
Magma H

Feb 4th, 2020
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  1. 14:52] Pinky says, "Howdy friend"
  2. [14:56] Andrew looks at the man and slowly pull his staff out the boy didn't really want this to happen, but he didn't like what he heard from other. He's take a deep breath as the fire it around his body and he looks at Pinky.
  4. "You're wanted, so come easy."
  5. (Andrew Mercia)
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. [15:01] Pinky would gulp and bite his hand, his easy prey seemed to be not such an easy prey. Regretting his choice and hearing his words he would have no choice but to bite his thumb then fight back. Slowly he would take his staff off his back and summon a chain with his one working arm, then he would pace around like the madman he was before launching a barrage of chains at Andrew. "I am sadly unable to comply for fear of what will happen to my life. So you must understand why I cant leave with you" After that he would shoot his chain at Andrew.
  9. (Pinky)
  10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. [15:05] Ashe Lieyan says, "This is a matter of the Order and Black Watch."
  13. [15:05] Ashe Lieyan says, "Please don't get in the way."
  14. [15:07] ** Andrew Mercia has inflicted an injury upon Pinky. ("Permanent Injury", "Permanent Injury", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-10 Vit)") **
  15. [15:18] Senevál says, "Hm, hm.."
  16. [15:18] Ashe Lieyan says, "This is offical Order and Black Watch business."
  17. [15:18] Ashe Lieyan says, "Please don't interfere."
  18. [15:19] Seneval merely shrugs.
  20. "I don't have any reason to."
  21. (Senevál)
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. [15:23] Senevál asks, "Mm-- what's going on anyway?"
  25. [15:24] Ashe Lieyan says, "Demon underling."
  26. [15:24] Ashe Lieyan says, "He bit a kids hand off."
  27. [15:24] Ashe Lieyan says, "And attacked me."
  28. [15:24] Andrew would attempt his fist duty and attempt to capture this person; however, it didn't work out that way. He was still nervous for various reason thought he tried to pull himself together towards the very end.
  30. Andrew's Body:
  32. Was emitting enough heat that anything in his path would catch fire, but he attempted to be careful so he doesn't burn nature around him.
  34. He'd cast pools of magma around the area that seem to hit and other times seems to miss it's mark. There wasn't much he could do about that or maybe the body begin losing focus.
  36. Andrew's Mind:
  38. Begin to think of a plan one that would ensure the man could out run the Lava around him, but how could he do that?
  40. Andrew thought long and hard about his approach to the situation, but he needed to act quickly in the situation.
  42. Suddenly a another flame sparked and the idea was buried into Andrew's mind the only thing left now was to execute the plan.
  44. In Reality:
  46. Andrew begin pulling out Magma thought he slowly forced it into the ground with a smirk in his face. He couldn't mess this up and he needed to allow time for the Magma to settle under the pressure of the earth.
  48. While the battle went on Andrew finally stomped and caused the earth to split in half allowing a decent size mountain structure to form.
  50. The boy smiled a bit and with the next stomp the structure start to shoot lava from the top. The lava would begin to cover the entire area, but in the process of trying to catch the man he got away.
  52. Andrew sighed a little and he'd summon a earthquake to destroy the structure he force the earth to create.
  54. "I didn't get him this time shoot....I thought my idea was pretty neat.." he'd slowly tap his foot on the ground.
  55. (Andrew Mercia)
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. [15:26] "Ah!"
  60. Seneval idly clasps his hands together. It's rather quaint for him to be hearing that someone is getting apprehended in such manner, but.. in the end, he doesn't feel as if it's even worth getting into.
  62. Even if he wanted to.
  64. "Sure, sure.. get him then."
  65. (Senevál)
  66. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. [15:27] Ashe Lieyan exclaims, "I'm fine!"
  69. [15:28] Ashe Lieyan says, "Stay back for now"
  70. [15:28] Maria Masters asks, "...Fine. Is your friend okay, though?"
  71. [15:28] Ashe Lieyan says, "Andrew is fine."
  72. [15:28] Ashe Lieyan says, "He's stronger than I."
  73. [15:31] Pain...that all he felt was pain, he was no longer man but instead of a golem of pain, wincing and screaming as magma burnt his arm nearly beyond repair. Was this the end of the line for him? Would he ever fight again or taste sweet sweet human flesh? All these thoughts raced in Pinky's mind as the pain overtook them. Slowly he would stand back on his feet and bite his staff, holding in his mouth before dropping it letting out another scream. He had to get out of here...he had to get revenge. Hatred filled him, he was weak and pitiful. So many thoughts filled his mind and with one look he would see the gathering crowd, he was doomed.
  74. (Pinky)
  75. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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