
Blazblue: Phase Shift 3 Chapter 5

Nov 18th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. The giant, which looked just like a living creature, slammed its hands on the ground faster than its size would give away. On all fours, it opened its mouth wide to reveal a white magic circle, which rotated to lock on to its target, as it gathered enough light to scorch the Black Beast’s torso in a single blow. It wasn’t long before the light was ready to fire…
  3. But the eight-headed Black Beast disappeared into a haze.
  5. “What?!” Celica yelled, while Hakumen looked around in bewilderment.
  7. Only a minute ago, the entire village had been overcome with terror and blistering with death — but it was like the Beast had never even been there. Take-Mikazuchi was just as confused as Celica and Hakumen, having lost sight of its target and stopped moving. The light that had been stored in its mouth disappeared, reabsorbed into the darkness of its own body.
  9. Everyone held their breaths. There was no telling what would happen next.
  11. Then the Black Beast lunged behind Take-Mikazuchi, and with all its eight heads, it bit down hard on the man-made weapon. Four heads attacked its shoulders; one, the arms; two, the waist; and the last was coiled around Take-Mikazuchi’s neck. One of the heads eventually bit into the weapon’s side, tearing away at its armor like flesh from prey. Its head was bent in the wrong direction by the Beast’s strangling. Two of the Beast’s heads pulled back forcefully, trying to rip Take-Mikazuchi’s left arm off its shoulder with a heavy creaking sound.
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