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- Jet Force Gemini: Any% Route
- Version History
- ---------------
- 2.1a
- - Lupus Ichor/Water Ruin before Spacestation
- - Vela Sekhmet Cutscene Skip
- - Vela Mizar's Palace Cutscene Skip
- 2.1
- - Oxygen Tank Early
- - SS Anubis Passageway/Depository as Vela
- - Spacestation as Lupus
- - Level Reroutes
- - Updated Enemies
- - Deathwarps
- - Route Abbreviations
- 2.0a
- - SS Anubis Passageway as Juno
- - Ichor Perimeter as Vela
- 2.0
- - Reordered Most Levels
- - Updated Enemies
- - Deathwarps
- - Sekhmet Skip
- 1.0
- - Created route
- Information
- -----------
- - Start Time upon selecting "END" to start the file.
- - End Time when control is lost in the final Robot Mission on the Asteroid.
- - Strafe Running is ~15% faster than normal running (same applies to flying) (Lupus cannot strafe fly).
- - Skipping the Intro Cutscene works on both (U) and (J).
- * Oxygen Tank Early is ~6-8 seconds slower over getting it with Vela later.
- - Pillar strat for the tribals after Cortex now makes it ~20 seconds slower.
- * Deathwarp in Rith Essa Mine is ~2 seconds slower than activating the elevator.
- Jetpack
- -------
- - C-Up can be used to gain height. This uses more fuel than hovering.
- - C-Down can be used to hover and maintain a specific height.
- - To strafe fly you MUST be strafe running on the ground then jump into the air, once in the air you will no longer need to hold C-Left/C-Right as it will be held for you until you land on the ground again.
- * C-Up/Down also have the same effects when swimming with Vela.
- Searching the Route
- -------------------
- [V3-GWLO]
- ↑↑ ↑ ↑
- ║║ ║ ╚→ Region (first two letters of name, i.e. Lodge = LO)
- ║║ ╚→ Level (level initials, i.e. Goldwood = GW )
- ║╚→ Character Use Count
- ╚→ Character
- Route
- -----
- Reset to Skip the Intro Cutscene
- Goldwood: Outset [J1-GWOU]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Outset A
- Skip Magnus
- Outset B
- Skip Magnus (Again)
- Kill 3 Cyclops Drones (Take damage off these as they fall)
- Outset D
- Avoid Soldier Drones
- 1 Tribal by tree under 1st Sniper Drone
- Kill 2nd Sniper Drone
- 2 Tribals between huts
- Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
- Enter Cave
- Outset E
- Take Left path
- Avoid Soldier Drones
- Shoot open box to reveal Yellow Key
- 4 Tribals
- Yellow Key
- Deathwarp
- Fall down hole and exit cave
- Outset F
- Gemini Holder
- Connector
- Follow the path
- After Stairs take Left path
- Talk to Magnus for Red Key
- Climb hill
- Enter Red Key Door
- Connector II
- Avoid or Kill Armor Drone
- Machine Gun
- Exit Cave
- Connector
- Open Machine Gun Lock (on the right)
- Follow the path
- Goldwood: Interior [J1-GWIN]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Interior A
- Machine Gun Capacity Crate
- Avoid Initial Soldier Drones
- 1 Tribal under Tree
- Kill 4 Soldier Drones in Village
- 1 Tribal on hut
- Kill 2 Soldier Drones by exit
- Kill 1 Armor Drone by exit
- Interior B
- Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
- Machine Gun Ammo (if needed)
- Avoid all Drones
- Kill last wave of Arachno Drones above Sniper Drone
- Interior C
- Kill Ninja Drone
- Machine Gun Capacity Crate
- 4 Tribals
- Machine Gun Ammo (if needed)
- Equip Machine Gun
- Interior D
- Enter ADS and Shooting
- Kill all Stealth Drones
- 3 Tribals behind boxes by exit
- Exit
- SS Anubis: Hold [J1-SAHO]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Hold A
- Machine Gun Capacity Crate
- Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
- Gemini Holder
- Skip Magnus
- Hold B
- Kill all Drones
- 2 Tribals by Stag Drone
- Cell Door Panel above and to the left of Stag Drone
- Hold C
- Cell Door Panel on the right side of entry door
- Full Machine Gun Ammo
- Full Pistol Ammo
- Kill 5 Soldier Drones
- Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
- Hold D
- Cell Door Panel on the left
- 1 Tribal on blocks
- Machine Gun Capacity Crate
- Cell Door Panel on lower wall between gap
- Cell Door Panel high above exit
- Kill 3 Soldier Drones across gap
- Hold E
- Cell Door Panel straight up and to the right a little
- Cell Door Panel between blocks just below the glass walls
- Head to top of conveyor belt
- Kill wave of flying Cyclops Drones that fly around
- Hold H
- 1 Tribal on the right
- Cell Door Panel on left of left cell
- 4 Tribals
- Free Vela
- 2 Tribals
- Exit
- Run to the Ship
- Select Juno on Character Select (Left)
- Tawfret: Bog [J1-TFBO]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Bog A
- Exit
- Bog B
- Run straight ahead and exit
- Bog D
- Talk to Jeff for Tri-Rockets
- Open second crypt on left
- 2 Tri-Rocket Capacity Crates
- Exit crypt
- Exit graveyard
- Tawfret: Bridge [J1-TFBR]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Bridge A
- Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
- 4 Tribals on platforms
- Bridge B
- Kill all Stealth Drones by exit
- Bridge C
- Get the Pants from the tree on the center island
- Swim to exit
- Bridge D
- Climb stairs
- Enter building on the right that has all the Ammo on top of it
- 1 Tribal
- Sniper Rifle
- Exit
- Enter Town Hall
- Give Gimlet his Pants for the Crow Bar
- Exit Town Hall
- Climb stone wall on the right
- Robot Component 1
- Enter Town Hall Chimney
- Bridge E
- Head straight
- Use Tri-Rockets on the Coffin on the left
- Crawl through the hole
- Sniper Rifle Capacity Crate
- 2 Tribals
- Crawl back through the hole
- Go left
- 2 Tribals
- Robot Component 2
- Follow the path to exit
- Grab Mizar Coins along the way
- Bridge D
- Climb stairs
- Head to the left
- Use Tri-Rocket to open door
- Climb wall
- Sniper Rifle Capacity Crate
- 2 Tribals
- Enter Trap Door
- Bridge E
- Robot Component 3
- 1 Tribal
- Exit
- Bridge D
- Exit and climb on top of building
- Skip Floyd Cutscene
- Exit
- Tawfret: Castle [J1-TFCA]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Castle A
- Avoid both Cyborg Drones
- Avoid Arachno Drones (if you can)
- Kill 4 Rhino Drones
- Castle B
- Machine Gun Capacity Crate
- Kill all Drones
- Take the left path after second Gate
- Castle C
- 1 Tribal
- Go right
- 1 Tribal behind top left pillar
- Kill 1 Barricade Drone
- Tri-Rocket Capacity Crate
- Kill yourself with Tri-Rockets
- or Backtrack to water and go right
- Gemini Holder
- Kill 2 Sniper Drones
- 2 Tribals under Sniper Drones
- Kill all Drones
- 2 Tribals on both sides of the protruding wall by Life Force Door
- Castle D
- Full Health on right
- Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
- Run onto symbol in the center
- Defeat Fett-Bubb
- Castle E
- Run to the Ship
- Pause and Switch to Vela on the Map
- Select Sekhmet on the Map
- Skip Sekhmet Cutscene
- Sekhmet: Battle Cruiser [V1-SKBC]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Battle Cruiser A
- Skip Midge
- Exit to the left
- Battle Cruiser B
- Kill 3 Soldier Drones
- Battle Cruiser C
- Gemini Holder
- Machine Gun
- Pause and warp back to start
- Battle Cruiser A
- Skip Midge (Again, doesn’t always work)
- Sekhmet Skip (Green Key Door Clip)
- Battle Cruiser M
- Kill 3 Barricade Drones on ground level
- Run up the Spiral and Exit
- Run to the Ship
- Cerulean: Dune [V1-CRDU]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Dune A
- Gold Bar 1 behind the pillar at the start
- Machine Gun Capacity Crate
- Pistol Capacity Crate
- Kill all Deflector Drones
- Stay to the right along the wall
- Kill 1 Deflector Drone
- Gold Bar 2 by water
- Gold Bar 3 on top of drain pipe to the north (assuming you face north at the beginning of this level)
- Head south back to Life Force Door
- Gemini Holder
- Give Fishface the Gold Bars for Tri-Rockets
- Head north east
- Avoid Deflector Drones
- Dune B
- 6 Tribals
- Yellow Key
- Dune C
- Head left and enter cave
- Gemini Holder
- Homing Missiles
- Full Machine Gun Ammo
- Kill Cyclops Drones
- Enter Life Force Door
- Dune D
- Kill all Drones
- 3 Tri-Rocket Capacity Crates
- 2 Tribals behind Ship
- Jump on Ship
- Ichor: Military Base [V1-ICMB]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Military Base A
- Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
- Full Machine Gun Ammo
- Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
- Kill all Drones
- Military Base B
- Avoid Drones
- Jump up to ledge and take secret exit on the right
- Military Base C
- Sniper Rifle (right)
- Exit
- Military Base E
- Kill all Drones
- Military Base G
- Kill Cyborg Drone
- Kill Deflector Drones
- Gemini Holder
- Military Base H
- Kill all Drones
- Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
- Military Base I
- 15 Tri-Rocket Ammo
- Run passed Pistons
- Kill Cyborg Drone
- Military Base J
- Yellow, Red, Purple
- Military Base K
- Homing Missile Capacity Crate
- Military Base L
- Avoid Drones
- Kill 5 Barricade Drones across bridge
- Kill Arachno Drones across bridge
- Military Base M
- Kill yourself for full Health
- Full Ammo
- Defeat Lurg
- Run to the Ship
- Select Lupus on Character Select (Right)
- Spawnship: Troop Carrier [L1-SPTC]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Troop Carrier A
- Machine Gun (right)
- Grab at least 1 Mizar Coin
- Ride elevator up
- Troop Carrier B
- Kill all Drones
- Troop Carrier C
- Machine Gun Capacity Crate on the right
- Kill Weevil
- Troop Carrier D
- Hover across platforms
- Kill 2 Deflector Drones
- Troop Carrier G
- Avoid Drones
- Use right Door
- Troop Carrier H
- Kill Cyclops Drones
- Hover to Red Key
- Troop Carrier F
- Straight
- Troop Carrier B
- Straight
- Troop Carrier I
- Kill 1 Sniper Drone
- Enter Sniper Drone Door
- Troop Carrier J
- Sniper Rifle
- Yellow Key
- Troop Carrier I
- Yellow Key Door
- Troop Carrier K
- Follow path
- Troop Carrier L
- Exit
- Run to the Ship
- Rith Essa: Bluff [L1-REBL]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Bluff A
- Climb hill
- Hover passed waterfall
- Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
- Gemini Holder
- Homing Missiles
- Climb hill
- Bluff B
- 2 Homing Missile Capacity Crates between spikes
- Avoid Drones
- Kill last wave of Cyclops Drones that spawn far off at the end
- Connector
- Tri-Rockets
- Exit
- Rith Essa: Interior [L1-REIN]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Interior A
- 1 Tribal on platform to the right
- Tri-Rocket Capacity Crate
- Full Ammo
- 1 Tribal in crevice on left
- Avoid all Drones
- 1 Tribal on platform with Mizar Coins
- 1 Tribal on upper ledge after bridge with Stag Drone
- Interior B
- Tri-Rocket Capacity Crate behind you on the left
- Run to the Ship
- Eschebone: Approach [L1-EBAP]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Approach A
- Tri-Rocket Capacity Crate on the right
- 1 Tribal to the left of entry
- 1 Tribal by exit
- Approach B
- Gemini Holder on the right
- 2 Tribals on islands
- Approach C
- 2 Tribals on right
- Hover in mouth
- Approach D
- Homing Missiles Capacity Crate
- Kill all Drones
- Equip Sniper Rifle
- Approach E
- Snipe 5 Rhino Drones (Save at least 1 Snipe Rifle Bullet)
- Eschebone: Thorax [L1-EBTH]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Thorax A
- Exit left side
- Climb on top
- Eschebone: Cortex [L1-EBCO]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Cortex A
- Right
- 2 Tribals
- 1 Tribal after glass
- Left
- 2 Tribals
- Cortex B
- Immediately turn right and jump up and continue until next gap
- Ride platform up
- Hover to Oxygen Tank (1)
- Jump on brain and run across and jump down to exit
- Cortex A
- Left
- Left
- Eschebone: Thorax [L1-EBTH]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Thorax A
- Machine Gun Ammo
- Thorax B
- Kill all Drones
- Thorax C
- Kill all Drones
- Thorax B
- Straight
- Thorax D
- Kill all Drones
- Gemini Holder
- Magenta Key
- Avoid Drones after Magenta Key
- Thorax B
- Magenta Key Door
- Thorax F
- Full Ammo
- Full Health
- Defeat Mechantids
- Hover Across Lava
- Run to the Ship
- Mizar’s Palace: Chasm [L1-MPCH]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Chasm A
- 2 Tribals on the left
- Kill all Drones
- Night Vision Goggles
- Chasm B (Avoid Health here you want ~2 or less rings)
- Right
- Avoid Drones
- 5 Tri-Rocket Ammo
- 4 Tribals through hole in the wall by Mizar Coins
- Continue following the path
- Right
- Ride elevator up
- Chasm C
- 1 Tribal behind on rock
- 1 Tribal under waterfall
- 2 Tribals around wall to right of exit
- Courtyard
- Pause and Switch to Vela on the Map
- Select Mizar's Palace on the Map
- Skip Mizar's Palace Cutscene
- Mizar’s Palace
- -------------------------------------------------
- Start Area
- Avoid all Drones
- Enter Water Maze to the right of Pyramid
- Mizar's Palace: Flume [V2-MPFL]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Flume A
- Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
- Right, Left, Straight, Straight
- Flume B
- 4 Tribal to the right of exit
- Flume C
- 2 Tribals on the left
- Courtyard
- Pause and Switch to Lupus
- Floyd Mission
- Enter Pyramid
- Select Vela on Character Select
- Enter Pyramid
- Select Juno on Character Select
- Mizar’s Palace
- -------------------------------------------------
- Start Area
- Avoid all Drones
- Enter Pyramid
- Mizar's Palace: Lobby [J2-MPLO]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Lobby A
- Pistol Capacity Crate (optional)
- Use right door at the end
- Lobby B
- Avoid all Drones
- 3 Tribals
- Lobby A
- Enter Left room at the end
- Lobby C
- 2 Tribals on the left
- Lobby B
- Jump in second pit on the right
- Lobby D
- Avoid all Drones
- Right, straight, left, right, right
- 3 Tribals
- Left, right
- 2 Tribals
- Right, left, right, straight
- Machine Gun Capacity Crate
- Right, straight, left, right, right, left, straight
- Machine Gun Capacity Crate
- 2 Tribals on the right
- Left, left
- Lobby E
- 2 Tribals on the left by the exit
- Courtyard
- Enter the Pyramid
- Defeat Mizar
- Select Juno on Character Select
- Head forward and to the left
- Go through the hole in the wall
- Go through tunnel to the right
- Enter Small Pyramid
- Jetpack up on top of the pillar
- Transform into Drone
- Run to next room and Jump on platform
- Run to third pit on the Left
- Get 1st Place in Race
- Fuse (2)
- ** Switch to Vela on the Map (C-Left) **
- SS Anubis: Hold [V3-SAHO]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Hold A
- Climb the boxes
- Fuel up on Jetpack and fly up to door
- SS Anubis: Passageway [V3-SAPA]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Passageway A
- Fuel up Jetpack (87)
- Avoid all Drones
- Hover until electrical shocks
- Use door on the right
- 2 Tribals
- Hover the rest of the way
- Passageway B
- Fuel up Jetpack (8)
- Float across water and fly up
- Passageway C
- Fuel up Jetpack (13)
- Fly up to top of tower
- 6 Tribals
- Passageway B
- Float across the water
- Use door on the left
- Passageway D
- Talk to Midge for the Fin (3)
- Passageway B
- Straight, use the door on the right
- Passageway A
- Fuel up Jetpack (87)
- Hover the whole way back
- SS Anubis: Hold [V3-SAHO]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Hold A
- Fuel up on Jetpack and enter Yellow Key Door
- Hold B
- Run along the path and enter Depository
- SS Anubis: Depository [V3-SADE]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Depository A
- Make your way through the maze (Map:
- Pressure Jump
- Depository B
- Kill the Ninja Drone
- 5 Tribals
- Depository A
- Make your way back through part of the maze
- Depository C
- 9 Tribals
- Jump on the Ship
- Reset to Skip Walkway Cutscene (English ONLY)
- Tawfret: Bog [V3-TFBO]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Bog A
- Exit
- Bog B
- Straight and exit
- Bog D
- Exit
- Tawfret: Bridge [V3-TFBR]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Bridge A
- Exit
- Bridge B
- Kill Stealth Drones by exit
- Bridge C
- Swim to Island
- Use underwater entrance
- Talk to Gimlet for Cargo Bay Key (4)
- Eschebone: Approach [V3-EBAP]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Approach A
- Exit
- Approach B
- Strafe across bridge
- Approach C
- Shoot the mouth with a Tri-Rocket
- Approach D
- Kill all Drones
- Approach E
- Kill 5 Rhino Drones
- Eschebone: Thorax [V3-EBTH]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Thorax A
- Exit on the right
- Use a Tri-Rocket on the wooden door
- Fly up to exit
- Drop down first hole on the right
- 1 Tribal
- Exit straight
- Fly up and drop down back hole on the left
- 1 Tribal
- Thorax B
- Kill all Drones
- Thorax C
- Kill all Drones
- 2 Tribals
- Thorax B
- Straight
- Thorax D
- Kill all Drones
- Use underwater exit
- Thorax G
- Left
- 2 Tribals
- Blue Key
- Straight
- Left
- Specialist Magazine
- Left
- 2 Tribals
- Straight
- Left
- 2 Tribals on the right behind rocks
- Kill yourself
- Exit
- Thorax D
- Kill 2 Rhino Drones
- Magenta Key
- 2 Tribals to the right below Magenta Key
- Thorax B
- Left
- Magenta Key Door
- Thorax F
- Full Ammo
- Strafe Jump across Lava
- Run to the Ship
- Select Sekhmet on the map
- Sekhmet: Battle Cruiser [V3-SKBC]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Battle Cruiser A
- Skip Midge
- Exit to the left
- Battle Cruiser B
- Follow the path
- Kill 5 Drones for Life Force Door
- Battle Cruiser D
- Open Machine Gun Lock
- Battle Cruiser E
- Kill 3 Barricade Drones
- Battle Cruiser F
- Machine Gun Capacity Crate on the right
- Magenta Key Door
- Battle Cruiser Q
- 2 Tri-Rocket Capacity Crates on the right side in the 3rd inlet
- Battle Cruiser L
- Right
- Battle Cruiser K
- Green Key
- Ichor: Military Base [V3-ICMB]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Military Base A
- Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
- Full Machine Gun Ammo
- Kill all Drones
- Military Base B
- Avoid Drones
- Blue Key Door
- Ichor: Perimeter [V3-ICPE]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Perimeter A
- Avoid Drones
- Perimeter B
- Sniper Rifle Ammo if needed
- Snipe all Soldier Drones
- Perimeter C
- Avoid Drones
- 1 Tribal third wall on the right
- Back track and fuel up the Jetpack in front of second wall on the right (4)
- Enter the hole in the wall
- 2 Tribals
- Kill Machine Gun Mounted Drones
- Perimeter D
- Enter Big Bug Fun Club
- Perimeter E
- 2 Tribals
- Perimeter D
- Exit
- Perimeter C
- Avoid Drones
- Straight, right
- 1 Tribals behind one of the walls
- Right
- Fuel up Jetpack (20)
- Head back to walls
- Jetpack up to Tribals
- 2 Tribals
- Go back through the Hole in the wall
- Perimeter B
- Exit
- Perimeter A
- Exit to Military Base
- Goldwood: Outset [V3-GWOU]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Outset A
- Exit
- Outset B
- Kill 3 Cyclops Drones
- Outset D
- Avoid Drones
- Kill 2nd Sniper Drone
- Enter Cave
- Outset E
- Fall down hole and exit
- Outset F
- Swim to underwater exit
- Goldwood: Lodge [V3-GWLO]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Lodge A
- Machine Gun Capacity Crate on the left
- Enter cave on the left
- 4 Tribals
- Follow the path to exit
- Lodge B
- Kill all Barricade Drones
- Continue right at 1st Life Force Door
- Kill all Barricade Drones
- Kill 3 Arachno Drones by 2nd Life Force Door
- Enter 2nd Life Force Door
- Lodge E
- Kill all Drones
- Invincibility on the left
- 3 Tribals on platforms at the edge
- Deathwarp
- Lodge B
- Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
- Full Machine Gun Ammo
- Backtrack to 1st Life Force Door
- Lodge C
- Right for first Weevil
- Left
- Kill 2 Weevils
- Left
- Kill 3 Arachno Drones and Weevil
- Enter Life Force Door
- Lodge F
- Kill all Stealth Drones and 2 Soldier Drones
- Enter cave at bottom of cliff
- 2 Tribals on the right
- Vela’s Hatch Key (5)
- Climb the cliff and exit
- Lodge C
- Left Kill 5 Arachno Drones
- Full Machine Gun Ammo
- Kill all drones
- Lodge D
- 1 Tribal on the left
- Full Machine Gun Ammo
- Enter first hut on the left
- 2 Tribals
- Enter second hut on the right
- 2 Tribals
- 1 Tribal behind second hut on the right
- Full Homing Missile Ammo
- Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
- Run to the Ship
- Reset to Skip Spacestation Cutscene (English ONLY)
- Spawnship: Troop Carrier [V3-SPTC]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Troop Carrier A
- Ride elevator up
- Troop Carrier B
- Kill all Drones
- Troop Carrier C
- 1 Tribal on the left
- 1 Tribal Below
- Deathwarp back to top
- Exit they way you came from
- Troop Carrier B
- Fall to lower bridge and go left
- 1 Tribal above Red Key Door
- Troop Carrier F
- Straight
- Troop Carrier H
- Exit to the left
- Troop Carrier G
- Green Key Door
- Troop Carrier P
- Avoid electrical shocks
- Troop Carrier Q
- 4 Tribals
- Troop Carrier P
- Avoid electrical shocks
- Troop Carrier G
- Drop down
- 2 Tribals
- Homing Missile Capacity Crate
- Kill all Drones
- Troop Carrier F
- Go left
- Use right door at the end
- Troop Carrier B
- Use underwater exit
- Troop Carrier M
- Kill all Coward Drones
- Troop Carrier N
- Kill all Deflector Drones
- Troop Carrier O
- Fuel up Jetpack
- 2 Tribals above entry
- 1 Tribal up on block
- Troop Carrier N
- Exit
- Troop Carrier M
- Exit
- Troop Carrier B
- Exit
- Troop Carrier F
- Right
- Troop Carrier A
- Ride elevator up
- Troop Carrier B
- Fall to lower bridge and go left
- Troop Carrier I
- Fall down on the left
- Kill Ninja Drone
- 3 Tribals in far right corner
- Fuel up Jetpack
- Yellow Key Door
- Troop Carrier K
- Follow the path
- Troop Carrier
- Run to the Ship
- Rith Essa: Bluff [V3-REBL]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Bluff A
- Enter Blue Key Door
- Bluff E
- Kill all Drones up to Life Force Door 2
- Left
- 2 Tribals
- Straight
- Right
- Life Force Door 1
- Right, Straight
- Life Force Door 2
- Left
- 2 Tribals
- Left and run to exit
- Bluff A
- 2 Tribals
- Fall down to the left and exit
- Bluff B
- 2 Tribals to the right at Stag Drones
- Run to the exit
- Connector
- Blue Key Door on the left
- Rith Essa: Ascent [V3-REAS]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Ascent A
- 2 Tribals
- Kill all Drones
- Ascent B
- Kill 5 Soldier Drones
- Ascent C
- Avoid Drones
- Fuel up Jetpack and hover across
- Ascent D
- 4 Tribals
- Kill all Drones
- Ascent A
- Fall down hill and exit
- Connector
- Use door by water up the wooden steps
- Connector II
- Gemini Holder (optional)
- Enter House
- Give Fishface Specialist Magazine for Mine Key
- Enter the Mine
- Rith Essa: Mine [V3-REMI]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Mine A
- 1 Tribal on the right after falling down ledge
- 2 Tribals straight ahead
- 1 Tribal on the left
- Mine B
- Shoot box on the right to reveal switch
- Shoot switch to activate elevator
- 2 Tribals on the left
- Ride elevator up
- 1 Tribal on the far left
- Take right path
- Mine C
- Follow the path
- Left at stairs
- Shoot switch to activate elevator
- Ride elevator down and fuel up Jetpack (20)
- Fly all the way to the top of elevator shaft
- 2 Tribals
- Fall part way down elevator shaft
- Jump up stairs and go straight
- Mine F
- 1 Tribal
- Mine E
- 2 Tribals
- Transform into Tribal
- Mine D
- 1 Tribal on the left
- Fall down
- 1 Tribal
- Deathwarp
- 2 Tribals
- Mine B
- Talk to Fishface for Deflector Shield (6)
- Exit
- Mine A
- Exit
- ** Switch to Juno on the Map (C-Right) **
- Walkway: Peak [J3-WWPE]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Peak A
- Run along the walkway
- Kill all Soldier Drones
- Enter the building
- Peak B
- Homing Missiles
- Enter Trap Door
- Peak C
- Kill all Barricade Drones
- 2 Tribals
- Peak B
- Exit
- Peak A
- Go behind building and fuel up Jetpack
- 4 Tribals
- Run back to the Ship
- Spawnship: Troop Carrier [J3-SPTC]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Troop Carrier A
- Ride the elevator up
- Troop Carrier B
- Avoid Arachno Drones
- Jump down to ledge and take left Red Key Door
- Troop Carrier I
- Yellow Key Door
- Troop Carrier K
- Gemini Holder on the left on stairs
- Run along left wall and take left path
- 4 Tri-Rocket Capacity Crates
- 4 Homing Missiles Capacity Crates
- Troop Carrier S
- Juno’s Hatch Key (7)
- Pause the go to Tawfret
- Tawfret: Bog [J3-TFBO]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Bog A
- Exit
- Bog B
- Full Homing Missiles Ammo
- Full Machine Gun Ammo
- Kill 4 Zombie Drones
- Bog C
- 2 Tribals
- Gemini Holder
- Bog B
- Exit to Graveyard
- Bog D
- Open the crypt on the right
- 2 Tribals
- Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
- 1 Tribal on ledge by Trap Door
- Enter Trap Door
- Bog E
- 1 Tribal will run to you
- Kill all Zombie Drones in cells
- 3 Tribals in cells (Right: 4th; Left: 1st and 3rd)
- 1 Tribal behind Life Force Door
- Bog D
- Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
- Exit to Bridge
- Pause and go to Sekhmet
- Sekhmet: Battle Cruiser [J3-SKBC]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Battle Cruiser A
- Skip Midge
- 2 Tribals on the left
- Battle Cruiser B
- Run along path
- Red Key Door
- Battle Cruiser D
- Kill 4 Deflector Drones
- Battle Cruiser G
- Kill 5 Soldier Drones
- Battle Cruiser H
- Fall down in Lava and take Drain Pipe Exit on the left
- Battle Cruiser F
- Straight
- Battle Cruiser P
- Jump up and follow the path
- 2 Tribals
- Exit
- Battle Cruiser F
- Straight
- Battle Cruiser H
- Climb stairs on the left
- Red Key Door
- Battle Cruiser I
- Go left and fuel up Jetpack
- 2 Tribals in first room
- 1 Tribal in second room
- 1 Tribal in third room
- Battle Cruiser J
- Kill all Stealth Drones
- Battle Cruiser K
- Green Key
- Machine Gun Capacity Crate
- Fuel up Jetpack
- Shoot Glass above and fly up
- 3 Tribals
- Fall down and exit
- Battle Cruiser L
- Gemini Holder on the right
- Battle Cruiser A
- 2 Tribals on the left
- Battle Cruiser B
- Run along path
- Red Key Door
- Battle Cruiser D
- Fuel up Jetpack and fly to upper ledge
- Battle Cruiser E
- 1 Tribal
- Battle Cruiser F
- Run along path
- Battle Cruiser N
- 1 Tribal
- Sniper Rifle Capacity Crate
- Battle Cruiser O
- Run to the Ship on the left
- Reset to Skip Water Ruin Cutscene (English ONLY)
- ** Switch to Lupus on the Map (C-Right) **
- SS Anubis: Hold [L2-SAHO]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Hold A
- Enter Door
- Hold B
- Kill all Drones
- Hold C
- Kill 5 Soldier Drones
- Hold D
- Hover across gap
- Kill 3 Soldier Drones
- Hold E
- Go left and jump up blocks
- Shoot glass above
- Gemini Holder
- Hold D
- Hover across the room
- Hold F
- Kill any Roaches that get in the way
- Hold G
- Get Gold on the Floyd Mission for Ear Plugs (Map)
- 6 Circuit Boards, 3 Panels, and Reactor Hub, under 1 minute (Gold)
- Ichor: Military Base [L2-ICMB]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Military Base A
- Full Tri-Rocket Ammo
- Full Machine Gun Ammo
- Kill all Drones
- Military Base B
- Jump up to Ledge and take secret exit on the right
- Military Base C
- Exit
- Military Base E
- Kill 5 Deflector Drones
- Military Base G
- Kill all Drones
- 2 Tribals by barrel below Cyborg Drone
- 2 Tribals under ledge by exit
- Machine Gun Capacity Crate
- Military Base H
- Kill all Drones
- 1 Tribal above entry
- 1 Tribal up on ledge by Sniper Drone
- 1 Tribal on ground left of exit
- Military Base I
- Climb the stairs on the right
- Hover to left
- 2 Tribals
- Kill Cyborg Drone
- Hover passed pistons
- Military Base J
- Hover immediately left
- 3 Tribals
- Military Base K
- Kill Ninja Drone
- Jump on first of three level'd box
- Hover to 2nd to last platform
- Hover to 1 Tribal
- Hover to secret door
- Lupus’ Hatch Key (9)
- Deathwarp
- Hover to left most platform and ride it
- Hover to 1 Tribal above the exit
- 2 Tribal on ground by exit
- Military Base L
- Avoid Drones
- Kill Barricade Drones across bridge
- Kill Arachno Drones across bridge
- Military Base M
- Skip Ammo (unless you have no Tri-Rockets)
- Hover across Lava
- Hit Lava enough times to not Kill yourself but have very low health.
- Run to the Ship
- Water Ruin: Lost Island [L2-WRLI]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Lost Island A
- 1 Tribal straight ahead
- Turn Right
- 1 Tribal on Far Rock
- Turn left
- 1 Tribal near Timed Mines
- Climb the wall
- 4 Tribals
- Jump down
- Give Ivana the Ear Plugs for the Power Cell (10)
- Kill yourself to spawn at the Ship
- 1 Tribal behind the Ship
- Jump on the Ship
- Reset to Skip Water Ruin Cutscene (English ONLY)
- Spacestation: Abandoned Wreck [L2-SSAW]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Abandoned Wreck A
- Drop down elevator
- Abandoned Wreck B
- Drop down on the left
- 1 Tribal
- Right, Left
- 1 Tribal
- Right, Right
- Drop down elevator
- Abandoned Wreck C
- 2 Tribals straight ahead
- Right, left, right, left
- 2 Tribals
- Deathwarp
- Jump up elevator
- Abandoned Wreck B
- Left, right, right
- Jump up elevator
- 1 Tribal on the right
- Fuel up Jetpack
- Hover across gap
- Straight, right, left
- 1 Tribal
- Left, Left
- Jump up elevator
- Abandoned Wreck A
- Drop down and go right
- 1 Tribal
- Jump up 2 layers
- 1 Tribal in back corner
- Run to other side
- 1 Tribal
- Drop down one layer
- 1 Tribal
- Jump on the Ship
- Goldwood: Outset [L2-GWOU]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Outset A
- Exit
- Outset B
- Kill 3 Cyclops Drones
- Outset D
- Kill second Sniper Drone
- Outset E
- Fall down hole and exit
- Outset F
- Jump up stairs and run across bridge
- Connector
- Follow the path
- Go straight after stairs
- Goldwood: Interior [L2-GWIN]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Interior A
- Avoid initial Drones
- Kill 4 Soldier Drones in Village
- Kill 2 Soldier Drones by exit
- Kill 1 Armor Drone by exit
- Interior B
- Kill the Sniper Drone
- Hover Gap to Life Force Door
- Goldwood: Rim [L2-GWRI]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Rim A
- Kill all Drones
- 2 Tribals
- Rim B
- Avoid Initial Drones
- Kill 2 Drones in dead end cave
- 1 Tribal behind Stalagmites
- Kill 4 Drones on pillars
- 1 Tribal above and behind in platform/waterfall room
- Hover to Life Force Door
- 2 Tribals
- Hover to the left and continue on the path
- Hover to 1 Tribal
- Hover left and go right
- Kill all Drones
- 1 Tribal in room with barrels (Avoid Drones here until saved)
- Follow the path to the exit
- Rim C
- Sniper Rifle Capacity Crate
- Avoid all Drones
- Kill last 3 Soldier Drones
- Kill all Stealth Drones by exit
- Rim D
- Kill all Drones
- 2 Tribals on the left (Save them before the Ninja can kill them)
- 1 Tribal on stairs by Cyborg Drone
- Rim E
- Kill 3 Stinger Drones
- Kill all Deflector Drones
- Jump on the Ship
- Reset to Skip Gem Quarry Cutscene (English ONLY)
- Gem Quarry: Landing [L2-GQLA]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Landing A
- 5 Tribals
- Landing B
- Shoot Green Gems into the Generator (4-5 sets of 4)
- Landing A
- Enter the Hut on the right
- Talk to Magnus for the Radar Dish (8)
- Run to the Ship
- ** Switch to Vela (C-Right) **
- Water Ruin: Lost Island [V4-WRLI]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Lost Island A
- Swim to underwater exit at the front of the castle
- Lost Island B
- Nitrogen Tank (11)
- Mizar’s Palace
- -------------------------------------------------
- Start Area
- Avoid all Drones
- Enter Water Maze to the right of Pyramid
- Mizar's Palace: Flume [V4-MPFL]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Flume A
- Right, Left, Straight, Straight
- Flume B
- Exit
- Flume C
- Exit
- Courtyard
- Enter Pyramid
- Talk to Jeff for the Stabilizer (12)
- Asteroid: Mizar’s Lair [J4-ASMI]
- -------------------------------------------------
- Mizar’s Lair A
- Enter cave on the left
- Mizar’s Lair B
- Avoid all Drones
- Right at the fork
- Mizar’s Lair C
- Jump across platforms
- Mizar’s Lair D
- Make your way through the ice maze
- Exit in the back left
- Mizar’s Lair E
- Kill all Drones
- Mizar’s Lair C
- Fall and die
- Fuel up Jetpack and hover to left platform
- Mizar’s Lair F
- Avoid all Drones (Try to take no damage)
- Full Ammo
- Defeat Mizar
- Pause and Save on pad
- Complete Floyd Mission
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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