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Apr 28th, 2017
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  1. options:
  2. dossier: plugins/CheatWarn #Dossier principal
  3. dossier-Jesus: Jesus #Dossier du cheat "Jésus"
  4. dossier-AntiKB: AntiKB #Dossier du cheat "AntiKB"
  5. dossier-Reach: Reach #Dossier du cheat "Cheat"
  6. dossier-fastbow: FastBow #Dossier du cheat "FastBow"
  7. dossier-FastEat: FastEat #Dossier du cheat "FastEat"
  8. dossier-AutoSneak: AutoSneak #Dossier du cheat "AutoSneak"
  9. dossier-forcefield: ForceField
  10. dossier-SpeedHackFly: SpeedHackFly
  11. dossier-InventoryWalk: InventoryWalk
  13. fichier-logs: logs.yml #Fichier qui stock les reload
  14. fichier-clear-history: clear-history.yml
  15. fichier-banlist: banlist.yml #BanList
  16. fichier-config: config.yml
  19. message-dans-logs: %now% #(%now% = maintenant)
  21. permission: mod.* #Tous les joueurs ayant cette permission recoivent une alerte // permission de la commande
  22. permission-message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission #Si le joueur n'a pas la permission pour faire la commande
  24. message-alert-on: &f&l[&4&lCheatWarn&f&l]&r &aVous avez activé les alertes ! #message quand on active les alertes
  25. message-alert-off: &f&l[&4&lCheatWarn&f&l]&r &cVous avez désactivé les alertes ! #message quand on désactive les alertes
  26. message-clear-history: &f&l[&4&lCheatWarn&f&l]&r &aVous avez clear l'historique de %arg-2%
  27. message-test-forcefield: &f&l[&4&lCheatWarn&f&l]&r &cVous allez recevoir le nombre de bots touchés par %arg-2%
  28. message-bot-touche: &f&l[&4&lCheatWarn&f&l]&r &c%arg-2% &aa touché &c%{BOTS}%/6 &abots
  29. message-alert: &f&l[&4&lCheatWarn&f&l]&r &c%{_JOUEUR}% &a>> &c%{_CHEAT}% &7(%{_PING}%) #alerte
  30. message-joueur-non-connecte: &cLe joueur n'est pas connecté !
  33. variable: CheatWarn #Variable
  36. max-detection-Cheat-avant-ban: 10 #Le joueur sera banni après X alertes
  38. temps-sans-alert: 10 #Temps après le reload sans alertes, (minimum 5 (conseillé) en seconde
  40. commande: CheatWarn # Commande principal
  41. argument-Historique: history #Argument après la commande pour voir l'historique
  42. argument-clearhistory: clear #Argument après la commande pour clear l'historique
  43. argument-forcefield: forcefield #Argument après la commande pour voir le forcefield d'un joueur
  45. Serveur-1.9: true # true = vrai // false = faux
  50. function Reach(a: player, v: player): #J'ai repris le Reach de Gandalf (de @Kiki)
  51. set {_JOUEUR} to {_a}'s name
  52. set {_CHEAT} to "Reach"
  53. set {_PING} to {_a}'s ping
  54. set {_UUID} to {_a}'s uuid
  55. if {{@variable}.noalert} is false:
  56. if damage cause is attack:
  57. if damage cause is not projectile:
  58. set {_diff} to difference between {_v}'s yaw and {a}'s yaw
  59. if distance between {_a} and {_v} > 5.5:
  60. if {_diff} is between 120 and 260:
  61. set {_first} to first character of {_a}'s name
  62. if file "{@dossier}/{@fichier-logs}/%{_first}%/%{_a}%.yml" doesn't exists:
  63. create file "{@dossier}/{@dossier-Reach}/%{_first}%/%{_a}%.yml"
  64. wf "%now%" to "{@dossier}/{@dossier-Reach}/%{_first}%/%{_a}%.yml"
  65. loop all players:
  66. if loop-players has permission "{@permission}":
  67. if {{@variable}.alert.%loop-players's uuid%} is true:
  68. send "{@message-alert}" to loop-player
  69. delete {_CHEAT}
  70. add 1 to {{@variable}.cheat.%{_UUID}%}
  71. if {{@variable}.cheat.%{_UUID}%} is {@max-detection-Cheat-avant-ban}:
  72. make console execute command "/ban %{_a}% Reach"
  73. wf "%{_a}%" to "{@dossier}/{@fichier-banlist}"
  74. wf "Banni" to "{@dossier}/{@dossier-Reach}/%{_first}%/%{_a}%.yml"
  75. add {_a} to {{@variable}.banlist::*}
  76. add {_a} to {{@variable}.banlist.console::*}
  77. set {{@variable}.ban.reason.%{_UUID}%} to "Reach"
  79. function Jesus(p: player):
  80. set {_JOUEUR} to {_p}'s name
  81. set {_PING} to {_p}'s ping
  82. set {_CHEAT} to "Jésus"
  83. set {_UUID} to {_p}'s uuid
  84. if {{@variable}.noalert} is false:
  85. if {_p}'s gamemode is not creative:
  86. set {_y} to y-location of {_p}
  87. if block under {_p} is water:
  88. wait 1 second
  89. if y-location of {_p} is {_y}:
  90. if {_p} is not riding:
  91. set {_first} to first character of {_p}'s name
  92. loop all players:
  93. if loop-player has permission "{@permission}":
  94. set {_UUIDLOOP} to loop-player's uuid
  95. if {{@variable}.alert.%{_UUIDLOOP}%} is true:
  96. send "{@message-alert}" to loop-player
  97. delete {_CHEAT}
  98. add 1 to {{@variable}.cheat.%{_UUID}%}
  99. if {{@variable}.cheat.%{_UUID}%} is {@max-detection-Cheat-avant-ban}:
  100. make console execute command "/ban %{_p}% Jesus"
  101. wf "%{_p}%" to "{@dossier}/{@fichier-banlist}"
  102. wf "Banni" to "{@dossier}/{@dossier-Jesus}/%{_first}%/%{_p}%.yml"
  103. add {_p} to {{@variable}.banlist::*}
  104. add {_p} to {{@variable}.banlist.console::*}
  105. set {{@variable}.ban.reason.%{_UUID}%} to "Jesus"
  109. function FastEat(p: player):
  110. set {_JOUEUR} to {_p}'s name
  111. set {_CHEAT} to "FastEat"
  112. set {_PING} to {_p}'s ping
  113. set {_UUID} to {_p}'s uuid
  114. if {{@variable}.noalert} is false:
  115. if {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*} contains {_p}'s tool:
  116. set {_a} to now
  117. set {_b} to amount of {_p}'s tool in {_p}'s inventory
  118. wait 30 ticks
  119. set {_c} to amount of {_p}'s tool in {_p}'s inventory
  120. if {_b} = {_c}:
  121. set {_first} to first character of {_p}'s name
  122. if file "{@dossier}/{@fichier-logs}/%{_first}%/%{_p}%.yml" doesn't exists:
  123. create file "{@dossier}/{@dossier-FastEat}/%{_first}%/%{_p}%.yml"
  124. wf "%now%" to "{@dossier}/{@dossier-FastEat}/%{_first}%/%{_p}%.yml"
  125. loop all players:
  126. if loop-player has permission "{@permission}":
  127. set {_UUIDLOOP} to loop-player's uuid
  128. if {{@variable}.alert.%{_UUIDLOOP}%} is true:
  129. send "{@message-alert}" to loop-player
  130. delete {_CHEAT}
  131. add 1 to {{@variable}.cheat.%{_UUID}%}
  132. if {{@variable}.cheat.%{_UUID}%} is {@max-detection-Cheat-avant-ban}:
  133. make console execute command "/ban %{_p}% FastEat"
  134. wf "%{_p}%" to "{@dossier}/{@fichier-banlist}"
  135. wf "Banni" to "{@dossier}/{@dossier-FastEat}/%{_first}%/%{_p}%.yml"
  136. add {_p} to {{@variable}.banlist::*}
  137. add {_p} to {{@variable}.banlist.console::*}
  138. set {{@variable}.ban.reason.%{_UUID}%} to "FastEat"
  145. function AutoSneak(p: player):
  146. set {_JOUEUR} to {_p}'s name
  147. set {_CHEAT} to "AutoSneak"
  148. set {_PING} to {_p}'s ping
  149. set {_UUID} to {_p}'s uuid
  150. if {{@variable}.noalert} is false:
  151. if {_p} is sneaking:
  152. if {_PING} < 100:
  153. set {_first} to first character of {_p}'s name
  154. if file "{@dossier}/{@fichier-logs}/%{_first}%/%{_p}%.yml" doesn't exists:
  155. create file "{@dossier}/{@dossier-AutoSneak}/%{_first}%/%{_p}%.yml"
  156. wf "%now%" to "{@dossier}/{@dossier-AutoSneak}/%{_first}%/%{_p}%.yml"
  157. loop all players:
  158. if loop-player has permission "{@permission}":
  159. if {{@variable}.alert.%loop-player's uuid%} is true:
  160. send "{@message-alert}" to loop-player
  161. delete {_CHEAT}
  162. add 1 to {{@variable}.cheat.%{_UUID}%}
  163. if {{@variable}.cheat.%{_UUID}%} is {@max-detection-Cheat-avant-ban}:
  164. make console execute command "/ban %{_p}% AutoSneak"
  165. wf "%{_p}%" to "{@dossier}/{@fichier-banlist}"
  166. wf "Banni" to "{@dossier}/{@dossier-AutoSneak}/%{_first}%/%{_p}%.yml"
  167. add {_p} to {{@variable}.banlist::*}
  168. add {_p} to {{@variable}.banlist.console::*}
  169. set {{@variable}.ban.reason.%{_UUID}%} to "AutoSneak"
  175. function SpeedHackFly(p: player):
  176. set {_PING} to {_p}'s ping
  177. set {_JOUEUR} to {_p}'s name
  178. set {_PING} to {_p}'s ping
  179. set {_UUID} to {_p}'s uuid
  180. if {{@variable}.noalert} is false:
  181. chance of 10%:
  182. if {_p}'s gamemode is not creative:
  183. if {_p} is not riding:
  184. set {_a} to {_p}'s location
  185. set {_c} to y-location of {_p}
  186. wait 0.5 second
  187. set {_b} to {_p}'s location
  188. if distance between {_a} and {_b} is bigger than 7:
  189. if {_p}'s ping < 200:
  190. set {_CHEAT} to "SpeedHack / Fly"
  191. set {_first} to first character of {_p}'s name
  192. if file "{@dossier}/{@fichier-logs}/%{_first}%/%{_p}%.yml" doesn't exists:
  193. create file "{@dossier}/{@dossier-SpeedHackFly}/%{_first}%/%{_p}%.yml"
  194. wf "%now%" to "{@dossier}/{@dossier-SpeedHackFly}/%{_first}%/%{_p}%.yml"
  195. loop all players:
  196. if loop-player has permission "{@permission}":
  197. set {_UUIDLOOP} to loop-player's uuid
  198. if {{@variable}.alert.%{_UUIDLOOP}%} is true:
  199. send "{@message-alert}" to loop-player
  200. delete {_CHEAT}
  201. add 1 to {{@variable}.cheat.%{_UUID}%}
  202. if {{@variable}.cheat.%{_UUID}%} is {@max-detection-Cheat-avant-ban}:
  203. make console execute command "/ban %{_p}% SpeedHackFly"
  204. wf "%{_p}%" to "{@dossier}/{@fichier-banlist}"
  205. wf "Banni" to "{@dossier}/{@dossier-SpeedHackFly}/%{_first}%/%{_p}%.yml"
  206. add {_p} to {{@variable}.banlist::*}
  207. add {_p} to {{@variable}.banlist.console::*}
  208. set {{@variable}.ban.reason.%{_UUID}%} to "SpeedHackFly"
  212. on load:
  213. add 1 to {AntiCheat.reload}
  214. if folder "{@dossier}" doesn't exists:
  215. create folder "{@dossier}"
  216. if folder "{@dossier}/{@dossier-AntiKB}" doesn't exists:
  217. create folder "{@dossier}/{@dossier-AntiKB}"
  218. if file "{@dossier}/{@fichier-logs}" doesn't exists:
  219. create file "{@dossier}/{@fichier-logs}"
  220. set {AntiCheat.reload} to 0
  221. if {AntiCheat.reload} is equal to 0:
  222. wf "Premier reload : %now%" to "{@dossier}/{@fichier-logs}"
  223. else:
  224. wf "Reload %{AntiCheat.reload}% : %now%" to "{@dossier}/{@fichier-logs}"
  225. if folder "{@dossier}/{@dossier-Jesus}" doesn't exists:
  226. create folder "{@dossier}/{@dossier-Jesus}"
  227. if folder "{@dossier}/{@dossier-Reach}" doesn't exists:
  228. create folder "{@dossier}/{@dossier-Reach}"
  229. if folder "{@dossier}/{@dossier-FastEat}" doesn't exists:
  230. create folder "{@dossier}/{@dossier-FastEat}"
  231. if folder "{@dossier}/{@dossier-SpeedHackFly}" doesn't exists:
  232. create folder "{@dossier}/{@dossier-SpeedHackFly}"
  233. if folder "{@dossier}/{@dossier-InventoryWalk" doesn't exists:
  234. create folder "{@dossier}/{@dossier-InventoryWalk}"
  236. if file "{@dossier}/{@fichier-banlist}" doesn't exists:
  237. create file "{@dossier}/{@fichier-banlist}"
  238. if file "{@dossier}/{@fichier-config}" doesn't exists:
  239. #create file "{@dossier}/{@fichier-config}"
  240. download file from "" to file "{@dossier}/{@fichier-config}"
  241. set {_cc} to value "Messages.message-alert-on" get of "{@dossier}/{@fichier-config}"
  243. command /cc:
  244. trigger:
  245. set {_mot} to value list "Messages.message-alert-on" get of "{@dossier}/{@fichier-config}"
  246. send "%{_mot}%"
  247. #----------------------------------------------------------#
  248. # JESUS #
  249. #----------------------------------------------------------#
  251. on walk on water:
  252. Jesus(player)
  255. #----------------------------------------------------------#
  256. # Anti KB #
  257. #----------------------------------------------------------#
  259. on damage:
  260. set {_JOUEUR} to victim's name
  261. set {_CHEAT} to "AntiKnockback"
  262. set {_PING} to victim's ping
  263. if {{@variable}.noalert} is false:
  264. if victim is a player:
  265. block at victim is not cobweb:
  266. victim is not riding:
  267. damage wasn't caused by lava, fire, burning, fall, poison or wither:
  268. victim doesn't have poison:
  269. victim doesn't have wither:
  270. victim isn't burning:
  271. if victim's ping < 100:
  272. set {location1.%victim%} to victim's location
  273. wait 5 ticks
  274. set {location2.%victim%} to victim's location
  275. if {location1.%victim%} = {location2.%victim%}:
  276. set {_first} to first character of victim's name
  277. if file "plugins/{@dossier}/{@dossier-AntiKB}/%{_first}%/%victim's name%.yml" doesn't exists:
  278. create file "{@dossier}/{@dossier-AntiKB}/%{_first}%/%victim's name%.yml"
  279. wf "%now%" to "plugins/{@dossier}/{@dossier-AntiKB}/%{_first}%/%victim's name%.yml"
  280. loop all players:
  281. if loop-player has permission "{@permission}":
  282. if {{@variable}.alert.%loop-player's uuid%} is true:
  283. send "{@message-alert}" to loop-player
  284. delete {_CHEAT}
  285. add 1 to {{@variable}.cheat.%victim's uuid%}
  286. if {{@variable}.cheat.%victim's uuid%} is {@max-detection-Cheat-avant-ban}:
  287. make console execute command "/ban %victim% AntiKB"
  288. wf "%victim%" to "{@dossier}/{@fichier-banlist}"
  289. wf "Banni" to "{@dossier}/{@dossier-AntiKB}/%{_first}%/%victim%.yml"
  290. add victim to {{@variable}.banlist::*}
  291. add victim to {{@variable}.banlist.console::*}
  292. set {{@variable}.ban.reason.%victim's uuid%} to "AntiKB"
  293. else:
  294. stop
  298. command /anticheat:
  299. trigger:
  300. send "&aCréateur : Blackmine57" # Laisser au moins ça S.V.P
  301. send "&aAide : sam57730, MrForoche, &bPolymeth&a, MaxLego08, NaolShow, MrCrazyKill, kiki "
  302. send "&aServeurs:"
  303. send "Je suis codeur sur : "
  304. send " - MrForoche :"
  306. #----------------------------------------------------------#
  307. # Reach #
  308. #----------------------------------------------------------#
  310. on damage:
  311. Reach(attacker, victim)
  313. #----------------------------------------------------------#
  314. # FastEat #
  315. #----------------------------------------------------------#
  317. on right click:
  318. FastEat(player)
  321. on load:
  322. add apple to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  323. add mushroom stew to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  324. add bread to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  325. add porkchop item to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  326. add cooked porkchop to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  327. add notch apple to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  328. add fish to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  329. add raw salmon to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  330. add clownfish to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  331. add raw pufferfish to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  332. add cooked fish to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  333. add baked potato to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  334. add poisonous potato to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  335. add pumpkin pie to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  336. add raw rabbit to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  337. add cooked rabbit to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  338. add rabbit stew to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  339. add raw mutton to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  340. add cooked mutton to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}
  341. if {@Serveur-1.9} is true:
  342. evaluate "add beetroot to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}"
  343. evaluate "add beetroot soup to {{@variable}.fastEat.items::*}"
  345. #----------------------------------------------------------#
  346. # Auto Sneak #
  347. #----------------------------------------------------------#
  349. on command:
  350. AutoSneak(player)
  351. on chat:
  352. AutoSneak(player)
  355. on command:
  356. AutoSneak(player)
  359. on sign edit:
  360. AutoSneak(player)
  362. on inventory click:
  363. AutoSneak(player)
  367. #----------------------------------------------------------#
  368. # SpeedHackFly / fly #
  369. #----------------------------------------------------------#
  371. on any move:
  372. SpeedHackFly(player)
  375. #----------------------------------------------------------#
  376. # Alertes #
  377. #----------------------------------------------------------#
  379. on chat:
  380. if player has permission "{@permission}":
  381. if message is "$off":
  382. cancel event
  383. set {{@variable}.alert.%player's uuid%} to false
  384. send "{@message-alert-off}"
  385. if message is "$on":
  386. cancel event
  387. set {{@variable}.alert.%player's uuid%} to true
  388. send "{@message-alert-on}"
  392. command /{@commande} [<text>] [<offline player>]:
  393. permission: {@permission}
  394. permission message: {@permission-message}
  395. trigger:
  396. if arg-1 is set:
  397. if arg-1 is "{@argument-Historique}":
  398. if arg-2 is set:
  399. send "&c/-----------------------------\"
  400. send "&cI &a Historique de %arg-2% &c I"
  401. send "&c\-----------------------------/"
  402. send ""
  403. if {{@variable}.ban.reason.%arg-2's uuid%} is not "<none>":
  404. send "&aBanni : &cOui : %{{@variable}.ban.reason.%arg-2's uuid%}%"
  405. else:
  406. send "&aBanni : &cNon"
  407. if {{@variable}.cheat.%arg-2's uuid%} is smaller than 10:
  408. send "&aNombre d'alerte : %{{@variable}.cheat.%arg-2's uuid%}%"
  409. else:
  410. send "&aNombre d'alerte : &cCe joueur devrait être banni :O ! &7(%{{@variable}.cheat.%arg-2's uuid%}%)"
  415. if arg-1 is "{@argument-clearhistory}":
  416. if arg-2 is set:
  417. delete file "{@dossier}/{@dossier-AutoSneak}/%{_first}%/%arg-2%.yml"
  418. delete file "{@dossier}/{@dossier-Jesus}/%{_first}%/%arg-2%.yml"
  419. delete file "{@dossier}/{@dossier-FastEat}/%{_first}%/%arg-2%.yml"
  420. delete file "{@dossier}/{@dossier-Reach}/%{_first}%/%arg-2%.yml"
  421. delete file "{@dossier}/{@dossier-AntiKB}/%{_first}%/%arg-2%.yml"
  422. set {{@variable}.cheat.%arg-2's uuid%} to 0
  423. delete {{@variable}.ban.reason.%arg-2's uuid%}
  424. remove player from {{@variable}.banlist::*}
  425. send "{@message-clear-history}"
  426. wf "%player% -> %arg-2%" to "{@dossier}/{@fichier-clear-history}"
  430. if arg-1 is "{@argument-forcefield}":
  431. if arg-2 is set:
  432. if arg-2 is online:
  433. send "{@message-test-forcefield}"
  434. spawn a silverfish 3 meters above arg 2
  435. set {{@variable}.forcefield.%arg-2's uuid%} to true
  436. set {{@variable}.%arg-2's uuid%.nb} to 0
  437. set {{@variable}.forcefield.%arg-2's uuid%.silverfish} to last spawned entity
  438. apply resistance 5 to {{@variable}.forcefield.%arg-2's uuid%.silverfish} for 1.5 second
  439. wait 1 second
  440. set {BOTS} to {{@variable}.%arg-2's uuid%.nb}
  441. send "{@message-bot-touche}"
  442. delete {{@variable}.%arg-2's uuid%.nb}
  443. delete {{@variable}.forcefield.%arg-2's uuid%.silverfish}
  444. set {{@variable}.forcefield.%arg-2's uuid%} to false
  445. wait 1.5 second
  446. kill {{@variable}.forcefield.%arg-2's uuid%.silverfish}
  447. kill last spawned entity
  448. else:
  449. send "{@message-joueur-non-connecte}"
  451. on damage:
  452. if attacker is {{@variable}.forcefield.%attacker's uuid%.silverfish}:
  453. if {{@variable}.forcefield.%victim's uuid%} is true:
  454. cancel event
  457. on damage:
  458. set {_PING} to attacker's ping
  459. if {{@variable}.forcefield.%attacker's uuid%.silverfish} is victim:
  460. cancel event
  461. if {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} is 0:
  462. set {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} to 1
  463. teleport victim 2 meters behind attacker
  464. stop
  465. if {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} is 1:
  466. teleport victim 2 meters above attacker
  467. set {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} to 2
  468. stop
  469. if {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} is 2:
  470. teleport victim 2 meters behind attacker
  471. set {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} to 3
  472. stop
  473. if {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} is 3:
  474. set {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} to 4
  475. teleport victim 2 meters above attacker
  476. stop
  477. if {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} is 3:
  478. set {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} to 4
  479. teleport victim 2 meters behind attacker
  480. stop
  481. if {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} is 4:
  482. set {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} to 5
  483. teleport victim 2 meters above attacker
  484. stop
  485. if {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} is 5:
  486. set {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} to 6
  487. teleport victim 2 meters behind attacker
  488. if {{@variable}.%attacker's uuid%.nb} is 6:
  489. kill victim
  490. if {_PING} < 100:
  491. set {_first} to first character of attacker's name
  492. if file "{@dossier}/{@fichier-logs}/%{_first}%/%attacker%.yml" doesn't exists:
  493. create file "{@dossier}/{@dossier-forcefield}/%{_first}%/%attacker%.yml"
  494. wf "Ban" to "{@dossier}/{@dossier-forcefield}/%{_first}%/%attacker%.yml"
  495. make console execute command "/ban %attacker% ForceField"
  496. wf "%attacker%" to "{@dossier}/{@fichier-banlist}"
  497. wf "Banni" to "{@dossier}/{@dossier-forcefield}/%{_first}%/%attacker%.yml"
  498. add attacker to {{@variable}.banlist::*}
  499. add attacker to {{@variable}.banlist.console::*}
  500. set {{@variable}.ban.reason.%attacker's uuid%} to "ForceField"
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