
AI Voice Lines (Trap 2: Mindlock)

Nov 2nd, 2017
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  1. Character 1: Artificial Intelligence
  2. (not voiced by actors)
  4. ai_voice_1a_01. Object number 96! You are accused of numerous violations of testing rules.
  6. ai_voice_1a_02. From this moment onwards, you are being moved away from the project and are now enlisted in our expenditure group.
  9. ai_voice_1a_03. Your body and mind are now completely owned by our corporation. You no longer have any rights.
  12. ai_voice_1a_04. Now, the procedure for the introduction of the third party intelligence shall begin.
  14. ai_voice_1a_05. Introduction shall commence in
  16. ai_voice_1a_06. Welcome to the Mindlock project! Thank you for your cooperation.
  18. ai_voice_1a_07. If you're feeling sick, don’t worry. This is just a mere side effect of the mind transplant. All symptoms should dissipate in a couple of minutes.
  20. ai_voice_1a_08. You will start testing immediately. A portal to the test complex “Trap” will open shortly. All additional instructions will be read after teleportation.
  23. ai_voice_1a_09. Enter the portal to begin testing.
  25. ai_voice_1a_10_train. Please do not try to exit the shipper until it docks.
  27. ai_voice_1a_11a. The Mindlock project is apart of our government’s military research program to obtain new technology capable of capturing the planet Earth.
  29. ai_voice_1a_11b. We are grateful that you have agreed to assist our corporation in completing our program. Your current task is to contribute to the studies of the mind and capabilities of the various species of Earth, and our study of their weapons and warfare.
  31. ai_voice_1a_12a. You must diligently obey our leadership to the best of your efforts. You are personally responsible for your own safety as well as the safety of the numerous other objects.
  33. ai_voice_1a_12b. You are not guaranteed safety of any kind. In the event of the loss of brain activity, or death, in the carrier object, your consciousness will perish as well, as it is directly uploaded onto the object, and cannot be recovered if death occurs.
  35. ai_voice_1a_13. In many cases, you will be granted the opportunity of leaving your current object’s mind to complete other tasks. Shall you choose to accept such offers, you must not only ensure the proper completion of your original task, you shall also ensure the preservation of your source object.
  37. ai_voice_1a_14. It shall be noted that participation in the Mindlock experimental program is completely voluntary, and you will be returned to your home planet immediately in the event that your contract expires.
  39. ai_voice_s1. Welcome to the White Section.
  41. ai_voice_s2. Welcome to the Yellow Section.
  43. ai_voice_s3. Welcome to the Green Section.
  45. ai_voice_s4. Welcome to the Red Section.
  47. ai_voice_s5. Welcome to the Blue Section.
  49. ai_voice_s6. Welcome to the Black Section.
  51. ai_voice_1a_15_mission: Your task is to test the basic functions of Object #26.
  53. ai_voice_1a_16a. This is the main portal. Throughout testing, it will be your main goal. Just touch it to start the next test.
  55. ai_voice_1a_16b. To find the approaching portal, you may rely on the unique sound of the portal, or you may rely on the visual signs.
  57. ai_voice_1b_01. Your task is to examine the physical capabilities of the object.
  59. ai_voice_1b_02. Attention! This is the first deadly test. In case of failure, we promise to relay the news to any available biological relatives.
  61. ai_voice_2a_01. Your task is to test the laser weapon and the suppression field.
  63. ai_voice_2a_02. You have picked up a vessel with telepathic fluid, which we commonly use for studies relating to the creation of the human species.
  65. ai_voice_2a_03. If you collect the vessels, in a critical situation, you may use the accumulated telepathic energy to control two recipients simultaneously.
  67. ai_voice_2a_04. Do not worry, you will immediately understand what to do when the time comes.
  69. ai_voice_2b_01a. Your task is to test the vacuum bomb.
  71. ai_voice_2b_01b. Front news! Enemy governments on the planet Earth have attacked one of our official bases in the Antarctic region, violating the Universal Code of our government. Three members of the scientific group have been killed, twelve autonomous robots have been destroyed, and more than thirty official issue military equipment has been destroyed. Now, we can repulse the human species without fear of sanction by the Intergalactic Congress.
  73. ai_voice_2b_01c1.As you may have already noticed, we have developed an instant news alert module. Now, you will be always be aware of current events on your home planet.
  75. ai_voice_2b_01c2. Thanks to this news module, you will no longer feel detached from the outside world in the Trap complex.
  77. ai_voice_2b_02. Attention! A critical situation report has been reported in Zone 2A!
  79. ai_voice_attention. Attention!
  81. ai_voice_2b_03. An alien threat has been detected. The object has proceeded to the yellow section. The danger code is XT-3. All civilian personnel shall remain calm as transhuman security staff shall eradicate the intruder.
  83. ai_voice_repeat. We repeat.
  85. ai_voice_no_aliens. The alien threat has now been eliminated. Thank you for your cooperation.
  87. ai_voice_3a_01. Your task is to explore the actions of firearms on Planet Earth.
  89. ai_voice_3a_02a. The management of the Trap complex feels that it is necessary to remind you that you are working for the benefit of civilization. The survival of our species is in your hands.
  91. ai_voice_3a_02b. Do not forget to abide by the terms of the contract, however, and make sure to constantly upgrade your skill level in order to prepare for newer, and more esoteric studies.
  93. ai_voice_3b_01. Your task is to test chemical weapons and explosives.
  95. ai_voice_3c_01a. Front news of emergency incidents. Creatures from the planet FG-254, which escaped from the nearly exploded star, have now arrived at the Hephaestus-12 transshipment space cruiser.
  97. ai_voice_3c_01b1. But in the process of delivering these reptiles to our planet, an unintended and unfortunate accident happened once again, in which one of the hyperdrives of Hephaestus-12 exploded and caused an atmospheric leak. In total, about 125,000 creatures perished in the hyperdrive explosion.
  99. ai_voice_3c_01b2. Some of them were shattered into quanta. Others were also shattered to quanta, but were then pulled in by a transdimensional rift and shortly thereafter perished.
  101. ai_voice_3c_01с. According to preliminary investigation data, the explosion occurred due to the cracked shell of the modular quantum synchrotron collider. The planetary leader has gone on record expressing deep condolences to all lives lost.
  103. ai_voice_3c_01d. We remind you that the migration policy of our people is the future of the Intergalactic Empire! Join the Organization For The Prohibition of Cloning, and protect our world from overpopulation! You can join the Organization when your contract expires and you are removed from testing.
  105. ai_voice_3c_02. Attention! In front of you is a dangerous zone with a lot of barely controllable opponents. You can use electronic panels to call reinforcements. If, or of course, there is enough telepathic energy in your head.
  107. ai_voice_4a_01. Your task is to test the gravity device.
  109. ai_voice_4a_02a. Front news! A member of the Intergalactic Security Organization, which conducted an observational mission on the southern pole of Earth, was captured by the dominant species of Earth. This is a good opportunity to justify to advance our depth into human territory!
  111. ai_voice_4a_02b. The Minister of Warfare has already ordered the deployment of various troops and an attack with chemical weapons involved, which you have successfully tested in the previous section.
  113. ai_voice_4b_01. Your task is to test the Threat Recognition Triggers.
  115. ai_voice_4b_02. An alien threat has been detected. The object is in the Red Section. The danger code is XT-3. All civilian personnel shall remain calm as transhuman security staff shall eradicate the intruder.
  117. ai_voice_4b_03. Attention! Fire alarm! An explosion was detected in the test zone 4C, followed by a fire. All personnel working in this zone, we order immediately to eliminate the fire before it spreads to the other zones.
  119. ai_voice_4b_04. Attention! The smoke level in the test zone 4C is 5%.
  121. ai_voice_4c_01. Our leadership has always cooperated productively with secret government enterprises. We are glad that you are also apart of our team to prepare for a military operation against humanity. You serve for the benefit of your civilization and should be proud of it.
  123. ai_voice_4c_02a. Today, one of the secret enterprises gave our corporation the latest biomachine with the code name TR-400. It is designed to track down insurgents and effectively kill them.
  125. ai_voice_4c_02b. Your task is to find this machine and engage combat with it. The ultimate goal of this experiment will be to find the strengths and weaknesses of TR-400.
  127. ai_voice_4c_03. Your task is to destroy the biomachine TR-400.
  129. ai_voice_4c_04. Thank you for testing. We are already receiving new data sets for the TR project. All received information will be used in the process of product improvement and modernization.
  131. ai_voice_4c_fire_attantion1. Attention, fire alarm! In the test zone 4C, a fire occurred.
  133. ai_voice_4c_fire_attantion2. All personnel working in this zone, we immediately order you to eliminate the fire. Smoke level - 20%.
  135. ai_voice_4c_fire_over. The fire in the test zone 4C is eliminated. The threat is eliminated. Thank you for your cooperation.
  137. ai_voice_4c_fire_10. Attention! Smoke level - 10%.
  139. ai_voice_4c_fire_30. Smoke level - 30%.
  141. ai_voice_4c_fire_40. Smoke level - 40%.
  143. ai_voice_4c_fire_50. Smoke level - 50%. Attention! High level of threat.
  145. ai_voice_4c_fire_60. Smoke level - 60%. All staff have been issued a general evacuation order.
  147. ai_voice_4c_fire_70. The smoke level is 70%. Attention! Critical level of threat.
  149. ai_voice_5a_01. Your task is to test weapons of mass destruction.
  151. ai_voice_5a_02. Attention! An alien penetration in the black section was detected.
  153. ai_voice_5a_03. An alien threat has been detected. A group of objects is headed to zone 5A. The danger code is XT-5. All personnel are currently in a high state of alert. The objects are armed and very dangerous.
  155. ai_voice_5a_04. The construction of the section has not yet been completed. We apologize for any technical difficulties.
  157. ai_voice_5b_01. Your task is to explore the action of miniportals.
  159. ai_voice_5b_02. Business news. Immediately, in several of our colonies in the Large Magellanic Clouds, there is not enough labor. The construction of hyperportals is extremely important for the implementation of the capture and operation of new stellar systems.
  161. ai_voice_5b_03. We must attract as much investment as possible and capture as many slaves as possible. Keep it in your head: slaves and investments! Slaves and investments!
  163. ai_voice_5b_04. Testing the weapons and capabilities of the enemy, you make a significant contribution to the implementation of our national strategy.
  165. ai_voice_5c_01p1. The improved model of biomachine TR-400 was delivered to the “Trap” complex. Our clients have renamed it TR-800, improved it’s artificial intelligence, and equipped self-healing armor class A17. Now, TR-800 is a real death machine.
  167. ai_voice_5c_01p2. You need to test it most thoroughly and make sure that it is ready for full scale combat testing. The product is fully equipped and ready for testing. Immediately proceed to find the landfill.
  169. ai_voice_5c_02. Front news! Our diplomats are doing miracles! One of the southern continents of the Earth has joined us in full force. We have guaranteed them to stop pursuing the murder of scientists on the Antarctic base, and promised to settle in the best apartments on the planet-city in the constellation of Sagittarius. Of course, after the war, we will pretend that nothing is promised so you can still buy those apartments.
  171. ai_voice_5c_03. You have come very close to the “polygon” with the TR-800 biomachine. We remind you that thanks to the improved armor, it can not be destroyed by conventional weapons. To complete the task, you will be given an ion gun.
  173. ai_voice_5c_04. Your task is to destroy the biomachine TR-800.
  175. ai_voice_6a_01. Your task is to test the combat skills of Object #96, acquired during the experiment.
  177. ai_voice_6a_02a. News of politics. Our planetary leader has decided to challenge the structures of the Intergalactic Congress! These so called “fighters for the world order in the universe” increasingly interfere in our internal affairs and impose new restrictions.
  179. ai_voice_6a_02b. They recently banned us from attacking one of the Earth’s military bases in Australia. Such interference can seriously damage many of our expansion programs!
  181. ai_voice_6a_03a. We will become the first civilization that dares to resist the Congress! Of course, the development of the new program is still at the stage of preliminary consideration.
  183. ai_voice_6a_03b. But, already, you have the opportunity to help our civilization with concrete deeds. Soon, we will give you a tremendous scientific technology, which will reverse the whole idea of the military technologies currently in use.
  185. ai_voice_6a_04. Violation of the terms of the second clause of the contract was discovered. You are accused of careless handling of the property of the corporation with causing material damage. Penalty is deprivation of health.
  187. ai_voice_6a_05. Attention! There was an out-of-sync in the brain in one of the participants in the Mindlock project.
  189. ai_voice_6a_06. Attention! Object #96, which you are in the body of, is unstable. We shall begin to prepare a new body for testing. Please remain calm and do not forget to fulfill the terms of the contract.
  191. ai_voice_6a_07. Now the main portal will be opened. Go through it to teleport to the headquarters of the Mindlock project and await for further instructions.
  193. ai_voice_6b_01. We came very close to creating an invincible army capable of not only the resistance of Earth, but also the Intergalactic Congress!
  195. ai_voice_6b_02. Our clients have provided us with two experimental invulnerability generators for testing. Your task is to test their capabilities.
  197. ai_voice_6b_03. This is the last task. Upon termination, your contract will expire, after which you will go to the headquarters for the procedure of returning to your original body.
  199. ai_voice_6b_04. An alien threat has been detected. The danger code is X5, the highest. All civilian personnel shall remain vigilant as transhuman security staff eliminate the attacker.
  201. ai_voice_7a_01. Attention! The threat of an attack in the sector of headquarters 7H has been detected. All personnel shall immediately take action.
  203. ai_voice_7a_02. Attention! The threat of an attack in the sector of headquarters 75 is detected. We order all security staff to protect the telepathic capsules of the Mindlock project.
  205. ai_voice_7a_03. Attention! An alien invasion was recorded! Announcing an emergency!
  207. ai_voice_7a_04. We order the immediate dispatch of all transhuman security forces assigned to the Mindlock project. All personnel shall act accordingly to the security directives. The threat shall be eliminated immediately.
  209. ai_voice_7a_05. Congratulations! You served for the benefit of civilization and brought us one step closer to victory over the species of Earth. Your contract has expired. Thank you for your cooperation.
  211. ai_voice_7a_05. Open the telepathic capsule to begin the procedure for returning to the body.
  213. ai_voice_7a_06. The management appreciates your results. You have proved your loyalty and can become a useful member of our team.
  215. ai_voice_7a_07. From now on, you will be assigned a virtual senior transhuman officer. In submission, you will also have three officers below and several assault units.
  217. ai_voice_7a_08. In just a few moments, your consciousness will be recorded and uploaded to the national database of virtual citizens.
  219. ai_voice_7a_09. The attack on the planet Earth must be completed. Additional instructions will be read at the end of download.
  221. ai_voice_7a_10. The procedure will begin in 5...4...3...2...
  223. ai_voice_addmission. You have received a proposal from the leadership. You have 15 seconds to make a decision.
  225. ai_voice_addmission_short. You have received a proposal from the leadership.
  227. ai_voice_thanks. Thank you for your cooperation.
  229. ai_voice_breaking. An urgent assignment has been received from management. Acceptance is mandatory.
  231. ai_voice_portal. The portal is reprogrammed. Enter to start the assignment.
  233. ai_voice_x1_01. Dear employees of the Mindlock project! Remember that the bodies you transfer to in order to carry out additional missions are not permanent. You do not have a solid neuroquant telepathic connection with them.
  235. ai_voice_x1_02. Therefore, you must finish your assignment and abandon them as soon as possible to return to your main host body.
  237. ai_voice_x9_01. You must manually change the mode of the neural pulse translation. This is necessary for the implementation of long-term implementation in the new controlled mind.
  239. ai_voice_x9_02. We have finished preparing the body for implementation. Your new task is to find Object #160 and take control of his mind. Do NOT kill him.
  241. ai_voice_x9_03. Attention! We have detected the destabilization of Object #160’s brain. The danger level is critical!
  243. ai_voice_x9_04. We are doing our best to fix the problem.
  245. ai_voice_x9_05. All basic functions have been restored. The flow of consciousness is stable. The body replacement procedure has been completed successfully.
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