
Overwatch VOD for shadow guy lul

Sep 17th, 2017
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  1. so, starting off with the review, it makes me very happy to see lucio off the bat. I also really liked you checking what your teammates played before you picked anyone. I like the team comp, especially with reaper. Reaper and Lucio are an extremely strong yet under appreciated combo, as speed boost makes reaper absolutely terrifying to fight. First off, Its best to understand the purpose of lucio if you want to play him competitively. Lucio makes his team stronger in team fights, and is meant to keep the main support( which in the pro scene is usually zen) alive and protected. Speed boost and boop are the reason he has( and has had) A 95% pick rate in pro games. The reason wall riding is so important is that allows you to empower those abilities exponentially. If a lucio understands wall riding and speed control, he can have a global presence due to his massive mobility. Judging by how you are in spawn, I'm going to assume you won't be wall riding in combat. My expectations could be wrong, but that doesn't matter. So, in the first couple of seconds into the game, I already see something I see a lot- awkward wall riding. You might have the basics of wall riding down and do use it, but it has no flow or consistency. I don't blame you, as mastering it takes a while, especially learning how to keep flow( I call that speed control). Even on the ground, lucio looks like he had a few too many to drink. You also get a little bit of tunnel vision while going through the first main choke around 2 minutes in. Maybe instead of staring at the ground slowly destroying the trap you could have called out to your team to have them do it. At the same time, you lose track teammates, preferring to try and kill a slippery genetically modified fifty year old around the payload, and proceed to die. I will be completely honest with you- I constantly lose track of my own health. Why? Because my teammates health matters more, and checking it would hurt my focus. Lucio, in order to be played well, requires massive amounts of micromanaging and callouts, and you fail at both. You have to be the shot caller for the team, as lucio has a kit built around that idea. You are the sail, and your team is the boat. They are what move, but you are what push them forward. A sail without a boat is going to sink, and the boat will be stuck without a mast. And just like sailing, it might seem simple, but is actually complicated and strenuous as fuck. Oh and btw, I'm only 3 minutes into the vod. Thats... actually quite depressing. Anyways, during several parts, you run away from your team during a fight. NO. Don't do that. Remember my analogy? You are the most important part of a team fight. And if the enemy team doesn't have a lucio, You have an inert advantage if you would just STAY WITH YOUR FUCKING TEAM. You died exactly 4 minutes in. This is another concept that is unique to lucio- Strategical death and self sacrifice. You have to be willing to die to save teammates. This of course doesn't mean you should be throwing your corpse at everyone, but it should be a thought. Your life doesn't matter any less, but if you have some semblance of speed control, death matters a whole lot less. But, since you lack that, you should take some higher responsibility over your own. You get a fairly good pick on a reaper, and even though you booped him away from your team( it makes more sense to boop him towards your team), you still get that pick. And its right about now when the bad positioning truly shines. This is a common trait of lucio players i call " wanderers". They just walk around, paying very little attention to their surroundings, and get easily distracted. At 4:40, if the enemy team had any competence, you would be very dead. As you climb up the ranks, Lucio loses the trait of being ignored by everyone. This strategy is not long term. You will eventually hit a wall playing Lucio like this. Also, just a good tip, but callout when you amp up heals. It is way more helpful to everybody if you do. nearing the end of the second point, you use your ultimate, and I can't help but laugh. Do I even need to say why that was an utter failure? I'm lost, as my frustration is very hard to describe with how you play Lucio. As a Lucio one trick, I can't help but feel you would have done much more as another support during the first round, as you lack the necessary skills to use him effectively, like micromanaging or awareness. I am really hoping you can do better as zen. Umm ok weird question but were you eating during this game? I'm just curious. Even before the round starts, I absolutely despise your positioning. You are meant to be in the backline, taking corner peeks for cheeky kills and damaging from a distance. So, as lucio you play too passively and as zen too actively. I'm leaving that for you. I mean, your entire teams positioning is terrible, but you shouldn't follow just because your team is doing it. And looking at your callouts, they're fine. You should be doing them a whole lot more, but its fine. And this is for zen, not Lucio. You failed with lucio callouts. Obviously, I will have less to talk about with zenyatta, as I don't know him as well as I know what is best called my addiction. But, I do know him enough to say you are lopsided in your orb usage. I see that a lot, where a zen is more focused on one orb more than another, which is usually discord. You should work on keeping more of a balance in those orbs, and try and remind yourself at the least to keep the orb attached to somebody before they get into a fight. Since in this case you are a secondary healer, your main harmony orb target is the main support. A solo healing zenyatta is not what you want to be doing. Remember my ship analogy? Kenyatta is the rudder, directing the ship where to go. You are what keeps your team together and focused. You also hold one of the strongest ultimates, one that has been dominant in the pro scene. So if you die, you delay an extremely powerful ultimate. At this point, you do have another issue. The widow on the enemy team is not bad, although I have seen better and more terrifying widows( I'm on console btw), she's worth her salt. Then if you know this widow is a threat, why are you ignoring her. Widow crumbles if she is attacked by two or more, so maybe use that rudder of yours and fuck her up. Third point ,another sad team fight where you fail to keep your rein alive yet are saved due to your DVA having some competence with her ult. Around 14:00, I see your aim fall completely apart. Zen has very strong projectiles that move very fast. They aren't that hard to learn, but are the great divider in-between what is a good or bad zenyatta. That should be worked on, although I think that lucio should take your priority in fixing. A lot of things can easily translate over with those two characters. So working on lucio might actually help your zen. At 14:30, you finally use your ultimate. You knew the enemy team had zarya. WHY DID YOU USE IT. zarya now has a free team wipe that you can barely fight against. If they have a zarya, you should reserve it for that ultimate, as it is a direct counter. If it seems like I am getting tilted, I am. This is getting to that point. In a twist of irony, you die to the ultimate you were designed to counter. Before then, you played pretty well, helping your team get picks.A little later on, I see a fair amount of game lag, and am wondering if this played a role in why your gameplay seems wonky. Idk. You and your team also got amazingly cocky during the last 40 seconds of the match, which in your sr is very common. You had a pretty good ult, but used it just before the zarya used hers, so overall it failed. And that is the end of round two. You have a lot of work to do, especially with lucio. I'll be back with part two sometime, but knowing how much this tilted me, I might take a break. Speed boop out.
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