. 2 Tribals
  480. Cortex B
  481. Immediately turn right and jump up and continue until next gap
  482. Ride platform up
  483. Hover to Oxygen Tank (1)
  484. Jump on brain and run across and jump down to exit
  485. Cortex A
  486. Left
  487. Left
  489. Eschebone: Thorax [L1-EBTH]
  490. -------------------------------------------------
  492. Thorax A
  493. Machine Gun Ammo
  494. Thorax B
  495. Kill all Drones
  496. Thorax C
  497. Kill all Drones
  498. Thorax B
  499. Straight
  500. Thorax D
  501. Kill all Drones
  502. Gemini Holder
  503. Magenta Key
  504. Avoid Drones after Magenta Key
  505. Thorax B
  506. Magenta Key Door
  507. Thorax F
  508. Full Ammo
  509. Full Health
  510. Defeat Mechantids
  511. Hover Across Lava
  512. Run to the Ship
  514. Mizar’s Palace: Chasm [L1-MPCH]
  515. -------------------------------------------------
  517. Chasm A
  518. 2 Tribals on the left
  519. Kill all Drones
  520. Night Vision Goggles
  521. Chasm B (Avoid Health here you want ~2 or less rings)
  522. Right
  523. Avoid Drones
  524. 5 Tri-Rocket Ammo
  525. 4 Tribals through hole in the wall by Mizar Coins
  526. Continue following the path
  527. Right
  528. Ride elevator up
  529. Chasm C
  530. 1 Tribal behind on rock
  531. 1 Tribal under waterfall
  532. 2 Tribals around wall to right of exit
  534. Courtyard
  535. Pause and Switch to Vela on the Map
  536. Select Mizar's Palace on the Map
  537. Skip Mizar's Palace Cutscene
  539. Mizar’s Palace
  540. -------------------------------------------------
  542. Start Area
  543. Avoid all Drones
  544. Enter Water Maze to the right of Pyramid
  546. Mizar's Palace: Flume [V2-MPFL]
  547. -------------------------------------------------
  549. Flume A
  550. Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
  551. Right, Left, Straight, Straight
  552. Flume B
  553. 4 Tribal to the right of exit
  554. Flume C
  555. 2 Tribals on the left
  557. Courtyard
  558. Pause and Switch to Lupus
  559. Floyd Mission
  560. Enter Pyramid
  561. Select Vela on Character Select
  562. Enter Pyramid
  563. Select Juno on Character Select
  565. Mizar’s Palace
  566. -------------------------------------------------
  568. Start Area
  569. Avoid all Drones
  570. Enter Pyramid
  572. Mizar's Palace: Lobby [J2-MPLO]
  573. -------------------------------------------------
  575. Lobby A
  576. Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
  577. Use right door at the end
  578. Lobby B
  579. Avoid all Drones
  580. 3 Tribals
  581. Lobby A
  582. Enter Left room at the end
  583. Lobby C
  584. 2 Tribals on the left
  585. Lobby B
  586. Jump in second pit on the right
  587. Lobby D
  588. Avoid all Drones
  589. Right, straight, left, right, right
  590. 3 Tribals
  591. Left, right
  592. 2 Tribals
  593. Right, left, right, straight
  594. Machine Gun Capacity Crate
  595. Right, straight, left, right, right, left, straight
  596. Machine Gun Capacity Crate
  597. 2 Tribals on the right
  598. Left, left
  599. Lobby E
  600. 2 Tribals on the left by the exit
  602. Courtyard
  603. Enter the Pyramid
  604. Defeat Mizar
  605. Select Juno on Character Select
  606. Head forward and to the left
  607. Go through the hole in the wall
  608. Go through tunnel to the right
  609. Enter Small Pyramid
  610. Jetpack up on top of the pillar
  611. Transform into Drone
  612. Run to next room and Jump on platform
  613. Run to third pit on the Left
  614. Get 1st Place in Race
  615. Fuse (2)
  617. ** Switch to Vela on the Map (C-Left) **
  619. SS Anubis: Hold [V3-SAHO]
  620. -------------------------------------------------
  622. Hold A
  623. Climb the boxes
  624. Fuel up on Jetpack and fly up to door
  626. SS Anubis: Passageway [V3-SAPA]
  627. -------------------------------------------------
  629. Passageway A
  630. Fuel up Jetpack (87)
  631. Avoid all Drones
  632. Hover until electrical shocks
  633. Use door on the right
  634. 2 Tribals
  635. Hover the rest of the way
  636. Passageway B
  637. Fuel up Jetpack (8)
  638. Float across water and fly up
  639. Passageway C
  640. Fuel up Jetpack (13)
  641. Fly up to top of tower
  642. 6 Tribals
  643. Passageway B
  644. Float across the water
  645. Use door on the left
  646. Passageway D
  647. Talk to Midge for the Fin (3)
  648. Passageway B
  649. Straight, use the door on the right
  650. Passageway A
  651. Fuel up Jetpack (87)
  652. Hover the whole way back
  654. SS Anubis: Hold [V3-SAHO]
  655. -------------------------------------------------
  657. Hold A
  658. Fuel up on Jetpack and enter Yellow Key Door
  659. Hold B
  660. Run along the path and enter Depository
  662. SS Anubis: Depository [V3-SADE]
  663. -------------------------------------------------
  665. Depository A
  666. Make your way through the maze (Map:
  667. Pressure Jump
  668. Depository B
  669. Kill the Ninja Drone
  670. 5 Tribals
  671. Depository A
  672. Make your way back through part of the maze
  673. Depository C
  674. 9 Tribals
  675. Jump on the Ship
  676. Reset to Skip Walkway Cutscene (English ONLY)
  678. Tawfret: Bog [V3-TFBO]
  679. -------------------------------------------------
  681. Bog A
  682. Exit
  683. Bog B
  684. Straight and exit
  685. Bog D
  686. Exit
  688. Tawfret: Bridge [V3-TFBR]
  689. -------------------------------------------------
  691. Bridge A
  692. Exit
  693. Bridge B
  694. Kill Stealth Drones by exit
  695. Bridge C
  696. Swim to Island
  697. Use underwater entrance
  698. Talk to Gimlet for Cargo Bay Key (4)
  700. Eschebone: Approach [V3-EBAP]
  701. -------------------------------------------------
  703. Approach A
  704. Exit
  705. Approach B
  706. Strafe across bridge
  707. Approach C
  708. Shoot the mouth with a Tri-Rocket
  709. Approach D
  710. Kill all Drones
  711. Approach E
  712. Kill 5 Rhino Drones
  714. Eschebone: Thorax [V3-EBTH]
  715. -------------------------------------------------
  717. Thorax A
  718. Exit on the right
  719. Use a Tri-Rocket on the wooden door
  720. Fly up to exit
  721. Drop down first hole on the right
  722. 1 Tribal
  723. Exit straight
  724. Fly up and drop down back hole on the left
  725. 1 Tribal
  726. Thorax B
  727. Kill all Drones
  728. Thorax C
  729. Kill all Drones
  730. 2 Tribals
  731. Thorax B
  732. Straight
  733. Thorax D
  734. Kill all Drones
  735. Use underwater exit
  736. Thorax G
  737. Left
  738. 2 Tribals
  739. Blue Key
  740. Straight
  741. Left
  742. Specialist Magazine
  743. Left
  744. 2 Tribals
  745. Straight
  746. Left
  747. 2 Tribals on the right behind rocks
  748. Kill yourself
  749. Exit
  750. Thorax D
  751. Kill 2 Rhino Drones
  752. Magenta Key
  753. 2 Tribals to the right below Magenta Key
  754. Thorax B
  755. Left
  756. Magenta Key Door
  757. Thorax F
  758. Full Ammo
  759. Strafe Jump across Lava
  760. Run to the Ship
  761. Select Sekhmet on the map
  763. Sekhmet: Battle Cruiser [V3-SKBC]
  764. -------------------------------------------------
  766. Battle Cruiser A
  767. Skip Midge
  768. Exit to the left
  769. Battle Cruiser B
  770. Follow the path
  771. Kill 5 Drones for Life Force Door
  772. Battle Cruiser D
  773. Open Machine Gun Lock
  774. Battle Cruiser E
  775. Kill 3 Barricade Drones
  776. Battle Cruiser F
  777. Machine Gun Capacity Crate on the right
  778. Magenta Key Door
  779. Battle Cruiser Q
  780. 2 Tri-Rocket Capacity Crates on the right side in the 3rd inlet
  781. Battle Cruiser L
  782. Right
  783. Battle Cruiser K
  784. Green Key
  786. Ichor: Military Base [V3-ICMB]
  787. -------------------------------------------------
  789. Military Base A
  790. Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
  791. Full Machine Gun Ammo
  792. Kill all Drones
  793. Military Base B
  794. Avoid Drones
  795. Blue Key Door
  797. Ichor: Perimeter [V3-ICPE]
  798. -------------------------------------------------
  800. Perimeter A
  801. Avoid Drones
  802. Perimeter B
  803. Sniper Rifle Ammo if needed
  804. Snipe all Soldier Drones
  805. Perimeter C
  806. Avoid Drones
  807. 1 Tribal third wall on the right
  808. Back track and fuel up the Jetpack in front of second wall on the right (4)
  809. Enter the hole in the wall
  810. 2 Tribals
  811. Kill Machine Gun Mounted Drones
  812. Perimeter D
  813. Enter Big Bug Fun Club
  814. Perimeter E
  815. 2 Tribals
  816. Perimeter D
  817. Exit
  818. Perimeter C
  819. Avoid Drones
  820. Straight, right
  821. 1 Tribals behind one of the walls
  822. Right
  823. Fuel up Jetpack (20)
  824. Head back to walls
  825. Jetpack up to Tribals
  826. 2 Tribals
  827. Go back through the Hole in the wall
  828. Perimeter B
  829. Exit
  830. Perimeter A
  831. Exit to Military Base
  833. Goldwood: Outset [V3-GWOU]
  834. -------------------------------------------------
  836. Outset A
  837. Exit
  838. Outset B
  839. Kill 3 Cyclops Drones
  840. Outset D
  841. Avoid Drones
  842. Kill 2nd Sniper Drone
  843. Enter Cave
  844. Outset E
  845. Fall down hole and exit
  846. Outset F
  847. Swim to underwater exit
  849. Goldwood: Lodge [V3-GWLO]
  850. -------------------------------------------------
  852. Lodge A
  853. Machine Gun Capacity Crate on the left
  854. Enter cave on the left
  855. 4 Tribals
  856. Follow the path to exit
  857. Lodge B
  858. Kill all Barricade Drones
  859. Continue right at 1st Life Force Door
  860. Kill all Barricade Drones
  861. Kill 3 Arachno Drones by 2nd Life Force Door
  862. Enter 2nd Life Force Door
  863. Lodge E
  864. Kill all Drones
  865. Invincibility on the left
  866. 3 Tribals on platforms at the edge
  867. Deathwarp
  868. Lodge B
  869. Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
  870. Full Machine Gun Ammo
  871. Backtrack to 1st Life Force Door
  872. Lodge C
  873. Right for first Weevil
  874. Left
  875. Kill 2 Weevils
  876. Left
  877. Kill 3 Arachno Drones and Weevil
  878. Enter Life Force Door
  879. Lodge F
  880. Kill all Stealth Drones and 2 Soldier Drones
  881. Enter cave at bottom of cliff
  882. 2 Tribals on the right
  883. Vela’s Hatch Key (5)
  884. Climb the cliff and exit
  885. Lodge C
  886. Left Kill 5 Arachno Drones
  887. Full Machine Gun Ammo
  888. Kill all drones
  889. Lodge D
  890. 1 Tribal on the left
  891. Full Machine Gun Ammo
  892. Enter first hut on the left
  893. 2 Tribals
  894. Enter second hut on the right
  895. 2 Tribals
  896. 1 Tribal behind second hut on the right
  897. Full Homing Missile Ammo
  898. Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
  899. Run to the Ship
  900. Reset to Skip Spacestation Cutscene (English ONLY)
  902. Spawnship: Troop Carrier [V3-SPTC]
  903. -------------------------------------------------
  905. Troop Carrier A
  906. Ride elevator up
  907. Troop Carrier B
  908. Kill all Drones
  909. Troop Carrier C
  910. 1 Tribal on the left
  911. 1 Tribal Below
  912. Deathwarp back to top
  913. Exit they way you came from
  914. Troop Carrier B
  915. Fall to lower bridge and go left
  916. 1 Tribal above Red Key Door
  917. Troop Carrier F
  918. Straight
  919. Troop Carrier H
  920. Exit to the left
  921. Troop Carrier G
  922. Green Key Door
  923. Troop Carrier P
  924. Avoid electrical shocks
  925. Troop Carrier Q
  926. 4 Tribals
  927. Troop Carrier P
  928. Avoid electrical shocks
  929. Troop Carrier G
  930. Drop down
  931. 2 Tribals
  932. Homing Missile Capacity Crate
  933. Kill all Drones
  934. Troop Carrier F
  935. Go left
  936. Use right door at the end
  937. Troop Carrier B
  938. Use underwater exit
  939. Troop Carrier M
  940. Kill all Coward Drones
  941. Troop Carrier N
  942. Kill all Deflector Drones
  943. Troop Carrier O
  944. Fuel up Jetpack
  945. 2 Tribals above entry
  946. 1 Tribal up on block
  947. Troop Carrier N
  948. Exit
  949. Troop Carrier M
  950. Exit
  951. Troop Carrier B
  952. Exit
  953. Troop Carrier F
  954. Right
  955. Troop Carrier A
  956. Ride elevator up
  957. Troop Carrier B
  958. Fall to lower bridge and go left
  959. Troop Carrier I
  960. Fall down on the left
  961. Kill Ninja Drone
  962. 3 Tribals in far right corner
  963. Fuel up Jetpack
  964. Yellow Key Door
  965. Troop Carrier K
  966. Follow the path
  967. Troop Carrier
  968. Run to the Ship
  970. Rith Essa: Bluff [V3-REBL]
  971. -------------------------------------------------
  973. Bluff A
  974. Enter Blue Key Door
  975. Bluff E
  976. Kill all Drones up to Life Force Door 2
  977. Left
  978. 2 Tribals
  979. Straight
  980. Right
  981. Life Force Door 1
  982. Right, Straight
  983. Life Force Door 2
  984. Left
  985. 2 Tribals
  986. Left and run to exit
  987. Bluff A
  988. 2 Tribals
  989. Fall down to the left and exit
  990. Bluff B
  991. 2 Tribals to the right at Stag Drones
  992. Run to the exit
  994. Connector
  995. Blue Key Door on the left
  997. Rith Essa: Ascent [V3-REAS]
  998. -------------------------------------------------
  1000. Ascent A
  1001. 2 Tribals
  1002. Kill all Drones
  1003. Ascent B
  1004. Kill 5 Soldier Drones
  1005. Ascent C
  1006. Avoid Drones
  1007. Fuel up Jetpack and hover across
  1008. Ascent D
  1009. 4 Tribals
  1010. Kill all Drones
  1011. Ascent A
  1012. Fall down hill and exit
  1014. Connector
  1015. Use door by water up the wooden steps
  1016. Connector II
  1017. Gemini Holder (optional)
  1018. Enter House
  1019. Give Fishface Specialist Magazine for Mine Key
  1020. Enter the Mine
  1022. Rith Essa: Mine [V3-REMI]
  1023. -------------------------------------------------
  1025. Mine A
  1026. 1 Tribal on the right after falling down ledge
  1027. 2 Tribals straight ahead
  1028. 1 Tribal on the left
  1029. Mine B
  1030. Shoot box on the right to reveal switch
  1031. Shoot switch to activate elevator
  1032. 2 Tribals on the left
  1033. Ride elevator up
  1034. 1 Tribal on the far left
  1035. Take right path
  1036. Mine C
  1037. Follow the path
  1038. Left at stairs
  1039. Shoot switch to activate elevator
  1040. Ride elevator down and fuel up Jetpack (20)
  1041. Fly all the way to the top of elevator shaft
  1042. 2 Tribals
  1043. Fall part way down elevator shaft
  1044. Jump up stairs and go straight
  1045. Mine F
  1046. 1 Tribal
  1047. Mine E
  1048. 2 Tribals
  1049. Transform into Tribal
  1050. Mine D
  1051. 1 Tribal on the left
  1052. Fall down
  1053. 1 Tribal
  1054. Deathwarp
  1055. 2 Tribals
  1056. Mine B
  1057. Talk to Fishface for Deflector Shield (6)
  1058. Exit
  1059. Mine A
  1060. Exit
  1062. ** Switch to Juno on the Map (C-Right) **
  1064. Walkway: Peak [J3-WWPE]
  1065. -------------------------------------------------
  1067. Peak A
  1068. Run along the walkway
  1069. Kill all Soldier Drones
  1070. Enter the building
  1071. Peak B
  1072. Homing Missiles
  1073. Enter Trap Door
  1074. Peak C
  1075. Kill all Barricade Drones
  1076. 2 Tribals
  1077. Peak B
  1078. Exit
  1079. Peak A
  1080. Go behind building and fuel up Jetpack
  1081. 4 Tribals
  1082. Run back to the Ship
  1084. Spawnship: Troop Carrier [J3-SPTC]
  1085. -------------------------------------------------
  1087. Troop Carrier A
  1088. Ride the elevator up
  1089. Troop Carrier B
  1090. Avoid Arachno Drones
  1091. Jump down to ledge and take left Red Key Door
  1092. Troop Carrier I
  1093. Yellow Key Door
  1094. Troop Carrier K
  1095. Gemini Holder on the left on stairs
  1096. Run along left wall and take left path
  1097. 4 Tri-Rocket Capacity Crates
  1098. 4 Homing Missiles Capacity Crates
  1099. Troop Carrier S
  1100. Juno’s Hatch Key (7)
  1101. Pause the go to Tawfret
  1103. Tawfret: Bog [J3-TFBO]
  1104. -------------------------------------------------
  1106. Bog A
  1107. Exit
  1108. Bog B
  1109. Full Homing Missiles Ammo
  1110. Full Machine Gun Ammo
  1111. Kill 4 Zombie Drones
  1112. Bog C
  1113. 2 Tribals
  1114. Gemini Holder
  1115. Bog B
  1116. Exit to Graveyard
  1117. Bog D
  1118. Open the crypt on the right
  1119. 2 Tribals
  1120. Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
  1121. 1 Tribal on ledge by Trap Door
  1122. Enter Trap Door
  1123. Bog E
  1124. 1 Tribal will run to you
  1125. Kill all Zombie Drones in cells
  1126. 3 Tribals in cells (Right: 4th; Left: 1st and 3rd)
  1127. 1 Tribal behind Life Force Door
  1128. Bog D
  1129. Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
  1130. Exit to Bridge
  1131. Pause and go to Sekhmet
  1133. Sekhmet: Battle Cruiser [J3-SKBC]
  1134. -------------------------------------------------
  1136. Battle Cruiser A
  1137. Skip Midge
  1138. 2 Tribals on the left
  1139. Battle Cruiser B
  1140. Run along path
  1141. Red Key Door
  1142. Battle Cruiser D
  1143. Kill 4 Deflector Drones
  1144. Battle Cruiser G
  1145. Kill 5 Soldier Drones
  1146. Battle Cruiser H
  1147. Fall down in Lava and take Drain Pipe Exit on the left
  1148. Battle Cruiser F
  1149. Straight
  1150. Battle Cruiser P
  1151. Jump up and follow the path
  1152. 2 Tribals
  1153. Exit
  1154. Battle Cruiser F
  1155. Straight
  1156. Battle Cruiser H
  1157. Climb stairs on the left
  1158. Red Key Door
  1159. Battle Cruiser I
  1160. Go left and fuel up Jetpack
  1161. 2 Tribals in first room
  1162. 1 Tribal in second room
  1163. 1 Tribal in third room
  1164. Battle Cruiser J
  1165. Kill all Stealth Drones
  1166. Battle Cruiser K
  1167. Green Key
  1168. Machine Gun Capacity Crate
  1169. Fuel up Jetpack
  1170. Shoot Glass above and fly up
  1171. 3 Tribals
  1172. Fall down and exit
  1173. Battle Cruiser L
  1174. Gemini Holder on the right
  1175. Battle Cruiser A
  1176. 2 Tribals on the left
  1177. Battle Cruiser B
  1178. Run along path
  1179. Red Key Door
  1180. Battle Cruiser D
  1181. Fuel up Jetpack and fly to upper ledge
  1182. Battle Cruiser E
  1183. 1 Tribal
  1184. Battle Cruiser F
  1185. Run along path
  1186. Battle Cruiser N
  1187. 1 Tribal
  1188. Sniper Rifle Capacity Crate
  1189. Battle Cruiser O
  1190. Run to the Ship on the left
  1191. Reset to Skip Water Ruin Cutscene (English ONLY)
  1193. ** Switch to Lupus on the Map (C-Right) **
  1195. SS Anubis: Hold [L2-SAHO]
  1196. -------------------------------------------------
  1198. Hold A
  1199. Enter Door
  1200. Hold B
  1201. Kill all Drones
  1202. Hold C
  1203. Kill 5 Soldier Drones
  1204. Hold D
  1205. Hover across gap
  1206. Kill 3 Soldier Drones
  1207. Hold E
  1208. Go left and jump up blocks
  1209. Shoot glass above
  1210. Gemini Holder
  1211. Hold D
  1212. Hover across the room
  1213. Hold F
  1214. Kill any Roaches that get in the way
  1215. Hold G
  1216. Get Gold on the Floyd Mission for Ear Plugs (Map)
  1217. 6 Circuit Boards, 3 Panels, and Reactor Hub, under 1 minute (Gold)
  1219. Ichor: Military Base [L2-ICMB]
  1220. -------------------------------------------------
  1222. Military Base A
  1223. Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
  1224. Full Machine Gun Ammo
  1225. Kill all Drones
  1226. Military Base B
  1227. Jump up to Ledge and take secret exit on the right
  1228. Military Base C
  1229. Exit
  1230. Military Base E
  1231. Kill 5 Deflector Drones
  1232. Military Base G
  1233. Kill all Drones
  1234. 2 Tribals by barrel below Cyborg Drone
  1235. 2 Tribals under ledge by exit
  1236. Machine Gun Capacity Crate
  1237. Military Base H
  1238. Kill all Drones
  1239. 1 Tribal above entry
  1240. 1 Tribal up on ledge by Sniper Drone
  1241. 1 Tribal on ground left of exit
  1242. Military Base I
  1243. Climb the stairs on the right
  1244. Hover to left
  1245. 2 Tribals
  1246. Kill Cyborg Drone
  1247. Hover passed pistons
  1248. Military Base J
  1249. Hover immediately left
  1250. 3 Tribals
  1251. Military Base K
  1252. Kill Ninja Drone
  1253. Jump on first of three level'd box
  1254. Hover to 2nd to last platform
  1255. Hover to 1 Tribal
  1256. Hover to secret door
  1257. Lupus’ Hatch Key (9)
  1258. Deathwarp
  1259. Hover to left most platform and ride it
  1260. Hover to 1 Tribal above the exit
  1261. 2 Tribal on ground by exit
  1262. Military Base L
  1263. Avoid Drones
  1264. Kill Barricade Drones across bridge
  1265. Kill Arachno Drones across bridge
  1266. Military Base M
  1267. Skip Ammo (unless you have no Tri-Rockets)
  1268. Hover across Lava
  1269. Hit Lava enough times to not Kill yourself but have very low health.
  1270. Run to the Ship
  1272. Water Ruin: Lost Island [L2-WRLI]
  1273. -------------------------------------------------
  1275. Lost Island A
  1276. 1 Tribal straight ahead
  1277. Turn Right
  1278. 1 Tribal on Far Rock
  1279. Turn left
  1280. 1 Tribal near Timed Mines
  1281. Climb the wall
  1282. 4 Tribals
  1283. Jump down
  1284. Give Ivana the Ear Plugs for the Power Cell (10)
  1285. Kill yourself to spawn at the Ship
  1286. 1 Tribal behind the Ship
  1287. Jump on the Ship
  1288. Reset to Skip Water Ruin Cutscene (English ONLY)
  1290. Spacestation: Abandoned Wreck [L2-SSAW]
  1291. -------------------------------------------------
  1293. Abandoned Wreck A
  1294. Drop down elevator
  1295. Abandoned Wreck B
  1296. Drop down on the left
  1297. 1 Tribal
  1298. Right, Left
  1299. 1 Tribal
  1300. Right, Right
  1301. Drop down elevator
  1302. Abandoned Wreck C
  1303. 2 Tribals straight ahead
  1304. Right, left, right, left
  1305. 2 Tribals
  1306. Deathwarp
  1307. Jump up elevator
  1308. Abandoned Wreck B
  1309. Left, right, right
  1310. Jump up elevator
  1311. 1 Tribal on the right
  1312. Fuel up Jetpack
  1313. Hover across gap
  1314. Straight, right, left
  1315. 1 Tribal
  1316. Left, Left
  1317. Jump up elevator
  1318. Abandoned Wreck A
  1319. Drop down and go right
  1320. 1 Tribal
  1321. Jump up 2 layers
  1322. 1 Tribal in back corner
  1323. Run to other side
  1324. 1 Tribal
  1325. Drop down one layer
  1326. 1 Tribal
  1327. Jump on the Ship
  1329. Goldwood: Outset [L2-GWOU]
  1330. -------------------------------------------------
  1332. Outset A
  1333. Exit
  1334. Outset B
  1335. Kill 3 Cyclops Drones
  1336. Outset D
  1337. Kill second Sniper Drone
  1338. Outset E
  1339. Fall down hole and exit
  1340. Outset F
  1341. Jump up stairs and run across bridge
  1343. Connector
  1344. Follow the path
  1345. Go straight after stairs
  1347. Goldwood: Interior [L2-GWIN]
  1348. -------------------------------------------------
  1350. Interior A
  1351. Avoid initial Drones
  1352. Kill 4 Soldier Drones in Village
  1353. Kill 2 Soldier Drones by exit
  1354. Kill 1 Armor Drone by exit
  1355. Interior B
  1356. Kill the Sniper Drone
  1357. Hover Gap to Life Force Door
  1359. Goldwood: Rim [L2-GWRI]
  1360. -------------------------------------------------
  1362. Rim A
  1363. Kill all Drones
  1364. 2 Tribals
  1365. Rim B
  1366. Avoid Initial Drones
  1367. Kill 2 Drones in dead end cave
  1368. 1 Tribal behind Stalagmites
  1369. Kill 4 Drones on pillars
  1370. 1 Tribal above and behind in platform/waterfall room
  1371. Hover to Life Force Door
  1372. 2 Tribals
  1373. Hover to the left and continue on the path
  1374. Hover to 1 Tribal
  1375. Hover left and go right
  1376. Kill all Drones
  1377. 1 Tribal in room with barrels (Avoid Drones here until saved)
  1378. Follow the path to the exit
  1379. Rim C
  1380. Sniper Rifle Capacity Crate
  1381. Avoid all Drones
  1382. Kill last 3 Soldier Drones
  1383. Kill all Stealth Drones by exit
  1384. Rim D
  1385. Kill all Drones
  1386. 2 Tribals on the left (Save them before the Ninja can kill them)
  1387. 1 Tribal on stairs by Cyborg Drone
  1388. Rim E
  1389. Kill 3 Stinger Drones
  1390. Kill all Deflector Drones
  1391. Jump on the Ship
  1392. Reset to Skip Gem Quarry Cutscene (English ONLY)
  1394. Gem Quarry: Landing [L2-GQLA]
  1395. -------------------------------------------------
  1397. Landing A
  1398. 5 Tribals
  1399. Landing B
  1400. Shoot Green Gems into the Generator (4-5 sets of 4)
  1401. Landing A
  1402. Enter the Hut on the right
  1403. Talk to Magnus for the Radar Dish (8)
  1404. Run to the Ship
  1406. ** Switch to Vela (C-Right) **
  1408. Water Ruin: Lost Island [V4-WRLI]
  1409. -------------------------------------------------
  1411. Lost Island A
  1412. Swim to underwater exit at the front of the castle
  1413. Lost Island B
  1414. Nitrogen Tank (11)
  1416. Mizar’s Palace
  1417. -------------------------------------------------
  1419. Start Area
  1420. Avoid all Drones
  1421. Enter Water Maze to the right of Pyramid
  1423. Mizar's Palace: Flume [V4-MPFL]
  1424. -------------------------------------------------
  1426. Flume A
  1427. Right, Left, Straight, Straight
  1428. Flume B
  1429. Exit
  1430. Flume C
  1431. Exit
  1433. Courtyard
  1434. Enter Pyramid
  1435. Talk to Jeff for the Stabilizer (12)
  1437. Asteroid: Mizar’s Lair [J4-ASMI]
  1438. -------------------------------------------------
  1440. Mizar’s Lair A
  1441. Enter cave on the left
  1442. Mizar’s Lair B
  1443. Avoid all Drones
  1444. Right at the fork
  1445. Mizar’s Lair C
  1446. Jump across platforms
  1447. Mizar’s Lair D
  1448. Make your way through the ice maze
  1449. Exit in the back left
  1450. Mizar’s Lair E
  1451. Kill all Drones
  1452. Mizar’s Lair C
  1453. Fall and die
  1454. Fuel up Jetpack and hover to left platform
  1455. Mizar’s Lair F
  1456. Avoid all Drones (Try to take no damage)
  1457. Full Ammo
  1458. Defeat Mizar
  1459. Pause and Save on pad
  1460. Complete Floyd Mission
  1462. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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