

Sep 13th, 2019
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  1. command /teamdivide:
  2. trigger:
  3. loop all players:
  4. set {_random} to random integer between 1 and 2
  5. if {_random} is 1:
  6. add loop-player to {red::*}
  7. send "&aあなたは &c赤チーム &aです" to loop-player
  8. set loop-player's tablist name to "&c%loop-player%"
  9. set loop-player's display name to "&c%loop-player%"
  10. set {team::%loop-player%} to "red"
  11. if {_random} is 2:
  12. add loop-player to {blue::*}
  13. send "&aあなたは &9青チーム &aです" to loop-player
  14. set loop-player's tablist name to "&9%loop-player%"
  15. set loop-player's display name to "&9%loop-player%"
  16. set {team::%loop-player%} to "blue"
  17. command /teamexit:
  18. trigger:
  19. clear {red::*}
  20. clear {blue::*}
  21. clear {team::*}
  22. send "&aすべてのチームが解散されました!" to loop-player
  23. loop all players:
  24. set loop-player's tablist name to "%loop-player%"
  25. command /teamteleport [<text>]:
  26. trigger:
  27. if arg-1 is not set:
  28. send "&c/teamteleport [redset|blueset|redtp|bluetp]"
  29. else if arg-1 is "bluetp":
  30. loop all players:
  31. if {team::%loop-player%} is "blue":
  32. teleport loop-player to {}
  33. else if arg-1 is "redset":
  34. set {} to location of player
  35. send "&bset:redtp:%location of player%"
  36. else if arg-1 is "blueset":
  37. set {} to location of player
  38. send "&bset:redtp:%location of player%"
  39. else if arg-1 is "redtp":
  40. loop all players:
  41. if {team::%loop-player%} is "red":
  42. teleport loop-player to {}
  43. else:
  44. send "&c/teamteleport [redset|blueset|redtp|bluetp]"
  45. on damage of player:
  46. if {red::*} contains attacker:
  47. if {red::*} contains victim:
  48. cancel event
  49. if {blue::*} contains attacker:
  50. if {blue::*} contains victim:
  51. cancel event
  52. on break:
  53. if event-block is in the region "block":
  54. set {blocks::%location of event-block%} to type of event-block
  55. on place:
  56. if event-block is in the region "block":
  57. add event-block to {place::*}
  58. on join:
  59. teleport player to location (-1525, 9, -2283)
  60. on death of player:
  61. quit(victim)
  62. if {red::*} contains attacker:
  63. add 1 to {kill.r}
  64. else if {blue::*} contains attacker:
  65. add 1 to {kill.b}
  66. add 1 to {kill.%attacker%}
  67. on quit:
  68. quit(player)
  69. on respawn:
  70. set player's gamemode to victim
  71. function score(s: player):
  72. wipe {_s}'s sidebar
  73. set name of sidebar of {_s} to "&e&lTHE WALLS"
  74. set score "&b" in sidebar of {_s} to 8
  75. set score "&d" in sidebar of {_s} to 7
  76. set score "&f青チーム 生き残り: &a%size of {blue::*}%" in sidebar of {_s} to 6
  77. set score "&f赤チーム 生き残り: &a%size of {red::*}%" in sidebar of {_s} to 5
  78. set score "&e" in sidebar of {_s} to 4
  79. set score "&fキル数: &a%{kill.%{_s}%}%" in sidebar of {_s} to 3
  80. if {red::*} contains {_s}:
  81. set score "&fチームのキル数: &a%{kill.r}%" in sidebar of {_s} to 3
  82. else if {blue::*} contains {_s}:
  83. set score "&fチームのキル数: &a%{kill.b}%" in sidebar of {_s} to 3
  84. set score "&c" in sidebar of {_s} to 2
  85. set score "&" in sidebar of {_s} to 1
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