
Jojo Stand Script

Mar 20th, 2023
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  1. getgenv().Settings = {
  2. --// !Main! \\--
  3. ['Owner'] = 'creeper254960', -- Replace with Username Of Your Stabd Owner account
  4. ['Position'] = 'Back', -- Position Of Stand [Back! / Left! / Right!]
  5. ['Attack'] = 'Heavy!', -- Heavy = Super Punch Light = Spam Punch [Heavy! / Light!]
  6. ['CrewID'] = '16501856', -- Must Be In Group For It To Work
  7. ['SynapseMode'] = 'On', -- [On / Off] If on then the stand wont bug out too much
  8. ['StandMode'] = 'Star Platinum', -- [Star Platinum / Cream / D4C / CMOON] stand sounds and mode
  10. --// ! Misc ! \\--
  11. ['FPSCAP'] = '20', -- This is so your main account gets the most fps (MAXED IS 60, SUGGEST 30 FPS ON STANDS)
  12. ['Msg'] = 'Punchy is epic', -- When you say /e msg it makes all the alts say that message
  13. ['LowGraphics'] = "On", -- [On/Off] Turns graphics down so your stand doesnt lag too much
  14. ['NoFace'] = "On", -- [On/Off] For A Better Look On Your Stand
  16. --// ! Sounds ! \\--
  17. --\\ MUST HAVE BOOMBOX //--
  18. ['Sounds'] = "Off", -- [On/Off] Sounds when you use some commands like Mimic! Evolve! etc
  19. ['SummonMusicID'] = 'Default', -- Enter A Sound ID Put [Default] If You Would Like The Default Sound
  20. ['SummonMusic'] = "Off", -- [On/Off]
  21. ['VanishAppearSound'] = "Off", -- [On/Off]
  22. ['CustomSong'] = "3457906535" -- Enter A Song ID And Say "Song!"
  23. }
  26. loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
  27. --[[
  28. if a command has a capital then make sure when you type it in that letter is capital
  29. summon! -- summons the stand
  30. ora! -- attacks infront of you
  31. mimic! -- does what you do
  32. unmimic! -- stoms mimicing
  33. Stop! -- makes the stand stop doing everything
  34. left!-- sets position
  35. right! -- sets position
  36. back! -- sets position
  37. under! -- sets position
  38. Light! -- light click punch
  39. Heavy! -- hold click punch
  40. vanish! -- makes the alt disapear
  41. leave! -- stand leaves the game
  42. appear! -- brings back alt after using vanish!
  43. bind! -- idk what this does
  44. unbind! -- idk what this does
  45. save! -- picks you up and saves you
  46. aura! -- goes under map and kills people near you
  47. noaura! -- stops aura
  48. rejoin! -- rejoins the stand
  49. reset! -- resets the stand
  50. dropcash! -- drops 10k once
  51. evolve! -- grows the stand into a titan (has to be really big first)
  52. barrage! -- attacks infront of you and in a radius
  53. unbarrage!
  54. crew! -- joins the set crew
  55. uncrew! -- leaves the crew
  56. jail! -- when stand owner is knocked brings to admin jail
  57. void! -- when stand owner is knocked brings you into the void
  58. requiem! -- stand goes god mode
  59. attack! -- attacks people around you
  60. knife! -- buys a knife and knifes people arround you
  61. unknife! -- stops knife
  62. unattack! -- stops attack
  63. Song! -- plays the set song
  64. hide! -- stand buys a mask
  65. heal! -- if stand is under 50 hp it buys pizza and eats it
  66. unjail! -- if stand is jailed then it unjails itself
  67. stomp! -- auto stomps anyone near you
  68. unstomp! -- stops stomp!
  69. !bring [player] -- brings the selected player
  70. !attack [player] -- attacks the selcted player
  71. !kill [player] -- attacks and stomps the selcted player
  72. !vault [player] -- puts the selcted player inside the vault inside bank
  73. callall! -- calls everyone in the server (only calls each person once unless you do the cmd again)
  74. /e commands:
  75. /e msg -- says the set msg
  76. /e noface -- removes face
  77. /e stopaudio -- stops the song playing
  78. teleports:
  79. to base!
  80. to shop1!
  81. to shop2!
  82. to bank!
  83. to club!
  84. to casino!
  85. to ufo!
  86. to park!
  87. to school!
  88. Other commands
  89. Golden Wind! -- plays an audio (boombox needed)
  90. Battle! -- play an audio (boombox needed)
  91. Mysterious! -- play an audio (boombox needed)
  92. Killer! -- play an audio (boombox needed)
  93. Golden Experience! -- play an audio (boombox needed)
  94. Dark Rebirth! -- play an audio (boombox needed)
  95. ]]--
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