
The Fall Of A Knight; The Dawn of the Elitus

Jun 21st, 2014
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  1. Arachnis glared at the man as he spouted out his words of negativity, not quite aware that it was the spell placed upon him that forced such unto him. This was the first time he had ever seen it in action, leading him to believe that it was the Glacium's doing, and an awkward change in heard. "A sudden display of cowardice and idiocy at once?" He asked, now immersed into his combative horse stance, "So be it." He leaned forth, and kicked off, allowing his form to rocket for Yamato, phasing into a blur...
  3. The cosmic magic he wielded, empowered his movements to an extreme extent- Turning him into a 'shooting star' of sorts, stripped of aurelian aura. The blurred shade reshaped just inches from the knight, in a moment that portrayed itself in slow-motion. "You had your chance, Glacium..." The words seemed to ring through his head, with the buzz of static behind it. It felt like telepathy, hushed by occultistic humming, however, one could never be sure, nor take notice in such a scenario.
  5. With the handcuffs siphoning away his magic power, magus strength and resilience was stripped of his form, allowing for his fist to deal damage that once could have been resisted to a greater degree. The armor curved around the impact,splitting into four perpendicular lines, and splintering into the flesh beneath. With over one metric ton of force, the fist continued on through the flesh, allowing for the crackle of ribs in the way to twitch at the body, prior to outdenting upon the back, and...
  7. The moment had caught up to reality, and a spray of sanguine substance splattered upon the trees behind him, painting the grasses around him, and gave room to a fist pushed through the solid armor. It was bruised at the knuckles, and dripping of Yamato's blood, and pulled back through the body, moving broken ribs along the way.
  9. The only vital organ punctured, was his right lung- A clear shot through the body allowed it to bleed out, even giving him time to feel the life-force leaving his body, his final moments were upon him.
  11. The body was allowed to fall in the wake of such a disruption, and with that, Arachnis turned his head to Van. "...No, I don't... I require lifeforce for Lyperion Utovex... It has been starved enough... With his essence, it should allow not only it's satisfaction, but my growth.... This one will allow me, one more step... One more step to absolute perfectiooooooon...." His voice dragged out, saliva slipping past his lips.
  13. The sight of the man dying before him, helpless, and restrained was far more than enough to provoke Lyperion Utovex's hunger. It now portrayed itself upon Arachnis, leaving him to bare his sharpened teeth, evidently for cutting through flesh. "...Tonight... I feast on Exorcist flesh..." His teeth parted to leave way for a long, slender... Tongue? It was black, slimey, and extensive in length. Even as he stood upright, it continued to lower for Yamato's face, sliding up and then down his cheek before rising up a bit.
  15. It's touch, was as cold as death's embrace; An occultistic manifestation, sapping life at the touch, blackening skin and forcing blue veins up to the surface only for a moment's notice.
  16. The tendril rose with incredible speed, back into Arachnis' mouth, locked with the clamp of his strengthened maws.
  18. In that moment, he gave a breathy exhale, resembling that of a monster of it's own sort. In that instant, he descended for the man's form, down to his hands and knees, he brought himself to restrict movement, finding place upon his neck to sink his teeth into, spraying more blood from the jugular vein. Such escape was sealed with more pressure, and vacuumed with the movement of his lips.The tendril that receded past his lips prior sharpened, stabbing into the flesh, and sinking into the vein, expanding the esophagus and traversing down into the body.
  20. To Yamato, it could be resembled to lead being coursed through his body, weighing him down, and trickling throughout his body, forcing it to go cold with a strange tingling feeling. The tendril followed his mana circuit, blocking it out from the rest of the body, and with vampiristic qualities, siphoned it, and drawing it back for Arachnis' form. First, the Glacium's legs began to go cold... And soon the feeling traveled up to his waist... And soon enough... His heart.
  22. Even with a heart slowing his beat, eyesight and feeling was still possible,
  24. -Thud Thud........Thud Thud...................-Thud... Thud-........
  26. The strength of his bite only crushed upon the neck even further, insuring that this man wasn't going to escape, even with a final burst of adrenaline... Not without a piece of his neck being torn off in the process. His skin began to gray... Leathering... And the breath began to escape his remaining lung.
  28. -Thud........-Thud-...................-Thud-.....................Nothing.
  30. The heart had stopped beating, leaving the brain only a short amount of time later to live... The arms, legs, and torso had been reduced to feeble skin and bone, leaving only a dying brain, and two eyes to look back to the predator, whom finally released his death grip upon the man.
  32. Strings of blood hung from his canines, cleaned by the tendril that tore into his body and pulled back into his mouth...
  33. He chuckled a little, giving a deranged smile back unto the technically dead Yamato, bringing up his right hand, lit with cosmic magic, sharped at the tip with Lyperion Utovex's shifting ability to create something like a super-heated weapon at his index fingertip.
  35. "I just got an idea... Just to strike some fear into Glacium fools... They will get the idea soon enough." The 'weapon' turned into a pen, slicing into the armor, carving at it, and searing at it's cover, tarnishing it's face to give birth to a new 'look'.
  38. The appearance of a spider climbing up the likes of a snake- Likely symbolism for something... But what? Whatever the case, it brought a smile upon the face of the 'artist', and a mild chuckle, "Perhaps, she will come to admire my art..."
  39. (Arachnis)
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