
Mayor Mare and Anonymous

Apr 12th, 2015
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  1. >Thursday
  2. >Be Mayor Mare
  3. >Be incredibly fudging stressed
  4. >Be this insane town's only hope to prevent it from descending into absolute chaos and turmoil
  5. >Honestly, the amount of nonsense that happens here is ridiculous
  6. >You're starting to think you only keep getting re-elected because no one wants to handle this position
  7. >But there's one special thing that makes it all worth it
  8. >A sweet little green-faced creature called Anonymous
  9. >"Miss Mayor?"
  10. >When he arrived here, he had no idea what was happening, he was so timid
  11. >So vulnerable
  12. >He was obviously young and impressionable, too, considering this general demeanor, although you don't know much about his kind's aging process
  13. >With a body like his, though, you had a hard time believing he's even fully grown
  14. >And because of this, you decided to give him a job to support himself and maybe build some self confidence in your world
  15. >"M- uh- Miss Mayor?"
  16. >Miss Mayor
  17. >Adorable
  18. >No one else calls you that but him
  19. >And you like it so much, you figure you'll make sure it stays that way
  21. >"Miss mayor?"
  22. Oh! Ah... Hm? What do you need?
  23. >"You called me in here, your office...?"
  24. Oh, yes. I sure did! This is my office..
  25. >You are so smooth that you could grease a baking pan with your ass
  26. >"...Yes, it's a, um, nice office."
  27. >Oh man you are nailing it
  28. I... ah, needed you to get something out of that file cabinet behind you, Anonymous.
  29. >"...You needed me for that?"
  30. Uh, yes. I've been a bit tired lately from the workload an--
  31. >"Oh goodness, Miss Mayor, you can't overwork yourself so hard! You're so important to this town and me an-"
  32. Anonymous, I'm fine, just search for the V-505 documents near the bottom.
  33. >"Y-yes, Ma'am.."
  34. >As Anon complies, you can only internally squeal at how the little sugarlump just said that you're important to him
  35. >And now for a little show to go with your dinner of sweetness, you get to scope anon's choipce ASS as he searches for a file that doesn't exist in the lowest part of your legendary, disorganized, giant file cabinet: "The Catacombs"
  36. >He'd move his butt left
  37. >He'd wiggle tush right
  38. >He'd shift his pelvis in ways that make you think he's doing some kind of softcore photoshoot
  39. >You grin and bite you lower lip
  40. >"I can't seem to find it."
  41. >He shifts his tight ass again
  42. >You slide your tongue across your upper teeth
  43. Oh, it by all rights should be in here, just keep looking.
  44. >At this point, you're lightly touching yourself
  45. >Not masturbating
  46. >just
  47. >lightly touching and massaging the area around your genitals
  48. >"Um, are you sure, Miss Mayor?"
  49. >God you love it when he says that
  50. Oh yeah.. Just search a little bit more, I THINK it's in there.
  51. >You'd like SOMETHING in THERE if you know what you mean
  52. >"I'm RIGHT in 'V' here, and I don't see what I need.."
  53. >Him and you both
  54. >You're almost over the edge when he stands up and turns around
  55. >You whip your hoof away from your lower half so fast it smashes against the underside of your desk
  56. >Fight through the pain, old girl
  57. Gnch! Well! I guess I was wrong.
  58. >You grin sheepishly
  59. >Anon only looks confused, but also understanding
  60. >"Ookay, Miss Mayor. If you need anything else, I'll be at the front desk."
  61. >He smiles softly as he turns and exits your office
  62. >Naturally you take that last chance to check out his butt
  63. >He makes you feel like a young filly again
  65. >Friday
  66. >You slept like a log
  67. >You might need to burn your mattress
  68. >But that's not important right now
  69. >What IS important is that you died your hair a little bit pinker like it used to be
  70. >And you were finally going to make your move on that alien monkey man from another dimension
  71. >You do your mane especially careful today, it's gotta be perfect
  72. >An itty bitty spritz of your best perfume, it's sweet, which you heard stallions like, and you're off
  73. >You trot with a bounce in your step to city hall, where your office is located
  74. >You make sure to be late, so that Anonymous is sitting in front row as to see you make your beautiful and triumphant entrance
  75. >And enter you do
  76. >You swing the door open and strike a pose to accentuate yourself to the world
  77. >"Good morning, Miss Mayor."
  78. >..You were sort of hoping for more of a response, but can't let that slip up your cougar game
  79. How are you this morning, Anon?
  80. >He's taken aback the slightest bit at your abbreviated usage of his name
  81. "I'm good,thank you. And yourself?"
  82. I'm at 100% myself.
  83. "That's good to hear. Well, I'll let you get to work."
  84. >Okay that went luke warm
  85. >But that's okay! You got a few more tricks up your non-existant sleeve.
  86. >The rest of the day is filled with extended eye contact when you get the chance, brushing against him when you walk past, wiggling your ass when you walk by, and various playful flirting
  87. >To absolutely no avail
  88. >And now it's at the end of the work day on a friday and you haven't so much as gotten a single sign out of Anonymous
  89. >Your last resort is now initializing as you both gear up to head out
  90. Alright, TCIF, huh Anonymous? Got any plans for the weekend?
  91. >"No, not really."
  92. Would you like to be a part of mine?
  93. >You are smashing open a can of your A-game here
  94. >You crack your slyest smile
  95. >Half lid your eyes and and look him in his
  96. >Make the tone in your voice ever-so-slightly seductive
  97. >Angle your face so that your good side shows to him
  98. >Now we can only wait for him to say that magic word
  99. >"Uhm, no, thank you though."
  100. ...
  101. >...
  102. >"Well, bye, Miss Mayor, see you Monday."
  103. >PANIC
  104. >This was supposed to go differently!
  105. >This wasn't the happy ending you deserved
  106. >This was supposed to be an awkward romcom about our intrepid heroine finally getting some dick
  107. >This isn't fair
  108. >You can't let it happen this way
  109. Anonymous!
  110. >You grab his long leg as he attempts to escape the awkwardness through the front office door
  111. Please! Just a cup of coffee at my place or something!
  112. >"N-no, I'm fine with a weekend alone, Miss Mayor!"
  113. >Your penis hunger is getting in the way of your better judgement at this point
  114. >He's trying his best not to make you feel embarassed, while also trying to shuffle his way toward the door with his mayoral ankle-bracelet
  115. >His softness to you only makes the whole scenario sting moreso
  116. >You understand how he feels and let go of him.
  117. >"I-I'll, um... Bye, Miss Mayor!"
  118. >That name only hurts now
  119. >He darts out and shuts the door behind him, and you're left behind, in the office, in a puddle of your own shame and self-pity
  120. >Of course he'd refuse, what were you thinking!? You're old and it must show, even to such a foreign being like Anon.
  121. >Your eyes grow misty
  122. >You're just one of those mares that had and squandered their chance at love long ago
  123. >You curl up into a little ball, you barely feel the strength to make it back to your own house
  124. >Despite that, you manage to lock up and make it home
  125. >You don't have enough wine and tissues for the weekend
  127. >Monday
  128. >The clock resets and you're back in your honorable municipal seat stamping your signature on a bunch of land deeds or other
  129. >You look like you've been drinking and crying all weekend
  130. >Which you have
  131. >You didn't really feel like putting forth a lot of effort toward your physical appearance this morning, either
  132. >Hair's a mess, and makeup was just slapped on
  133. >You hear the door open and shut, signaling Anonymous' arrival
  134. >"Good morning, Miss Mayor."
  135. Mm.
  136. >"..."
  137. >You can't see from your office, but he's probably fidgeting around like he normally does in tense situations
  138. >He walks into your office doorway
  139. >"C-can I get you anything, Miss Mayor? Some Coffee?"
  140. >His body language is frailer than usual
  141. I'll call you if I do.
  142. >you don't even give him a glance up from your work as you say that
  143. >"..."
  144. >You continue with the stamping
  145. >"..About Friday.."
  146. >You try to play it cool but your ears flatten slightly like a scolded child at the mere thought of what happened
  147. There's nothing to say about friday.
  148. >"I'm still sorry I reacted that way.."
  149. It's fine, Anonymous.
  150. >"It just felt weird with the way I feel about you."
  151. >You stop stamping
  152. >Your eyes widen
  153. >THAT piques your interest
  154. >For the first time this morning, you look up directly at Anonymous
  155. >"I mean, since I got here, you've been like a mother to me and youuuuvvvvue;lajksdf--..."
  156. >You've been like a mother to me
  157. >like a mother to me
  158. >a mother
  159. >MOTHER
  160. >You hear nothing but radio static and that horrible word
  161. >You feel like you just swallowed a mouthful of broken glass
  162. >"Miss Mayor!?"
  163. Wha- hm?
  164. >You awake from your momentary trance to see that you have smashed your inkwell under your hoof, ink is everywhere
  165. >You look down and briefly before going back to staring wide-eyed at Anonymous
  166. >He looks more concerned now than he ever has
  167. >Of course he would
  168. >any colt would be concerned about his MOTHER in this situation
  169. >You compose yourself despite it all
  170. ..You know, I think I will take that cup of coffee, Nonny.
  171. >You bear a warm smile at him, your overt calmness is creepy at this point
  172. >He slowly leaves before gunning it to the breakroom
  173. >You patiently wait with your smile while processing being Mommy-zoned
  175. >Anonymous returns minutes later with your coffee, just the way you liked it
  176. >"Here you go, ma'am.."
  177. >He gently places it in front of you
  178. >You serenely look at him
  179. Thank you, Anon.
  180. >"Do you want anything else, Miss Mayor?"
  181. No, everything's perfect.
  182. >He nods and quietly turns to leave
  183. >One step
  184. >Two steps
  185. >Three steps
  186. >Four steps
  187. Anonymous.
  188. >He turns again
  189. This coffee tastes very strange.
  190. >"It does? I didn't do anything different this time."
  191. Taste it yourself, I need to see if this problem is with me.
  192. >He pauses as if considering making the situation awkward again by refusing
  193. >Anonymous chooses the path of least resistance and complies
  194. >He lifts the cup to his lips, sips the coffee, and tastes very attentively
  195. >"Hm. It does taste a little funny. But that's strange, I didn't put anything into it."
  196. >He stares up into space and then shakes his head
  197. >"..May I sit down.?"
  198. Of course.
  199. >He seats himself in one of your visitor chairs in front of your desk
  200. >"...I.. shink thur wuz shomething.. in the coffeeee..."
  201. >You rise off of your own seat and approach Anonymous
  202. >"Missss muhyur.. Do youhh need shomething?"
  203. >You climb up onto his lap and straddle him
  204. >The kid is definitely out of it.
  205. >Good thing you slipped some powerful male enhancement drug in that coffee too
  206. Oh why yes, Anonymous, I needs your help with a few things.
  207. >"hmyess miss mare...?"
  209. Firstly, call me mommy.
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