

Feb 21st, 2016
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  1. Midhat: nawwwwwwwwwww
  2. MrTitanNoire: lol
  3. MrTitanNoire: I hope she comes back soon
  4. Midhat: you guys togther irl/?
  5. MrTitanNoire: I want to hold her a little bit before going to bed
  6. MrTitanNoire: yes
  7. Midhat: nawwwww
  8. MrTitanNoireMrTitanNoire Whisper: distance, but yes, our feelings are real
  9. Midhat: Like me and my baby
  10. Midhat: distance here too
  11. Midhat: XD
  12. MrTitanNoire: where does she live?
  13. Midhat: Asturlia
  14. Midhat: I live in Egypt
  15. MrTitanNoire: aww
  16. MrTitanNoire: you're even more distant than us I guess
  17. MrTitanNoire: how much is it, 8 hours of time difference?
  18. Midhat: Where does Deity live?
  19. MrTitanNoire: she lives in canada
  20. Midhat: Yes me and my baby have more distance
  21. MrTitanNoire: soon we will celebrate our third year of marriage on here
  22. Midhat: awww
  23. Midhat: that is cute
  24. Midhat: I wold love to be there
  25. MrTitanNoire: and I can't wait to just grab her and block her lungs in my arms
  26. Midhat: annd go nuts making all them jokesaround
  27. MrTitanNoire: in australia?
  29. Midhat: Not at your anniversy silly
  30. MrTitanNoire: yes!
  31. MrTitanNoire: lol
  32. Midhat: I know
  33. MrTitanNoire: if we throw a party you can fix the beverages
  34. MrTitanNoire: "fix"
  35. MrTitanNoire: lol
  36. Midhat: Like you can't wait till one day you her tight for so many hours
  37. Midhat: Inhale her scent
  38. MrTitanNoire: yes
  39. MrTitanNoire: exactly
  40. Midhat: know her as no one did before
  41. MrTitanNoire: and then you imagine doing just anything
  42. MrTitanNoire: even just taking a simple walk
  43. MrTitanNoire: and it feels so special
  44. Midhat: tell her thing of the darkest corner of your soul you never thought you would say to anyone
  45. MrTitanNoire: yes
  46. Midhat: Sometimes wish you can teleport to her at once
  47. MrTitanNoire: T_T
  48. MrTitanNoire: yes
  49. Midhat: And there is no enough words to tell her how much you love her
  50. Midhat: How bad you need her
  51. Midhat: only see colors when you hear her voice over skype or facebook calls
  52. MrTitanNoire: and how you would give up your life for a moment with her in your arms
  53. MrTitanNoire: I see colors
  54. MrTitanNoire: only when I see her smiling
  55. Midhat: be like Da Vinci should re draw the monalisa only looking at her
  56. MrTitanNoire: fuck yes
  57. Midhat: Like you wake smiling thinking of her
  58. MrTitanNoire: I wake at dawn every morning
  59. Midhat: And all of sudden all the love songs are about her
  60. MrTitanNoire: and it feels physically sickening untill I get to finally log in and see her
  61. MrTitanNoire: that's why I hated you
  62. MrTitanNoire: when you told her to get a divorce
  63. MrTitanNoire: lol
  64. Midhat: I would have hated you if you told m girl the same
  65. Midhat: but here we are now
  66. MrTitanNoire: lol
  67. Midhat: Appearntly my dear firend we are just the same sort of men
  68. Midhat: Geeks
  69. Midhat: Living in the wrong places
  70. MrTitanNoire: living in the wrong places.. yes
  71. MrTitanNoire: I totally agree
  72. Midhat: hate our home towns because we really love to travel around the world
  73. Midhat: You know
  74. Midhat: I told my girl once this
  75. Midhat: When Zuse made man kind
  76. Midhat: he made them
  77. Midhat: with two of everything
  78. Midhat: heads
  79. Midhat: hearts
  80. Midhat: four lungs
  81. Midhat: four arms
  82. Midhat: and etc
  83. Midhat: and he looked at his first creation of them and seen only a titan that can take down all the gods
  84. MidhatMidhat Midhat : titan stronger than the Kraken
  85. MidhatMidhat : So he split them into him into half
  86. MrTitanNoireMrTitanNoire Whisper: *smiles listening to him*
  87. Midhat: and it was their distany to for each one to spend their life time looking for theor perfect match
  88. Midhat: only they can't conqure the world till they find each other
  89. Midhat: And this what happens
  90. Midhat: You find you perfect match all the way across the world
  91. Midhat: FUCK YOU ZUSE!
  92. MrTitanNoire: lmfao
  93. Midhat: -Middle finger the sky-
  94. MrTitanNoire: fucking right
  95. Midhat: You know
  96. MrTitanNoire: yes?
  97. Midhat: it's that kind of relation ship when one of them is like
  98. Midhat: I want to take over the world and the other is like Your car or mine
  99. Midhat: LOL
  100. Midhat: Like you can be who you are with them
  101. Midhat: No need to hide
  102. MrTitanNoire: lol
  103. Midhat: or get scared
  104. MrTitanNoire: yes
  105. MrTitanNoire: even if sometimes you both clash
  106. Midhat: you know yourself more knowing them
  107. Midhat: and they other way around
  108. MrTitanNoire: but you know that's home
  109. MrTitanNoire: and you know you would die for her
  110. Midhat: In blink
  111. Midhat: You will rip a part who ever try to make you part
  112. Midhat: She bring the man out of you and you bring the woman out of her
  113. Midhat: And boy
  114. Midhat: Sex was a thing
  115. Midhat: But sex with this one you love
  116. MrTitanNoire: oh hell yes
  117. Midhat: Oh damn
  118. MrTitanNoire: pft
  119. MrTitanNoire: sex?
  120. Midhat: that is a whole new thing
  121. MrTitanNoire: I don't even remember how it was before her
  122. MrTitanNoire: yes
  123. MrTitanNoire: even if it's not in person
  124. MrTitanNoire: it's a totally different thing
  125. Midhat: Amoure amigo -Sighs.-
  126. MrTitanNoire: we argue sometimes
  127. MrTitanNoire: sometimes badly
  128. Midhat: Yes
  129. MrTitanNoire: but I can't imagine my life without her
  130. Midhat: but you rather fight with her on making love to anyone else
  131. MrTitanNoire: or even without the things of her I claim to dislike
  132. Midhat: and you fight because of you and her for the sake of each other
  133. MrTitanNoire: yes
  134. MrTitanNoire: that is for sure
  135. Midhat: because if you didn't care wh even bother
  136. MrTitanNoire: yes
  137. MrTitanNoire: you're right Mid
  138. Midhat: Dude, you realize we sound like girls talking about their Bfs now
  139. Midhat: XD
  140. Midhat: LOL!
  141. MrTitanNoire: we are a lot alike
  142. MrTitanNoire: lmfao
  143. MrTitanNoire: shhhh
  144. Midhat: Manly Girl-ish talk
  145. Midhat: Dude
  146. Midhat: XD
  147. MrTitanNoire: when she wakes up we will pretend we are talking about macho stuff
  148. Midhat: ya
  149. Midhat: Like measure dicks and twearking
  150. MrTitanNoire: lol
  151. Midhat: LOL!
  152. MrTitanNoire: sec
  153. Midhat: tyt
  154. MrTitanNoire: phone real quick
  155. Midhat: no rush dude
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