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  1. Apr 28 23:26:33 <Arbor|Google> I want to make a 3D Puzzle RPG game
  2. Apr 28 23:26:40 <Arbor|Google> what should I be researching
  3. Apr 28 23:27:02 <Sailerius> I'll give you a roadmap to the math you'll need to know.
  4. Apr 28 23:27:11 <Arbor|Google> you are my hero now
  5. Apr 28 23:27:20 <Sailerius> Start with differential calculus. This'll give you the backing you need to do 3D physics.
  6. Apr 28 23:27:44 <Sailerius> After that, move into either integral calculus (which you need for modeling) or linear algebra (which you need for physics involving rotation and graphics).
  7. Apr 28 23:28:00 <Sailerius> Lastly, vector calculus, which is what you need to do complex physics and transformations.
  8. Apr 28 23:28:32 <Arbor|Google> Alright. Anytyhing aside from math I should know?
  9. Apr 28 23:28:46 * Arbor|Google is now known as Arbor|Paying_Attention
  10. Apr 28 23:30:07 <Sailerius> Well, yes. You also need to be able to program, but that's something entirely different.
  11. Apr 28 23:30:18 <Sailerius> For starters, what engine are you planning to use?
  12. Apr 28 23:30:22 <Arbor|Paying_Attention> UDK
  13. Apr 28 23:30:45 <Sailerius> In that case, you'll need to learn Unrealscript. I can't help much there since I don't know it.
  14. Apr 28 23:30:59 <Sailerius> UDK uses HD graphics so you'll need to know some advanced modeling and texturing techniques.
  15. Apr 28 23:31:31 <Sailerius> You'll need to learn high-def modeling with Zbrush and then learn retopologization, which is a technique for reducing the number of polygons in an HD model and interpolating to transfer the details.
  16. Apr 28 23:32:00 <Sailerius> Then you need to learn normal mapping, which samples the details from an HD model and lets you simulate them on the lower poly version, letting you put the low poly model ingame to preserve framerate but still maintaining the illusion of detail.
  17. Apr 28 23:32:29 <Sailerius> You'll need to learn UV mapping, which is how you do texturing. It involves a technique called unwrapping, which is where you transpose vertices and lines onto a texture sheet which you can then paint on in Photoshop.
  18. Apr 28 23:33:09 <Sailerius> You'll need to learn rigging, which is a technique for setting up a model for animation. Then you need to be able to do keyframing and interpolation to produce the animations smoothly.
  19. Apr 28 23:33:29 <Sailerius> That should cover the basics of how to get started.
  20. Apr 28 23:33:39 <Sailerius> Then you need to actually make the game. :P
  21. Apr 28 23:33:52 <Arbor|Paying_Attention> the....basics....
  22. Apr 28 23:34:02 * Arbor|Paying_Attention is now known as Arbor
  23. Apr 28 23:34:06 <Arbor> ok....
  24. Apr 28 23:34:16 <Sailerius> Yes, you need to be able to do that in order to even produce art assets.
  25. Apr 28 23:34:47 <Sailerius> FYI, from the part where I started talking about HD graphics on is the material covered in a 4 year degree alone.
  26. Apr 28 23:34:53 <Sailerius> That's a job people make a living doing.
  27. Apr 28 23:35:01 <Arbor> oh.....
  28. Apr 28 23:35:02 <Arbor> oh damn
  29. Apr 28 23:35:19 <Sailerius> Making 3D games is extremely hard. I'm just being realistic with you.
  30. Apr 28 23:35:27 <Arbor> I'm glad you are
  31. Apr 28 23:36:18 <Sailerius> Realistically, you're looking at 5-6 years of studying and practicing before you have the skills you need to start on the game.
  32. Apr 28 23:36:50 <Arbor> wow...just...*amazement*
  33. Apr 28 23:37:40 <Arbor> You've blown my mind...and given me the most useful information I've ever received
  34. Apr 28 23:37:53 <Arbor> 10 mins...most usefull
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