
Just a Fun Thing (FR Short?)

Mar 2nd, 2013
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  1. >You are Jarrod
  2. >And man, have you had a tough day of classes
  3. >Thursdays always suck; your classes bleed out into the night, and by the time you get home, it’s way too late to want to do anything productive
  4. >So you do what you usually do:
  5. >You toss your bag onto your bed, crash down into your chair, and launch Firefox
  6. >You click your bookmarks and select /mlp/, browsing the pony imageboard for some cheap entertainment
  7. >The board has always been a trusty escape from the painful trials and tribulations of reality
  8. >You browse for about half an hour
  9. Ah…
  10. >You say, as you come across an old favorite
  11. >The Flutterrape thread
  12. >You click on it, and scroll through the page
  13. >It’s well on its way, already at 350 posts
  14. >Some big named writefags have updated some of their stories
  15. >You give them a quick scan, enjoying the antics of Fluttershy
  16. >Some funny, some more serious, some quite sad
  17. >There’s such a variety of fiction to choose from
  18. >Some lesser known, but still great, writefags have updated as well
  19. >You glance through those really quickly
  20. >Eventually, you reach the bottom of the page
  21. >Ah, dead end. Nothing to do now but—
  22. >…
  23. >Huh… what’s this…?
  24. >You scroll back down to the bottom of the page
  25. >A story seems to have popped up
  26. >…do you have auto update on?
  27. >…no, you don’t think so
  28. >…how peculiar
  29. >You glance up at the name and subject fields
  30. >The only thing filled out is the name:
  31. >”Fluttershy”
  32. >You scoff a little under your breath
  33. >Some roleplaying faggot, huh?
  34. >…well, might as well give it a read, there’s no other stories here
  35. >You scan over the story, which doesn’t happen to be too long
  36. >Only about five posts
  37. >It’s a fetish guess comedy, with the usual formula
  38. >Fluttershy trying to get into Anon’s pants with a guess
  39. >It’s a comedy, and for what its worth, it’s decently funny
  40. >Gave you a chuckle
  41. >The ending didn’t seem to make much sense though
  42. >As opposed to the usual “Fucking Fluttershy” punchline ending it all, one more greentext line comes out after it
  43. >A line of Fluttershy’s dialogue
  44. >One more guess
  45. >”Is digging your fetish, Anon? Digging is one of mine.”
  46. >…an odd way to end it. Doesn’t make much sense
  47. >Maybe it was an accidental line left in at the end
  48. >Well, decent story nonetheless
  49. >Since it’s brand new, no one’s commented yet
  50. >…Might as well make his (or “her”) day a little brighter
  51. >You click her post number and type a quick reply
  52. >”Hey Fluttershy, pretty funny first story. 7/10”
  53. >Quick, nothing special, just something for him to hold on to, knowing someone liked it
  54. >You lean back in your chair a little bit to stretch
  55. >Staring at the ceiling, you let out a satisfied groan, then bend back over to the computer
  56. >…the thread seems to have auto-updated again
  57. >You focus your eyes at the new post
  58. >”Fluttershy” seems to have responded
  59. >”Thanks anonymous, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I have other stories you can read, if you like. Pastebin okay?”
  60. >A Pastebin link rests under the text
  61. >…well, why not?
  64. >You lean back into your chair, poking the inside of your cheek with your tongue
  65. >That was… odd
  66. >You X out of the Pastebin window
  67. >That wasn’t even close to his other story
  68. >It didn’t even make sense
  69. >Fluttershy was just…
  70. >There was no Anon, no rape attempt, no other characters, no… development at all
  71. >There was a fetish guess… sort of
  72. >Was nec…
  73. >…
  74. >That’s a little strange…
  75. >How does that even tie in with—
  76. >Wait… digging?
  77. >You scroll up to the greentexted post
  78. >And check the last line
  79. >”Is digging your fetish, Anon? Digging is one of mine.”
  80. >Was he going for some odd kind of connection?
  81. >…
  82. >You copy the Pastebin link and paste it into your URL bar again
  83. >…but it doesn’t lead anywhere
  84. >You try one more time
  85. >The page loads, but the document is blank
  86. >What the hell?
  87. >One more try
  90. >You X out of the Pastebin
  91. >…the silence in your room becomes a little more clear now
  92. >The wind gusts softly against your window
  93. >Leading out into the dark outside
  94. >…you get up and throw the curtain over it
  95. >You come back to the computer and look at the thread
  96. >No one has posted since you or “Fluttershy”
  97. >You hover your hands over the keyboard for a second
  98. >…
  99. >”What’s up with the digging, Fluttershy?”
  100. >…
  101. >…
  102. >”Digging is my fetish. It’s fun to share. Share on Pastebin tonight.”
  103. >As quickly as you read that post, another one from her shows up
  104. >”Is necrophilia your fetish, Jarrod?”
  105. >…
  106. >Your breath quickens a bit
  107. >How the…?
  108. >What the…?
  109. >You X out of the Flutterrape thread
  110. >You get up off of your computer
  111. >And shut it down
  112. >Your heart is racing
  113. >…
  114. >Breathe…
  115. >You pace the room for a bit
  116. >…it’s 4chan
  117. >…probably did some bullshit… hacker thing or something
  118. >Got your name somehow
  119. >Just calm down…
  120. >You take a big, deep breath
  121. >…
  122. >Chill… just chill, man
  123. >You look over to your clock
  124. >1:00am
  125. >How did it get so late?
  126. >…you’re a little worked up
  127. >But… you think you should try to get to bed anyway
  128. >You slide out of your clothes and get comfortable under the sheets
  129. >Thoughts race through your mind, but you try your best, and eventually, you let sleep take you…
  131. >Your eyes flicker open a little
  132. >You’re a light sleeper, and don’t sleep well in the light
  133. >…light…?
  134. >You open your eyes wider
  135. >As you wake up, your ears start to catch on to something
  136. >A soft, pattern-like voice
  137. >You dart up in bed
  138. >The light…
  139. >You look over to your computer
  140. >Right as you do, the voice stops
  141. >…
  142. >You shut that down…
  143. >You slowly creep out of bed, and take a look at your monitor
  144. >…it’s definitely on
  145. >And the browser is open too
  146. >It’s loaded…
  147. >…Vocaroo?
  148. >Was that what you heard…?
  149. >You click replay…
  152. >Your heart practically stops
  153. >…that’s…
  154. >That’s your voice…
  155. >…that’s you laughing, you talking…
  156. >…what the fuck is this…?
  158. >You wake up again
  159. >It’s not quite morning
  160. >You’re sprawled out on your bed
  161. >Dirt is everywhere
  162. >Your bed is a mess
  163. >Groggily, you place your hand down to push yourself up
  164. >Clods of dirt fall from your fingertips
  165. >…what…?
  166. >You glance at your hands
  167. >…covered in dirt
  168. >Caked
  169. >Like you’ve been gripping and moving it for hours
  170. >…
  171. >How could you…?
  172. >…
  173. >You look to your door
  174. >It’s open
  175. >You slowly get up
  176. >And peer outside your door
  177. >Your hall light is on
  178. >You follow down it slowly
  179. >The house is eerily quiet
  180. >Rounding the corner, you see the exit to your backyard
  181. >The lights aren’t on
  182. >Dirt trails from outside in
  183. >…did you sleepwalk?
  184. >How did…
  185. >…
  186. >Or did you…
  187. >You look to your hands again
  188. >…did you dig a hole…?
  189. >…
  190. >You slowly and carefully place your feet in front of one another
  191. >Leading closer and closer to the door
  192. >Until you’re outside
  193. >It’s dark
  194. >But with very little help from the inside light
  195. >You can see it
  196. >A darker spot in the lawn
  197. >It looks… deep
  198. >And wide…
  199. >…
  200. >Such a nice hole…
  201. >…
  202. >Almost makes you want to…
  203. >…
  204. >Want to…
  205. >[spoiler]Jump in…[/spoiler]
  207. [spoiler]iS nEcRoPhIlIa YoUr FeTiSh AnOn?[/spoiler]
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