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kiryu coco shame manifesto

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Nov 7th, 2020
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  2. There is a problem with the input method, there is no way to hit more trash, everyone forgive me for rejection
  3. I! personal enmity! Gotta report!
  4. My id is also meaningful, Andy Dufrey, the hero of "Shawshank's Redemption".
  5. He waited for 19 years, I only spent one month!
  6. Victory belongs to us!
  7. Storytelling
  8. To make a short story, my personal goal in the case of locusts is to jump and drive the wheelbarrow, but I still want something with higher positive feedback. I have played gold coin bombs (by the way, reminder: not recommended), filled the members to sail in the meeting limit, etc.
  9. Today, I finally achieved what I most hoped to achieve in this matter: I was in front of the locusts (well, still far away), straight ball insulting.
  10. Today, I finished golf and went back to do the pre-task for the next class. I didn’t know that the locust will broadcast the “among us” today, and through the members, I learned that today will be a member-limited participation in distribution.
  11. The feedback from this information is that I may have a chance.
  12. So as you can see, the wolf was bought today:
  14. My initial judgment was that the participants were well set, because the time for locust to put the code in the member community was a few seconds earlier than the live broadcast. But after watching the live broadcast for a while, I found that there were people coming in and out of each round. If it is set, there is no reason to change, right, it’s too difficult.
  15. After several rounds of matchmaking, I also confirmed that the code that the locust released on the member channel is not a fake code. It is indeed the server where the live broadcast is playing. Then I can continue to click with peace of mind.
  16. Until the beginning of the afternoon class, I still hung up the live broadcast room and the game, and the game live broadcast room was muted. Every time the settlement page came out, I would click to join twice.
  17. 17 minutes after the class started, what popped up on my screen was no longer that the server was full or the game had started. But a short sentence:
  18. "Waiting for host"
  19. At the time I was still in a group discussion, and my head buzzed directly, and the adrenaline came up immediately.
  20. Damn it, this is it?
  22. Seeing that stupid orange with a banana head, I knew I had entered the wrong server.
  23. As mentioned above, the ID of Andy Dufre was chosen deliberately. This is the name of Andy Dufresne, the protagonist of the movie "Shawshank's Salvation" (the ID length is limited, but it is not harmless to pronounce). He has dug a tunnel for 19 years to escape him. Today, I only waited a month to get the most refreshing way of revenge I can think of.
  24. My hatred of locusts should be in the highest level in the wheelbarrow army. I am honored to be able to rush in and hit SHAME ON YOU COCO on the public screen in the last game of today's live broadcast.
  25. After entering the server, I was really very nervous, my hands were shaking, I couldn't get feedback, and the input method was also having problems.
  26. I originally wanted to type SHAME ON YOU COCO AND GRADUATE. I also posted this sentence in the Chonglocu Lou. At that time, I wanted to type it and copy it (the input method still couldn't type in English), but I found that the clipboard could not be used either.
  27. So you can find that I almost didn't speak in the first round of voting. Maybe I only typed a "what" because I was stuck in the Chinese input method.
  28. After the first round of security, I quickly cut out and changed the input method language to English only, and cut back and found that I could input.
  29. Then I finished this round of the game normally, swiped a card, turned on a light switch that couldn't be lit, fixed the generator or didn't know what was next to it.
  30. This round of free activities is extremely long for me, this ryder has been following me all the time, I was afraid he was a killer, then I rushed in completely for nothing.
  32. Then the following alarm went off, damn it, did the tutorial at station b teach this stuff? Why are they all gathered here? It's safe to be all together, I thought.
  34. Then the alarm went off again. For my first game among us, this free time was too long.
  35. I watched the video and found out that I actually went all the way with the locust, Gesus
  37. Then, the body was found, and I felt I could not wait any longer.
  38. I confirmed in the chat that there is no problem with the input method, and asked me the second sentence what.
  39. Then, type
  41. I expected that my first sentence would be kicked out of the server, so in order to maximize efficiency, I repeated shame all the way.
  42. For me, I think shame on you is a very effective curse, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
  43. Don't you blush
  44. Shameless you
  45. Shameless person
  46. You see, depending on the context, different translations can be produced, which is simply the English version of "Fuck"
  47. Moreover, the behavior of locusts since October has fully implemented the three words shameless, of course, cover is also, no, cover especially
  48. For the next 3 minutes, I repeated shame mechanically, feeling that my wounds in the past month were slowly healing, what was said in the chat, who was talking to me, and whether the locusts had unplugged the network cable was no longer important.
  49. She must have seen the first sentence.
  50. Then, I saw the end screen, it wasn't me, did I win?
  51. This wave is the only point of humor in the whole drama mixed with nausea, lies and jealousy.
  52. I paid the price of a class and completed my own ultimate goal of this matter. Although it may be worthwhile, I still want to say sorry to Teacher Lindsay, sorry to do this kind of thing in your class and turn around
  53. After writing these things, the adrenaline is almost gone. Thank you for your praise and praise. To be honest, I am ashamed. Although the result looks great, he shouldn't have happened. I also hope that the good use of the server can be used for other things.
  54. Make up a self-made meme, which is also the source of my memory of the word shame
  56. We will win, and we will win.
  57. Many brothers downstairs quoted a line at the end of the film. Thank you, but I have one sentence that I think is better:
  59. "It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another."
  60. "The strong will save themselves, and the saints will help others"
  63. 输入法有问题,没有办法打更多垃圾话,各位见谅拒绝
  64. 我!私仇!得报!
  65. 我这id也是有意义的,安迪.杜佛瑞,《肖申克的救赎》男主角。
  66. 他等了19年,我只用了一个月!
  67. 胜利属于我们!
  68. 讲故事环节
  69. 短话长说,冲蝗这件事我个人的目标就是跳脸,独轮车开归开,但是我还是想要点更高正反馈的东西。我打过金币弹(顺便提醒:不提倡),充了会员在会限里面帆船,etc
  70. 今天,我终于达成了在这件事上我最希望达成的成就:我当着蝗的面(好吧,还隔着挺远的),直球辱骂。
  71. 今天我开完高尔夫回就去做下一节课的pre-task了,等快上课了才知道蝗今天要播among us,以及通过会员知道了今天将是会员限定参与配信。
  72. 那这点信息给我的反馈就是,我可能有机会了。
  73. 所以如各位所见,人狼是今天才买的:
  75. 我一开始的判定是参与者是set好的,因为蝗在会员社区里放code的时间比直播中说的要早几秒。但是我看一会直播之后发现每局都有人进出,那如果是set好的,那没理由换人对吧,这也太难了。
  76. 在经过数局对表之后我也确认了蝗在会员频道放出来的不是假code,确实是直播在玩的服务器,那我就安心继续click了。
  77. 直到下午的课开始,我仍旧把直播间和游戏都挂着,游戏直播间静音,每次结算页面出来之后都会去点两下join。
  78. 在课开始17分钟之后,我屏幕上跳出来的不再是服务器已满员,或者是游戏已经开始。而是一句短句:
  79. “waiting for host”
  80. 当时我还在小组讨论,我脑袋直接嗡的一声,肾上腺素马上就上来了。
  81. 卧槽,这就成了?
  83. 看到那个套着香蕉头的傻逼橘色,我知道我没进错服务器。
  84. 如上文所说,AndyDufre这个ID是特意挑的,这是电影《肖申克的救赎》主人公Andy Dufresne的名字(ID长度限制打不完,不过念出来无伤大雅),他挖了十九年隧道逃脱他莫须有的罪名,今天,我只等了一个月,就轻松获得了我能想到的最爽快的报仇的方式。
  85. 我对蝗的仇恨在独轮车大军中应该在最高level里面,很荣幸能够在今天直播的最后一局,冲进去把SHAME ON YOU COCO打在了公屏上面。
  86. 进去服务器之后我真的非常非常紧张,整个手都在抖,又得不到反馈,输入法也在出问题。
  87. 我本来是想打SHAME ON YOU COCO AND GRADUATE,这句话我也发在了冲蝗楼里,当时是想打好复制进去(输入法还是打不出英文),结果发现剪贴板也不能用。
  88. 所以各位可以发现我第一轮投票几乎没有发言,可能我只打出了一个what出去,因为卡在中文输入法上了。
  89. 第一轮安全之后,我迅速切出去把输入法语言改成仅英文,切回来发现可以输入了。
  90. 然后我就正常地玩完了这一轮游戏,刷了张卡,点了不会点的灯开关,修好了发电机还是旁边的不知道什么东西。
  91. 这一轮自由活动时间对我来说无比漫长,这个ryder一直在跟着我,我就怕他是杀手,那我完全就白冲进来了。
  93. 然后下面警报响了,卧槽,b站看的教程没教过这玩意啊?怎么都聚集过来了?都聚在一起那就安全了,我这样想着。
  95. 接着警报又响了一次,对于我第一局among us来说,这次自由时间实在是太长了。
  96. 看录像才发现,我居然还和蝗共行了一路,Gesus
  98. 然后,尸体发现了,我觉得我不能再等了。
  99. 我在chat里确认了现在输入法没有问题,问了我第二句what。
  100. 然后,打下字
  102. 我本预计我第一句就会被踢出服务器,所以为了效率最大化,我一路都在复读shame。
  103. 对于我来说,我认为shame on you是句很有效的骂人话,你该为你自己感到羞耻。
  104. 你脸不脸红
  105. 你要不要脸
  106. 无耻之人
  107. 你看,可以视语境变化而产生不同的翻译,简直就是英文版的“操”
  108. 而且蝗10月以来的行为充分贯彻了不要脸这三个字,当然,cover也是,不对,cover尤其是
  109. 接下来的3分钟内,我机械地重复着shame,感觉我过去一个月的伤口在慢慢愈合,chat里在说什么,是谁在和我说话,蝗有没有拔网线,不再重要了。
  110. 第一句话,她一定看到了。
  111. 接着,我看到了结束画面,居然不是我,我还赢了?
  112. 这波是整件掺杂着恶心、谎言与嫉妒的话剧中,唯一的幽默点。
  113. 我付出了一节课的代价,完成了我自己对这件事的终极目标,虽然可能比价值得,但是还是想和林赛老师说一声对不起,对不起在您的课上干这种事情转身
  114. 写完这些东西肾上腺素消退的差不多了,感谢各位对我的夸赞和褒奖,说实话,受之有愧。虽然结果看起来很伟大,但是这件事他本不应该发生。我更希望加进服务器的好运用在点别的什么事情上。
  115. 补一张自制的meme,也是我对shame这个词的记忆源头
  117. 我们终将胜利,我们也必将胜利。
  118. 楼下很多老哥引述了影片结尾的一句台词,谢谢各位,但是我这里有一句我自己觉得更好的:
  120. "It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.”
  121. “强者自救,圣者渡人"
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