Free league of legend riot point codes

Mar 28th, 2014
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  19. League of Legends, one of the first DOTA clones, have finally been hacked. LoL keeps much of their data on the server. We’re releasing the first League of Legends Generator! The generator creates League of Legends Prepaid Cards code. There are a few tricks you can perform by modifying the client. Since we’re the master of creating generators, we were able to make riot points hack.
  21. With our generator you are able to generate $25 prepaid Riot Points card codes which can redeem in the store of League of Legends. We recommend you use the codes to buy only skins. You can use the hacks in the trainer to get champions, read below to find out more.
  23. In our trainer, we included two possible hacks. The first one being the ability to play all the champions. Once you join a game, you will see you are able to see the whole list of champions and be able to select all of them. This hack manipulates the free week rotation bug.
  25. The other hack included is the zero IP Cost hack. It allows purchase any of the champions for free. This hack only works once per week. In other words, you can only buy one hero for free every week. It is another one of the rotation bug we found.
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