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Dec 6th, 2018
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  1. // Dump of all classes for "csgo" as at 2018/12/07
  2. //
  4. CFireSmoke - _firesmoke
  5. CPlasma - _plasma
  6. CBaseEntity - ai_ally_speech_manager
  7. CBaseEntity - ai_battle_line
  8. CBaseEntity - ai_changehintgroup
  9. CBaseEntity - ai_changetarget
  10. CBaseEntity - ai_goal_assault
  11. CBaseEntity - ai_goal_fightfromcover
  12. CBaseEntity - ai_goal_follow
  13. CBaseEntity - ai_goal_lead
  14. CBaseEntity - ai_goal_lead_weapon
  15. CBaseEntity - ai_goal_standoff
  16. CBaseEntity - ai_hint
  17. CBaseEntity - ai_network
  18. CBaseEntity - ai_script_conditions
  19. CBaseEntity - ai_sound
  20. CBaseEntity - ai_speechfilter
  21. CBaseEntity - aiscripted_schedule
  22. CAI_BaseNPC - aitesthull
  23. CBaseEntity - ambient_generic
  24. CEconEntity - ammo_338mag
  25. CEconEntity - ammo_357sig
  26. CEconEntity - ammo_357sig_np_reserve
  27. CEconEntity - ammo_357sig_p250
  28. CEconEntity - ammo_357sig_small
  29. CEconEntity - ammo_45acp
  30. CEconEntity - ammo_50ae
  31. CEconEntity - ammo_556mm
  32. CEconEntity - ammo_556mm_box
  33. CEconEntity - ammo_556mm_small
  34. CEconEntity - ammo_57mm
  35. CEconEntity - ammo_762mm
  36. CEconEntity - ammo_9mm
  37. CEconEntity - ammo_buckshot
  38. CBaseEntity - assault_assaultpoint
  39. CBaseEntity - assault_rallypoint
  40. CBaseAnimating - baseprojectile
  41. CBeam - beam
  42. CBeamSpotlight - beam_spotlight
  43. CBreachChargeProjectile - breachcharge_projectile
  44. CFEPlayerDecal - cfe_player_decal
  45. CChicken - chicken
  46. CColorCorrection - color_correction
  47. CColorCorrectionVolume - color_correction_volume
  48. CBaseEntity - commentary_auto
  49. CCSPlayer - cs_bot
  50. CCSGameRulesProxy - cs_gamerules
  51. CCSPlayerResource - cs_player_manager
  52. CCSRagdoll - cs_ragdoll
  53. CCSTeam - cs_team_manager
  54. CAI_BaseNPC - cycler
  55. CAI_BaseNPC - cycler_actor
  56. CAI_BaseNPC - cycler_blender
  57. CBaseFlex - cycler_flex
  58. CWeaponCycler - cycler_weapon
  59. CAI_BaseNPC - cycler_wreckage
  60. CDangerZoneController - dangerzone_controller
  61. CDangerZone - dangerzone_entity
  62. CDecoyProjectile - decoy_projectile
  63. CDrone - drone
  64. CDronegun - dronegun
  65. CDynamicProp - dynamic_prop
  66. CPropDoorRotating - dz_door
  67. CBaseEntity - entity_blocker
  68. CEntityFlame - entityflame
  69. CEnvAmbientLight - env_ambient_light
  70. CBeam - env_beam
  71. CBaseEntity - env_beverage
  72. CBaseEntity - env_blood
  73. CBaseEntity - env_bubbles
  74. CCascadeLight - env_cascade_light
  75. CBaseEntity - env_credits
  76. CBaseEntity - env_debughistory
  77. CEnvDetailController - env_detail_controller
  78. CEnvDOFController - env_dof_controller
  79. CBaseEntity - env_dustpuff
  80. DustTrail - env_dusttrail
  81. CBaseAnimating - env_effectscript
  82. CEmbers - env_embers
  83. CEntityDissolve - env_entity_dissolver
  84. CEntityFreezing - env_entity_freezing
  85. CBaseEntity - env_entity_igniter
  86. CBaseEntity - env_entity_maker
  87. CBaseEntity - env_explosion
  88. CBaseEntity - env_fade
  89. CBaseEntity - env_fire
  90. CFireTrail - env_fire_trail
  91. CBaseEntity - env_firesensor
  92. CBaseEntity - env_firesource
  93. CFogController - env_fog_controller
  94. CBaseEntity - env_funnel
  95. CEnvGasCanister - env_gascanister
  96. CBaseEntity - env_global
  97. CSprite - env_glow
  98. CBaseEntity - env_gunfire
  99. CBaseEntity - env_hudhint
  100. CBaseEntity - env_instructor_hint
  101. CBeam - env_laser
  102. CLightGlow - env_lightglow
  103. CBaseEntity - env_message
  104. CBaseEntity - env_microphone
  105. MovieExplosion - env_movieexplosion
  106. CBaseEntity - env_muzzleflash
  107. CBaseEntity - env_outtro_stats
  108. CParticlePerformanceMonitor - env_particle_performance_monitor
  109. CEntityParticleTrail - env_particle_trail
  110. CParticleFire - env_particlefire
  111. CBaseEntity - env_particlelight
  112. CEnvParticleScript - env_particlescript
  113. ParticleSmokeGrenade - env_particlesmokegrenade
  114. CBaseEntity - env_physexplosion
  115. CBaseEntity - env_physimpact
  116. CBaseEntity - env_physwire
  117. CBaseEntity - env_player_surface_trigger
  118. CEnvProjectedTexture - env_projectedtexture
  119. CEnvQuadraticBeam - env_quadraticbeam
  120. CBaseEntity - env_ragdoll_boogie
  121. RocketTrail - env_rockettrail
  122. CBaseEntity - env_rotorshooter
  123. CEnvScreenEffect - env_screeneffect
  124. CEnvScreenOverlay - env_screenoverlay
  125. CBaseEntity - env_shake
  126. CBaseEntity - env_shooter
  127. CSmokeStack - env_smokestack
  128. SmokeTrail - env_smoketrail
  129. CBaseEntity - env_soundscape
  130. CBaseEntity - env_soundscape_proxy
  131. CBaseEntity - env_soundscape_triggerable
  132. CBaseEntity - env_spark
  133. CBaseEntity - env_splash
  134. SporeExplosion - env_sporeexplosion
  135. SporeTrail - env_sporetrail
  136. CSprite - env_sprite
  137. CSprite - env_sprite_clientside
  138. CSpriteOriented - env_sprite_oriented
  139. CSpriteTrail - env_spritetrail
  140. CSteamJet - env_steam
  141. CSteamJet - env_steamjet
  142. CSun - env_sun
  143. CBaseEntity - env_texturetoggle
  144. CBaseEntity - env_tilt
  145. CEnvTonemapController - env_tonemap_controller
  146. CBaseEntity - env_tracer
  147. CBaseEntity - env_viewpunch
  148. CEnvWind - env_wind
  149. CBaseEntity - env_zoom
  150. CBaseEntity - event_queue_saveload_proxy
  151. CBaseEntity - filter_activator_class
  152. CBaseEntity - filter_activator_context
  153. CBaseEntity - filter_activator_mass_greater
  154. CBaseEntity - filter_activator_model
  155. CBaseEntity - filter_activator_name
  156. CBaseEntity - filter_activator_team
  157. CBaseEntity - filter_base
  158. CBaseEntity - filter_damage_type
  159. CBaseEntity - filter_enemy
  160. CBaseEntity - filter_multi
  161. CFireCrackerBlast - fire_cracker_blast
  162. CFish - fish
  163. CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile - flashbang_projectile
  164. CBaseEntity - fog_volume
  165. CBaseEntity - func_areaportal
  166. CFuncAreaPortalWindow - func_areaportalwindow
  167. CFuncBrush - func_block_dm_spawns
  168. CBaseTrigger - func_bomb_target
  169. CBaseEntity - func_breakable
  170. CBreakableSurface - func_breakable_surf
  171. CFuncBrush - func_brush
  172. CBaseButton - func_button
  173. CBaseTrigger - func_buyzone
  174. CBaseEntity - func_clip_vphysics
  175. CFuncConveyor - func_conveyor
  176. CBaseEntity - func_detail_blocker
  177. CBaseDoor - func_door
  178. CBaseDoor - func_door_rotating
  179. CFunc_Dust - func_dustcloud
  180. CFunc_Dust - func_dustmotes
  181. CBaseEntity - func_fish_pool
  182. CFootstepControl - func_footstep_control
  183. CBaseToggle - func_guntarget
  184. CBaseTrigger - func_hostage_rescue
  185. CBaseEntity - func_illusionary
  186. CBaseEntity - func_instance_io_proxy
  187. CBaseEntity - func_ladderendpoint
  188. CFunc_LOD - func_lod
  189. CFuncMonitor - func_monitor
  190. CFuncMoveLinear - func_movelinear
  191. CBaseEntity - func_nav_avoidance_obstacle
  192. CBaseEntity - func_nav_blocker
  193. CBaseTrigger - func_no_defuse
  194. CFuncOccluder - func_occluder
  195. CPhysBox - func_physbox
  196. CPhysBoxMultiplayer - func_physbox_multiplayer
  197. CBaseToggle - func_plat
  198. CBaseToggle - func_platrot
  199. CPrecipitation - func_precipitation
  200. CPrecipitationBlocker - func_precipitation_blocker
  201. CBaseEntity - func_proprrespawnzone
  202. CBaseEntity - func_pushable
  203. CFuncReflectiveGlass - func_reflective_glass
  204. CBaseButton - func_rot_button
  205. CFuncRotating - func_rotating
  206. CFuncSmokeVolume - func_smokevolume
  207. CBRC4Target - func_survival_c4_target
  208. CBaseTrigger - func_tablet_blocker
  209. CBaseEntity - func_tank
  210. CBaseEntity - func_tankairboatgun
  211. CBaseEntity - func_tankapcrocket
  212. CBaseEntity - func_tanklaser
  213. CBaseEntity - func_tankpulselaser
  214. CBaseEntity - func_tankrocket
  215. CFuncTrackTrain - func_tanktrain
  216. CBaseToggle - func_trackautochange
  217. CBaseToggle - func_trackchange
  218. CFuncTrackTrain - func_tracktrain
  219. CBaseToggle - func_train
  220. CBaseEntity - func_traincontrols
  221. CFuncLadder - func_useableladder
  222. CBaseEntity - func_vehicleclip
  223. CBaseEntity - func_wall
  224. CBaseEntity - func_wall_toggle
  225. CBaseDoor - func_water
  226. CFuncMoveLinear - func_water_analog
  227. CBaseEntity - func_weight_button
  228. CBaseFlex - funCBaseFlex
  229. CBaseEntity - game_coopmission_manager
  230. CBaseEntity - game_end
  231. CBaseEntity - game_gib_manager
  232. CBaseEntity - game_money
  233. CBaseEntity - game_player_equip
  234. CBaseEntity - game_player_team
  235. CRagdollManager - game_ragdoll_manager
  236. CBaseEntity - game_round_end
  237. CBaseEntity - game_score
  238. CBaseEntity - game_survival_logic
  239. CBaseEntity - game_text
  240. CBaseEntity - game_ui
  241. CBaseEntity - game_weapon_manager
  242. CBaseEntity - game_zone_player
  243. CAI_BaseNPC - generic_actor
  244. CBaseAnimating - gib
  245. CBaseEntity - gibshooter
  246. CBaseEntity - global_chatter
  247. CGrassBurn - grassburn
  248. CBaseGrenade - grenade
  249. CBaseEntity - hammer_updateignorelist
  250. CBaseEntity - handle_dummy
  251. CHandleTest - handle_test
  252. CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile - hegrenade_projectile
  253. CHostageCarriableProp - hostage_carriable_prop
  254. CHostage - hostage_entity
  255. CInferno - inferno
  256. CBaseEntity - info_armsrace_counterterrorist
  257. CBaseEntity - info_armsrace_terrorist
  258. CBaseEntity - info_bomb_target_hint_A
  259. CBaseEntity - info_bomb_target_hint_B
  260. CBaseEntity - info_camera_link
  261. CBaseEntity - info_constraint_anchor
  262. CBaseEntity - info_deathmatch_spawn
  263. CBaseEntity - info_enemy_terrorist_spawn
  264. CBaseEntity - info_game_event_proxy
  265. CBaseEntity - info_gascanister_launchpoint
  266. CBaseEntity - info_hint
  267. CBaseEntity - info_hostage_rescue_zone_hint
  268. CHostage - info_hostage_spawn
  269. CBaseEntity - info_intermission
  270. CInfoLadderDismount - info_ladder_dismount
  271. CBaseEntity - info_landmark
  272. CBaseEntity - info_map_parameters
  273. CInfoMapRegion - info_map_region
  274. CBaseEntity - info_mass_center
  275. CBaseEntity - info_node
  276. CBaseEntity - info_node_air
  277. CBaseEntity - info_node_air_hint
  278. CBaseEntity - info_node_climb
  279. CBaseEntity - info_node_hint
  280. CBaseEntity - info_node_link
  281. CBaseEntity - info_node_link_controller
  282. CBaseEntity - info_null
  283. CInfoOverlayAccessor - info_overlay_accessor
  284. CParticleSystem - info_particle_system
  285. CBaseEntity - info_player_counterterrorist
  286. CBaseEntity - info_player_deathmatch
  287. CBaseEntity - info_player_logo
  288. CBaseEntity - info_player_start
  289. CBaseEntity - info_player_teamspawn
  290. CBaseEntity - info_player_terrorist
  291. CBaseEntity - info_projecteddecal
  292. CBaseEntity - info_radial_link_controller
  293. CBaseEntity - info_remarkable
  294. CBaseEntity - info_target
  295. CBaseEntity - info_target_instructor_hint
  296. CBaseEntity - info_teleport_destination
  297. CBaseEntity - info_vehicle_groundspawn
  298. CBaseEntity - info_view_parameters
  299. CBaseEntity - infodecal
  300. CSceneEntity - instanced_scripted_scene
  301. CEconEntity - item_assaultsuit
  302. CItemCash - item_cash
  303. CDynamicProp - item_coop_coin
  304. CEconEntity - item_cutters
  305. CEconEntity - item_defuser
  306. CItemDogtags - item_dogtags
  307. CEconEntity - item_heavyassaultsuit
  308. CEconEntity - item_kevlar
  309. CEconEntity - item_nvgs
  310. CBaseAnimating - item_sodacan
  311. CRopeKeyframe - keyframe_rope
  312. CBaseEntity - keyframe_track
  313. CBaseEntity - light
  314. CBaseEntity - light_directional
  315. CDynamicLight - light_dynamic
  316. CBaseEntity - light_environment
  317. CBaseEntity - light_glspot
  318. CBaseEntity - light_spot
  319. CBaseEntity - logic_active_autosave
  320. CBaseEntity - logic_auto
  321. CBaseEntity - logic_autosave
  322. CBaseEntity - logic_branch
  323. CBaseEntity - logic_branch_listener
  324. CBaseEntity - logic_case
  325. CSceneEntity - logic_choreographed_scene
  326. CBaseEntity - logic_collision_pair
  327. CBaseEntity - logic_compare
  328. CBaseEntity - logic_eventlistener
  329. CBaseEntity - logic_eventlistener_itemequip
  330. CBaseEntity - logic_lineto
  331. CBaseEntity - logic_measure_movement
  332. CBaseEntity - logic_multicompare
  333. CBaseEntity - logic_navigation
  334. CBaseEntity - logic_playerproxy
  335. CBaseEntity - logic_playmovie
  336. CBaseEntity - logic_proximity
  337. CBaseEntity - logic_random_outputs
  338. CBaseEntity - logic_register_activator
  339. CBaseEntity - logic_relay
  340. CBaseEntity - logic_scene_list_manager
  341. CBaseEntity - logic_script
  342. CBaseEntity - logic_timer
  343. CMaterialModifyControl - material_modify_control
  344. CBaseEntity - math_colorblend
  345. CBaseEntity - math_counter
  346. CBaseEntity - math_remap
  347. CAI_BaseNPC - model_studio
  348. CMolotovProjectile - molotov_projectile
  349. CFuncMoveLinear - momentary_door
  350. CBaseButton - momentary_rot_button
  351. CAI_BaseNPC - monster_furniture
  352. CAI_BaseNPC - monster_generic
  353. CBaseEntity - move_keyframed
  354. CRopeKeyframe - move_rope
  355. CBaseEntity - multisource
  356. CAI_BaseNPC - npc_furniture
  357. CAI_BaseNPC - npc_heardanger
  358. CAI_BaseNPC - npc_vehicledriver
  359. CParadropChopper - paradrop_chopper
  360. CBaseEntity - path_corner
  361. CBaseEntity - path_corner_crash
  362. CBaseEntity - path_track
  363. CBaseEntity - phys_ballsocket
  364. CBoneFollower - phys_bone_follower
  365. CBaseEntity - phys_constraint
  366. CBaseEntity - phys_constraintsystem
  367. CBaseEntity - phys_convert
  368. CBaseEntity - phys_hinge
  369. CBaseEntity - phys_keepupright
  370. CBaseEntity - phys_lengthconstraint
  371. CPhysMagnet - phys_magnet
  372. CBaseEntity - phys_motor
  373. CBaseEntity - phys_pulleyconstraint
  374. CBaseEntity - phys_ragdollconstraint
  375. CBaseEntity - phys_ragdollmagnet
  376. CBaseEntity - phys_slideconstraint
  377. CBaseEntity - phys_spring
  378. CBaseEntity - phys_thruster
  379. CBaseEntity - phys_torque
  380. CBaseCombatCharacter - physics_cannister
  381. CBaseEntity - physics_entity_solver
  382. CBaseEntity - physics_npc_solver
  383. CPhysicsProp - physics_prop
  384. CRagdollProp - physics_prop_ragdoll
  385. CStatueProp - physics_prop_statue
  386. CPlantedC4 - planted_c4
  387. CPlantedC4 - planted_c4_survival
  388. CPlantedC4 - planted_c4_training
  389. CCSPlayer - player
  390. CBaseEntity - player_loadsaved
  391. CPlayerResource - player_manager
  392. CBaseEntity - player_speedmod
  393. CBaseEntity - player_weaponstrip
  394. CBaseEntity - point_anglesensor
  395. CBaseEntity - point_angularvelocitysensor
  396. CBaseEntity - point_bonusmaps_accessor
  397. CBaseEntity - point_broadcastclientcommand
  398. CPointCamera - point_camera
  399. CBaseEntity - point_clientcommand
  400. CPointCommentaryNode - point_commentary_node
  401. CSprite - point_commentary_viewpoint
  402. CBaseEntity - point_devshot_camera
  403. CBaseEntity - point_dz_dronegun
  404. CBaseEntity - point_dz_parachute
  405. CBaseEntity - point_dz_weaponspawn
  406. CBaseEntity - point_dz_weaponspawn_group
  407. CBaseEntity - point_enable_motion_fixup
  408. CBaseEntity - point_entity_finder
  409. CBaseEntity - point_gamestats_counter
  410. CBaseEntity - point_give_ammo
  411. CBaseEntity - point_hiding_spot
  412. CBaseEntity - point_hurt
  413. CBaseEntity - point_message
  414. CBaseEntity - point_playermoveconstraint
  415. CPoseController - point_posecontroller
  416. CBaseEntity - point_proximity_sensor
  417. CBaseEntity - point_servercommand
  418. CBaseEntity - point_spotlight
  419. CBaseEntity - point_surroundtest
  420. CBaseEntity - point_teleport
  421. CBaseEntity - point_template
  422. CTesla - point_tesla
  423. CBaseEntity - point_velocitysensor
  424. CBaseEntity - point_viewcontrol
  425. CBaseEntity - point_viewcontrol_multiplayer
  426. CBaseEntity - point_viewproxy
  427. CPointWorldText - point_worldtext
  428. CPostProcessController - postprocess_controller
  429. CPredictedViewModel - predicted_viewmodel
  430. CPhysPropAmmoBox - prop_ammo_box_generic
  431. CPropCounter - prop_counter
  432. CPropDoorRotating - prop_door_rotating
  433. CDynamicProp - prop_dynamic
  434. CDynamicProp - prop_dynamic_glow
  435. CDynamicProp - prop_dynamic_ornament
  436. CDynamicProp - prop_dynamic_override
  437. CPhysicsProp - prop_exploding_barrel
  438. CProp_Hallucination - prop_hallucination
  439. CPhysPropLootCrate - prop_loot_crate
  440. CPhysPropLootCrate - prop_metal_crate
  441. CPhysPropLootCrate - prop_money_crate
  442. CPhysPropLootCrate - prop_paradrop_crate
  443. CPhysicsProp - prop_physics
  444. CPhysicsPropMultiplayer - prop_physics_multiplayer
  445. CPhysicsProp - prop_physics_override
  446. CPhysicsProp - prop_physics_respawnable
  447. CRagdollProp - prop_ragdoll
  448. CRagdollPropAttached - prop_ragdoll_attached
  449. CPhysicsProp - prop_sphere
  450. CBaseFlex - prop_talker
  451. CBaseAnimating - prop_vehicle
  452. CPropVehicleDriveable - prop_vehicle_driveable
  453. CPhysPropWeaponUpgrade - prop_weapon_upgrade_armor
  454. CPhysPropWeaponUpgrade - prop_weapon_upgrade_armor_helmet
  455. CPhysPropWeaponUpgrade - prop_weapon_upgrade_chute
  456. CPhysPropWeaponUpgrade - prop_weapon_upgrade_contractkill
  457. CPhysPropWeaponUpgrade - prop_weapon_upgrade_helmet
  458. CPhysPropWeaponUpgrade - prop_weapon_upgrade_tablet_droneintel
  459. CPhysPropWeaponUpgrade - prop_weapon_upgrade_tablet_highres
  460. CPhysPropWeaponUpgrade - prop_weapon_upgrade_tablet_zoneintel
  461. CPhysPropRadarJammer - radar_jammer
  462. CBaseAnimating - raggib
  463. CBaseEntity - rope_anchor
  464. CBaseEntity - scene_manager
  465. CSceneEntity - scripted_scene
  466. CBaseEntity - scripted_sentence
  467. CBaseEntity - scripted_sequence
  468. CAI_BaseNPC - scripted_target
  469. CShadowControl - shadow_control
  470. CBaseEntity - simple_physics_brush
  471. CBaseAnimating - simple_physics_prop
  472. CBaseEntity - sky_camera
  473. CBaseEntity - skybox_swapper
  474. CSmokeGrenadeProjectile - smokegrenade_projectile
  475. CBaseEntity - soundent
  476. CBaseEntity - spark_shower
  477. CSpotlightEnd - spotlight_end
  478. CSunlightShadowControl - sunlight_shadow_control
  479. CSurvivalSpawnChopper - survival_spawn_chopper
  480. CSensorGrenadeProjectile - tagrenade_projectile
  481. CBaseEntity - tanktrain_ai
  482. CBaseEntity - tanktrain_aitarget
  483. CBaseEntity - target_cdaudio
  484. CBaseEntity - target_changegravity
  485. CBaseEntity - te_tester
  486. CTeam - team_manager
  487. CBaseEntity - test_effect
  488. CTest_ProxyToggle_Networkable - test_proxytoggle
  489. CTestTraceline - test_traceline
  490. CBaseTrigger - trigger
  491. CBaseTrigger - trigger_auto_crouch
  492. CBaseTrigger - trigger_autosave
  493. CBaseTrigger - trigger_bomb_reset
  494. CBaseEntity - trigger_brush
  495. CBaseTrigger - trigger_cdaudio
  496. CBaseTrigger - trigger_changelevel
  497. CBaseTrigger - trigger_fog
  498. CBaseTrigger - trigger_gravity
  499. CBaseTrigger - trigger_hierarchy
  500. CBaseTrigger - trigger_hurt
  501. CBaseTrigger - trigger_impact
  502. CBaseTrigger - trigger_look
  503. CBaseTrigger - trigger_multiple
  504. CBaseTrigger - trigger_once
  505. CTriggerPlayerMovement - trigger_playermovement
  506. CBaseTrigger - trigger_proximity
  507. CBaseTrigger - trigger_push
  508. CBaseTrigger - trigger_remove
  509. CBaseTrigger - trigger_safemoneygather
  510. CBaseTrigger - trigger_serverragdoll
  511. CBaseTrigger - trigger_softbarrier
  512. CTriggerSoundOperator - trigger_soundoperator
  513. CBaseTrigger - trigger_soundscape
  514. CBaseTrigger - trigger_survival_playarea
  515. CBaseTrigger - trigger_teleport
  516. CBaseTrigger - trigger_togglesave
  517. CBaseTrigger - trigger_tonemap
  518. CBaseEntity - trigger_transition
  519. CBaseVPhysicsTrigger - trigger_vphysics_motion
  520. CBaseVPhysicsTrigger - trigger_wind
  521. CMovieDisplay - vgui_movie_display
  522. CVGuiScreen - vgui_screen
  523. CVGuiScreen - vgui_screen_team
  524. CSlideshowDisplay - vgui_slideshow_display
  525. CWorldVguiText - vgui_world_text_panel
  526. CBaseViewModel - viewmodel
  527. CVoteController - vote_controller
  528. CWaterLODControl - water_lod_control
  529. CWaterBullet - waterbullet
  530. CAK47 - weapon_ak47
  531. CWeaponAug - weapon_aug
  532. CWeaponAWP - weapon_awp
  533. CBaseCSGrenade - weapon_basecsgrenade
  534. CWeaponBizon - weapon_bizon
  535. CBreachCharge - weapon_breachcharge
  536. CC4 - weapon_c4
  537. CWeaponCSBase - weapon_cs_base
  538. CWeaponCSBaseGun - weapon_csbase_gun
  539. CDEagle - weapon_deagle
  540. CDecoyGrenade - weapon_decoy
  541. CWeaponElite - weapon_elite
  542. CWeaponFamas - weapon_famas
  543. CFists - weapon_fists
  544. CWeaponFiveSeven - weapon_fiveseven
  545. CFlashbang - weapon_flashbang
  546. CWeaponG3SG1 - weapon_g3sg1
  547. CWeaponGalil - weapon_galil
  548. CWeaponGalilAR - weapon_galilar
  549. CWeaponGlock - weapon_glock
  550. CItem_Healthshot - weapon_healthshot
  551. CHEGrenade - weapon_hegrenade
  552. CWeaponHKP2000 - weapon_hkp2000
  553. CIncendiaryGrenade - weapon_incgrenade
  554. CKnife - weapon_knife
  555. CKnifeGG - weapon_knifegg
  556. CWeaponM249 - weapon_m249
  557. CWeaponM3 - weapon_m3
  558. CWeaponM4A1 - weapon_m4a1
  559. CWeaponMAC10 - weapon_mac10
  560. CWeaponMag7 - weapon_mag7
  561. CMelee - weapon_melee
  562. CMolotovGrenade - weapon_molotov
  563. CWeaponMP5Navy - weapon_mp5navy
  564. CWeaponMP7 - weapon_mp7
  565. CWeaponMP9 - weapon_mp9
  566. CWeaponNegev - weapon_negev
  567. CWeaponNOVA - weapon_nova
  568. CWeaponP228 - weapon_p228
  569. CWeaponP250 - weapon_p250
  570. CWeaponP90 - weapon_p90
  571. CWeaponSawedoff - weapon_sawedoff
  572. CSCAR17 - weapon_scar17
  573. CWeaponSCAR20 - weapon_scar20
  574. CWeaponScout - weapon_scout
  575. CWeaponSG550 - weapon_sg550
  576. CWeaponSG552 - weapon_sg552
  577. CWeaponSG556 - weapon_sg556
  578. CSmokeGrenade - weapon_smokegrenade
  579. CWeaponSSG08 - weapon_ssg08
  580. CTablet - weapon_tablet
  581. CSensorGrenade - weapon_tagrenade
  582. CWeaponTaser - weapon_taser
  583. CWeaponTec9 - weapon_tec9
  584. CWeaponTMP - weapon_tmp
  585. CWeaponUMP45 - weapon_ump45
  586. CWeaponUSP - weapon_usp
  587. CWeaponXM1014 - weapon_xm1014
  588. CBaseWeaponWorldModel - weaponworldmodel
  589. CEconWearable - wearable_item
  590. CBaseAnimating - window_pane
  591. CBaseAnimating - world_items
  592. CWorld - worldspawn
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