
Kanto Episode 9

Oct 30th, 2017
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  1. Kanto Episode 9
  3. That night.....Jalen leans against the wall in a casual pose as the group resides in his and Severa's room after the events of the S.S Anne regarding TR. Thankfully, they got out of there before the media was there and so Bella and Takumi took the praises from the media....however, one member of the team wasn't too keen on that.
  6. {Awww...Why couldn't WE be out there?} Inigo groans as he lay on the bed...Severa shakes her head as she stand near the door while Soleil is doing some research on the desktop... "Cause idiot! TR would have a better idea of who we are!! No reason to soak up all the glory out there when we're better off incognito!" While Severa scolds Inigo, Soleil gestures Jalen to come over and look at what she got on the screen...She and him was still on Bella not having any info and so Soleil went to The Official Kanto Trainer Database site and search(After an agonizing process of typing in her full name) up Bella.....and after some time..she came up with nothing....Both of them look alarmed at this.
  8. Inigo groans on the bed..
  9. {All of those females must be flocking to that Takumi guy now...lucky bastard....} "Get over it! Most of those girls are floozies anyway!...Besides....he's too busy sucking on Bella's dick to care......" Jalen rubs his chin at that far as he knew Takumi(And he didn't know him that much), Takumi would NEVER travel with anyone nor would he be submissive towards anyone...So the fact that he's doing this with Belladonna makes it all the more confusing....He tap Soleil on the shoulder and mention this to her, she shrugs and lean back in her chair....Inigo sits up and look at Severa with a wondering look.
  11. {Soooo...What are you and...}He gestures to Jalen{Him doing after this?} "Well, we're going to the Vermilion Gym tomorrow and..." Not missing a beat, Inigo pops the question. {Mind if we come with?} "Why?" She scowls and cross her arms "So you can constantly hit on me?" {No-No! I mean, yes...but I mean nonsense! I just like to travel with pretty girls!}
  13. "Hmmm....Well, Jalen?....What do you say?.......You're ok with this?? Why ar-" Severa sees Jalen's hand on Soleil's shoulder and connect the dots....and smirk "Ohhhh....I see....Fine...." Turning to Inigo who is a bit unnerved by her smile. "We can travel together..." Inigo looks back and see his sister's head resting against Jalen's hand with a smirk on both their faces...he sighs and turn back to Severa with a dismayed face. {You mean to tell me I gotta deal with them flirting?} "Oh, come on Inigo! They don't even speak so you wouldn't even hear them!!!" {But the idea of them....Argh!!}
  15. "Whatever...So you guys should go get some rest now, cause we gonna hightail the fuck outta here tomorrow to get to Lavender Town." Severa opens the door for the Wilsons to leave out. "1st thing we do is beat Foleo of Vermilion."
  17. The WIlsons leave out, Inigo getting rejected by Severa on the way out again as Soleil hugs Jalen good night....The 4 teens sleep in their different rooms and prepare to get ready for the next day....Meanwhile, The Rocket Team lead by Camilla have arrived in Celadon City in the middle of the night and head to their Secret Hideout, after they all sleep or get assign the midnight guard role(Unlucky bastards...) Camilla head towards the main office of their leader, Xander...who's also her older brother. She enters the room and come to the sight of his chair facing her...Him sitting on it.
  19. "Brother...."
  20. Xander turns around and stare at silence.
  21. "I'm sorry to report that the S.S Anne a failure...I know, 3 months of preparation down the drains...However..I have encountered 2 interesting people and one.....returning cancer." Xander quirk an eyebrow and leans in his chair forward toward his desk and lock his hands together..
  23. "There are 2 teens with the same [PROTAGONIST] skill like you do....Though I doubt they have the experience with it like you do.....I'm pretty sure they used theirs for jokes and what not....I have no doubt we will come across them again, they seem to be the type to fight 'bad guys'.... Camilla sighs and scowl "Kinda like the next one..." Xander nods, wishing her to continue....Although this next news. "Our 'dear friend' Belladonna have made her re-appearance..." Makes him lean back in his chair with an urgent look
  25. "I know....She looks a bit different, but there's no doubt...that's the same damned creature who put our sister in her state, the abomination classified as [MARY SUE]!" Camilla shouts with righteous fury, Xander rubs his chin and nods...heavy thoughts hanging in his head as the mood dampers by quite a bit....He look at Camilla and ask her have the teens encountered her... "From their reactions,
  26. I can tell they did...I don't think they know the amount of danger they are in.....Why yes, there was an another teen that was with the think she's....Damn.....No, no signs of him changing...although he was quite adoring to her...Allright..." Camilla sighs and rubs her head...she turns towards the door. "Good night brother...Pls don't stay up so late again...."
  28. Camilla leaves the room while Xander watch her walk out...he goes into a drawer and pull a picture out and hold it in his's an older pic with Xander and Camilla, both of them about 10 years younger, smiling brightly. With them is what seems to be a 8 year old Siegbert and a platinum-haired lady with them...He frowns sadly as he look on that woman's face...remembering her before....she introduced them to that....thing...He freezes time and stand up to look over the camera that shows a live feed to where she is at in their hideout...she lies in bed in critical condition...body looking rather weak and her once platinum hair is now covered with spots of random hair colors...It's been 5 years since that incident and Corrin haven't made any progress on returning to normal...
  30. Xander had used over 75% of his family's fortunes to keep her alive, eventually turning his family enterprise into a criminal syndicate to steal money and other things...all to save Corrin...Why would he do this? Why not tell the public of such a monster existing among them? Cause [MARY SUES] can bend reality to a point where they can get away with such things....only those with the [PROTAGONIST] skill and others who are with those can resist the dreaded power....and can see the monster for what she truly is....
  32. Xander take one last look at the feed of his ill sister before walking away and out of his office to his resting quarters....freezing time along the way to speak before letting time resume.
  33. [Everything I do is to bring her back to us, her family...I'll slay that foul creature even if it cost me my life.....I do not wish that however....Now...Perhaps those 2 teens shall be an aid to me....]
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