
10000 Words And Quality Arguably Yes Lol

Jun 23rd, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Silver Gets Money
  3. "Whoa!" Silver The Hedgehog exclaimed as it was raining green dollar bills, laughing as he was standing on the tip of the iceberg. 'I guess I really am the money guy!"
  5. Silver was then gobbled by a giant shark made out of different variants of money; oh how rich for such a fate.
  7. Shulk Goes Camping
  9. "Isn't this camping trip great?" Shulk stated as he stepped out of the wooden cabin.
  11. "It would be..." Dark Pit growled, pinching his nose as he glared at Lady Palutena farting huge, deep pitched brassy tuba toots. "...if that damn gassy goddess didn't eat those baked beans on the way here."
  13. "Oh my... excuse me," Palutena stated as she kept on farting, realizing how bad it smelled as she blushed, fanning the air with her right hand and spinning her staff around in her left hand in an attempt to get the sulfur like smell away.
  15. Chicken In The Dry Desert
  17. "Why the hell are we here again?" Shulk asked Ike as they were running across the dusty Dry Desert, being chased by several sandy tornadoes.
  19. "Because I heard that they have some prized chicken hidden somewhere!" Ike responded for he just licked his lips. "And I must have it!"
  21. Panic On The Comically Sized Cruiser
  23. "Watch this!" Princess Daisy stated as she began spinning the steering wheel several times.
  25. Everyone on the ship began screaming as the boat swerved left and right, causing many of the passengers to feel woozy as the racers zipping around on the racecourse had to slow down.
  27. A Dino Journey To The Jungle
  29. "These dinosaurs look dopey." Charizard munched on jelly filled donuts, walking through the jungle with Lucario and ninja.
  31. "...Well of course they do. We're in a world, remember?" ninja stated, sipping some water from his water container.
  33. "Hey, don't judge the looks of others, even if their world is a bit more... vibrant." Lucario stated, all three fully grown Pokemon glancing up to see the giant blue sauropod looking down at them, blinking
  35. Kongs At The Mall
  37. "Come on!" Tiny Kong stated as they approached the Coconut Mall. "I wanna go and get my shopping spree on! And I won't take no for an answer!"
  39. "Oh why me...?" Chunky Kong groaned as he really wish he would have just stayed home today
  41. Chrom Gets Midly Annoyed
  43. "There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?!" Chrom stated as he folded his arms. "Oh my God."
  45. "...all I wanted was some fried chicken." Ike stated as he frowned in disappointment.
  47. Toadette Wants To Do Something
  49. "You know I can here you mumbling." Toadette remarked as she narrowed her eyes.
  51. Dry Bowser sighed as he shook his skeletal head. "I know, but can't you just go do something else for once?"
  53. "But what am I to do?" Toadette stated as she was sitting on her bed, falling back and sighing while looking at the ceiling. "They won't let me join them on adventures, they won't let me play tennis... they won't even let me try out soccer!"
  55. Toadette's Hunger Problem
  57. Toadette's stomach growled as she blushed, her hands on her rumbling stomach. "uh oh, looks like I'm hungry again..."
  59. "Didn't you just eat!?" Captain Toad snapped as the two were exploring an enormous cave full of colorful jewels.
  61. Uncle Grandpa Does Something
  65. "I think he left the caps lock on." Mr. Gus commented while taking a sip of his coffee.
  67. "Who, Uncle G, or the author?' Pizza Steve remarked as he was shaving the pepperoni off of his cheesy body.
  69. The Tunnel Dilemma
  71. "Doc, how are we going to fit inside here?" Marty McFly pointed out as he and Doc Brown were in front of a small tunnel, one that the DeLorean possibly couldn't fit in.
  73. "...beats the hell out of me." Doc Brown remarked as he was sketching various plans on a yellow notepad, shaking his head as he gritted his teeth, realizing that he couldn't get a simple task done.
  75. A Small Hole For You
  77. "Is this thing big enough?" Bill Wilson the CIA agent asked Bane as they looked at a small hole.
  79. Bane scoffed, turning to CIA. "Maybe for you. But it's nothing to me."
  81. Cia sighed as he did the pose he was most famous for. "Well, if it's nothing to you, then get in there!"
  83. "All right, fine! Watch me make my magic!" Bane stated as he then broke through the small hole, managing to fit in.
  85. Repeat After Me
  87. "I'll say a word, and you repeat it." Darth Vader told a legion of Battle Droids.
  89. "Copy it." One Battle Droid stated.
  91. "No." Darth vader remarked as he pointed at the Battle Droid.
  93. "Halt." Another Battle Droid remarked.
  95. "Stop!" Darth Vader commanded.
  97. "Cease." A third Battle Droid said.
  99. "Shut up!" Darth Vader snarled.
  101. "Be quiet?" A fourth Battle Droid remarked, followed by a couple of "Roger roger" from the Battle Droids behind him.
  103. Darth Vader then blasted the Battle Droids with his force push, before slicing the remaining ones with his red lightsaber.
  105. Dumped Dump
  107. "Are we ever going to get out of here?" Darth Vader remarked.
  109. "By my calculations... no." Doc Brown explained while looking at his wristwatch.
  111. "Well that's just fucking great." Dry Bowser sighed as they were all at the dump, trying to get out of the land of garbage.
  113. No Influence Til Sunday
  115. "Give me something to go off with," Shulk asked.
  117. "...Like what?" Pit remarked.
  119. 'I don't know! Just some inspiration!" Shulk exclaimed as he was trying to write an essay.
  121. Pit then grabbed a bucket of ice and poured it all over Shulk, causing the blonde man to choke the brown haired angel
  123. Park In The Casino
  125. "So, is there anything we could gain from here?" E-123 Omega asked Shadow The Hedgehog.
  127. "Other than watch Rouge try to get all the money around here, no." Shadow pointed out as the two watched Rouge The Bat try to snatch up every gem in sight.
  129. Toadette's Farting Hiccups
  131. "Oh -PRRRT- great, now -FART- I'm -HIC- hiccuping -POOT- and -HIC, TOOT- farting!" Toadette farted and hiccuped simultaneously, her high pitched squeaky hiccups contrasting with her brassy deep pitched tuba like farts.
  133. "I don't know what it is about this that makes it arousing..." Toad stated with a smile on his face. "...but it's working, and I love it!"
  135. Toadette's Burping Hiccups
  137. "Oh -BRAP- great." Toadette burped as she began hiccuping. "I have -HIC- the hiccups and -HIC, BURP- the burps!'
  139. "That's going to be a problem, isn't it?" Toadsworth remarked, with Mario sighing as he nodded his head.
  141. Toadette's Burping Farting Hiccups
  143. "Notice -BURP- how a -HIC- lot of -FART, HIC- these -BELCH, PRRRT- stories seem -HIC- focused on -HIC, POOT, BRAP- me?" Toadette sighed with her hands on her rumbling stomach as she was burping and farting a storm of gas while hiccuping at the same time.
  145. "Yes, I wonder why..." Dry Bowser remarked sarcastically as he was trying to fix up his Koopa Klown Kar.
  147. Arceus Takes Out The Trash
  149. Arceus had nothing to do today, so he decided to collect all of the garbage polluting certain areas on a nearby planet, humming to himself as he nodded his head.
  151. "Even I need a break from being omnipresent," Arceus stated as he whistled to himself, nodding his head. "At least this gives me an excuse to do something normal."
  153. Tiny Kongfrontation
  155. Tiny Kong farted in horror as she was face to face with the giant King Kong robot, who roared at the red tram as he swung at it, with Tiny being the only one in it.
  157. "Oh, I knew I should have worn that diaper!" Tiny exclaimed while cowering as she was messing herself quite considerably.
  159. A Mouthful of Jaws
  161. "...Is the shark suppose to be doing this!?" Shulk exclaimed as he and Lucina hung onto the boat, with the giant fake mechanical Great White Shark spinning the boat around.
  163. "If I knew I was gonna get dizzy, I would have brought a barf bag!" Lucina exclaimed as she placed her right hand over her mouth, her face turning green as she was ready to puke.
  165. Earthquake Shake
  167. "AHH, LOOK OUT FOR THAT TRUCK!" Toadette exclaimed as she and various others screamed, seeing the truck approach them.
  169. "OH NO! My one nemesis... water!" Petey Piranha exclaimed as he pointed to the left, with water splashing down from the top.
  171. An Arch of Universal Proportions
  173. "Man, I just love standing over this arch!" King Boo laughed as he was going up and down and all around the arch.
  175. "Come on, dude, you're wasting our time." Dry Bowser stated in annoyance as he was getting impatient with the ghoulish king.
  177. It's The Set Principle
  179. "Aren't the movie sets here just amazing?" Princess Daisy stated as she noticed how different they all stood out from each other.
  181. "Yeah, I guess." Dark Pit remarked with a scoff, noticing people making fun of him for his black clothing. "...Can we just get to the rides?"
  183. "No way! I want to take this journey in!" Daisy stated as she spun around, relishing in the atmosphere of the park.
  185. Gotta Juice In Orlando, Yo
  187. "What does this place offer that's nowhere else?" Dr. Eggman sighed as he was dragged there by Sonic The Hedgehog.
  189. "Well for one, all sorts of rides that no one else would dare make!" Sonic pointed out as he then pointed at the various buildings, among them being the sets that housed Kongfrontation and Earthquake. "...like those!"
  191. "Eurgh... those lines..." Eggman shuddered, feeling sick from just seeing how long the lines for the rides were, shaking his head as it was immensely hot in Orlando, Florida.
  193. The Load Out Case
  195. "You didn't tell me that there was loading here!" Toadette exclaimed while adjusting her detective's hat.
  197. "I did." Dry Bowser stated as he pointed the various vehicles coming in, amongst them being cranes, smoking a pipe. "That's why I said we should wait. The loading here gets dreadful."
  199. Blink Til You Pop
  201. "I don't think... I can hold back..." Tiny Kong stated as she tried her best to keep her eyes opened.
  203. "Oh, I'm a master of this. I'm not letting you beat me." Dixie Kong stated as she was sweating all over, trying her best to not blink.
  205. The pain of keeping her eyes opened got to Tiny, as she closed her eyes. Dixie was prepared to cheer when Tiny Kong farted out a thunderous tuba toot so big, it caused the entire tree house to collapse on itself, which then made the tree it was gathered in to collapse, with various birds and bugs flying away, noise in the jungle going silent.
  207. Burger Shades
  209. You know what I could really use?' Cyborg asked Beast Boy as they were relaxing on the sandy beach in front of the boardwalk.
  211. Beast Boy, who was looking at a video detailing pancakes, turned to Cyborg. "What bro?"
  213. "BURGER SHADES!" Cyborg exclaimed as he had a pair of sunshades that were in the shape of hamburgers on.
  215. "WHOA, BRO!' Beast Boy exclaimed as he waved his arms in the air like he just didn't care.
  217. Don't Dip In The Lava
  219. "It says here to not touch the lava," Cream pointed out as she turned her head to Amy, with both of them in front of a small pool of yellow molten magma.
  221. "Pfft, Rules are for babies." Amy stated as she stripped off her usual red dress to reveal her swimsuit she wore in the Olympics, taking a dip in the lava as she enjoyed it... for a few seconds, before burning to a crisp, screaming in horror.
  223. Cream covered her eyes with both of her hands as she couldn't believe what had just happened in front of her.
  225. The Toadette and Dry Bowser Info Break
  227. "Hello, and welcome to the Toadette and Dry Bowser Info Break!" Toadette greeted as she waved to the camera recording her. "Me and DB here are gonna give the straight talk to you folks out there watching!"
  229. "Horray." Dry Bowser sarcastically remarked as he folded his boney arms together, the two filming on Yoshi's Island.
  231. "Oh come now, you dry bone head. Can't you just be happy?" Arceus stated as he was helping the grass stay moisturized.
  233. "Not when it comes to the kid," Dry Bowser responded as he noticed Toadette holding different apples.
  235. "Now I know these apples look different, but they all taste yummy!" Toadette remarked as she bit into the apples, gulping it down as she felt a slight rumble in her stomach. "But you eat too fast, they can feel a bit rough in your tummy!"
  237. "From apples?" Dry Bowser scoffed as a bunch of apples suddenly buried him, with Toadette gasping as Arceus chuckled, shaking his head.
  239. Toadette's Hungry Pizza Delivery
  241. Toadette's stomach grumbled loudly as she blushed, being on a pizza delivery as she was high in the sky at the Cloudtop Cruise. "Gosh, am I hungry... maybe I should save this last pizza for myself..."
  243. Just as the hungry mushroom girl was going to open up the pizza box, the wind began blowing harshly as she was blown around in the air, screaming for help as she went up and down and all around.
  245. Dates Are Gross
  247. "People on dates shouldn't even be allowed out in public." Darth Vader stated as he had his arms folded, him and Yoda seeing several couples kissing each other in one of the many bars on Coruscant..
  249. "That is, why?" Yoda asked while drinking his own drink.
  251. Darth Vader rubbed the back of his black helmet with his right hand. "Because it's... eh. That kind of stuff, you keep in the bed." He then shrugged. "Or y'know, IN THE BATHROOM."
  253. Popo's Pooping Problem
  255. "Ugh!" Popo groaned as he felt his stomach churn in pain, sitting on the toilet. "I should have taken that laxative from Wario when I had the chance..."
  257. "Yo Popo! Are you okay!?" Toon Link called out as he was in the boys' bathroom, looking for Popo.
  259. "I'm moaning in pain and letting out bassy farts." Popo remarked as a deep pitched poot echoed within the bathroom, followed by a loud splash. "How do you think I feel?"
  261. "Something seems fishy about this, and it's not me," A random male shiny Lumineon pointed out as he was washing his big brown colored butterfly wings. Don't ask how this is possible.
  263. Charmy Bee Gets Stuck on The Fan
  265. "How do I get down from here?" Charmy asked as he was stuck on top of the ceiling fan.
  267. "Can't you just use your wings?" Vector remarked as he and Espio were both inside The Office, looking up at Charmy, the young bee being too scared to attempt to fly down.
  269. Espio sighed as he placed his right hand on his forehead. "We're getting nowhere with this..." He angrily muttered to himself.
  271. Where's That DAMN Pair Of Pants?
  273. "Have you seen my pants?" Shadow The Hedgehog asked Rouge The Bat as the two were relaxing with each other in an apartment while E-123 Omega was making breakfast, despite it being close to midnight.
  275. "You don't wear pants, silly." Rouge stated as she was rubbing her face on the colorful gems she had stored in her chest.
  277. "I find it abnormal for you animals to try and wear clothes," Omega blurted out as he was wondering why Rouge was still wearing her tight black suit, with the bat beginning to inflate for no reason as Shadow pulled out his gun.
  279. Good Morning! Are You Getting Enough Jail Time?
  281. "So, what are you in jail for?" Harvey Birdman asked his fellow jail mates as they were all sharing a jail cell together.
  283. "For trying to host a talk show in a mall." Space Ghost pointed out as he glanced at his right arm that had his Destructo Ray on it. "...without having a permit."
  285. "For driving my RV around with only my head and not my hands," Uncle Grandpa stated as he was doing push ups... without arms, using belly bag as his arms instead.
  287. "Hey! No loitering in the hall, you jailbirds!" Paul Blart exclaimed as he looked at some obscure Hanna Barbera characters scurry by.
  289. Space Ghost Hates Ideas
  291. "Yo Tad, have you ever had any ideas-" Uncle Grandpa began when Space Ghost placed his right hand on Uncle Grandpa's mouth, both of them being at the studio set where Space Ghost did his Coast to Coast talk show.
  293. "No, I haven't." Space Ghost replied in a rather angry tone of voice, sighing. "...and I rather not be reminded of that cruel fact."
  295. Uncle Grandpa shrugged as he played around with Moltar's helmet, using it to poke Zorak's fried corpse, which was burnt by a blast of Space Ghost's Destructo Ray.
  297. Piplup The Superhero?
  299. "HE JUST STOLE THAT GUYS PIZZA!" A random Mega Banette exclaimed as he pointed at a Zoroark dashing on the rooftops of Castelia City with a pizza box in his hands, with it being night.
  301. "I'll handle this..." Piplup stated heroically as he began climbing up the building nearby, only to stop a few inches as he panted. "Man... being a hero is tougher than it looks."
  303. Toadette Shits Herself
  305. "Oh no!" Toadette exclaimed as she let out several bassy farts in her new shorts. "I think I just pooped my pants!"
  307. "Actually, you're wearing shorts." Fastidious Beaver pointed out as the two were at the edge of the volcanic Grumble Volcano
  309. "Same difference!" Toadette admitted while pulling up her crapped shorts, continuing to release thunderous tuba toots as she blushed in embarrassment. "Oh man, it's so gross and mushy... Toadsworth is never gonna hear the end of this..."
  311. Toadette's Shorts
  313. "Geeze... these things are too big for me..." Toadette admitted as she was trying to keep her new yellow shorts on, only to let out a loud fart as it broke apart, revealing her diaper.
  315. "How embarrassing!" Toad exclaimed as he giggled, placing his hands on his face.
  317. Toadette's Quest For Eggs
  319. Toadette looked throughout the chicken barn as she was looking for which eggs to take, only for all the chicken hens to glare at her as Toadette felt a bit nervous, waving at them.
  321. "Err... can I have some eggs?" Toadette innocently asked, as the chickens all bawked angrily and began attacking her.
  323. Toadette Goes To Space
  325. "Are you sure this is a good idea...?" Toadette asked nervously as she was placed inside a space suit.
  327. "Trust me, nothing could possibly go wrong!" Dr. Wily insisted as he pressed a button, causing the rocket to take off as Toadette screamed.
  329. "Great Scott!" Doc Brown exclaimed as he pulled his hair. "We forgot to give her a space helmet to breathe in!"
  331. ninja groaned slapped his forehead. "And this is why we always prepare for anything before we do them..."
  333. Toadette's Weird Ass Fanfiction
  335. "...and this, I call 'The End Of The Beginning Of The Middle!" Toadette exclaimed as she twirled around.
  337. "That's one weird name for a fanfic." Nana remarked in confusion while polishing her wooden mallet.
  339. "Yeah... doesn't sound like anything anyone would come up with," Amy Rose remarked in agreement, with all three pink clad girls inside a computer lab.
  341. "Oh come on, it took me several hours to think of this shit!" Toadette angrily snapped back.
  343. Dry Bowser passed by, moping the floors with a mop as he glanced over at the three girls. "There's a reason certain ideas stay inside the mind, and not be made public..."
  345. Chunky Kong Isn't That Chunky
  347. "Hmmm... I have way more muscles than I thought..." Chunky Kong stated to himself as he looked at himself in the mirror, y'know IN THE BATHROOM. "...Maybe I should do some weights."
  349. Chunky then proceeded to pick up a few weights nearby, only to break through the floor of his tree cabin, landing on the not so smooth green grass as he broke his back, for he forgot to help his tiny legs get muscles. Never skip leg day, kids.
  351. Dry Bowser Takes Out The Trash
  353. Dry Bowser took out the garbage from his cabin just outside the Grumble Volcano as he placed it away in his trash can. "Hmmm... wonder why this stuff is being written for no reason."
  355. "People like seeing characters do weird things in fanfiction," Toadsworth exclaimed as he emerged from another nearby trash can, living in it.
  357. Toadette Farts and Cries
  359. Toadette farted several thunderous tuba toots as she cried, dashing through the vibrant Toad Harbor as all the multicolored Toads looked at her oddly, confused by her crying and farting.
  361. "Why do I always get these weird fetish stories written about me!? And why do I always fart!?" Toadette cried as she was letting out waterfalls of tears from her eyes, her brassy flatulence shaking the harbor.
  363. CIA and Bane have a Pokemon Monster Battle
  365. "I choose you, Godzilla!" CIA agent Bill Wilson exclaimed while standing on top of a blue plane.
  367. "And I choose you, King Kong." Bane stated for you, big guy, as he was standing on top of a white plane, planning to later crash it, with no survivors!
  369. King Kong and Godzilla both attempted to fight each other, but realized that they weren't Pokemon, so they attacked Bane and CIA
  371. Amy Rose's Belated Birthday
  373. "Happy birthday!" Everyone exclaimed to Amy Rose at her house in the Casino Park.
  375. "...birthday?" Amy remarked as she noticed colorful presents surrounding her suddenly.
  377. Cream the Rabbit: Yeah, it's your birthday today!
  379. Amy: ...but my birthday is in the Spring.
  381. Awkward silence. Pokemon's Farting Bianca lets out a loud fart as the people holding the huge colorful cake chuck it in the dump nearby.
  383. Dry Bowser: Well this was a fucking waste of cake.
  385. Jigglypuff Stalks Ness
  387. "Stranger danger!" Ness exclaimed while flailing his arms with the Star Rod barely in his right hand, feeling Jigglypuff stroke his butt as he blushed. "I need an adult!"
  389. "You know you like it, kid." Jigglypuff stated as she had her eyes close, enjoying every moment of this perverted scene. "Just take it in and let me gently caress your big fat butt."
  391. "I'm n-not f-fat!" Ness stuttered as his small blush got a bit redder, feeling violated, insulted, and awkward.
  393. Princess Daisy Gassy And Farting Toadette
  395. Princess Daisy farted and burped loudly at the same time as she laughed off her brassy gas expulsions, turning to Toadette. "I bet ya can't do that, kiddo!"
  397. "Nope! I have to practice like you did!" Toadette giggled back as she was human sized from a potion she took earlier, letting out a brassier, thunderous tuba toot that caused the now smelly brown couch to vibrate as the two gassy girls were farting up The Room as they were watching Smash Bros news, having drunken a lot of soda and eaten snacks of different kinds, with Daisy's farts being wetter to contrasts with Toadette's farts.
  399. Smash Golf Is Boring
  401. "Are you having fun?" Shulk asked as he smashed the golf ball with his Monado sword like a golf club, the ball going high in the sky near the Home Run Contest stadium.
  403. "No." Ike grumbled as he was munching on some fried chicken, bored. "How could anyone have fun with golf?"
  405. Uncle Grandpa the Ice Climber
  407. "GOOD MORNING!" Uncle Grandpa screamed as he landed on the top of a snowy mountain, with it snowing ferociously at the set of mountains in the icy region as the Ice Climbers paused, looking at each other, then at Uncle Grandpa.
  409. "Errr... you all right, mister?" Nana asked Uncle Grandpa as she placed her hands on her hips, squinting her eyes.
  411. "Of course I am!" Uncle Grandpa exclaimed as he dusted himself off, shivering. "Brrr! I could use a parka!"
  413. "No kidding. Your clothing isn't fit for climbing icicle mountains!" Popo exclaimed as he raised his arms in the air
  415. A Universal Need For Chips
  417. "How long does it take to get a bunch of chips?" Doc Brown remarked in surprise.
  419. "Want to find out?" The Jurassic Park T-Rex stated as they, E.T., and Bruce the mechanical shark from Jaws were at Disneyland in California.
  421. "We surely don't feel out of place," Bruce stated as he looked around for some water, and humans to munch on.
  423. "E.T. wants phone," E.T. remarked as he flailed his arms, with all the Disneyland employees giving the Universal Studios characters death glares, for obvious reasons.
  425. Pokemon Ice Climbers
  427. Popo and Nana watched as Meloetta and Piplup followed them, with Meloetta wearing a green parka as she dragged a fright filled Piplup, who was clad in yellow.
  429. "Come on, Pippy! This isn't so bad!" Meloetta exclaimed as she glanced down at Piplup.
  431. "Easy for you to say! You can fly!" Piplup snapped as he sneezed, gulping as he could feel like there would be an avalanche at any given moment.
  433. "...These two Pokemon are weird," Nana whispered to Popo as they were going faster than the Pokemon duo.
  435. Popo nodded his head in agreement. "Tell me about it. Something tells me that these guys aren't suppose to be here."
  437. Paul Blart Does Grocery Shopping
  439. FREEZE!" Paul Blart exclaimed as he showed off his mall cop badge. "I have a badge and I'm not afraid to use it!"
  441. Paul Blart slowly made his way into the mall as everyone looked at him oddly, with the mall cop not afraid to get down and dirty if he needed to.
  443. Sugar Maze Runners
  445. "So... know any way out of this maze?" Paul Blart asked the group of three other strangers as he was looking around.
  447. "I suggest we stick together... and try to eat the walls!" Owen from Total Drama exclaimed as he was licking the pink colored, sugar coated walls that the maze consisted greatly of.
  449. "Sticking together sounds like a good plan... for you." Bane from TDKR stated as he was thinking of which plan the group could use as a way to get out.
  451. "I'm gonna need a tiny miracle to think how we can advance forward, and he's not even with us!" Uncle Grandpa exclaimed in horror as his body split apart, with no blood splurting out surprisingly.
  453. Sith These Janitors Say
  455. "I can't believe we've been demoted to this," Emperor Sheev Palpatine sighed as he and Darth Vader were cleaning up the floors on the Death Star, being reduced to janitor duty.
  457. "I told you it wasn't wise to ignore the Stormtroopers," Darth Vader insisted as he was referring to the Stormtrooper Revolt of '83, with a bunch of Stormtroopers walking by and looking at the two Sith lords, laughing at their plight.
  459. The McDonald's Alligator
  461. "...That gator has been sitting there for a while." Space Ghost remarked while munching on some McDonald's french fries, with both him and his villainous costars sitting within a McDonald's to look at the alligator.
  463. "What do you want to do with it?" Zorak remarked as he was holding his yellow colored blaster.
  465. Moltar flipped through the pages of his green book as he glanced at the alligator after looking at his half eaten Big Mac. "...let's just leave it. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about us."
  467. "Good thinking." Space Ghost remarked in agreement as he then began eating his chicken McNuggets.
  469. A Love Too Big For You
  471. "Isn't my dress just amazing?" The famed CIA agent Bill Wilson stated as he turned to Bane. "I got Smee and Pavelheer to tailor it for me."
  473. "...yes... it looks extremely adorable." Bane stated nervously as he was getting feelings that he did not want to feel.
  475. The Ice Climbers Wait
  477. "I hate waiting," Popo grumbled as he yawned.
  479. "Me too," Nana added while stretching her arms out.
  481. The Ice Climbers sighed in unison as they were at the Smash Bros ballot offices, waiting for their turn to get back. This wasn't the first time they had to wait for something.
  483. "Ugh, hurry up already!" Both of the impatient Ice Climbers chimed in agreement as they were ready to freeze someone with their snowy magic, or bash someone in the head with their hard hitting wooden mallets.
  485. Ridley Tries Out Suits
  487. "You thing this looks big on me?" Ridley asked Kraid as he was trying out a new suit, both being in the fiery Norfair stage.
  489. 'Yes, it does." Kraid remarked as he stretched his arms out, yawning. "When are we going to go back to attacking the Smashers?"
  491. "After I decide which suit I would look best in!" Ridley snapped as he clenched his fists, glaring at Kraid and scaring him as a result.
  493. Glaceon Wants Paws
  495. "Ugh... I wish i stood on my two feet and used my front paws as hands!" Glaceon whined to Piplup as they were walking through an icy cavern.
  497. "And why would you care about that?" Piplup asked as he narrowly avoided being crushed by the falling icicles above.
  499. "Because walking on all four of my feet gets boring! I want to act like how all those humans do!" Glaceon remarked as she noticed the Ice Climbers, Popo and Nana, gleefully jumping from icy platform to platform, making her sigh in disappointment.
  501. This Reminds Me Of The Time We Went Underground
  503. "Will this get us out of here?" Quagmire remarked as he held up a shovel.
  505. Cleveland shrugged as he held a ring. "Beats me. You have to trust in the coin."
  507. Peter Griffin groaned as he slapped his forehead. "But I did, and all that led us to was trouble."
  509. "Well, just keep trusting it... and keep your chin up." Joe remarked as he was using his wheelchair to roll around in the mud.
  511. The other three guys glanced at each other as they all groaned at Joe's statement.
  513. "That didn't help at all!" Peter, Cleveland, and Quagmire stated at the same time.
  515. Spongebob Gets A Letter
  517. "Look what I found in the mail!" Spongebob exclaimed to Squidward and Mr. Krabs, who were both sitting at a table.
  519. "Is it something stupid?" Squidward yawned.
  521. "Does it have any money?" Mr. Krabs asked.
  523. "Nope!" Spongebob remarked as he opened the letter and revealed Plankton inside. "It's our rival from the Chum Bucket!"
  525. "Rats. And I would have gotten away with my plan to take the secret formula to the Krabby Patty too, if it weren't for sponge brain," Plankton complained as he folded his stubby arms together in disappointment.
  527. "Is this free?" Chrom asked while pointing at the fish sticks.
  529. Henry shook his head, holding up a price tag. "No, it's three... dollars."
  531. "Well that's a ripoff." Chrom scoffed as he folded his arms in disappointment.
  533. "It's not! It's thirty three percent off!" Henry snapped as he pointed at the sign again.
  535. Charmed To Pip Ya
  537. "I'm so charming!" Charmy Bee stated while dressed up as a gentleman.
  539. "Pip, I say you are, my fair chap!" Piplup added, for he too was dressed up royally.
  541. "...both of you are idiots." Toadsworth groaned as he was trying to right down recipes in his diary, not wanting anything to do with the ignorant young guys trying to appear older, with them riding on a runaway train barreling through Universal Studios Florida, with them being chased by several velociraptors from Jurassic Park, a runaway DeLorean from Back To The Future, and Bruce the shark from Jaws.
  543. Crates Overall
  545. "Guess what, Lank?" Chunky Kong exclaimed to Lanky Kong as he held some wooden crates in his hands. "I know how to chuck these!"
  547. "Great. Now help me get these overalls off of me," Lanky stated calmly as he had several different colored pairs of overalls attacking him, all jealous of Lanky's traditional light blue overalls.
  549. Lucina Gets Run Over By A Train
  551. "Ridley, don't do this!" Lucina exclaimed as she was being tied up on a railroad track, with the Spirit Train approaching her. "Just because I wanted to make more jokes about you-"
  553. "Zip it, Math! I had it with your lies!" Ridley exclaimed as he slapped Lucina in the face with his big tail, flapping his wings as he took off, watching as Lucina was ran over by the Spirit Train.
  555. Toon Link, who was managing the train, was confused as he wondered what happened, shrugging as he didn't realize that he accidentally killed Lucina.
  557. Just Rolling and Dohing
  559. "Ready to do this?" Space Ghost said to Uncle Grandpa.
  561. "Uhh, how about we read the rules first?" Uncle Grandpa suggested as he pulled out a map of Canada.
  563. "Too late!" Space Ghost stated, pushing Uncle Grandpa down the snowy mountain, with the grandpa of uncles being inside a giant plain bagel.
  565. Space Ghost laughed a hearty bout of laughter as he then rolled down himself, forming a giant snowball as he bumped into Uncle Grandpa, with the bagel getting covered in snow as they bumped into a giant glacier, causing it to break into various pieces of ice that went everywhere.
  567. Chrom Marries Fishsticks
  569. "Hey... what's with that guy?" Vanilluxe whispered to Cherrim as they were watching the king of Ylisse, Chrom, stroking a bunch of fishsticks in a wedding chapel installed at a erupting volcano somewhere in Hawaii.
  571. "I think he's in love with those fish fingers," Cherrim muttered back, being quite shocked at how much one person could love a particular food object.
  573. "Do you mind!?" Chrom exclaimed as he glared at the Pokemon duo, trying to enjoy his fishsticks in piece as Vanilluxe and Cherrim decided to question why the hell they were at a fucking volcano in the first place, since both were notoriously weak to fire type.
  575. Space Ghost To Disney Infinity And Beyond
  577. "Hey! Why are you shooting my director?" Space Ghost stated as he faced the Disney army, placing his hands on his hips.
  579. "...That thing's a director?" The bunch of Disney characters remarked as they were still shooting Moltar with this various laser guns.
  581. "Well he is, and I'll have you know that he may be terrible, but he's my property!" Space Ghost exclaimed as he pointed his arm at the group. "And for that, I'm going to have to blast you."
  583. "Dude, just LET IT GO..." abitch began to sing, much to everyone's annoyance as she was blasted by Zorak.
  585. "Always hated that song." Zorak remarked as he placed away his yellow zapper.
  587. Dry Bowser In The Absolutely And Stupidly Complexed Adventure
  589. Dry Bowser woke up from his rest on the top of the Grumble Volcano's crater, glancing up to see snow somehow falling down on the volcanic racecourse.
  591. "What the hell...?" Dry Bowser muttered, not believing what he was seeing as he was genuinely confused by this very predicament. "Cold particles that would be common in the tundra... where is this snow coming from...?" Determined to get to the bottom of this, Dry Bowser jumped off the volcano, heading all the way down as he was determined to see what was going on.
  593. In the background was Chrom making love to fish sticks, while Space Ghost and Uncle Grandpa were pulling weeds that somehow populated the volcanic wasteland, with Arceus relaxing on the magma, unaffected by its molten burning state.
  595. Monsters Just Fishing
  597. Godzilla let out a huge roar as he emerged from the sea, taking a good glance around to see his other fellow monsters fishing on the sandy beach of Monster Island, with it looking like it could pour a thunderstorm any moment.
  599. Godzilla: So, how was your day?
  601. Mothra: (groans) Pitiful. I can barely hold anything with my small claws. You know how annoying it is to do with my big beautiful wings?
  603. King Ghidorah: (speaking with all three of his heads) It's even harder to do when you use your skull instead of your hands.
  605. Rodan: (chuckles) I don't know what's so hard about fishing. Look at all the fish I caught!
  607. Godzilla, Mothra, and Ghidorah then took a look at the huge pile of fish behind Rodan, the mutant Pterosaur fishing up with ease, due to the fact that his fingers were on his magnificent wings.
  609. Space Ghost Thinks Of Something
  611. "You know..." Space Ghost stated as he took a good look at Moltar and Zorak. "We haven't had a guest in here in ages."
  613. "You mean an ages in guest in here." Zorak stated as he touched his fingertips together. "Gotta mix the words up, you know.
  615. "I don't get it." Moltar mumbled as he folded his arms together. "Why do you want to have a guest in here at this time of the night?"
  617. "...because it gets boring here." Space Ghost replied with confidence after tapping his blue card on his desk, with the Phantom Cruiser crashing into the Ghost Planet Industries building shortly afterward.
  619. "Well, there goes my bet." Dry Bowser stated as he collected the trash behind the now burning Ghost Planet studio, wondering why he partook in such stupid things.
  621. Bony Balls Of Tennis
  623. Dry Bowser was smacking as many green fuzzy tennis balls back at the machine as much as he could, with some bones coming out of his skeletal body one by one as the tennis balls didn't stop shooting from the machine. Gruntilda checked her list as she observed it, before glancing back up at Dry Bowser, the witch having a skeletal form herself.
  625. "He knows how to hit all these balls," Grunty stated as she had a smirk on her face, placing her bony hand on her chin. "I hope he's as good in bed as he is on the tennis court..."
  627. "I can hear you, you know." Dry Bowser grumbled as he was now reduced to a pile of bones, with Grunty laughing at this predicament.
  629. Wii Fart Trainer Poops On Pikmin
  631. Wii Fit Trainer farted constantly on the Pikmin that were popping out of the grass on the Pikmin stage, with the fitness trainer wiggling her farting big butt in her pooped yoga pants that she willingly gave a brown stain on.
  633. "Come on, can't you guys just stop moving for me? Please?" Wii Fit Trainer stated as she was blushing from how bad her powerful pooping poots smelled. "I just can't help myself... protein makes you stink, you know!"
  635. Dry Bowser's Wii Kart Trials
  637. Dry Bowser was going through another time trial on his volcanic home turf that was the Grumble Volcano, riding in his Piranha Prowler when suddenly Petey Piranha emerged through the ground, gobbling up the bony reptile and his kart as he then flew high into the volcanic sky above the fiery racetrack, flying all the way to the Koopa Cape as he barfed up the driver and his piranha plant themed kart into the water, with Dry Bowser being on top of the underwater tube as he saw other racers zipping by, making him sigh.
  639. "It's going to be one of those days..." Dry Bowser sighed as he started up the Piranha Prowler, driving on the tube as he ended up on the surface, preparing to head around the waterfall as he was then teleported out of the beach themed racetrack, now ending up in the dusty Dry Dry Ruins, with him facing backwards as the various racers, either lightweight or middleweight, zipped by him, being pushed into the sand surrounding the deserted racecourse, making them slow down immensely.
  641. Dry Bowser shrugged as he turned around and drove into the pyramid, seeing that sand was filling up the entire pyramid as he then went through the sand, ending up in a warp that led him to head all the way down on the small mushroom bridge of the Moonview Highway, with him barely escaping traffic as he entered into the Mushroom City, driving through the highway as various bombs exploded on the racecourse, causing massive damage to the road as Dry Bowser managed to get through the tunnel in one piece, ending up through the finish line as he was sent to another warp.
  643. Bowser Toads On The Dry Turnpike
  645. Dry Bowser was doing some painting on a bunch of fences surrounding the various Toad houses populating the Toad City outskirts that were near the infamous traffic filled racetrack known as Toad's Turnpike, with the bony reptile just doing his business of being available for any job as Toad and Toadette drove up to him in Toad's kart.
  647. "Hey! Do you want to have a race with us?" Toad asked while he held the steering wheel.
  649. Dry Bowser eyed the two mushrooms as he placed his bony hands on his skeletal body. "...and why would I do that? It would be two against one."
  651. "Not exactly." Toadette giggled as she placed her hands on Toad's mushroom cap. "I mean, you have heard of the Double Dash races, right? Both of us can fit into one car!"
  653. Dry Bowser murmured as he rubbed his bone filled chin with his right hand. "Hmm... you do raise a good point... but what's in it for me?"
  655. "Well, you can show that it only takes one to beat two!" Toad exclaimed as he dusted off his blue vest. "That, and you can show that us having a home field advantage doesn't mean much!"
  657. Dry Bowser smirked, snapping his fingers as a motorcycle themed after him appeared, with the bony reptilian getting on it as he and the mushrooms drove towards the starting line of the race course, where they would wait for a few more vehicles to leave before properly starting their race.
  659. DK Mountain Barreling
  661. Dry Bowser was rushing through the Donkey Kong Mountain racecourse as he approached the giant barrel while riding in his Piranha Prowler kart, when Petey Piranha landed in front of him.
  663. "Petey! Move out of the way!" Dry Bowser exclaimed, bumping into the mutated piranha plant as they got blasted into the giant barrel, heading all the way up to the gray colored volcanic mountain that overlooked the jungle, with the two heavyweights landing on each other as Donkey Kong approached them.
  665. "Ha! Dry Bowser, you look funny when you're broken in several pieces!" DK exclaimed as he pointed at the pile of bones that was Dry Bowser.
  667. Dry Bowser just grumbled in annoyance as he placed himself back to normal, with Petey just chuckling at his misfortune.
  669. Chunky Kong Vs. Godzilla
  671. Godzilla gave the ultimate smack down as he was fighting Chunky Kong, who was quite huge as they were smashing each other at the DK Island, with the tropical paradise breaking apart from the carnage that the two big guys for you were providing.
  673. Luckily Chunky was one hell of a guy, proceeding to burp loudly in Godzilla's face and make the giant reptile fall on his back. Godzilla was not pleased, breathing his red hot fiery breath of radioactivity in Chunky's face, causing the gorilla to flail his arms in pain screaming as his entire body was on fire.
  675. Grevious The Juggler
  677. General Grevious was doing some juggling with some light sabers using his different metal arms as the droids watched him in the deserted stadium on Geonosis, with the different robots looking at each other oddly.
  679. "How does he manage to hold all those light sabers in his hands?" One droid asked while raising his gun.
  681. "Hey! Don't interrupt!" Grevious stated as he then used one of his arms to slice up the droid with a lit up green lightsaber, turning it off as he went back to juggling it.
  683. Chrom's Sexy Suspender Striptease
  685. Lucina watched in embarrassment as Chrom was spinning around a strip pole, having stripped his clothing as he was being showed by fish sticks.
  687. "Oh, the food of the sea is so good to me!" Chrom exclaimed as he felt his body becoming solid and shiny like chrome.
  689. "Oh father... why..." Lucina sobbed as she fell to her knees, not being able to handle this.
  691. Space Ghost Reveals His Junk
  693. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make." Space Ghost
  694. stated as he stood up, revealing that he was not wearing any pants. "No one likes to be clothed by the bottom."
  696. Zorak and Moltar screamed in disgust as both of them bolted out of the studio, not wanting to see Space Ghost's junk revealed, with the talk show superhero just smiling like the lovable idiot that he was.
  698. Piplup Gets Mad Prizes
  700. "I'm rich!" Piplup exclaimed as he was doing the Pokemon Lottery, getting nuggets and rare candies as he laughed evilly. "I'm going to give myself a PRRRROMOTION!"
  702. "Does he do this all the time?" Ash Greninja asked Lumineon as the two water type Pokemon watched the penguin shock a few other Pokemon who just wanted their less than impressive prizes.
  704. Lumineon sighed as she flapped her butterfly wings. "Oh yes... all the time..."
  706. Toadette Likes Diapers
  708. "Oh, I just love diapers!" Toadette farted as she rubbed her big white, puffy diaper that stuck from the bottom of her pink dress, giggling as she had her hands on her gassy rear. "They're comfy and easy to wear!"
  710. "Like shorts are?" Youngster Joey asked, with Toadette farting in his face as she was now making quite the gross mess.
  712. Godzilla's Tired Of Flyers
  714. Godzilla was taking a stroll through the peaceful monster island, until he got swept into a dusty battle of the air between the adult form of Mothra, King Ghidorah, and Rodan, with their wings causing all sorts of gust to pick up. Godzilla wasn't having any of this, so he blasted the three winged monsters, weakening them as he went on his way... only to be knocked down to the ground by Hedorah flying past him in the air, polluting the island.
  716. Sticks The Burper
  718. Sticks The Badger burped as Ridley and Chrom watched on, with Chrom stuffing fish sticks down his mouth.
  720. "People get off to this?" Ridley asked, feeling even the situation was too big for him to handle.
  722. "Oh -BURP- yeah! People like it when I get BELCH- nasty!" Sticks belched out as she used her burping to fill in for swears.
  724. Chrom shrugged as he was slowly stroking a fish stick, casually shrugging. "Trust me, people can get off to all sorts of stuff. Like me and chrome..."
  726. Ridley eyed Chrom oddly as the big space pirate dragon moved away, wondering what he was doing with his life.
  728. A Chunky Baseball Session
  730. Chunky Kong was practicing his baseball skills while others watched, with them being at the jungle baseball stadium at the Baseball Kingdom as some kids were playing dodgeball in the street leading up to it. Chunky's powerful swings were knocking the balls high into the sky towards Wario City.
  732. "Man, Chunky is really fit!" Charmy Bee exclaimed as he was buzzing around, wearing various different sport themed hats on his head because he was a fan of all sports... at least the non boring ones.
  734. Dry Bowser scoffed as he was cooking french fries for the others to eat. "Please... he hasn't been used to this. It'll take more time for him to-"
  736. "Sounds like someone is jealous." Glaceon stated with a smirk as she wet herself, the urine below her freezing due to her being an ice type Pokemon.
  738. Pichu burped loudly as she was feeding on cheesecake. "This is boring! When is anything exciting gonna happen?"
  740. Princess Daisy crapped her pants as she then took off her brown stained jeans while farting, chucking the pooped pants at the yellow baby mouse as she laughed despicably while watching her run. "How's that for excitement?"
  742. Everyone glanced or glared at Daisy with disgust and confusion as Pichu screamed, dashing down the audience as she bumped into Chunky, who caused the baseball to be smacked into the volcano, causing an eruption as lava spewed all over the jungle, making everyone flee. Arceus watched from the beach as he chuckled, enjoying that there was something unusual about today.
  744. Lucina's Diaper
  746. "How do you like them?" Princess Zelda stated as she managed to get a blue padded diaper onto Lucina.
  748. Lucina farted as she sighed, folding her arms together as she was embarrassed and uncomfortable. "It sucks. I wish it was more... puffy." She then wet herself as her eyes widened, blushing. "...and now I think I need a diaper change."
  750. "DON'T WORRY SWEETY, DADDY IS HERE!" Chrom exclaimed as he dashed into The Room, only to drop the fish sticks that he was munching on, tripping as he fell flat on his face and broke his spine, causing Lucina to cry as she pooped her diaper while Zelda blinked in disbelief.
  752. Grevious Gorge
  754. "It's over, General!" Obi-Wan Kenobi exclaimed as he stood over a cliff in the fiery Mustufar. "I have the high ground!"
  756. General Grevious scoffed as he grabbed a staff and chucked it at the cliff, causing it to break apart as Obi-Wan fell into the lava, with the armed Separatist leader folding his metal arms together.
  758. "And I thought you would be wiser than that," Grevious spited as he grabbed the blue light saber that formerly belonged to Obi-Wan and added it to his collection.
  760. Olimar's Olives
  762. Olimar really loved olives. So much that he went out of his way to find them throughout the Pikmin infested planet for which he was on. He spotted a couple of yellow Pikmin carrying 'big' jars of olives, prompting the big nosed alien to dash to them as he jumped onto the jar, trying to get it open as he used the bunch of Pikmin behind it. Getting the jar open, he jumped into the sea of olives, only to drown in them.
  764. Space Ghost, who was just there because he wanted to study what Pikmin were, munched on a salad full of olives, shrugging as he was wondering if he should help Olimar or not. He didn't bother. What a jackass.
  766. Taco Smell
  768. "This Taco Bell sucks!" Lana exclaimed as she burped while drinking some grape soda. "They don't even have burritos here!"
  770. Ridley laughed as he towered over Lana. "But why would you get that when this place is for tacos?" He then took a whiff, getting disgusted as the scent of tacos was actually making him sick. "...On second thought, I'm bailing..."
  772. "You big... wimp!" Lana belched as she couldn't believe that the giant purple dragon ditched her, with everyone glaring at her due to her gassy emissions.
  774. Smol Nozomi's Farting Problem
  776. Smol Nozomi really needed to fart one day while walking home from school, so looking up and down and all around, the cute purple haired anime girl let out the biggest fart she could muster. It was very loud and gross, but she loved it overall. Even cute gals like her could store in earth shattering farts of gas destruction.
  778. Bubblegloop Croc
  780. Dry Bowser and Petey Piranha were at the Bubblegloop Swamp, approaching the giant green crocodile head that was staring into the void ahead of them.
  782. "Well, there it is." Dry Bowser stated as he pointed at the crocodile head, noticing a small red crocodile on it. "Hey, who is that?"
  784. "Looks like a croc... who's on a croc?" Petey commented as he tilted his bulbous head.
  786. "Hurr! Visitors! I didn't expect you to be here!" Mr. Vile snapped as he then chased after Dry Bowser and Petey, snapping on them both as they ran all around the swamp, with Tanktup the turtle watching.
  788. "Hurr... don't see that every day," Tanktup admitted, the big orange turtle shaking his head as he simply moved his head about slowly.
  790. War Of The Stands
  792. Waluigi watched as there was a major war going on between Lilligant's Lemonade Stand and Morshu's Ice Cream Stand, with grass type Pokemon attacks and crates containing lamp oil, ropes, and bombs being chucked back and forth, with ice cream dripping and lemonade spilling as it was war on the sandy beach of Seaside Hill.
  794. "Wah... these two are fucking nuts." Waluigi responded as he sat back at his taco stand, munching on a stale taco as he decided to just enjoy the show and stay out of the war.
  796. Charizard's Cookies
  798. "I made cookies!" Charizard exclaimed as he held a plate of burnt cookies, smirking. "Be careful, they're hot!"
  800. "I thought cookies were suppose to be cute," Piplup responded with a smirk as he was eating McDonald's, stuffing burgers and french fries down his beak.
  802. "I'll pass... gas!" Glaceon farted as she giggled, her flatulence being frosty as it caused the temperature to drop.
  804. "I'll have some if no one else does... but let me tell you, it's hard to mask my appetite once I start going," Banette stated while in her mega form as she took a couple of the hot cookies, screaming as her entire body was now on fire.
  806. Pac-Man In A Graveyard
  808. Pac-Man was at a loss, for he had no idea what do to. So he did what he did best... eat. Too bad instead of eating pellets, he was eating innocent ghosts who were hanging around their graves, being that the yellow ball shaped eater somehow got lost in an actual graveyard. The zombies that were also out and about sighed, for they were lucky not to be spotted by the Pac.
  810. The Smashers Get A Moose
  812. "Show me ya moose!" Captain Falcon said as he was saluting as usual.
  814. Ike ate some chicken as he shook his head, sitting at the kitchen counter. "We don't have a moose, Douglas-"
  816. "Did someone say moo?" Male Robin stated as he brought in a moose, with female Robin riding on top of it.
  818. Palpable Mauling
  820. "So, what did you do today?" Darth Sidious asked Darth Maul inside Palpatine's hidden fortress on Coruscant.
  822. Maul looked at his dual red lightsabers, glancing back at Palpatine. "I went to the mall... and massacred people."
  824. "Good..." Palpatine stated as he then sent Maul to get some pulp for his orange juice.
  826. Lois Craps Holy
  828. "Holy crap, Lois," Peter Griffin said to Lois Griffin as they were sitting on their couch. "This reminds me of the time-"
  830. Lois farted loudly as her eyes widened in shock, blushing. "I think I just crapped my pants!"
  832. "Hey, farting is my shtick!" Peter growled as he pulled out a rifle from his green pants, shooting up Lois as he was pissed.
  834. A Big Creamy Baseball Session 4U
  836. "Okay, big guy, just toss the baseball to me!" Cream The Rabbit stated as she was getting ready to hit any ball that would come her way, holding the baseball bat as she felt the sun's shining rays shine on her, with it being a bright beautiful day.
  838. Big The Cat was too busy taking a good look around the baseball field, wondering where Froggy went as Cream called out to him, making him flail his arms as he chucked the baseball to Cream, who smacked it high into the sky as it went out of the baseball field and into the sky, with it hitting Rayquaza, who screamed in pain.
  840. "Ah! Jesus Christ!" Rayquaza yelled in pain as he went crashing down into the nearby Wal-Mart, plunging the store into explosive depths, WITH NO SURVIVORS.
  842. "Uh oh... this wouldn't have happened if I had Fwoggy with me..." Big stated as he watched the flames spread around the Wal-Mart, turning back to Cream as he chucked another baseball at her, accidentally hitting her right in the face. "Oops."
  844. This got the attention of King Kong, who was pissed that an innocent beauty was injured, proceeding to chase after a frightened Big. This was then stopped as Godzilla was knocked into him, the giant reptile being in a battle to the death with Ridley, who screeched as the giant purple dragon proceeded to chuck stale cookies at the King of the Monsters. Godzilla blasted Ridley, y'know IN THE FACE with his atomic breath, only for Ridley to slash at him back with his tail. Kong groaned in pain as he tried to get out of the war of the monsters, noticing that Big was fleeing to the nearby mall, which caused the king of Skull Island to roar angrily as he broke apart the baseball stadium portion that was in front of him, smashing up most of the mall in an attempt at grabbing Big.
  846. March In The Desert
  848. "I gotta pee." Dixie Kong whimpered as she held down her pink shirt, with her and several others walking in the middle of a hot, deserted desert.
  850. "That's nice." Ridley sarcastically stated as he was looking up at the scorched sky, which was yellow from the bright burning sun.
  852. Dixie cried loudly as she tilted back her head, feeling the urine just ready to leak out of her young chimpanzee body. "Oh I really gotta pee!"
  854. "Oh shut up!" Banette yelled from the back. He kicked Dixie and crossed his arms in anger, wondering why he was with these idiots.
  856. "Do you have to carry those veggies with you?" Vector The Crocodile groaned as he was disgusted at the sight of beets.
  858. "Hey, I need to keep my beets company somehow." Lana said in response. There were about two dozen beets crammed together on her back.
  860. The group kept on marching, with Lana mumbling about her beets and Dixie still needing the urge to pee, y'know IN THE BATHROOM.
  862. Glaceon's Embarrassing Feat
  864. "Do I have to wear this?" Glaceon groaned as she felt dumb, wearing a diaper on her butt and on her head.
  866. "Do it or you're fired," Mega Banette growled as he was holding a camera, with Leafeon laughing in response.
  868. Glaceon then proceeded to try and juggle baby bottles, only to drop one on her foot as she screamed in pain, with this earning Mega Banette some extra Pokedollars as a reward.
  870. Coaster Panic
  872. "This was a terrible idea..." Yoshi gulped as he was riding in a rollercoaster with his two best friends, Peppy Ankylosaurus and Dr. Hoshi.
  874. "OH MY GOD!" Peppy screamed as he was having a panic attack, wanting to get out of the coaster car as it was slowly heading up the coaster hill.
  876. "...the hell?" Dr. Hoshi commented as he adjusted his light blue glasses, turning his head to see a glove on the car, seeing a freakish looking clown as he screamed in horror.
  878. Yoshi noticed this, and using the power of crust, pulled out a pizza crust and slapped it on the clown, causing the clown to fall off the car as it then went down the hill, with the three dinosaurs going right out of the vehicle and soaring all across the theme park.
  880. Bedrockazooie: The bear and bird end up in a prehistoric land that's more yabba dabba demented than the one they know; oh yes it will make quite a show!
  882. Banjo and Kazooie were running around Bedrock being chased by an angry Brontosaurus as they jumped into the window of the Flintstones residence, where the bear and bird were panting as they were sweating, due to the prehistoric city being hotter than the ancient dinosaur land they knew of. Evidently they landed in the living room, where Dino the purple colored pet dinosaur of the stone house was snoozing peacefully, unaware of the new unfamiliar presence of more modern talking animals.
  884. "Sheesh! And I thought Terrydactyland was too fucking hot to handle!" Kazooie remarked as she shook her red feathery bird head.
  886. Banjo wiped his forehead as he panted, feeling the sweaty weight of his yellow shorts and his blue backpack. "Well, at least we're safe... wait, do you hear that?"
  888. Banjo and Kazooie were greeted to Fred Flintstone being buck naked, as the grand caveman placed on his familiar orange cave clothes with black spots and placed on his iconic blue tie as he snapped his fingers.
  890. "Yabba dabba doo!" Fred exclaimed as he brushed Banjo and Kazooie to the side as if they were appliances, heading into the closet to get his bowling ball as he whistled to himself.
  892. Banjo and Kazooie had no idea on how to comment as they eyed each other, both silent on what just occurred. Kazooie was going to comment when she and Banjo were greeted by a naked Wilma Flintstone, who screamed as she didn't expect anything so recent in her household.
  894. "Agh! A wild bear and bird!" Wilma screamed as she was smashed into silence by Banjo whacking Kazooie into her several times, which was enough to make her faint.
  896. Rather than awkwardly standing there Banjo and Kazooie began to explore Bedrock and interact with all the cartoony prehistoric animals that surrounded them.
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