
Bro-Fucking(One)(Not clop)

Jan 3rd, 2013
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  1. >Day Rainbro Dash in Equestria.
  2. >You've been hanging with Rainbow ever since you got here, a couple weeks ago. She's your Rainbro because you and her hit it off pretty quickly.
  3. >Apparently, p0nies DO drink. Some can handle it, like Dash here. You and her spent most of her off days just hanging out, drinking, or just talking in general.
  4. >She did seem kinda weird this past week though.
  5. >Her wings would stay flared out whenever you and her hung out, she seemed to stutter every so often, and she would get a pink tinge to her blue face sometimes.
  6. >You don't really think anything of it, believing that she's just tired from work, like she says she is.
  7. >Your bro wouldn't lie to you like that, so why wouldn't you believe her?
  8. >Yesterday was worse though.
  9. >She had pretty much come on to you, she'd flick her tail at you as she walked by, and left a wet spot on your couch.
  10. >You admit the wet spot could've been your fault though, you'd been rubbing her back and your hands brushed by her wings.
  11. >She'd given off a yelp and was off like a bullet before you could even try to talk it out.
  12. >You hoped today would be better. Today would be the end of the second week of her acting all funny.
  13. >Maybe its just something to do with the weather? It has been pretty hot recently. Maybe the heats gotten to her head.
  14. >Or maybe she's just stressed out. You should try to give her a massage. That might help out.
  15. >Rainbro has been pretty much avoiding you all day though. You can't even fathom why!
  16. >Maybe it was the wing incident yesterday? She did seem pretty upset by it.
  17. >You'd apoligize when you found her.
  18. >You ask around P0nyville for her and get vauge hints every so often.
  19. >You resort to looking for yourself, checking the clouds, looking around at places she liked. Nowhere.
  20. >Deciding to give it time to blow over, you make your way home. You keep up your search on the way though.
  21. >Wouldn't wanna miss her by accident, right?
  22. >Just when your about to give up and walk in, you look up and see the prismatic tail hanging off a cloud.
  23. >Finally! Took ya long enough. But why would she be hanging out above your house, of all places.
  24. "Rainbro! What gives? Get down here!"
  25. >You see her jump up with a startled yelp, soon after, she peeks at you over the clouds edge.
  26. >"Oh, hey A-Anon. What's up?"
  27. "What's up is that I've been looking everywhere for you! Get down here and come inside!"
  28. >You think you hear a moan, but you dont press it. Must be really tired. She comes down soon after, wings still open.
  29. "Ya really gotta do something about those wings Bro. Might get in the way or something."
  30. >"Oh these? Heh, yeah..."
  31. >One blush, on her part, later, both of you are walking into your house. You let her in first, 'cause your a gentleman like that.
  32. >She walking in a bit hesitantly, and you can't help but notice that her.tail seems a bit higher than usual. You snap your eyes away though.
  33. >Bros, don't check out other Bros!
  34. >You walk in after Rainbro, closing the door behind you.
  35. >Figure you might as well apoligize first.
  36. "So Rainbro, about yesterday-"
  37. >"Yesterday? Oh no, its fine dude. I just overreacted. No problem, right?"
  38. >You swear those words speed by you at like Mach 3.
  39. "Oh well okay? If we're cool, then let's down a few drinks!"
  40. >You head to the fridge, not noticing her frown.
  41. >"Um Anon? You think maybe we could, you know, stay sober today?"
  42. >You already have the bottle of AJ Daniels in hand. You pause though.
  43. "You sure? I thought you might need a drink, you look pretty ruffled up."
  44. >"Nah, its okay, I'd rather have a clear head anyway."
  45. >Hmm that's odd. But you respect her wishes and put the drink back in the fridge.
  46. "So what do ya wanna do, Bro?"
  47. >You think she cringes at 'Bro', but you let it slip, might've been a twitch or something.
  48. >"How about we jusy relax and watch a movie?"
  49. >Your fine with that, you'd explain to yourself how you have movies in Equestria, but you already know, not like anyone else would care.
  50. "Sure, anything in particular?"
  51. >"Nah, just put something in m- it."
  52. >Another slip? Damn she must really be stressed out.
  53. >You pop in a random movie and go back to the couch. You sit down and Rainbro automatically goes to her normal position.
  54. >You and her had set it uo when you watched you first movie together. You'd sit down, she'd lay in your lap.
  55. >Sure, it wasn't totally 'Bro'-esque but it worked, and it was comfy.
  56. >The movie plays out, but your not really watching it. Your focused on your Bro. She seems uncomfortable.
  57. >That's not right, she's the one that set this position up! She should be comfortable!
  58. >You slow inch your hand to her mane and quickly scratch her behind the ear.
  59. >She lets out a yelp, then a content sigh. Yeah, she must be pretty stressed.
  60. "Bro, you seem stressed out? Need a massage or something? I'm no pro, but I bet these babies can get the job done."
  61. >She seems hesitant, but once you start, it melts off her.
  62. >She lets out a moan as you continue her massage, easing all those knots away. You finish up and are about to go to her wings, but yesterday flashes through your head.
  63. >You decide its probably safer to ask first.
  64. "Hey, you ok with me massaging your wings?"
  65. >"Yessss, do anything you want- er... I mean, sure I guess that'd be nice."
  66. >Another blush. That was a pretty big slip-up. Needs more 'hand magic' dude.
  67. >You start massaging her wings, starting at the tips, moving toward the base.
  68. >Her moans get louder, you must really have magic in these hands! Maybe you should go work at the Spa.
  69. >When you get to the base, she lets out a shuddering moan, followed by a sigh. Heh, wonder what that was about.
  70. >Thinking your job finished, you take your hands back-
  71. >"Oh, don't stop now! Anon, you really have me all worked up. You HAVE to finish what you started!"
  72. "I thought I just did? You seemed relaxed enough."
  73. >"Not talking about that Anon, I'm talking about this."
  74. >She turns around, and moves her tail out of the way, giving you a front row view of her marehood.
  75. "Bro! What the hell?!"
  76. >She growls, "Anon, you started this. You had to have seen the signs of my Estrus. You're going to buck me. That's final."
  77. >You consider your options. On one hand, you get laid. But its with your Bro.
  78. >On the other hand, you get raped, by your Bro. Fuck! What kinda choices are these!
  79. >You'd rather go along willingly though. Against your better Bro-ship, you thought Rainbow was pretty attractive.
  80. >Sure you wouldn't-
  81. >Rainbow cut off your thoughts by headbutting you in your rooms general direction.
  82. >"C'mon! Your stalling. Easy way? Or what?"
  83. "Yeah, sure, I'll fuck you. Not gonna get outta this any other way."
  84. >"Glad you see things my way."
  85. >She flashes you that cocky smile your used to and struts to the room. You feel the tent forming in your pants.
  86. >Why must you betray me, boner?
  87. >*Because that sweet p0ny ass is begging to be plowed. Literally!*
  88. >Welp. Its a lost cause to argue with your boner. You head to the room and get ready for some Bro-Fucking.
  90. >Oh god, that actually happened.
  91. >Its the next morning, you feel pretty fucking good, considering you fucked your Bro last night.
  92. >But, she's totally not your Bro anymore, more like, a close friend now. Maybe Friends with Benifits?
  93. >You may have enjoyed last night a little too much. But hey, it was fucking hot.
  94. >You turn to Rainbow, wanting to wake her up nicely. Might as well right?
  95. "Hey, Rainbow? Wake up."
  96. >You nudge her a few times to get the point across.
  97. >"Nngh, what the fuck happened last night..."
  98. "We fucked."
  99. >Her eyes shoot open. Why does she look pissed? It was her idea after all.
  100. >"What?! What the buck, Anon! You don't sleep with your Bros!"
  101. "You came onto me! You were gonna rape me!"
  102. >"Ugh! It was Estrus! I was horny! You should have said no and kicked me out or something!"
  103. >As if you could do that, Rainbow is pretty tough. Tougher than you'd like to admit.
  104. "Well, its a little late for that right?"
  105. >"No, Anon, this is NOT okay! Damn it, we're Bros! Well, we were."
  106. "Yeah, what are we now? We dating or something?"
  107. >"No, Anon. We're not friends anymore. You shouldn't have taken advantage of my Estrus to fuck me!"
  108. >Really? She's still pissed? You give her a kiss, hoping it would calm her down a bit.
  109. >You weren't expecting her to toss a hoof your way! She knocked you clear off the bed, where you fell on the floor roughly.
  110. >"What The Buck Anon?! Aren't you listening at all?! I'm not gonna be your special somep0ny! It'd probably be better if we never saw each other again!"
  111. >Ouch, that hurts.
  112. "Huh? But this is your-"
  113. >"Oh yeah, keep blaming me. Take responsibility for your actions for once Anon. I'm leaving now. And I don't want to see you again!"
  114. >With that she storms out, while your left there, wondering what the fuck happened here.
  115. >Today was a 'I should kill myself' day.
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