
Shooting on the Road, from Gear to Workflow DVD

Aug 3rd, 2012
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  1.  Shooting on the Road, from Gear to Workflow
  5. Shooting on the Road, from Gear to Workflow
  6. Shooting on the road, whether it's on vacation or on assignment, introduces a variety of considerations for photographers of all levels. How do you store the shots, back them up, edit and enhance images in the field, and then merge those images with your master library at home? In this course, Ben Long addresses these topics and more from the perspective of several field-shooting scenarios, including city vacationing and backcountry hiking.
  7. Shooting on the Road, from Gear to Workflow Download
  9. The course takes a look at the hardware and software issues behind field shooting: assessing storage and backup needs, evaluating GPS geotagging options, surveying power and charging issues, and more. After discussing each of the components, Ben shows how they fit together in different field setups, ranging from an extravagant laptop-based system to a no-computer setup that backs up photos to a compact digital wallet device. The course also spotlights some workflow strategies to consider when you get home, from transferring photos to merging them with a larger photo library.
  10. Shooting on the Road, from Gear to Workflow (DVD-ROM)
  12. ISBN: 1-59671-894-3
  13. UPC: 6-70557-03152-1
  14. SKU: 03152
  15. Duration: 03:08
  16. On 1 DVD-ROM
  18. Includes Closed Captions
  19. Shooting on the Road, from Gear to Workflow Download
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