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Oct 18th, 2018
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  1. Saint Kentigern College. Where do I start? The glistening shimmer in my yearning eyes as I first stepped into the welcoming grasp of this establishment. With an open heart I put my trust into the expansive grandeur of these old halls and architectural marvels, housing accomplished educators ready to fill my beckoning mind to the brim with rich knowledge and experience. The lush greenery of the sporting fields and resounding acoustics of the music centre fuelled my need for extracurricular endeavours. In the end it has made me not only wise, but appreciative of the remarkable institution of higher learning from which I am graduating. To the boys Bunyan, Chris, Adam, Adrian, Ding fa Ling Ming, Qui Qui, the boys of CMS/SLC2, Hazza V and anyone else who I brushed shoulders with along the way, you’re all top blokes. Stay chilly free willies.
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