
Fuck you very much

Nov 26th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Noah had been sitting in his room on the edge of his bed, a controller in his hand with his headset sitting over one ear and wrapping around to his mouth. Explosions could be heard from his tv as he turned the controller in his hands, speaking harshly and semi loudly as he literally shot at people. "NO NO NO! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU TOO! AND FUCK YOU!"-
  2. Covet: Tae was laying on Noah's bed ,trying to get some studying in while this asshole loudly gamed. She had her headphones in, but they weren't exactly helping at all. "You know....if you applied this level of passion to everything you did, you'd be unstopable." She told him glancing over the edge of her computer.
  3. Alexithymiaa: "FUCK!" He yelled as he slammed the controller down on the bed next to him, waiting to respawn. "I am unstoppable. At this game." He added, grabbing for the controller again when his character appeared on the screen and back in the game. // A petite woman with short brown hair climbed out of a cab out front of the house, a couple of plastic containers in her hands as she thanked the cab driver and made her way up the front walkway to the front door, ringing the bell.-
  4. Covet: "Ummm... then why do you keep dying?" She asked him with a smirk. "I'm pretty sure death means stop...for at least a little bit. But I don't know, cause.. I don't really game." Hearing the doorbell she looked at Noah, "Uh... who the hell rings the doorbell here... we didn't order pizza... did we?" Tae asked.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "I didn't." He chirped back, not taking his eyes off the screen as his player ran through combat. He jammed his fingers into the buttons, firing off several rounds on his gun. "I'm busy, can you see who it is?" // Olivia rocked back on her heels, standing at the front door and glancing around. She was hoping Noah was home because she couldnt exactly tell since he didnt have a car.-
  6. Covet: "Yeah.. sure.. I guess, it's not like I'm doing anything important, like studying, for midterms, this week. " She said flatly and rolled to the edge of the bed to get up. Making her way down the hall and through the house to the front door, she smiled seeing the female standing there holding some tupperware. "Hi....Can I help you?" She asked curiously, because she didn't seem threatening in any such way.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "You can pause studying. You can't pause MMOs." He said quickly, turning the controller again like that would have some sort of effect on the game. // Olivia looked up when the brunette on the other side opened the door, sending her a warm smile and tucking some of her hair back behind her ear. "Hi. I was looking for Noah. About yay big.." She lifted her free hand to about his height, far above her head. "Brown hair, kind of cute when he feels it'll get him something?" She asked, being a little playful because she assumed this chick would know him and think it was funny.-
  8. Covet: Tae listened to her, then laughed, "and the rest of the time, he's annoying and obnoxious? Yeah, he's around here. I'm surprised you couldnt' hear him yelling from out there. Follow me" She said walking back towards his bedroom, escorting her back there without any warning, because she would enjoy watching him squirm, "Noah, you have company."
  9. Alexithymiaa: -He'd still hesitated to look up because he could not give two fucks while he was playing his game. "Ugh whaaaaat?' He whined, dying and finally turning his attention toward the doorway of his room. When he saw Tae walking in with his sister behind her, his eyes went wide, tossing his controller onto the bed and jumping up to his feet. "Liv? What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked, walking over to sweet her into a big hug. // "That's the one." She said with a laugh, following Tae back to his bedroom. When he finally acknowledged her, she wrapped her arms around him, holding the containers away from them. "Visiting, obviously."-
  10. Covet: Tae had ducked past Noah's arms, because her computer was still on his bed. She pulled it closer and saved what she was doing real quick, before closing her laptop, not wanting to interrupt their moment.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "You came across the country to visit without telling me?" He asked, releasing her and looking down into her face. Remembering that Tae was in the room, he turned toward her, gesturing between the two. "Tae, this is my sister Olivia. Liv, this is my.... friend. Tae." // Olivia gave a polite wave to Tae, nodding her head. "We met briefly. This place is awesome though. I have things for your fridge, direct me." She said, holding up the containers.-
  12. Covet: "Nice to meet you. I'm friend Tae." She said with a smile, rolling her eyes at Noah's hesitation of what to call her. "I figured she was related to you, It's not like girls come over to see you." She said flipping him shit as she waited for them to head down the hall so she could put her laptop in her room.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Hey... shut the fuck up." Noah shot back at her, turning to walk out of his bedroom and through the house into the kitchen. "Where are you staying? How long are you here for?" // Olivia followed him into the kitchen, opening the fridge to slide the food containers inside and then turned to look at him. "Here, obviously. And I have off from work for a week so I figured I'd stay all week and hang around here and bother you. Sound good?"-
  14. Covet: Tae snickered dipping into her room, then came back out because she was curious about his sister. "There's plenty of space, and I don't mind, and I doubt Adam would mind"
  15. Alexithymiaa: "What?" He stammered, instantly not okay with Olivia's plans. "You want to stay here? What are you going to do the entire time you're here? You can't stay here. You'd be like... around. All the time." // Olivia started to laugh hysterically, loving to just get a rise out of her brother. "Oh my god, I'm kidding. I have a hotel a mile or so from here. Calm down, bro." She waved him off, looking to Tae. "That's sweet of you to offer, but a hotel is definitely a better idea."-
  16. Covet: "Yeah, I don't blame you. This place is cool, but hotels are fun too, in their own way." She said with a grin, looking over at Noah, giving him a wink. Though the only time they'd done the hotel thing, it was for terrible reasons, despite the fact that they probably hooked up that night anyways. "Right?"
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Breathing a deep sigh of relief, he leaned back against the counter, watching her stow food in the fridge. "What? Yeah. Hotels are.... yeah. Hotels are nice." He said, trying to figure out what kind of line he should be walking between Tae and his sister. // Olivia just stared at him since he was being weird. "Right... anywayy...." She trailed off, turning to Tae. "You seem fun. What's fun to do around here?"-
  18. Covet: "Around this time of year, depends on what you like doing?" Tae said "I don't really do a whole lot, like going out and such. To busy with school and work, thankfully work is fun."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "There's nothing fun. This whole city sucks." He said quickly, wanting to discourage Tae and Olivia from possibly spending any time together because awkward. // Olivia smiled, her interest perking up. "Oh yeah? What do you do for work?" She asked, planting her hands on her hips.-
  20. Covet: " I bartend at this gentleman's club, while training and working towards being an entertainer there." Tae said, proud of her job, then looked at Noah, "You're just saying that, because you never want to go out. But I guess that would require money to go out. Sorry... wasn't really thinking of that." She said wincing cause she wasn't intending to be a jerk about it.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Wow, okay fuck you very much." He said quickly, pouting. "You wouldn't want to go to the club she works at. Not your scene. Maybe... you should go visit Steph and she'll take you somewhere and you can hangout there with her." // "Ohhh scandalous." She said excitedly before looking to Noah. "I came to visit you. Quit trying to pawn me off on someone else. It's not like I brought baby pictures. Well, I did bring pictures of Sadie, but you know what I mean. Why can't I see the club?"-
  22. Covet: "Yeah, why can't she see the club?" Tae said acting offended, "I said I was sorry, It came out before I could stop it." She said crossing her arms. "Don't worry, you don't need to bring baby pictures, I see how he was as a child often. Don't pout Noah, I'll make it up to you later. Because I'm a nice FRIEND like that." She's such a bitch.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "She can... I just didn't think she would want to. It's really not her type of club." He said, trying to really sound like it would be HER idea not to go. "HEY! I am not a child." // Olivia rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "I can go to any club I want to. And SOME of us can get in legally, bro." SHe reached over to snatch the beanie off his head, giving it a little wave through the air.-
  24. Covet: "She's kind of got you there." Tae said with a laugh. " We get groups of girls who come in all the time, It's not just for guys only, despite it being a gentleman's club." She watched Olivia tease him. "Oh, I know you aren't , but that doesn't stop you from acting like one."
  25. Alexithymiaa: -He reached over to easily snatch the beanie back from her, pulling it down over his head. "Alright alright, do whatever you want. Jeez." He grumbled, looking away. "I just wanted you to enjoy your time here, but if you want to go, that's up to you." He quickly shot a glare at Tae. "I do not." // "Then it's settled. When can I come by?" She asked cheerfully, giving Tae a warm smile.-
  26. Covet: "I work tomorrow night if you and Noah want to drop in. He can show you where it's at, since he knows where it is now." Tae said with a grin, she was liking Olivia.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Oh. Great." He said with another grumble, settling into silence because it was pretty clear to him that he lost this battle. // "Tomorrow is perfect. It's not like I have any plans other than to enjoy spending time with my little baby brother." She said, reaching over to pinch his cheek dramatically.-
  28. CovetCovet : Tae snickered. "Are you still excited to see your sister, Noah?" She asked him. "Maybe while you're here, you can jump start him on this idea he has about being a bartender."
  29. Alexithymiaa: -He leaned away from her so she'd have to let go of his face, giving her a sneer. "Would you stop?" Sighing, he inched his way away from Olivia. "I was..." // "A bartender?" She asked, looking up at him. "Interesting. That's the first I'm hearing about it. Didnt you want to be a contractor last month?"-
  30. Covet: "He could do both, bartending would just be for pocket money. He'd still have to be going to school for the other, I think." Tae said.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "It was just an idea." He said quickly, trying to justify his flip flopping between potential job ideas. "I don't know what I want to do. I just want to make money right now." // "Well yeah, you need to know a lot of different things to be a contractor, but you could work on job sites to gain some experience beforehand. I bet Uncle A could help you break into it, too." She suggested.-
  32. Covet: "But that would actually be real work, according to him. It wouldn't be fun." Tae said to Olivia. "It's been a struggle for a few weeks, but I didn't realize he had connectinos here he could be using." she added giving Noah a glare. "He said outside of Steph, all of his family was back east."
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Ehh...." He started, not wanting to do actual manual labor, especially not at this point in his life. "I still dont know. I wasnt going to jump on anything and then back out. That's a shitty thing to do." He said quickly, looking to Tae. "They are." // Olivia hopped up to sit on the counter, crossing one leg over the other. "What are you talking about? Uncle A and Aunt Risa have been out here for years. Bryans the only one who moved back to New York. You have the three of them here. That's the only reason mom and dad said you could go to school here."-
  34. Covet: "Huh, news to me. I knew Steph had been out here and her brother too, I guess, but I just assumed they all lived out there." She said with a shrug "That is a shitty thing to do, especially since you don't want to do any sort of labor, or retail, or anything that requires an actual work ethic."
  35. Alexithymiaa: "You're putting words in my mouth." he said to Tae, setting his jaw. "I just dont want to waste my youth doing shit I don't want to do. Is that so bad?" // "Yes." Olivia said quickly, unamused with his laziness. "Everyone does it. If you want to afford to do anything fun, you need to balance it with work. Sorry you're not a trust fund baby."-
  36. Covet: "Thank you, that's what I've been trying to tell him." Tae said, feeling relieved. "I'm not putting words in your mouth, I'm practically direct quoting you." She added to him.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Why are you both attacking me?" He asked defensively, puffing out his cheeks all frustrated. "This is bullshit." He stormed his way out of the kitchen, stomping his feet as he went, heading off into his bedroom to slam the door. // Olivia just sat there and watched him until she heard the door slam, sliding off the counter. "Welp, can't say I didnt see that coming. Does he do this here a lot?"-
  38. Covet: "Mhhm." Tae said nodding her head, " A lot lately. I want to feel bad, but at the same time, he has to know it's not like any of this is unexpected right?"
  39. Alexithymiaa: -Tucking her hair back behind her ear, she nodded her head. "He's in his own world. He thinks he can just skate around and live at the beach forever without having to support himself. Meanwhile, Cam and I both have jobs and it's not like our parents hand us anything so I don't know why he thinks that."-
  40. Covet: "I don't know. But it's a serious turn off when he acts like this." Tae said pulling on her sleeves, " I could have had all the help in the world, if I wanted. But I chose to do it myself. It's honestly been pretty fufilling, in most aspects." She said then looked at the time. " Shit.. I need to get my study guide finished. "I hate to bail on you, but if you want to check in on him, go for it, Or if you intend to head out, you know where the door is. It was nice to meet you and I'll keep an eye out for you tomorrow night." She added as she got up then headed for her room.
  41. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah no, I'm not going in there. I don't have to deal with that on a regular basis anymore and I don't intend to start now." She gave Tae a little wave, and then went about seeing herself out.-
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