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Nov 23rd, 2017
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  1. --Nov 4
  2. Game 1: Zyra vs Karma
  3. Have to hit my snare and predict movements better.
  5. Game 2: Thresh vs Lulu
  6. What even was this game? Pay attention and stop getting so discouraged.
  8. Game 3: Thresh vs Janna
  9. Missed way too many hooks. Didn't position properly.
  11. Game 4: Malzahar vs Lux
  12. First game of Malzahar! Malzahar's positioning is more difficult than Annie's so get used to that.
  14. Game 5: Annie vs Gangplank
  15. Stop panicking. Upgrade your trinket at level nine. You shouldn't have given up that first blood.
  17. --Nov 6
  18. Game 1: Ekko vs Azir
  19. Azir sucks and is annoying but you focused on getting farm and you killed him eventually. Remember how your patience paid off here. Don't get first blooded so easily again though.
  21. Game 2: Malzahar vs Aurelion Sol
  22. Don't get baited into stupid fights. Low 'Raka doesn't mean anything and was just a trick. Should have punished the shitty, non-roaming Sol more for not roaming.
  24. Game 3: Malzahar vs Katarina
  25. Need to CS better. Have more confidence: you thought you were going to be farmed but the Katarina played scared. Don't jump to conclusions and start the game with a negative assumption.
  27. Game 4: Zyra vs Nami (?)
  28. Tilted and fed.
  30. It's time to take a break. Come back after the preseason starts on Wednesday morning. Final Fantasy X until then.
  32. Remember to throw a ward into the enemy wraith camp early when mid lane.
  34. --Nov 8
  35. Game 1: Thresh vs Lux
  36. Need to improve mechanics. Good job staying focused and carrying the mid game. Lane phase could have gone a lot smoother though. You fucked up several times for no reason against players you should have been stomping. Also you missed a billion hooks.
  38. Game 2: Thresh vs Zac
  39. Bungled the lane phase again. Missed hooks again. Thresh skills are starting to slip. Remember to stay calm, stay focused, and don't sweat the small stuff.
  41. Game 3: Nami vs Sona
  42. Lane phase when better. Mid game crumbled though because other team played better. We weren't a team, me included.
  44. --Nov 10
  45. Game 1: Nami vs Alistar
  46. Kept getting caught by Rengar. Should have focused on shutting him down. Should have altered my itemization for that situation.
  48. Game 2: Brand vs Karma
  49. Didn't hit skillshots when I needed to. Didn't mute Tristana when I should have and then unmuted her after I finally did. Let the salt get to me.
  51. Game are all about damage and toxicity. Every bot lane is constantly trying to kill you. Karma and Sona are big right now. Also lots of off meta picks are coming out.
  53. Take another day off maybe? Review and remember rules. You're starting to slip again.
  55. Game 3: Janna vs Tahm Kench
  56. Learn how to itemize Janna efficiently.
  58. Damage is completely out of control right now. Have to be extra careful in games because any non-tank support gets one shot by basically everything. Peel mages are the way to go right now though because everyone's trying their hardest to get kills regardless of the situation and all you have to do is make sure your teammates win the fights. Even enemy supports are doing for damage so just be the only one preventing it.
  60. --Nov 11
  61. Game 1: Thresh vs Sona
  62. Fucked up lane phase, did some work mid game, but didn't seal the deal and enemy team came back. Also tilted. Need to fix connection so games are more stable. Messed up some team fights due to lag.
  64. Game 2: Zyra vs Malzahar
  65. Work on your aim and don't throw out E for no reason. Make sure you have vision items before roaming into enemy jungler.
  67. Game 3: Alistar vs Nami
  68. Keep practicing that combo. You made some good plays but you missed it a fair number of times as well. The most important thing to remember is that W's range is very short and you have to do it very quick. Also stop forgetting your Sightstone.
  70. Game 4: Nami vs Urgot (?)
  71. Did not respect how an Urgot support could actually dominate. Also missed critical bubbles and could have played teamfights better. Focused on keeping people alive. Could have possibly gone Redemption earlier.
  73. --Nov 13
  74. Game 1: Janna vs Lux
  75. Don't let team mates decision making tilt you. Even if it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Just stay calm, play around the objectives, and make sure you make the right decisions even if no body else does.
  77. Game 2: Janna vs Leona
  78. Got caught by Leona and Twitch too often. Dunno what I could have done to prevent the game spiraling out of control other than being alive at certain times when I was dead.
  80. Game 3: Janna vs Thresh
  81. Got caught early for no reason. Forgot to buy Sightstone AGAIN. Spent too much time arguing with morons and not enough focusing on the game. Did not need to blast plant into the dragon pit for no reason.
  83. Game 4: Janna vs Thresh
  84. Need to respect burst damage. I was killed by Heimer+Jayce a few times for no reason. Also need to smooth out itemization to hit important spikes earlier to help team.
  86. Game 5: Thresh vs Nautilus
  87. The lane phase was messy. Could have done that better. Shouldn't let shitty idiots get to me either.
  89. Game 6: Complete and utter failure of everything. Everything you've been working toward went completely out the window and you failed completely on all parameters. Check rules, check your fucking self, and get back on track.
  91. Game 7: Alistar vs Anivia
  92. Need to be more confident when on Alistar. Kill participation could have been a lot better. Also need to keep practicing the combo.
  94. Game 8: Taric vs Ivern
  95. Focus on the game and not any asshats in the chat. Realize when tilt has set in and you're making bad decisions.
  97. Game 9: Taric vs Thresh
  98. Don't chase kills. You know better than that. Could have not died a couple of times. Could have played team fights better.
  100. Press The Attack probably isn't a good keystone for Taric. I've been a little too squishy in these games and I don't really need the damage that much. Furthermore the subrunes of the Precision tree don't really help Taric that much. Taric is really good at 2v2s and I need to focus on that strength. My ADC should not be dying so easily. I could have saved that Twitch in the first game if I had, say, Font of Life and Revitalize. Those fit Taric a lot better.
  102. --Nov 15
  103. Game 1: Thresh vs Blitzcrank
  104. Another complete failure. Tilted and played like a moron.
  106. Game 2: Thresh vs Braum
  107. Work on hook and flay accuracy.
  109. Game 3: Zyra vs Thresh
  110. Stop talking in all chat. Period. There's no reason for that at all. Don't say anything to the other team.
  112. -- Nov 16
  113. Game 1: Thresh vs Leona
  114. Don't get baited into a first blood like that. Also really gotta get better at landing these hooks. I had some good ones but mostly bad ones. Also don't get baited by own team into bad engages.
  116. Game 2: Thresh vs Morgana
  117. Don't focus so much on what others are doing. Your teammates played terribly but you forgot two important things: 'Don't plug leaks' and 'Accentuate the positives, hide the negatives.'
  119. -- Nov 18
  120. Game 1: Soraka vs Tahm Kench
  121. Soraka appears to be an "attrition" champion. Insofar as you outsustain the enemy lane so that they have to leave at bad times and you are more free to farm/roam/push/whatever. Don't get discouraged in the early game though.
  123. -- Nov 19
  124. Game 1: Thresh vs Annie
  125. Couldn't land hooks in lane. Tilted and got snowballed on. Not sure how the mid game spiraled out of control like that. Shouldn't have died so much.
  127. Game 2: Janna vs Leona
  128. Stop the tilt. Don't give up. Should have focused on keeping the Urgot alive and strong. He could have carried. Remember to look at who is strong and enable them. Accentuate the positives, hide the negatives.
  130. Game 3: Rengar vs Kha'Zix
  131. Stay focused and stop tilt. This game was played entirely on auto-pilot and you also played terrified the entire game. You were too focused on winning/losing and did not actually play the game.
  133. Game 4: Shyvana vs Evelynn
  134. Same here. Played on auto-pilot. No focus. Too scared of the Evelynn and not actually playing the role.
  136. Need to take a break, study some, and reconfigure attitude. Come back when you have a fresh outlook and are ready to improve. Not win, improve. You're completely tilted out of your goddamn mind right now. You were shaking before the games even began. You have to stop for a while, let the tilt wear off, and the passion come back. As long as you're this afraid of losses to the point where you don't even want to watch videos you won't play with focus or drive.
  138. Take a break. Get back in touch with the attitude that got you Silver III in the first place. And go back to the rules. Internalize them. Follow them to a T. Every single one. Stop playing so late at night, stop playing when so tilted. Go back to the rules.
  140. Nov 20:
  141. Game 1: Remake
  143. Game 2: Vel'Koz vs Zyra
  144. Could get better at hitting skillshots. Roamed too much.
  146. Game 3: Alistar vs Rakan
  147. Nothing you could do.
  149. --Nov 21
  150. Game 1: Nautilus vs Vel'Koz
  151. Don't get so rattled by stupid teammates. Focus on what you need to do to ensure the win. Don't follow people into stupid fights.
  153. Game 2: Braum vs Shen
  154. Top lane Zoe doing nothing but die lost us the game. Nothing could be done. Have to reel in the frustration and toxicity though and lose gracefully.
  156. Game 3: Braum vs Bard
  157. Kill participation was a little low because team spread out. Could have bought a few more control wards maybe.
  159. Game 4: Tahm Kench vs Annie
  160. Good aggression. Don't use W to poke because if it's down when you get engaged on you're probably both gonna die or have to flash.
  162. Game 5: Tahm Kench vs Leona
  163. Figure out who you have to focus on in team fights. Who the biggest issue was.
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