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Jan 5th, 2018
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  2. # Uncomment a line when you want to change its default value (Remove # at the beginning)
  3. # Please ensure to leave a space after the colon if a value is needed ("example-setting" "example-setting-with: value")
  4. # At least one account with "username", "password" as well as "location" and "gmaps-key" are required
  5. # When your configuration is done, rename this file by removing the ".example" extension
  6. # A different config-files can be included directly in processes by "--config-file" or "-cf" and path
  9. # Required settings
  10. ###################
  12. #gmaps-key: # Your Google Maps API key
  13. gmaps-key: hiddenkey
  14. #auth-service: # ptc (default) or google
  15. #username: # Usernames, one per account. (default=[])
  16. #password: # Passwords, either single one for all accounts or one per account. (default=[])
  17. #hash-key: # Key for hash server (default=None)
  18. hash-key: hiddenkey
  21. # Common settings
  22. #################
  24. #host: # Address to listen on (default='')
  25. host:
  26. #port: # Port to listen on (default=5000)
  27. port: 4075
  28. #accountcsv: # Load accounts instead from a CSV file containing "auth-service,username,password" lines.
  29. accountcsv: allessamen3.csv
  30. #speed-scan # Use speed-scan as the search scheduler.
  31. speed-scan
  32. #location: # Location, can be an address or coordinates.
  33. location: "Markt Winterswijk, Netherlands"
  34. #step-limit: # Steps (default=10)
  35. step-limit: 18
  36. #scan-delay: # Time delay between requests in scan threads. (default=12)
  37. scan-delay: 15
  38. #no-gyms # Disables gym scanning (default=False)
  39. #no-pokemon # Disables pokemon scanning. (default=False)
  40. #no-pokestops # Disables pokestop scanning. (default=False)
  41. #no-raids # Disables raid scanning (default=False)
  42. #print-status # Enable ENTER to switch between log view and a status view.
  43. # Optionally add ": status" to start in status view and ": logs" to start in log view. (default=False)
  44. ##print-status status
  45. #status-page-password: # Enables and protects the /status page to view status of all workers. (default=None)
  46. status-page-password: hiddenpassword
  47. #captcha-solving # Enables captcha solving. (default=False)
  50. # Database settings
  51. ###################
  53. #db-type: sqlite # sqlite (default) or mysql
  54. db-type: mysql
  55. #db: # Database filename for SQLite. (default='pogom.db')
  56. #db-host: # Required for mysql ()
  57. db-host: localhost
  58. #db-name: # Required for mysql
  59. db-name: rocketmapdb
  60. #db-user: # Required for mysql
  61. db-user: rocketmapuser
  62. #db-pass: # Required for mysql
  63. db-pass: hiddenpassword
  64. #db-port: # Required for mysql (default=3306)
  65. #db-threads: # Number of db threads; increase if the db queue falls behind. (default=1)
  66. db-threads: 987
  68. # Scan method (speed-scan preferable, (default is hex-scan)
  69. #############
  71. #beehive # Use beehive configuration for multiple accounts, one account per hex.
  72. # Make sure to keep -st under 5, and -w under the total amount of accounts available.
  73. #spawnpoint-scanning # Use spawnpoint scanning (instead of hex grid).
  74. # Scans in a circle based on step_limit when on DB.
  75. # A spawnpoint-file can be added optinal as value for "spawnpoint-scanning".
  76. #dump-spawnpoints # Dump the spawnpoints from the db to json (only for use with -ss).
  79. # Geofence settings
  80. ###################
  82. #geofence-file: # Geofence file to define outer borders of the scan area.
  83. #geofence-excluded-file: # File to define forbidden areas inside scan area. Regarded this as inverted geofence. Can be combined with geofence-file.
  86. # Search settings
  87. #################
  89. #china # Coordinates transformer for China.
  90. #no-jitter # Don't apply random -9m to +9m jitter to location.
  91. #altitude: # Default altitude in meters. Retrieve this value regarding your scan location from the web. (default=507)
  92. #altitude-variance: # Variance for --altitude in meters (default=1)
  93. #use-altitude-cache # Query the Elevation API for each step, rather than only once, and store results in the database.
  94. # Make sure your Google Elevation API is enabled
  95. #workers-per-hive: # Only referenced when using --beehive. Sets number of workers per hive. (default=1)
  96. #workers: # Number of search worker threads to start. (default=#accounts)
  97. workers: 400
  98. #spawn-delay: # Number of seconds after spawn time to wait before scanning to be sure the Pokemon is there. (default=10)
  99. spawn-delay: 10
  100. #kph: # Set a maximum speed in km/hour for scanner movement. (default=35)
  101. kph: 35
  102. #bad-scan-retry: # Number of bad scans before giving up on a step. (default=2, 0 to disable)
  103. #skip-empty # Enables skipping of empty cells in normal scans - requires previously populated database. (not to be used with -ss)
  104. #min-seconds-left: # Time that must be left on a spawn before considering it too late and skipping it. (default=0)
  105. #gym-info # Enables detailed gym info collection. (default=False)
  106. #pokestop-spinning # Spin Pokestops with "50%" Chance (default=False)
  107. pokestop-spinning
  108. #account-max-spins: # Maximum number of Pokestop spins per hour (default=20)
  109. #on-demand_timeout: # Pause searching while web UI is inactive for this timeout (in seconds). (default=0)
  112. # Account rotation
  113. ##################
  115. #login-delay: # Time delay between each login attempt. (default=6)
  116. login-delay: 20
  117. #login-retries: # Number of times to retry the login before refreshing a thread. (default=3)
  118. login-retries: 3
  119. #account-search-interval: # Seconds for accounts to search before switching to a new account. (default=0)
  120. #account-rest-interval: # Seconds for accounts to rest when they fail or are switched out. (default=7200)
  121. #max-failures: # Maximum number of failures to parse locations before an account will go into a sleep for
  122. # account-rest-interval seconds. (default 5, 0 to disable)
  123. #max-empty: # Maximum number of empty scans before an account will go into a sleep for
  124. # account-rest-interval seconds. Reasonable to use with proxies. (default=0)
  127. # Pokemon IV (Only use one of the filters below)
  128. ############
  130. #encounter # Set to true to start encounters to pull more info, like IVs or movesets. (default=False)
  131. ##encounter
  132. #encounter-delay: # Delay in seconds before starting an encounter. Must not be zero. (default=1)
  133. ##encounter-delay: 1
  134. #high-lvl-accounts: # File containing a list high level accounts, in the format "auth_service,username,password"
  135. ##high-lvl-accounts: lv30_2.csv
  136. #enc-whitelist-file: # File containing a list of Pokemon IDs to encounter for IV/CPs. Requires L30 or higher accounts in --high-lvl-accounts.
  137. ##enc-whitelist-file: 30wl.txt
  138. #hlvl-kph: # Set a maximum speed in km/hour for high level account scanning. (default=25)
  139. ##hlvl-kph: 25
  140. ignorelist-file: blacklist.txt
  141. min-seconds-left: 300
  144. # Webserver settings
  145. ####################
  147. #no-server # No-Server Mode. Starts the searcher but not the Webserver.
  148. #only-server # Server-Only Mode. Starts only the Webserver without the searcher.
  149. #locale: # Pokemon translation
  150. #search-control # Enables search control.
  151. #no-fixed-location # Disables the fixed map location and shows the search bar for use in shared maps.
  152. #cors # Enable CORS on web server.
  153. #ssl-certificate: # Path to ssl certificate
  154. #ssl-privatekey: # Path to ssl private key
  155. #encrypt-lib: # Path to encrypt lib to be used instead of the shipped ones.
  156. #display-in-console # Display Found Pokemon in Console.
  157. #disable-blacklist # Disable the global anti-scraper IP blacklist.
  160. # Proxy settings
  161. ################
  163. #proxy: # Proxy URL e.g. socks5:// or a list of proxies
  164. # e.g. [socks5://,socks5://]
  165. #proxy-skip-check # Disable checking of proxies before start.
  166. #proxy-test-timeout: # Timeout before proceeding with next proxy while checking if the proxy works. (default=5)
  167. #proxy-test-retries: # Number of times to retry sending proxy test requests on failure. (default=0)
  168. #proxy-test-backoff-factor: # Factor (in seconds) by which the delay until next retry will increase. (default=0.25)
  169. #proxy-test-concurrency: # Async requests pool size. (default=0 for automatic optimal sizing)
  170. #proxy-display: # Used with -ps, full = display complete proxy address. Index = displays just the index for that proxy. (default='index')
  171. #proxy-file: # Load proxy list from text file (one proxy per line), overrides #proxy.
  172. #proxy-refresh: # Period of proxy file reloading, in seconds. Works only with proxy-file. (default=0, 0 to disable)
  173. #proxy-rotation: # Enable proxy rotation with account changing for search threads (none/round/random). (default='none')
  176. # Webhook settings
  177. ##################
  179. webhook: [http://localhost:4000,http://localhost:4001,http://localhost:4002,http://localhost:4004]
  180. #wh-types:[] # List of events to be sent: pokemon, gym, raid, egg, tth, gym-info, pokestop, lure. (default= nothing)
  181. wh-types: [pokemon, gym, raid, egg, tth, gym-info, pokestop, lure]
  182. #wh-threads: # Number of webhook threads; increase if the webhook queue falls behind. (default=1)
  183. wh-threads: 1
  184. #wh-retries: # Number of times to retry sending webhook data on failure (default=5)
  185. wh-retries: 5
  186. #wh-timeout: # Timeout (in seconds) for webhook requests (default=2).
  187. wh-timeout: 2
  188. #wh-concurrency: # Async requests pool size. (default=25)
  189. #wh-backoff-factor: # Factor (in seconds) by which the delay until next retry will increase. (default=0.25).
  190. #wh-lfu-size: # Webhook LFU cache max size (default=1000).
  191. #wh-frame-interval: # Time to wait for wh message grouping (msecs) (default=500)
  195. # Status and logs
  196. #################
  198. #stats-log-timer # In log view, list per hr stats every X seconds
  199. #status-name: # Enables writing status updates to the database - if you use multiple processes, each needs a unique value. (default=None)
  202. # Captcha Solving
  203. #################
  205. #captcha-key: # 2Captcha API key.
  206. captcha-key: "hiddenkey"
  207. #captcha-dsk: # PokemonGo captcha data-sitekey. Don't change this if not explicitly needed due to recent changes.
  208. # (default="6LeeTScTAAAAADqvhqVMhPpr_vB9D364Ia-1dSgK")
  209. #manual-captcha-domain: # Enables the option to manual solve Captcha.
  210. # Enter domain where captcha tokens will be sent. (default="")
  211. #manual-captcha-refresh: # Time available before captcha page refreshes. (default=30)
  212. #manual-captcha-timeout: # Maximum time captchas will wait for manual captcha solving.
  213. # On timeout, if enabled, 2Captcha will be used to solve captcha. (default=0)
  216. # Misc
  217. ######
  219. #verbosity # Show debug messages from RocketMap and PGoApi. Values are 1,2,3 (default=0)
  220. #no-file-logs # Disables logging to files except for access.log. (default=False)
  221. #log-path: # Defines the path logs are saved at. (default=logs/)
  222. #no-version-check # Disable API version check. (default=False)
  223. #version-check-interval: # Interval to check API version in seconds (Default: in range [60, 300]).
  224. #mock: # Mock mode - point to a fpgo endpoint instead of using the real PogoApi,
  225. # ec: (default='')
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