

Feb 4th, 2015
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  1. Wrote this a while ago so I probably forgot lots, I might edit it later if I can think of anything.
  3. #Thor
  5. # Building
  7. ##General
  9. For builds, check [this page]( While building in Smite is very situational, grappul offers a nice basic build that off of which
  10. you can base your own, optimized build. If you want me to go into details on a certain item / on all of them simply say so and I will.
  12. ##Useful items
  15. #Skills
  17. ##Skilling
  18. Keep in mind that everyone has their own preferences and that the "best" way to skill is the one that best suits your playstyle. There are, however, some basic guidelines that are worth following, which are what I'll try to list below.
  19. ###Priority
  21. 1>3>2>4 / 3>1>2>4^a
  23. *a - This comes down to personal preference. If you're someone who likes to poke enemies and if you feel that you'll hit your double tap often, max your 1. If that's not you, max your 3 first.
  26. ###First five leves
  27. 3-1-2/1-2/1-4
  29. ###Early point in your 2
  30. Having a second point in your 2 ensures that you can hit your doubletap (the stun lasts longer with each level, two points gives you just a long enough stun for your doubletap to be a guaranteed hit).
  32. ###General
  33. Don't skill until the very second that you're going to use it. Keep your skillpoint ready incase the enemy tries to invade / your team needs you. Be ready to put a point in your escape ability if you need to get out quick: it's better to lose out on a little bit of earlygame power instead of giving away first blood.
  35. ##Warrior's Madness
  37. Nice passive in teamfights or 2vs1s. Works well with his 4-3 combo
  39. ##Mjolnir's Attunement
  41. Thor's main poke ability **against Gods**. His 1 can hit both Gods aswel as minions twice, but it will only hit minions for *half* of the original dmg on
  42. the way back, while it hits Gods for *twice* the original damage. This makes it a great poke ability; even earlygame it can do a good chunk of damage.
  43. You can also teleport to it.
  45. ##Tectonic Rift
  46. Great skill to peel enemies off of your teammates / setting up a kill / setting up to hit your 1. If you hit your enemy it also stuns them.
  47. Make sure that you don't accidentally wall off your teammates!
  49. ##Berserker Barrage
  50. Your main clear for junglecamps or minions. Also amazing to kill of mulitple enemies because it really profits from your passive.
  52. ##Anvil of Dawn
  54. Great intiation. Does decent dmg and has a stun. Watch out for the range though, you don't want to go into your ult only to find that you can't reach the enemy.
  56. #Tips
  58. ###Teleport through walls
  59. I don't see people using this enough. Your 1 allows you to teleport through a lot of walls, especially the ones for buffs. This is not only a great escape but also helps
  60. with getting around the map & stealing enemies' buffs as they are clearing them. I often like to ward the enemy's speedbuff (you can do that through the wall) and if you're ahead / their jungler is low on health you can easily teleport in there, hog their buff and either kill them or stun them and get out.
  62. ###Damage or Teleport?
  63. One of the main things to learn about Thor is when to use your 1 to attack and when to safe it to escape. Try not to use it on junglecamps (unless you know for certain that you wont be attacked) so you always have an escape.
  65. ###2->1->3
  66. Thor's main combo that allows you to absolutely nuke enemies. Hitting the enemy with the stun on your 2 ensures that you can hit your doubletap, and if you teleport to them right as the hammer went through them for the return hit and start your 3 immediately, they're basically dead by the time they come out of the stun.
  68. ###Watch out for CCs during your 3!
  69. While you're using your 3 you're susceptible to CC. Any form of hard CC will stopp your 3 unless you have your bubble up (see "Useful items" for details).
  70. You can also counter this by pre-stunning with your 2.
  72. ###Stay calm
  73. While this is generally a good tipp for Smite, I find it especially important on Thor. Your kit (namely your 1,2 and 4) allow you to get out of almost any
  74. situation, so if you just stay calm, evade skills and wait for your own skills to come off CD you should be able to survive almost everything.
  76. ###Stun for teammates skills
  77. Your 2 is not only a good way to wall someone off / stun them so you can kill them, but is even more useful if used in communcation with your team. Take something like a RA ult:
  78. If you tell your teammate when you're gonna stun they can easily hit their own skills. This also applies to your ult, although it's harder to coordinate that. You can also stopp people from using their escape skils simply by zoning them out: If you place your wall correctly they can't leap into the jungle because the distance is too great, Janus can't use his portal even if he manages to place it on the wall, etc.
  80. ###Don't be affraid to use your ult to chase someone or to escape.
  81. People often seem to be afraid of "wasting" Thor's ult. There has been countless times where someone got away with a sliver of health left only to get his skull bashed in by my ult. It's also a great escape and there's no shame in using it as such - if you can set up an advantageous situation for your team to initiate on but have to use your ult to save yourself you've done your job.
  83. ###The stun in your ult is invaluable
  84. Remeber that your is not only a way to travel a great distance - it also has a stun. There have been many cases in which I was in a 1v1 and saw an enemy come towards and ulted preemtively not to escape but to reinitiate. This is especially effective if your enemy has a steroid that is his main source of damage. E.g. you're fighting a poseidon in the jungle and you see the enemy Loki on the map comeing towards you. Loki tends to initiate with his 1-3 combo, so it might be a good idea to ult, wait for him to show up and then dash back down, stunning and killing them.
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