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/vg/ Metal Gear General FAQ Ver. 3.0

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Mar 23rd, 2014
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  1. Welcome to Metal Gear General. The following is a list of Frequently Asked Questions meant to help newcomers familiarize themselves with the series.
  3. >What is Metal Gear?
  4. Metal Gear is a series of stealth action games produced by Kojima Productions (formerly Konami Computer Entertainment Japan). The series dates back to the 8-bit MSX2 home computer in 1987, simply titled Metal Gear, but it wasn't until the release of its third canonical installment, Metal Gear Solid, that the series managed to achieve mainstream success, leading to the rebranding of the series under the Metal Gear Solid title for future sequels.
  6. >Who is the lead designer of Metal Gear?
  7. Metal Gear is the creation of Hideo Kojima, who directed, wrote and designed almost all of the major games in the series since the MSX2 original. Outside the Metal Gear series, he directed the graphic adventure games Snatcher and Policenauts and served as producer for Zone of the Enders, Boktai and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. He is a massive cinephile whose love for movies has heavily influenced his work on the Metal Gear series and other projects.
  9. >How many games are there?
  10. Excluding spinoffs, expanded editions and remakes, there are currently nine canonical games in the series, with a tenth entry in production that will be release in two halves. In order of release and platform of origin, they are:
  12. Metal Gear (1987, MSX2) - MG1
  13. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (1990, MSX2) - MG2
  14. Metal Gear Solid (1998, PS) - MGS1
  15. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2001, PS2) - MGS2
  16. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (2004, PS2) - MGS3
  17. Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (2006, PSP) - MPO
  18. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (2008, PS3) - MGS4
  19. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (2010, PSP) - MGS PW
  20. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (2013, PS3/Xbox 360) - MGR
  21. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (2014, PS4/PS3/Xbox One/Xbox 360) - MGSV: GZ
  22. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015, PS4/PS3/Xbox One/Xbox 360) - MGSV: TPP
  24. For a more comprehensive list, check out Kojima Productions' official lineup, which have the games listed from newest to oldest.
  27. >What is the easiest way for newcomers to get into the whole Metal Gear series?
  28. For PlayStation 3 owners, they can get Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection. It includes all the games in the series directed by Kojima, along with motion comic adaptations of the MGS1 and 2 graphic novels by Ashley Wood. MGS1 and VR Missions are included as download vouchers for use on the PlayStation Network, while the MSX2 games are accessible via the main menu of MGS3.
  30. Xbox 360 owners on the other hand, has the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, which includes MGS2, 3 and PW, as well as the early MSX2 games. MGS1 and MGS4 are not available on the 360.
  32. For PC gamers, Metal Gear Rising is currently available on Steam, which includes all the DLCs that were sold separately on consoles and exclusive new content. MGS1 and MGS2 also had official PC ports, but they are no longer in print.
  34. >What's the chronological order of the series.
  35. 1964 - MGS3
  36. 1970 - MPO
  37. 1974 - MGS PW
  38. 1975 - MGSV: GZ
  39. 1984 - MGSV: TPP
  40. 1995 - MG1
  41. 1999 - MG2
  42. 2005 - MGS1
  43. 2007/2009 - MGS2
  44. 2014 - MGS4
  45. 2018 - MGR
  47. While it might seem tempting to play the games in chronological order, each new Metal Gear game builds over the established storyline of its predecessor and it's easy to miss out a few important details or subtle references if you're a newcomer or skip out on certain games.
  49. >What's the deal with Portable Ops (MPO)? Why was it not included in the Legacy Collection? Is it canon or not?
  50. MPO was a PSP-exclusive game that was developed without the direction of Hideo Kojima, who was busy working on MGS4 at the time. At the time of its release, Konami heavily promoted MPO as a full chapter of the Metal Gear canon (, the "missing link" that tied up all the loose ends between the events of MGS3 and MG1 (PW did not exist at the time) and essential to understanding the plot of MGS4.
  52. However, Kojima Productions has since downplayed MPO's importance to the canon. The newest version of the official MGS timeline omits MPO completely (, while PW, the PSP Metal Gear game that Kojima later directed, barely acknowledges the events of MPO. Miller's line at the beginning of PW, where he tells Snake to "leave all that crap in San Hieronymo behind" (San Hieronymo being the setting of MPO), is commonly interpreted as an allusion of Kojima's feelings for MPO, essentially telling the player to ignore the events of that game.
  54. In a Twitch TV interview with Geoff Keighley broadcasted by Konami on March 13, 2014, Kojima clarified MPO's status in the Metal Gear canon.
  57. >What about Metal Gear Rising (MGR)?
  58. Metal Gear Rising is a spinoff developed by a different studios (PlatinumGames) under the supervision of Kojima Productions. Like MPO, Kojima had no direct involvement with the development of MGR, as he was (and still is) busy working on MGS V. The game system is completely different from traditional Metal Gear titles, being a 3D hack 'n slash in the vein of Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden or Platinum's own Bayonetta, rather than a stealth shooter. The game is set after the events of MGS4 and stars MGS2's surprise protagonist Raiden, following his reinvention as the new Cyborg Ninja in MGS4, making it the latest game chronologically, Kojima personally considers MGR to a parallel sequel that branches off from MGS4.
  61. >Is Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (MGS TTS) a good substitute for MGS1?
  62. TTS is a remake MGS1 for the Nintendo GameCube developed by the now-defunct Canadian studio Silicon Knights (of Blood Omen and Eternal Darkness fame). While the storyline remains essentially the same, the soundtrack is different, the cutscenes were redone under the direction of filmmaker Ryuhei Kitamura (Versus) and the game system has been updated with features previously introduced in MGS2. Some fans of the original feel that the added play mechanics from MGS2 ruined the game's balance thanks to the fact that the level designs and boss battles were left largely unchanged and the controls didn't translate well to the GameCube controller (due to its lack of pressure sensitive buttons). TTS is recommended as a substitute only if you don't have access to the original PS version (or its PC port).
  64. >What about the Game Boy Color version of Metal Gear Solid?
  65. The GBC version of MGS is actually an original game and not a port. Its Japanese title was Metal Gear: Ghost Babel and it serves as an alternate 2D sequel to the original Metal Gear.
  67. >Are the two Metal Gear games on the NES the same ones that were released on the MSX2?
  68. In a word, no. The NES version of the first Metal Gear, while technically a port of the MSX2 original, is a very different game due to drastically altered level designs and mechanics, numerous bugs and the fact that the actual Metal Gear tank itself never appears in the game. Kojima has gone on record that he considers this version of MG1 to be a shoddy product for various reasons and not an ideal representation of his original vision.
  70. The other Metal Gear game on the NES, Snake's Revenge, is a non-canonical sequel that was developed by Konami for the western market without Kojima's involvement in response to the surprise success of the NES Metal Gear. Snake's Revenge actually preceded Kojima's official Metal Gear 2 and was in fact his inspiration for developing Metal Gear 2 in the first place.
  72. >What's the deal with Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain?
  73. Kojima Productions is planning on releasing Metal Gear Solid V in two episodic portions. The first portion, titled Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, was released on March 2014 and serves as a prologue to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, the main story which is scheduled to be released sometime in early 2015. Ground Zeroes is set a few months after the events of Peace Walker, while The Phantom Pain takes place nine years later.
  75. >Does Sins of the Father (the MGSV song played on the E3 2013 trailer) have a release date?
  76. No release date has been announced yet.
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