
Randovania Difficulty Names Reasoning

Aug 26th, 2020
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  1. It has been brought up recently that the difficulty levels should potentially be changed from what they are now. Currently, the standard logic settings are as follows: No Tricks, Trivial, Easy, Normal, Hard, Hypermode. There are reasons why this is being brought up, some of which being for more clarity, while others are more specific. Some of these issues are listed below.
  3. Currently, Easy is a deceptively difficult setting for newcomers to the game, when it should be the opposite. Trivial difficulty is hardly different from No Tricks, with most of its differences being knowledge of vulnerabilities of certain objects, as well as minor abuses of terrain and other quirks. It really isn't enough of a difference to warrant a separate difficulty in its current state. This is more appropriate to be under an "Easy" difficulty, and will be repurposed as such.
  5. To compensate, a new trick has been added called "Knowledge" which encompasses all that Trivial has to offer. This will be toggle-able like any other trick. As a result of this, the more basic tricks from Easy, such as single BSJs, Roll Jumps, Scan Dashes, etc, will be moved into Trivial (new name TBD). So, for those of you who play on Trivial difficulty, you will have the option to turn off the newly added bsjs, etc and turn on the Knowledge trick (on by default) and your seeds will play exactly as they always have been prior to this change.
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