Guest User


a guest
Apr 25th, 2016
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  1. <?php
  3. function dRe($R9d) {
  4. $lsi = array(6429 => "step3", 1300 => "User Bitcoin account has wrong format (", 3007 => "=?", 8696 => " && type = ", 6551 => "update hm2_deposits set status=", 3204 => "&int=1.0", 113 => "Mar", 8484 => "comm", 9904 => "use_btc_trading", 8720 => "graph_max_chars", 6895 => "Belarus", 8819 => "./images/proofs/", 1953 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_withdrawal_proofs where approved = 1");
  5. return $lsi[$R9d];
  6. }
  8. function o6X($B7e) {
  9. $xbd = array(6429 => "uname", 8720 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=cancel_url value=\"", 9904 => "complete", 1300 => "countries", 6551 => "Armenia", 8484 => "txid", 113 => "data: ", 3204 => ", `date` datetime default NULL, `expiration` int(10) unsigned default ", 8696 => "year_from", 3007 => "select btc_receive_addr from hm2_users where id = ", 6895 => " <form method=\"get\" action=\"\" target=_top> \x0d\x0a<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ac_account_name\" value=\"", 8819 => "\"/> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"amount\" value=\"");
  10. return $xbd[$B7e];
  11. }
  13. function X6d($x1i) {
  14. $xOV = array(9815 => "./fonts/font1.ttf", 8819 => "rateus.tpl", 6895 => "select, u.username,, date_format(u.date_register + interval ", 3007 => "|0&cht=qr&chl=", 8696 => "earnings", 8484 => " and status=", 3204 => "d", 113 => ", add column work_phone varchar(200) not null default ", 6551 => "withdraw_admin_notification", 1300 => "C8RKWAJLCAGJ9LRZJHUH", 9904 => "invoice_ready_to_ship", 8720 => ", bf_counter = 0, last_access_time = now(), last_access_ip = ", 6429 => "display", 1953 => " and date_register + interval 200 minute > now()", 5800 => "make_transaction", 4722 => "deps");
  15. return $xOV[$x1i];
  16. }
  18. function DLl($Es1) {
  19. $RLD = array(9904 => "Nepal", 1300 => "Jordan", 3007 => "wait", 8696 => "SCI Name", 8484 => "logout", 113 => "add_funds", 3204 => "return_profit_percent", 6551 => "verified.list", 8720 => "no_max_amount", 6895 => "forgot_password_confirm", 8819 => "FNJZ2JRRHSF7QUVCS868", 6429 => "cnt_other_active", 1953 => "to_");
  20. return $RLD[$Es1];
  21. }
  23. function o1X($wIO, $V3o, $x88, $s5i, $JX8) {
  24. global $B74;
  25. if ($x88 == "") {
  26. OXj(im6(8484) . "'" . bwb(3007) . "'");
  27. return array(0, BOD(8484), "");
  28. }
  29. list($ES0, $VDE) = ILO($x88, 9);
  30. if ($ES0 == 0) {
  31. OXj(im6(8484) . "'" . w5J($VDE) . "'");
  32. return array(0, $VDE);
  33. }
  34. if (function_exists(B5V(3204))) {
  35. if ($wIO == "") {
  36. $w6I = OBd(olV(3204) . "'" . L3J(3007) . "'");
  37. $D83 = VsX($w6I[EV5(3204)], xRJ(3204));
  38. }
  39. else {
  40. $D83 = $wIO;
  41. }
  42. $D5s = curl_init();
  43. $do0 = eXL(D3O(8696));
  44. $VOS = strtoupper(md5($D83 . L3J(6551) . $do0));
  45. $d45 = J0R(3007) . htmlentities($B74[BOD(6551)], ENT_NOQUOTES) . d3j(1300) . htmlentities($x88, ENT_NOQUOTES) . Ssm(113) . htmlentities($V3o, ENT_NOQUOTES) . dB5(6551) . htmlentities($s5i, ENT_NOQUOTES) . iwX(3007) . $VOS . jRS(3007);
  46. $D5s = curl_init();
  47. curl_setopt($D5s, 10002, o76(6551));
  48. curl_setopt($D5s, 47, 1);
  49. curl_setopt($D5s, 10015, $d45);
  50. curl_setopt($D5s, 64, false);
  51. curl_setopt($D5s, 19913, 1);
  52. $O8X = curl_exec($D5s);
  53. curl_close($D5s);
  54. $B9L = RI0($O8X);
  55. if ($B9L[RVX(3204)] == Jli(3204)) {
  56. return array(1, "", $B9L[Lm3(3204)]);
  57. }
  58. if ($B9L[RVX(3204)] == B6l(8696)) {
  59. $EJO = w5J($JX8 . " " . $B9L[e94(113)] . " " . $B9L[S16(3007)]);
  60. OXj(im6(8484) . "'" . $EJO . "'");
  61. return array(0, $EJO, "");
  62. }
  63. $EJO = w5J($JX8 . b3m(6551) . $O8X);
  64. OXj(im6(8484) . "'" . $EJO . "'");
  65. return array(0, $EJO, "");
  66. }
  67. OXj(im6(8484) . "'" . w5J($JX8 . ww7(6551)) . "'");
  68. return array(0, $JX8 . ww7(6551));
  69. }
  71. function D0D($X1O) {
  72. $mEJ = array(1953 => ", income = 0, reg = 1", 8720 => "payerAccount", 3204 => "Deposit release", 113 => "alter table hm2_users add column reg_fee float(15,2) not null default 0", 8484 => "select count(id) as `cnt` from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 6551 => "site_name", 8696 => ", ord(", 3007 => "./tmpl", 1300 => "deposit_list", 9904 => "Invalid SolidTrustPay account", 6895 => "m_operation_id", 8819 => "ids", 6429 => "Grenada");
  73. return $mEJ[$X1O];
  74. }
  76. function l45($eI8, $VRB) {
  77. return e73($eI8, $VRB[IOI(6551)], $VRB[R0S(3204)], $VRB[Lm3(3204)], $VRB[xxI(8484)], $VRB[slX(6551)], $VRB[dsE(3204)], $VRB[B65(8484)], $VRB[Dml(113)], $VRB[ijd(113)]);
  78. }
  80. function j5d($bVs) {
  81. $JEi = array(3007 => "<head><title>HYIP Manager</title><meta http-equiv=", 8696 => "LMI_MODE", 6551 => "Z5EZ4R69PYNBRUARWFMR", 8484 => "[no upline]", 3204 => "/check.cgi?script=3&domain=", 113 => "bf_counter", 1300 => ", unix_timestamp(d.last_pay_date + interval 2 month) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (t.period = ", 9904 => " and type = ", 8720 => "deposit_limit", 6895 => "sec_answer", 8819 => " Support - ", 6429 => " and hm2_deposits.type_id = ");
  82. return $JEi[$bVs];
  83. }
  85. function oso($slD) {
  86. $OIi = array(852 => "exchanged", 9815 => "user_from_on_contact", 1953 => "url: ", 8819 => "orig_amount", 8720 => "today_withdraw", 1300 => "update hm2_users set last_access_time = now() where id = ", 3007 => "pin", 6551 => "acsent_user", 3204 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 3 month and t.period = ", 113 => ") )) order by last_pay_date", 8484 => "TENEQ3XYZ6PF3A5X7J7A", 8696 => "inc/libs/smarty3/Smarty.class.php", 9904 => "select sum(amount) as sum from hm2_deposits where to_days(deposit_date) = to_days(now() + interval ", 6895 => "Antigua and Barbuda", 6429 => "select count(*) as c_all from hm2_history where ", 5800 => "</a></i><br>", 4722 => "invalid_group_name");
  87. return $OIi[$slD];
  88. }
  90. function loJ($Rs6, $LoR) {
  91. global $ljj;
  92. $ljj->assign($Rs6, $LoR);
  93. }
  95. function DVS($D33) {
  96. $SJD = array(5024 => "deposit.alertpay.confirm.tpl", 1110 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"comm\" value=\"", 852 => " group by u.username, dd order by balance desc limit 0, 10 ", 5800 => "secret question: ", 6429 => " and h.status = ", 8819 => "Location: ?a=withdraw_history", 8720 => ", date = now(), ip = ", 9904 => "paccounts", 3007 => "The receiver is not valid", 8696 => "perfectmoney", 6551 => "QVZ7E7V3X89775CPB4VZ", 8484 => "nixmoney_password", 3204 => "select * from hm2_fchk", 113 => "&text=", 1300 => "/index.php?a=return_egold&process=yes", 6895 => "/-/", 1953 => "Lebanon", 9815 => "USA Minor Outlying Islands", 4722 => "TMTDHVSRKAZMHHH4XBPQ", 872 => "process_");
  97. return $SJD[$D33];
  98. }
  100. function Rxm($s0x) {
  101. $oX0 = array(6429 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=success_url value=\"", 6895 => "Location: ?a=withdraw&say=zero", 1300 => "index_last_add_funds", 3204 => "update ex_users set bf_counter = bf_counter + 1, activation_code = ", 113 => "alter table hm2_news add column lang varchar(255) not null default ", 8484 => "'", 6551 => "\$obj->Currency = \"RUB\";", 8696 => "store_key", 3007 => "STORE_KEY", 9904 => "%Batch id = %", 8720 => "M j, Y", 8819 => "max_auto_withdraw_user", 1953 => "postback_url", 9815 => "gateway_url", 5800 => "min_amount", 4722 => "pae", 852 => "days");
  102. return $oX0[$s0x];
  103. }
  105. function i99($S9b) {
  106. global $B74;
  107. $JEx = array();
  108. if ($B74[xDx(3204)] == 1 && $S9b != -2) {
  109. }
  110. $liV = OXj(xDx(113) . "'" . ilJ(3204) . "'" . VLw(113));
  111. while ($w6I = mysql_fetch_array($liV)) {
  112. $JEx[$w6I[wle(3204)]][$w6I[sDL(3204)]] = $w6I;
  113. }
  114. if ($S9b == -1) {
  115. $ds6 = slX(113) . "'" . ilJ(3204) . "'" . D8w(113);
  116. }
  117. else {
  118. $ds6 = O4I(3204) . $S9b . m73(3204) . "'" . ilJ(3204) . "'" . LV6(3204);
  119. }
  120. if ($S9b == -2) {
  121. $ds6 = slX(113) . "'" . ilJ(3204) . "'" . LV6(3204);
  122. }
  123. $liV = OXj($ds6);
  124. $Dw1 = time();
  125. $EJO = 0;
  126. while ($w6I = mysql_fetch_array($liV)) {
  127. $Eii = @fopen(l79(3204) . $w6I[sDL(3204)], e34(3204));
  128. if (@flock($Eii, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
  129. }
  130. else {
  131. fclose($Eii);
  132. continue;
  133. }
  134. $iS3 = OBd(IOX(3204) . "'" . $w6I[LJo(3204)] . "'" . m8D(3204) . $w6I[sDL(3204)] . mB8(113) . "'" . Oo6(3204) . "'");
  135. if (0 < $iS3[sDL(3204)]) {
  136. }
  137. else {
  138. $Sio = 0;
  139. reset($JEx);
  140. reset($JEx[$w6I[LJo(8484)]]);
  141. while (list($RoB, $SD6) = each($JEx[$w6I[LJo(8484)]])) {
  142. if ($SD6[oLD(3204)] <= $w6I[B4E(3204)] && $w6I[B4E(3204)] <= $SD6[S16(113)] || $SD6[S16(113)] == 0) {
  143. $Sio = $SD6[IOX(113)];
  144. }
  145. if ($w6I[B4E(3204)] < $SD6[oLD(3204)] && $Sio == 0) {
  146. $Sio = $BR0;
  147. }
  148. if ($w6I[B4E(3204)] < $SD6[oLD(3204)] && 0 < $Sio) {
  149. break;
  150. }
  151. $BR0 = $SD6[IOX(113)];
  152. continue;
  153. }
  154. if ($SD6[S16(113)] != 0 && $SD6[S16(113)] < $w6I[B4E(3204)]) {
  155. $Sio = $BR0;
  156. }
  157. $lV0 = $w6I[B4E(3204)] * $Sio / 100;
  158. OXj(dmS(113) . $w6I[JxS(3204)] . L3J(3204) . $lV0 . lXS(113) . "'" . Oo6(3204) . "'" . LRm(3204) . "'" . Ow5(3204) . $B74[O1o(113)] . JEE($w6I[B4E(3204)], $w6I[Di0(113)]) . VS7(113) . $Sio . imO(6551) . "'" . LmL(3204) . $lV0 . LEO(113) . "'" . $w6I[LJo(3204)] . "'" . mLw(8484) . $w6I[Di0(113)] . Lxo(3204) . "'" . xj7(113) . "'" . LJo(113) . $w6I[sDL(3204)]);
  159. }
  160. OXj(iiL(3204) . $w6I[sDL(3204)]);
  161. flock($Eii, LOCK_UN);
  162. fclose($Eii);
  163. @unlink(l79(3204) . $w6I[sDL(3204)]);
  164. }
  165. }
  167. function oxs($xD4) {
  168. $VjO = array(852 => " where > ", 9815 => " BTC</b> to address: <i><a href=\"bitcoin:", 1953 => "support.tpl", 6429 => "ecs", 6895 => "receiver_purse", 1300 => "api", 3007 => "<error>", 8696 => "CVD2T72SXT386PVUTDHR", 6551 => "?B?", 8484 => "ref_percent1", 113 => "%", 3204 => "1.0", 9904 => "InterKassa", 8720 => "api_pass", 8819 => "Cyprus", 5800 => "user_id = ", 4722 => "to_receive", 1110 => "show_referals");
  169. return $VjO[$xD4];
  170. }
  172. function LRm($O70) {
  173. $ISl = array(6429 => " or type = ", 8819 => "Iraq", 6895 => " sec", 1300 => "487H73BTV6LKQA8E3ZFU", 8696 => "\$obj->Receiver = rawurlencode(\$account);", 6551 => "upline", 8484 => "hm2_holidays", 113 => "infofields", 3204 => ", description = ", 3007 => "early_deposit_charge", 9904 => "reps_apply_group_id", 8720 => "https://", 1953 => "sess_username", 9815 => "3 Monthly", 5800 => "members_stats.tpl");
  174. return $ISl[$O70];
  175. }
  177. function Oo6($dXL) {
  178. $oxR = array(6429 => " or h.type=", 8819 => "deposit.interkassa.confirm.tpl", 6895 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"successUrl\" value=\"", 8720 => "select id from hm2_users where email = ", 9904 => " and type in (", 6551 => "ltc_receive_addr", 3204 => "earning", 113 => "sci_password", 8484 => "LMI_PAYMENT_NO", 8696 => "info_box_today_deposit_funds_generated", 3007 => ", unix_timestamp(d.last_pay_date + interval 1 hour) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (t.period = ", 1300 => "Saint Pierre and Miquelon");
  179. return $oxR[$dXL];
  180. }
  182. function D8w($jVo) {
  183. $R1B = array(6895 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PAYMENT_CUR\" value=\"USD\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUGGESTED_MEMO\" value=\"", 8720 => "email1", 1300 => "opt_in_email", 8696 => "shop_id", 6551 => "ac_src_wallet", 113 => " and last_pay_date < now() - interval 1 hour order by last_pay_date limit 100", 3204 => "license", 8484 => "Account ID", 3007 => "day_to", 9904 => "ref_levels");
  184. return $R1B[$jVo];
  185. }
  187. function Is1($D0B) {
  188. $RV5 = array(6429 => "representatives.tpl", 8819 => "Kiribati", 6895 => "Christmas Island", 8720 => "acsent_pin_length", 9904 => "NJZNG6B968YUMREYC2LR", 8484 => "hour", 113 => ".", 3204 => "//", 6551 => "alter table hm2_types add column amount_mult decimal(20,10) not null default 1", 8696 => "internal_transaction_spend", 3007 => "XLDD82BYCJ82RQCEMN65", 1300 => "def_payee_account_", 1953 => "4L29QZS46RAWR7MJ4FLS");
  189. return $RV5[$D0B];
  190. }
  192. function LS9($VR8) {
  193. $oVR = array(6429 => "change_account", 8819 => "active_referrals_limit", 8720 => " or (type=", 1300 => "Canada", 113 => "", 3204 => "ref_com", 8484 => "}", 6551 => "Can`t process withdrawal to OkPay account 0.", 8696 => "AsMoney", 3007 => "multiwebpay key key = ", 9904 => "Guyana", 6895 => "insert into hm2_users set name = ", 1953 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no\"> <input type=hidden name=comments value=\"");
  194. return $oVR[$VR8];
  195. }
  197. function LBS($V4J) {
  198. $IJx = array(9904 => "LiqPay", 1300 => "rub ", 8484 => "alter table hm2_history add index hi7 (date, type, deposit_id)", 113 => "select * from hm2_types where q_days > 0", 3204 => "came_from", 6551 => "site_url", 8696 => "L", 3007 => "\$obj->IsReceiverPaysFees = TRUE;", 8720 => "account_main.tpl", 6895 => " group by type_id");
  199. return $IJx[$V4J];
  200. }
  202. function o5i($jOL) {
  203. $elw = array(3007 => "duration", 8696 => "select *, floor( (unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(deposit_date)) / (60*60*24) ) as deposit_duration from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 6551 => "width", 113 => "Error: ", 3204 => "tamount", 8484 => " This code will be expired in ", 1300 => "plan_description", 9904 => "6YPXYDYX4TYU9YT43BJ9");
  204. return $elw[$jOL];
  205. }
  207. function Le5($DXB) {
  208. $wVX = array(852 => "select count(distinct user_id) as col from hm2_users, hm2_deposits where > ", 4722 => ") as pending_duration, if ( ", 9815 => "converted_fiat", 6895 => "too_late_withdraw", 8720 => "select ec, sum(acutal_amount) as amt, count(id) as cnt from hm2_history where type = ", 3007 => "select *, date_format(date + interval ", 6551 => " Specify your SaliPay merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable salipay deposits.<br> 1. Login to your SaliPay account -> \"Merchant Tools\" -> \"SCI - Shop Integration\"<br> 2. Click \"Create New SCI\" on top menu<br> 3. Fill the form: Shop Name - any name<br> Domain Name - your site domain<br> Success URL - ", 113 => "insert into hm2_user_balances select user_id, ec, sum(actual_amount), ", 3204 => "amount_mult", 8484 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS before_deposits_delete", 8696 => "./tmpl_c", 1300 => "Zimbabwe", 9904 => "select sum(actual_amount) as sum from hm2_history where 1=1 ", 8819 => "calendar_simple.tpl", 6429 => "ULAN4MXKX6L939M5EA2W", 1953 => "ZVRKJWD3N3F85HPB27PB", 5800 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"PAYMENT_UNITS\" value=\"USD\"> <input type=hidden name=\"PAYMENT_ID\" value=\"", 1110 => " and h.description != ");
  209. return $wVX[$DXB];
  210. }
  212. function sm5($RoS) {
  213. $Rxb = array(8720 => "/index.php/status/postback/64", 1300 => "update hm2_users set vote_signature = ", 6551 => "session_id", 8484 => "/<input name=", 113 => ", user_id = ", 3204 => " && hidden_batch = ", 8696 => " where d.status = ", 3007 => "Content-type: image/png", 9904 => "4CJ2DSW3D4Q4KX32XXT3");
  214. return $Rxb[$RoS];
  215. }
  217. function L75($s9O) {
  218. $Ol7 = array(1110 => "deposit_groups", 9815 => "select sum(hm2_history.actual_amount) as am, from hm2_history, hm2_deposits, hm2_types where hm2_history.user_id = ", 6429 => "Rwanda", 8819 => "Afghanistan", 8720 => "Password", 8696 => "Deposit return. ", 6551 => "work_week", 8484 => "Y6PH67LCVJTRWTYEZQYK", 113 => "./tmpl_c/lock_user", 3204 => "system_email", 3007 => "; UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount - OLD.actual_amount WHERE user_id = OLD.user_id AND ec = AND type = OLD.type; END", 1300 => "sum", 9904 => "))", 6895 => "&ru=", 1953 => "select sum(actual_amount) as sm, ec from hm2_history where user_id = ", 5800 => "processed", 4722 => " and = hm2_deposits.type_id ", 852 => "Send ");
  219. return $Ol7[$s9O];
  220. }
  222. function LSI($EbL) {
  223. $l09 = array(5800 => "~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\s\\-\\_]+\$~", 1953 => "\"/> <span class=\"deposit-process-wrap\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Process\" class=\"sbmt deposit-process\" /> </span> <span class=\"deposit-cancel-wrap\"> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Cancel\" class=\"sbmt deposit-cancel\" onclick=\"history.go(-1)\"> </span> </form> ", 6429 => "Send us exactly <b>", 8819 => "total_profit", 1300 => "request = ", 3007 => "api_key", 6551 => "i", 113 => ") = date_format(", 3204 => "%Y-%m-%d %H", 8484 => "smtp_pass", 8696 => "7ADAE3B110929200F78F", 9904 => ") as d from hm2_history where user_id = ", 8720 => "proofs", 6895 => "QYLAMLS6UFUL7KC5T55Z", 9815 => "select min(max_deposit) as min, max(max_deposit) as max from hm2_plans where parent = ");
  224. return $l09[$EbL];
  225. }
  227. function eJe($oDR) {
  228. $RJb = array(9904 => "total_ref", 1300 => "cn_city", 3007 => "my:tmpl_postback", 8696 => "my", 6551 => "balanceresponse.list", 3204 => "&domain=", 113 => " 1 month ", 8484 => "compound_min_deposit", 8720 => "select sum(hm2_history.actual_amount) as sm from hm2_history, hm2_deposits where hm2_history.deposit_id = and hm2_history.user_id = ");
  229. return $RJb[$oDR];
  230. }
  232. function oLD($Sis) {
  233. $Rb4 = array(6895 => "~[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s\\-\\_]~", 8720 => "startup_bonus_ec", 8696 => "User PM account has wrong format (", 8484 => "XL9X8W3UAA4ALSFCS3SD", 3204 => "min_deposit", 113 => "Bonus", 6551 => "8HEJQNFVSSJP3ERBXULU", 3007 => "KH3MVMG3QPH46X4LZNPB", 1300 => "New Caledonia", 9904 => "admin_apply_representative", 8819 => "progress");
  234. return $Rb4[$Sis];
  235. }
  237. function Db8($IEB) {
  238. $s1s = array(3007 => ", income = 1, reg = 0", 8696 => "https", 8484 => "&PassPhrase=", 3204 => "update hm2_deposits set amount = amount + ", 113 => "PHPMailer", 6551 => "Invalid IP", 1300 => "tm", 9904 => "IP Address: ");
  239. return $s1s[$IEB];
  240. }
  242. function Elw($DVV) {
  243. $id7 = array(9815 => "select, count( as cnt from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_deposits as d on = d.user_id where u.ref in (", 6895 => "last_deposit_date", 8720 => "estimate_earnings_for_end_of_day", 1300 => "Location: ?a=login&say=invalid_login&e=", 3007 => "Can not connect to SCI", 6551 => "rules", 3204 => "=", 113 => "deposit_fee", 8484 => "use_add_individual_rc_separately", 8696 => "Not enough money", 9904 => "approve", 8819 => "send_sms_code", 6429 => "deposits_exeeded.tpl", 1953 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_deposit_groups where name = ");
  244. return $id7[$DVV];
  245. }
  247. function lXS($im4) {
  248. $BxJ = array(8819 => "index_plans", 6895 => " hour) and ", 1300 => "Saudi Arabia", 6551 => " CREATE TRIGGER before_history_delete BEFORE DELETE ON hm2_history FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount - OLD.actual_amount WHERE user_id = OLD.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 8484 => "max_amount", 3204 => "array", 113 => ", type = ", 8696 => "login_duration", 3007 => "interkassa_convert_to", 9904 => "current", 8720 => "cn_country");
  249. return $BxJ[$im4];
  250. }
  252. function o76($xEl) {
  253. $sbm = array(8819 => "select count(*) as col, min(min_deposit) as min from hm2_plans where parent = ", 6895 => "/?a=return_egold&process=yes\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"unotify\" value=\"", 8720 => "vote_signature", 8696 => "</errorresponse>", 113 => "select * from hm2_users where user_id = ", 3204 => "update hm2_deposits set q_pays = q_pays + 1, last_pay_date = last_pay_date + interval ", 8484 => "~[\\?\\#].*~", 6551 => "", 3007 => "</email> <note>", 1300 => "prepare", 9904 => "Greece", 6429 => "invalid_tfa_secret");
  254. return $sbm[$xEl];
  255. }
  257. function lXd($Oel) {
  258. $Isd = array(6551 => " and hm2_history.deposit_id = and = hm2_deposits.type_id and now() - interval hm2_types.hold day < and (hm2_history.type=", 8484 => " day and (type=", 113 => "Location: ?a=return_egold&process=yes", 3204 => "withdrawal_fee", 8696 => " 1 = 1 ", 3007 => "PDT2VUEPCG9NETPKKBBS", 1300 => " <form method=\"POST\" action=\"\" target=_top> \x0d\x0a<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"from\" value=\"");
  259. return $Isd[$Oel];
  260. }
  262. function Ed1($Sjj) {
  263. $mww = array(9904 => "pages", 3007 => "all_live_earnings", 6551 => "interkassa secret_key = ", 8484 => "Entromoney", 3204 => "Deposit to ", 113 => "File changed on your server", 8696 => "suspended", 1300 => "select u1.username,, count(*) as col from hm2_users as u1 left outer join hm2_users as u2 on = u2.ref and != 1 where != 1 group by having col > 0 order by col desc, limit 0, ", 8720 => ", tdate = now(), approved = 0, uid = ");
  264. return $mww[$Sjj];
  265. }
  267. function ELx($xBw) {
  268. $iOd = base64_encode($xBw);
  269. $O8X = preg_split(is1(3204), $iOd);
  270. $l0E = preg_split(is1(3204), md5($xBw) . base64_encode($xBw));
  271. $iOd = "";
  272. $Sm7 = 0;
  273. while ($Sm7 < sizeof($O8X)) {
  274. $iOd = $iOd . $O8X[$Sm7] . $l0E[$Sm7];
  275. ++$Sm7;
  276. }
  277. $iOd = str_replace(elw(3204), xj7(3204), $iOd);
  278. return $iOd;
  279. }
  281. function ilJ($B0L) {
  282. $XbB = array(8819 => " and password_confimation!=", 9904 => " and deposit_id in (", 3204 => "on", 113 => " 3 month ", 8484 => "ref_name", 6551 => "select count(id) as col from hm2_users where ref = ", 8696 => "G", 3007 => "", 1300 => "user1", 8720 => "Location: ?a=withdraw&say=invalid_tfa_code", 6895 => "0CF09ADF939A8A5E0429");
  283. return $XbB[$B0L];
  284. }
  286. function wEX($Xx1) {
  287. $xDe = array(6429 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ac_fail_url\" value=\"", 8819 => "Switzerland", 6895 => "show_info_box_lastaddfunds", 9904 => "select password from hm2_users where id = ", 3007 => "User cash4wm account has wrong format (", 8696 => "comment", 8484 => "alter table hm2_history add column confirm_delete varchar (20) not null default ", 3204 => "site_days_online_generated", 113 => ", name = ", 6551 => " and value > now() - interval 1 minute and now() > value", 1300 => "modifier", 8720 => "withdraw_usd", 1953 => "account_", 9815 => "news.tpl");
  288. return $xDe[$Xx1];
  289. }
  291. function E0B($lwi) {
  292. $V8x = array(9904 => "allbalance", 8484 => "signup", 3204 => "Saturday", 113 => "create table hm2_withdrawal_proofs (id bigint, pdate datetime not null, approved int not null default 0)", 6551 => "perfectmoney_password", 8696 => "mymd5 = ", 3007 => "Macau", 1300 => "Madagascar", 8720 => "Request a call", 6895 => "invalid_email_domain");
  293. return $V8x[$lwi];
  294. }
  296. function mB8($jld) {
  297. $jOo = array(5800 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"failUrl\" value=\"", 9815 => "update hm2_users set transaction_code = ", 1953 => "Years", 6429 => " came_from = ", 8819 => "message_sent", 1300 => "", 113 => " and type=", 3204 => "&license=", 8484 => "PQV6R4DSJL5QDZHFFM7F", 6551 => "Received from Internal Transaction", 8696 => "CosmicPay", 3007 => "QUERY_STRING", 9904 => "generate_password_after_login", 8720 => "\$1...", 6895 => ", came_from = ", 4722 => "\"/> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"order_id\" value=\"", 852 => "from_value");
  298. return $jOo[$jld];
  299. }
  301. function LJo($V09) {
  302. $XI7 = array(8720 => "default_check_compound", 1300 => "mpay_accounts", 3007 => "Invalid user", 113 => ", deposit_id = ", 3204 => "last_pay_date", 8484 => "type_id", 6551 => "YNBKWAJHMYFMWL9MAMPR", 8696 => "update hm2_types set compound_percents = ", 9904 => "/ok.php\">", 6895 => "tfa_disable");
  303. return $XI7[$V09];
  304. }
  306. function slX($I6b) {
  307. $mXo = array(4722 => "select type, sum(actual_amount) as amt from hm2_history where type in (", 8819 => " and date + interval 24 hour > now()", 8720 => "hash = ", 9904 => "amount_format", 1300 => "action=transfer&sid=", 8696 => "\" class=\"prev\">&gt;&gt;</a>", 3204 => "&hd,mnf(fska\$d3jlkfsda", 113 => "select * from hm2_deposits where status = ", 8484 => "off", 6551 => "hyipid", 3007 => "BitCoin", 6895 => "San Marino", 6429 => "Days", 1953 => "department", 9815 => "btcaddr", 5800 => "/?a=return_egold&process=yes\">");
  308. return $mXo[$I6b];
  309. }
  311. function j6x($Ixd) {
  312. $wsw = array(8720 => "home.tpl", 1300 => "select * from hm2_processings where id = ", 113 => " CREATE TRIGGER before_deposits_delete BEFORE DELETE ON hm2_deposits FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount - OLD.actual_amount WHERE user_id = OLD.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 3204 => "select distinct user_id as id from hm2_deposits where last_pay_date < now() - interval 1 hour and hm2_deposits.status = ", 8484 => "ERROR", 6551 => "okpay", 8696 => " hour, ", 3007 => "Vietnam", 9904 => "%06d");
  313. return $wsw[$Ixd];
  314. }
  316. function sLB($eO6) {
  317. $mm6 = array(8819 => "minp", 6895 => "send", 1300 => "Ukraine", 3007 => "1=1", 8696 => "deleted", 6551 => "XTDHDL4PD6QBQZTXFAEN", 8484 => "alter table hm2_types add column allow_internal_deps int not null default 1", 3204 => "/#percent#/", 113 => "reps", 9904 => "select id from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 8720 => ", sq = ");
  318. return $mm6[$eO6];
  319. }
  321. function m88($OL7) {
  322. $Jm6 = array(6429 => "select u.username, h.amount,, h.type, h.description, unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(date) as tm from hm2_users as u, hm2_history as h where = h.user_id and h.type=", 8720 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ac_amount\" value=\"", 9904 => " where id > 1 and id = ", 3007 => "select *, unix_timestamp(date) as d from hm2_history_descriptions where date < now() and date > now() - interval 7 day order by date desc ", 6551 => "password", 113 => "ref_comm_data_active", 3204 => "key", 8484 => "\$resobj = \$client->Send_Money(\$obj);", 8696 => "acsent_time", 1300 => "info_box_active_deposits_generated", 6895 => " and closed = 0 and id not in (", 8819 => ")) as earning, sum(h.actual_amount * (h.type = ", 1953 => " user_id = ");
  323. return $Jm6[$OL7];
  324. }
  326. function LV6($EiD) {
  327. $Rxj = array(6429 => "EYXFUBLFSAWJ4U9K28QX", 6895 => "transaction_code_vs_password", 9904 => "show_info_box_deposit_funds", 3007 => "ver_string_tid", 8696 => "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", 6551 => "SHA1", 8484 => "cnt", 3204 => " and last_pay_date < now() - interval 1 hour order by last_pay_date", 113 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 1 month and t.period = ", 1300 => "/<password>(.*)?<\\/password>/", 8720 => "Moldavia", 8819 => "Location: ?a=apply_representative");
  328. return $Rxj[$EiD];
  329. }
  331. function lJI($Ei7) {
  332. $VEm = array(1300 => " Specify your AsMoney merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable AsMoney deposits.<br> 1. Login to your AsMoney account -> \"Merchant\"<br> 2. Click \"Add new Merchant\"<br> 3. Fill the form:<br> URL - your site URL<br> Name - any word<br> Password - define a strong password and save it locally for futher steps<br> Success URL - ", 8696 => "change_compound", 6551 => "price", 3204 => "; END IF; UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount - OLD.actual_amount WHERE user_id = OLD.user_id AND ec = AND type = OLD.type; SET f = (SELECT count(*) FROM hm2_user_balances WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = NEW.type); IF (f > 0) THEN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount + NEW.actual_amount WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = NEW.type; ELSE INSERT INTO hm2_user_balances SET amount = NEW.actual_amount, user_id = NEW.user_id, ec =, type = NEW.type; END IF; END", 113 => ") THEN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount + NEW.actual_amount WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 8484 => "ext_accounts_blacklist", 3007 => "review", 9904 => "PF326BFK2L4J2DATLP9C", 8720 => "", 6895 => "Congo (Democratic Republic)", 8819 => "Marshall Islands", 6429 => " and hm2_history.deposit_id = and = hm2_deposits.type_id and now() - interval hm2_types.hold day < and hm2_deposits.deposit_date + interval hm2_types.hold day > now() and (hm2_history.type=", 1953 => "~[^0-9a-zA-Z\\.]+~", 9815 => "transaction_code_current");
  333. return $VEm[$Ei7];
  334. }
  336. function d8I($Xds) {
  337. $Slo = array(8819 => "~\\{include file=\\\"header\\.tpl~", 6895 => "update hm2_users set btc_receive_addr = ", 9904 => "bc", 3007 => "PAYMENT_ID", 8696 => "", 113 => ", inform = 1, `key` = ", 3204 => "insert into hm2_settings set value = ", 8484 => "&Memo=", 6551 => "G5ZX9BHGWJCXV5XSXC7N", 1300 => "top_investors", 8720 => "))) group by ec");
  338. return $Slo[$Xds];
  339. }
  341. function IOI($Is7) {
  342. $iV1 = array(4042 => "select sum(actual_amount) as sm from hm2_history where user_id = ", 872 => "YL425FTMA7ZZXZ2TY6ME", 5024 => "deposit.pexpay.confirm.tpl", 852 => " <form method=post action=>\x0d\x0a<input type=hidden name=member value=\"", 4722 => "faq.tpl", 6429 => "allsum", 8819 => "verify", 6895 => "redirect_referrals", 8720 => "LMI_SYS_TRANS_NO", 1300 => "select percent from hm2_referal where from_value <= ", 3007 => "ref_com_ch", 8696 => " and group_id = ", 8484 => " CREATE TRIGGER after_deposits_insert AFTER INSERT ON hm2_deposits FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE f INT; SET f = (SELECT count(*) FROM hm2_user_balances WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 3204 => " t.period as period, t.use_compound as use_compound, as name, t.compound_min_deposit, t.compound_max_deposit,", 113 => "); IF (f > 0) THEN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount + NEW.actual_amount WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 6551 => "userid", 9904 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.43 Safari/537.31", 1953 => "c_all", 9815 => "reps_min_deposit", 5800 => "blog", 1110 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PAYMENT_UNITS\" value=\"");
  343. return $iV1[$Is7];
  344. }
  346. function m8D($Ldd) {
  347. $Sxi = array(4722 => "FKFQE5JFS8R9S2YT7MTV", 5800 => "G68BUV6EKU87C9QRZK6U", 9815 => "high_ip_security", 8819 => "Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan)", 6895 => "detect_browser", 8720 => ">Go to admin area</a></center></body>", 1300 => "payment", 3007 => "sender_purse", 8696 => "OK", 6551 => "_cms_minamount", 8484 => "ref1_cms_max_commission_amount", 3204 => " + interval 1 hour and deposit_id = ", 113 => "compound_min_percent", 9904 => "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\" xmlns:ns1=\"\"><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:checkBill><login>", 6429 => "Lithuania", 1953 => "agree");
  348. return $Sxi[$Ldd];
  349. }
  351. function w03($bVJ) {
  352. $J80 = array(6429 => "principal_withdraw_hold_percent", 6895 => "BYKE7Q8B4PQ5WUYQWB7Q", 8484 => ") as last_login from hm2_user_access_log where user_id = ", 113 => "ik_sign", 3204 => "Invalid OkPay account", 6551 => ", unix_timestamp(d.last_pay_date + interval 1 day) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (t.period = ", 8696 => "select username, amount, ec from hm2_history, hm2_users where = hm2_history.user_id and type = ", 3007 => "Kuwait", 1300 => "QXCR58Z29CNWP8GVKDXP", 9904 => "proofs_approve", 8720 => "page", 8819 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ac_currency\" value=\"USD\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ac_comment\" value=\"");
  353. return $J80[$bVJ];
  354. }
  356. function es5($Idd) {
  357. $xxo = array(1953 => "tos", 6895 => "ref_plans.tpl", 8720 => "update hm2_referal_stats set reg = reg+1 where date = current_date() and user_id = ", 9904 => "min_withdrawal_amount", 1300 => "QIWI data = ", 8696 => "Amount", 6551 => " =%s", 8484 => ", status =0", 3204 => "select * from hm2_users order by id limit 10", 113 => "wp_ok", 3007 => "freekassa", 8819 => "Catena Finance: Support Ticked ID: ", 6429 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"invoice\" value=\"");
  358. return $xxo[$Idd];
  359. }
  361. function blj($DBs) {
  362. $R1i = array(9815 => "select * from hm2_users where password_confimation=", 1953 => "6 Monthly", 3007 => "activate", 6551 => "DROP table IF EXISTS hm2_user_balances", 113 => "daily_referral_percent_", 3204 => "date_default_timezone_get", 8484 => "-", 8696 => "1", 1300 => " value=", 9904 => "/&lt;/i", 8720 => "B9FXQGF92PKYEAYUUVJ4", 6895 => "select sum(amount) as sum from hm2_history where type=", 8819 => "sec.", 6429 => "Angola");
  363. return $R1i[$DBs];
  364. }
  366. function Lm3($ilX) {
  367. $DLo = array(6429 => "hours", 8819 => "invalid_transaction_code", 6895 => "Location: ?a=withdraw&say=less_min&ec=", 9904 => "Western Sahara", 6551 => "limit", 113 => "BTC", 3204 => "batch", 8484 => "show_validation_image", 8696 => "no_transactions", 3007 => ", unix_timestamp(d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day) - unix_timestamp(now()), -1 )))))))))) as next_earning from hm2_deposits as d inner join hm2_types as t on d.type_id = where d.user_id = ", 1300 => "frm_env", 8720 => " and = ");
  368. return $DLo[$ilX];
  369. }
  371. function S3b($E8m) {
  372. $xwB = array(6895 => "exchange_preview.tpl", 8720 => "compound_forbidden", 9904 => "/pidn/", 8696 => "<!-- Get Address Error: ", 6551 => "shop_id = ", 8484 => "</authenticationToken> <accountEmail>", 3204 => "total", 113 => "q", 3007 => "select, u.username, h.actual_amount as amount,, h.description, date_format( + interval ", 1300 => "forbid_withdraw_before_deposit");
  373. return $xwB[$E8m];
  374. }
  376. function LEO($X9S) {
  377. $S3S = array(6895 => "payment_system", 8720 => "select count(id) as `col` from hm2_users where ref = ", 9904 => "Tuvalu", 3007 => "Location: ?a=edit_account&say=no_mobile_number", 8696 => "m_operation_ps", 6551 => "send_money", 8484 => "ref_comm_data_levels", 3204 => "openssl_get_publickey", 113 => ", date = ", 1300 => "Comoros", 8819 => "cname", 6429 => "principal_return", 1953 => "Receive ");
  378. return $S3S[$X9S];
  379. }
  381. function RX5($V8j) {
  382. $meV = array(1300 => "groups", 8696 => "Pincipal withdraw ", 8484 => " and date + interval 24 hour > now() and user_id = ", 113 => "alldebit", 3204 => " and u.status = ", 6551 => "last_withdrawal_date", 3007 => "no_ref_on_respend");
  383. return $meV[$V8j];
  384. }
  386. function sRs($i8x) {
  387. $w76 = array(8720 => ") as pending_duration, IF (", 3007 => "~[^0-9a-zA-Z\\.\\,\\-\\s\\(\\)]+~", 6551 => " 1. Login to your AdvCash account<br> 2. Enter your Profile page -> \"API and SCI for developers\"<br> 3. Click \"Add new API\"<br> 4. Fill the form:<br> API Name: any word<br> IP Address: set your server outgoing IP address (optional but recommended)<br> Password: define a strong password and save it locally for futher steps<br> Operations: check at least \"See Balance per Wallet\" and \"Make Transaction\"<br> 5. Save \"Account Email\", \"API Name\" and \"API Password\" on this page.<br>", 8484 => "AdvCash", 3204 => "Aug", 113 => "Administrator Deposit Notification (from account balance)", 8696 => "browser", 1300 => "startup_bonus", 9904 => " order by id", 6895 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"description\" value=\"", 8819 => " <= max_deposit or max_deposit = 0)");
  388. return $w76[$i8x];
  389. }
  391. function jd8($VI1) {
  392. $dVR = array(9904 => "none", 1300 => " order by date desc limit ", 3007 => "insert into hm2_deposit_groups set ", 6551 => "signup2", 3204 => "F", 113 => "update hm2_referal_stats set income = income+1 where date = current_date() and user_id = ", 8484 => "Bulgaria", 8696 => "invalid_type");
  393. return $dVR[$VI1];
  394. }
  396. function iXB($VJ9) {
  397. $DEl = array(8819 => "use_number_validation_number", 8696 => "SoapClient", 6551 => "~Transaction ID = (\\d+)\\s*Status is [ACCEPTED/approved]~", 8484 => ").", 3204 => "am", 113 => "d.status = ", 3007 => "8LJ8Y2QKUNBPZGYLLPPG", 1300 => "cosmicpay", 9904 => " from hm2_history where hidden_batch = ", 8720 => "deposit_added", 6895 => "payer_account", 6429 => "select *, date_format(tdate + interval ", 1953 => "Libya", 9815 => " Acc : ");
  398. return $DEl[$VJ9];
  399. }
  401. function Ow5($i0d) {
  402. $OId = array(6895 => "pay_accounts", 3204 => "Earning from deposit ", 113 => ", 60*60, 60*60*24))) or t.q_days = 0) and ( (d.last_pay_date + interval 1 hour <= now() and t.period = ", 8484 => "select type, sum(actual_amount) as sum from hm2_history where user_id = ", 6551 => "pexpay_from_account", 8696 => " 1. Login to your Coinpayments account -> \"My Account\" -> \"API Keys\"<br> 2. Click on \"Generate New Keys...\" and you will see Public and Private Keys - save them to script settings<br> 3. Enter \"Edit Permissions\" next to your keys and enable \"balances\", \"create_withdrawal\" and \"Allow auto_confirm = 1\" to allow automatic payments without manual confirmation. ", 3007 => "7d8d0dj3k3l3,3m3h3t38d762", 1300 => " and user_id != 1 ", 9904 => "Lesotho", 8720 => "Reunion");
  403. return $OId[$i0d];
  404. }
  406. function eS8($sSj) {
  407. $wix = array(9904 => "AccountID=", 8484 => "alter table hm2_types add column data text", 113 => "max_tries", 3204 => "/get_pid.php", 6551 => "alter table hm2_types add column s int not null default 0", 8696 => "trans_code_recovery", 3007 => "\$res = array();", 1300 => "Equivalent", 8720 => "N6Z77YS3QBLBR2883U6C", 6895 => "gfst_phone", 8819 => "Dominica", 6429 => "select * from hm2_users where id =", 1953 => " and max_deposit = 0");
  408. return $wix[$sSj];
  409. }
  411. function e3E($L11) {
  412. $ORX = array(3007 => "name = ", 8696 => "select * from hm2_processings where status = 1", 8484 => "instructions", 3204 => "startup_bonus_settings_enabled_replace", 113 => "input", 6551 => "ac_order_id", 1300 => "insert into hm2_review set uname = ");
  413. return $ORX[$L11];
  414. }
  416. function bI6($EdB) {
  417. $e1V = array(5800 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"STATUS_URL\" value=\"", 1953 => "skypeid", 6429 => ") = ", 8819 => "time1", 6895 => "Australia", 9904 => "oK", 8696 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no<br> Payment Notification (IPN) URL - ", 6551 => "PayPal", 3204 => "/^actions_convert/", 113 => " u.ref = ", 8484 => "select id from hm2_deposit_addresses where address = ", 3007 => "GF6JSALZMJJDMY2JEEVA", 1300 => "ZHTULTC6HUL4RQXXR37M", 8720 => "Location: ?a=login", 9815 => "refs10_qusers");
  418. return $e1V[$EdB];
  419. }
  421. function l90($BJ7) {
  422. $BIS = array(6551 => "Send", 8484 => "^\\d{16}\$", 113 => "update hm2_processings set infofields = ", 3204 => " where t.status = ", 8696 => "small_text", 3007 => "total_active_deposit_earning", 1300 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUCCESS_URL\" value=\"", 9904 => "deposit_for_verified_only.tpl");
  423. return $BIS[$BJ7];
  424. }
  426. function i1w($JRb) {
  427. $lD7 = array(6429 => ", pswd = ", 8819 => "step4", 8720 => "Italy", 1300 => "_", 3007 => "title", 8696 => "J96HF9XCNKK5EGPTLZSH", 6551 => "create table hm2_holidays (id int not null auto_increment primary key, hd date, hdescription text not null)", 8484 => "day", 113 => " 1 hour ", 3204 => "SCRIPT_NAME", 9904 => "validation_number", 6895 => "Location: ?a=withdraw_history&action=upload_proof&id=");
  428. return $lD7[$JRb];
  429. }
  431. function Vm8() {
  432. global $SDx;
  433. global $B74;
  434. global $DB8;
  435. $Ldw = OBd(Xw8(8484) . "'" . jwx(113) . "'" . wex(6551));
  436. if (0 < $Ldw[i4E(6551)]) {
  437. return null;
  438. }
  439. $ILd = OBd(m0s(113) . "'" . xxI(3007) . "'");
  440. if ($ILd[RED(8484)] == xxI(3007)) {
  441. O7S(d0d(3007), 0);
  442. $liV = OXj(dvs(3204));
  443. while ($w6I = mysql_fetch_array($liV)) {
  444. if ($SDx[$w6I[IOX(9904)]] == $w6I[m88(3204)]) {
  445. unset($SDx[$w6I[IOX(9904)]]);
  446. continue;
  447. }
  448. $iSw = w5J($w6I[IOX(9904)]);
  449. OXj(J1m(6551) . "'" . $iSw . "'");
  450. $SDx[$w6I[IOX(9904)]] = 1;
  451. }
  452. if (0 < sizeof($SDx)) {
  453. $L64 = "Hello,\x0a\x0aHyip Manager Script notify you that some of files on your tmpl directory were changed. List of files are bellow:\x0a";
  454. foreach ($SDx as $LDX => $b08) {
  455. $L64 .= $LDX . "\x0a";
  456. OXj(i6w(3204) . "'" . w5J($LDX) . "'" . d8i(113) . "'" . w5J(@md5_file($LDX)) . "'" . oIe(6551));
  457. }
  458. $w6I = OBd(ie3(3204));
  459. j44($w6I[eX8(3204)], $B74[l75(3204)], ed1(113), $L64);
  460. }
  461. OXj(IxR(6551) . "'" . jwx(113) . "'");
  462. OXj(eIb(113) . "'" . jwx(113) . "'" . b3i(3204));
  463. }
  464. }
  466. function VVx($DXm) {
  467. $LB0 = array(8819 => "~\\{assign var=\"allow\" value=\"([^\"]+)\"~", 9904 => "9TRTQR7E37X9MZTCXGG6", 1300 => ", zip = ", 3007 => " hour) as dstamp from hm2_history where ", 8696 => "VERIFIED", 6551 => "sci_id", 3204 => "error_reporting", 113 => ") or (d.last_pay_date + interval 6 month <= now() and t.period = ", 8484 => "e-gold", 8720 => "update hm2_users set accounts = ", 6895 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"order_id\" value=\"");
  468. return $LB0[$DXm];
  469. }
  471. function I4m($ReR) {
  472. $ERE = array(852 => "no_min_amount", 9815 => "select type from hm2_history where user_id = ", 1953 => "Iceland", 6895 => "expire_in_sec", 9904 => "F5ZV3ADFXSZXE5J59V96", 6551 => ") default ", 113 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 1 year and t.period = ", 3204 => "select *, username from hm2_users where status = ", 8484 => "return_profit", 8696 => "use_type_additional_rc", 3007 => "PAYMENT_BATCH_NUM", 1300 => "\$obj->WalletID = \$from_acc;", 8720 => "def_payee_account_nixmoney", 8819 => "referer", 6429 => "United States", 5800 => "Bi Weekly", 4722 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"FAIL_URL\" value=\"");
  473. return $ERE[$ReR];
  474. }
  476. function jS8($eVe) {
  477. $oE6 = array(8720 => "adv", 1300 => "Mayotte", 3007 => "", 8696 => "/<br> Cash Passport Result URL - ", 6551 => "withdrawal_fee_min", 8484 => ", received_date datetime not null)", 113 => "transaction_code_recovery", 3204 => "/^perfectmoneyap/", 9904 => "Bi-Months");
  478. return $oE6[$eVe];
  479. }
  481. function EbR($B99) {
  482. $esO = array(6895 => "date", 9904 => "Uruguay", 3007 => "PM withdraw: AccountID=", 6551 => " and id = ", 3204 => "daily_referral_min_aff_num_", 113 => "commissions", 8484 => "withdraw", 8696 => " type=", 1300 => "transfer_sci", 8720 => "update hm2_deposits set actual_amount = actual_amount - ");
  483. return $esO[$B99];
  484. }
  486. function iwX($bo3) {
  487. $obL = array(8819 => "buy", 3007 => " </Memo> </Transfer> <Auth> <Token> ", 3204 => "period", 113 => ", type=", 8484 => "btcoin_address_deposit", 6551 => "select * from hm2_holidays where to_days(hd) = to_days(", 8696 => ">/ims", 1300 => "PM return when auto withdraw - ", 9904 => "CameFrom", 8720 => "Japan", 6895 => "Somalia");
  488. return $obL[$bo3];
  489. }
  491. function x69($DD7) {
  492. $ejX = array(9815 => "principal_back", 1953 => " hour) - unix_timestamp(now())) / (60*60*24)), if (", 1300 => "TTTBLNGMRTJZBPQYR2HX", 3007 => "apiId", 8696 => "tmp", 8484 => "5", 113 => "0", 3204 => "insert into hm2_settings set name = ", 6551 => "false", 9904 => "SSBBS5CAPKCJXXRCWZU9", 8720 => ") and ((expiration = 0) or (date + interval expiration day > now())) order by date desc ", 6895 => "Heard and McDonald Islands", 8819 => "mime", 6429 => "password_too_small");
  493. return $ejX[$DD7];
  494. }
  496. function loD($j8s) {
  497. $Bj6 = array(6895 => "FSZT5DJTXWG8W8GSSHY4", 8720 => "advanced_graph_validation", 9904 => ", ip_reg = ", 1300 => "HBFYAYP7XDBPJBDRC5FQ", 6551 => "RUB", 113 => "register_account", 3204 => " t.max_group_deposit, t.min_group_deposit_amount, d.group_id, ", 8484 => "USER=%s&PASSWORD=%s&AMOUNT=%s&CURRENCY=%s&RECEIVEREMAIL=%s&SENDEREMAIL=%s&PURCHASETYPE=%s&NOTE=%s&TESTMODE=%s", 8696 => "internal_transaction_receive", 3007 => "account_name", 8819 => "update hm2_users set name = ", 6429 => "0000-00-00", 1953 => "?amount=", 9815 => "3 months");
  498. return $Bj6[$j8s];
  499. }
  501. function jVJ($wDS) {
  502. $dmB = array(1300 => "principal_release", 3007 => "usercanchangeegoldacc", 3204 => " < now()) and ((", 113 => "Invalid PerfectMoney account", 8484 => "balances", 6551 => "visitor_online", 8696 => ") and date > now() - interval ");
  503. return $dmB[$wDS];
  504. }
  506. function JVD($B4B) {
  507. $om7 = array(6429 => "show_refstat", 8819 => ".tpl", 9904 => "|", 1300 => "Q23XNZ98XGL5QDWMUDAP", 3007 => "Invalid user's PerfectMoney account", 8484 => "\" class=\"first\">&lt;&lt;&lt;</a>", 3204 => " and d.dde < now() and ", 113 => " day, status = ", 6551 => "Invalid NixMoney account", 8696 => "Payee", 8720 => "Namibia", 6895 => "FFFFFF");
  508. return $om7[$B4B];
  509. }
  511. function m1b($lwD) {
  512. $X67 = array(9815 => "select u.username, h.actual_amount as balance,, date_format(h.deposit_date + interval ", 1953 => "deposits_limit_num", 6429 => "/#email#/", 6895 => "password2", 8720 => "active_ref", 3007 => "ac_transfer", 6551 => "values", 3204 => "", 113 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 14 day and t.period = ", 8484 => "No interest on ", 8696 => "DPQXZLXEPGNKHNQ9GY8G", 1300 => "GenuinePayment key = ", 9904 => ") or (demo_acc = 1))", 8819 => ", amount = amount - ");
  513. return $X67[$lwD];
  514. }
  516. function LiS($x3e) {
  517. $j8L = array(872 => "FNDGAWWXQ46X7KYVXL3N", 852 => "maxp", 6429 => "select count(distinct user_id) as `col` from hm2_users, hm2_deposits where ref = ", 6895 => "ab_formated", 8720 => "paginator", 1300 => "skrill", 113 => "/db_/", 3204 => "~.+update[\\s\\/]~i", 8484 => ") or (d.last_pay_date + interval 1 month <= now() and t.period = ", 6551 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_deposits_insert", 8696 => ". Error:", 3007 => "edit_account", 9904 => "3UTRPZUMX8WUA9NRT44G", 8819 => "Chad", 1953 => " > min_deposit order by min_deposit desc limit 1", 9815 => "advanced_graph_validation_min_font_size", 5800 => "2007-01-01", 4722 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"to\" value=\"", 1110 => ") date from hm2_review where approved = 1 order by tdate desc limit ", 5024 => ")) as withdrawal from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_history as h on = h.user_id where h.type in (");
  518. return $j8L[$x3e];
  519. }
  521. function BV7($j10) {
  522. $d64 = array(113 => "use_home_phone", 3204 => "early_deposit_release", 8484 => "ver_string_pid", 6551 => "Hungary", 8696 => "ik_desc");
  523. return $d64[$j10];
  524. }
  526. function wVm($IOm) {
  527. $d78 = array(3007 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"txn_id\" value=\"", 8484 => "select * from hm2_plans where parent=", 113 => "M77QWRH4FD2M6BKGY3S8", 3204 => "faq", 6551 => "8Q947MZXQF7VW7UDGCTY", 8696 => "Location: ?a=support&say=select_department");
  528. return $d78[$IOm];
  529. }
  531. function DXe($sOJ) {
  532. $OmI = array(872 => "tfa_on_edit_account", 1110 => " hour) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (", 4722 => "debit", 5800 => "insert into hm2_withdrawal_proofs set id = ", 1953 => "Nigeria", 6429 => "show_info_box_vip_accounts", 6895 => "</login><password>", 8720 => "user2", 9904 => "Account", 1300 => "&amount=", 8696 => "security", 113 => "Auto-withdrawal earning to account ", 3204 => " params = ", 8484 => ".sprintf(", 6551 => "select * from hm2_deposit_addresses where ec = ", 3007 => "cancelwithdraw", 8819 => "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\" xmlns:ns1=\"\"><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:updateBillResponse><updateBillResult>", 9815 => "Tunisia", 852 => "User : ", 5024 => "deposit_enbaled");
  533. return $OmI[$sOJ];
  534. }
  536. function JED($JJ4) {
  537. $j1V = array(5800 => "select id from hm2_users where activation_code = ", 9815 => "proofs.tpl", 1953 => "Cambodia", 3007 => "BF3TWZBU4UB8ZBDJNWYF", 6551 => ", compound = ", 113 => "create table hm2_groups ( id bigint not null auto_increment primary key, name text, fields text)", 3204 => "nill", 8484 => "alter table hm2_users add column demo_acc tinyint(1) not null default 0", 8696 => "rateus", 1300 => "use_review", 9904 => "tr_id", 8720 => "stp mymd5 = ", 6895 => "AdvCash key = ", 8819 => " where d.user_id = ", 6429 => "Benin", 4722 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"m_curr\" value=\"", 852 => "status_url");
  538. return $j1V[$JJ4];
  539. }
  541. function b3i($EXO) {
  542. $jeJ = array(8819 => "Norfolk Island", 6895 => " minute < now()", 1300 => "", 8696 => "href", 6551 => "bonus", 8484 => "deposit_fee_min", 113 => " and t.max_deposit > 0 and = ", 3204 => ", value = now()", 3007 => "Referral commission", 9904 => "47RA3GKMB3BZ7YD6WLCK", 8720 => "ik_cur", 6429 => "Location: ?a=withdraw&say=not_enought", 1953 => "#session error#", 9815 => "wrong_plan");
  543. return $jeJ[$EXO];
  544. }
  546. function b3m($IVR) {
  547. $XeD = array(6895 => "LE279XELSPHYLS9N7LAX", 9904 => " + interval 0 day < date + interval ", 6551 => " Parse error: ", 8484 => "create table hm2_messages ( id bigint not null auto_increment primary key, title text, small_text text, full_text text, status enum(", 3204 => "union found", 113 => " and", 8696 => "Payer", 3007 => "m_curr", 1300 => "Bahrain", 8720 => "current_page", 8819 => "select count(id) as col from hm2_users where status = ");
  548. return $XeD[$IVR];
  549. }
  551. function VEj($jl0) {
  552. $bOe = array(6895 => "use_transaction_code", 8696 => "API ID", 113 => ", amount = 0, type = ", 3204 => " order by p.min_deposit", 8484 => "ALTER TABLE hm2_user_access_log ADD INDEX ip_idx (ip(15));", 6551 => "SVL6JNKL2KCKGYNSPTFC", 3007 => "/?a=return_egold&process=yes<br> Interaction URL - ", 1300 => "install.php", 9904 => "Sierra Leone", 8720 => " and = hm2_deposits.type_id and ec=", 8819 => "select hm2_deposits.*, to_days(now()) - to_days(last_pay_date) as cnt, hm2_types.period from hm2_deposits, hm2_types where = hm2_deposits.type_id and user_id = ", 6429 => "work_phone = ", 1953 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no");
  553. return $bOe[$jl0];
  554. }
  556. function i6w($d6D) {
  557. $DlX = array(113 => "~[\\w\\d]+\\.php.*~", 3204 => "insert into hm2_fchk set filename = ", 8484 => "admin.php", 6551 => "ac_amount", 8696 => "Withdrawal to account ", 3007 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"currency\" value=\"");
  558. return $DlX[$d6D];
  559. }
  561. function wle($OsJ) {
  562. $BBS = array(852 => "deposit_groups.tpl", 4722 => "deposit.solidtrustpay.confirm.tpl", 5800 => " group by u.username, dd order by balance asc limit 0, 10 ", 1953 => ", username = ", 6429 => ") order by date desc, id ", 6895 => "follow_id", 9904 => "recipient", 8696 => "/#site_url#/", 3204 => "parent", 113 => " and user_id = ", 8484 => "alter table hm2_users add column max_daily_withdraw float(15, 2) default 0", 6551 => "alter table hm2_referal modify column from_value decimal(20,10), modify column to_value decimal(20,10)", 3007 => "paypal", 1300 => "Webmoney", 8720 => "quantity", 8819 => "transtype", 9815 => "Location: ?a=withdraw_principal&complete=1&deposit=");
  563. return $BBS[$OsJ];
  564. }
  566. function O1o($XRE) {
  567. $JOB = array(6895 => "onpage", 8720 => "limit_withdraw_period_date", 9904 => "select sum(actual_amount) as total_earned, sum(actual_amount * (now() - interval 24 hour > date)) as today_earned from hm2_history where type = ", 1300 => "LH69KXKL6F5LHK65YEDY", 8696 => "forgot_password", 6551 => "b", 113 => "currency_sign", 3204 => " where id = ", 8484 => " and date <= now()", 3007 => "coinpayments", 8819 => "too_small_amount");
  568. return $JOB[$XRE];
  569. }
  571. function m5x($oX1) {
  572. $VVw = array(852 => "rows", 5800 => "ik_co_id", 9815 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"m_amount\" value=\"", 1953 => "update hm2_users set email = ", 8819 => "deposit_history.tpl", 8720 => "show_info_box_lastwithdrawal", 9904 => "mid", 1300 => "Shop ID", 8696 => "refs10", 6551 => "\" class=\"first\">&gt;&gt;&gt;</a>", 8484 => "\\\\\$", 3204 => "date_default_timezone_set", 113 => " + interval ", 3007 => "S2DJW487VB46NDN7PSEU", 6895 => "month_from", 6429 => " <> ", 4722 => "type_id = ");
  573. return $VVw[$oX1];
  574. }
  576. function IOX($w67) {
  577. $E3b = array(5800 => "N2NYS27ERQ7QVFKTZW28", 9815 => "signup.tpl", 8819 => "tfa_flag", 6895 => "my_get_secure", 3007 => "_cms", 8696 => ", `key` varchar(50) not null default ", 6551 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day <= now() and t.period = ", 3204 => "select id from hm2_history where date = ", 113 => "percent", 8484 => " order by user_id", 1300 => "pow", 9904 => "filename", 8720 => "Additional", 6429 => "accountid", 1953 => "Solomon Islands");
  578. return $E3b[$w67];
  579. }
  581. function DLI($mBi) {
  582. $i8w = array(6429 => " day) - to_days(now()), if (", 6895 => " and hm2_deposits.status=", 9904 => "index_last_deposits", 3007 => " minute > now()", 8696 => "m_operation_date", 6551 => "HTTP_X_REAL_IP", 3204 => "hostname", 113 => "E", 8484 => "Transfer amount", 1300 => ", unix_timestamp(d.last_pay_date + interval 1 month) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (t.period = ", 8720 => "select count(id) as `col` from hm2_users where status = ", 8819 => "support_email", 1953 => "no_amount");
  583. return $i8w[$mBi];
  584. }
  586. function BJj($iSL) {
  587. $i3E = array(3007 => " limit ", 8484 => "user_next_earning", 3204 => " and (date = ", 113 => "MultiWebPay", 6551 => "myescape", 8696 => "m_status", 1300 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"FAILURE_URL\" value=\"", 9904 => "Location: ?a=internal_transfer&complete=1");
  588. return $i3E[$iSL];
  589. }
  591. function oxo($D1D) {
  592. $E0b = array(8819 => "months", 6895 => "referal_link", 8720 => "Trinidad and Tobago", 8696 => "settings", 8484 => "Sunday", 113 => "hm2_history_descriptions", 3204 => "settings_", 6551 => "sms_gate_secret", 3007 => " order by deposit_date desc limit 0, ", 1300 => "last_members", 9904 => "Tokelau", 6429 => ")) as deposit, sum(h.actual_amount * (h.type = ");
  593. return $E0b[$D1D];
  594. }
  596. function OVE($wIO, $V3o, $x88, $s5i, $JX8) {
  597. global $B74;
  598. if ($x88 == "") {
  599. OXj(im6(8484) . "'" . ie3(8696) . "'");
  600. return array(0, VEo(8696), "");
  601. }
  602. if (!(preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $x88, $DIL))) {
  603. $Se9 = w5J($x88);
  604. OXj(im6(8484) . "'" . bO7(8484) . $Se9 . ixb(8484) . "'");
  605. return array(0, VEo(8696), "");
  606. }
  607. list($ES0, $VDE) = ILO($x88, 38);
  608. if ($ES0 == 0) {
  609. OXj(im6(8484) . "'" . w5J($VDE) . "'");
  610. return array(0, $VDE);
  611. }
  612. if (function_exists(B5V(3204))) {
  613. if ($wIO == "" || $wIO == IS0(8484)) {
  614. $w6I = OBd(olV(3204) . "'" . L9e(8696) . "'");
  615. $DlL = VsX($w6I[EV5(3204)], xRJ(3204));
  616. $w6I = OBd(olV(3204) . "'" . OE3(6551) . "'");
  617. $i5S = VsX($w6I[EV5(3204)], xRJ(3204));
  618. }
  619. else {
  620. list($DlL, $i5S) = preg_split(i4E(3007), $wIO, 2);
  621. }
  622. $wxJ = $x88 . X0e(6551) . $V3o . w40(8484) . substr($s5i, 0, 255) . ";\x0a";
  623. $D5s = curl_init();
  624. $d45 = sprintf(wdO(8484), urlencode($B74[ow5(6551)]), urlencode($B74[IS0(6551)]), urlencode(base64_encode($DlL)), urlencode(base64_encode($i5S)), urlencode($wxJ));
  625. curl_setopt($D5s, 10002, xE6(6551));
  626. curl_setopt($D5s, 47, 1);
  627. curl_setopt($D5s, 10015, $d45);
  628. curl_setopt($D5s, 64, 0);
  629. curl_setopt($D5s, 81, 0);
  630. curl_setopt($D5s, 19913, 1);
  631. curl_setopt($D5s, 42, 0);
  632. curl_setopt($D5s, 13, 30);
  633. $O8X = curl_exec($D5s);
  634. curl_close($D5s);
  635. list($eOi, $V30, $Vjm, $bD3, $LJi) = preg_split(IxR(3007), $O8X);
  636. if (preg_match(bwb(1300), $LJi, $IDb)) {
  637. return array(1, "", $IDb[1]);
  638. }
  639. if ($LJi != "") {
  640. $EJO = w5J($JX8 . " " . $LJi);
  641. OXj(im6(8484) . "'" . $EJO . "'");
  642. return array(0, $EJO, "");
  643. }
  644. $EJO = w5J($JX8 . b3m(6551) . $O8X);
  645. OXj(im6(8484) . "'" . $EJO . "'");
  646. return array(0, $EJO, "");
  647. }
  648. OXj(im6(8484) . "'" . w5J($JX8 . ww7(6551)) . "'");
  649. return array(0, $JX8 . ww7(6551));
  650. }
  652. function J0R($x8o) {
  653. $Os3 = array(8819 => "Uzbekistan", 1300 => "Penalty", 8484 => "/database/", 113 => "site_start_month", 3204 => ", res = ", 6551 => " and d.type_id = and t.status = ", 8696 => "use_html", 3007 => " <TransferRequest> <Transfer> <TransferId> </TransferId> <Payer> ", 9904 => "H9WBY9RW9Z2RNBGY8QBT", 8720 => "select sum(h.actual_amount) as earned from hm2_deposits as d inner join hm2_history as h on = h.deposit_id and h.type = ", 6895 => "Mali");
  654. return $Os3[$x8o];
  655. }
  657. function xj7($JS1) {
  658. $dVB = array(6895 => "5GUSAQ8P5QELLZXWZTYU", 9904 => "options", 1300 => " limit 1", 8696 => "/^https.*/i", 6551 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 8484 => "select * from hm2_processings", 113 => "gg", 3204 => "!!!^", 3007 => "|success", 8720 => " and id <> 1", 8819 => "zero_amount");
  659. return $dVB[$JS1];
  660. }
  662. function JI3($sOl) {
  663. $jDj = array(9904 => "sto", 1300 => "from_name", 8484 => "Invalid admin's NixMoney account", 3204 => "k", 113 => "&sec=", 6551 => "/<login>(.*)?<\\/login>/", 8696 => "top_referrals", 3007 => "Azerbaidjan");
  664. return $jDj[$sOl];
  665. }
  667. function ijl($Jj3) {
  668. $J0X = array(8484 => ", type_id = ", 3204 => "/get_sha256.php", 113 => ", ec = ", 6551 => "to_balance");
  669. return $J0X[$Jj3];
  670. }
  672. function m6w($V3V) {
  673. $m5j = array(6551 => "insert into hm2_online set ip=", 8484 => "JKY3THS45UZ7DQEKHSEW", 113 => "purse_id", 3204 => "select min(min_deposit) as min from hm2_plans where parent = ", 8696 => "Chile", 3007 => "select date_format(");
  674. return $m5j[$V3V];
  675. }
  677. function O4I($Swe) {
  678. $bi3 = array(5024 => "select count(id) as col, max(max_deposit) as max from hm2_plans where parent = ", 852 => "select * from hm2_plans where parent = ", 4722 => "delete from hm2_withdrawal_proofs where id = ", 9815 => "Pitcairn Island", 1953 => "Niue", 6429 => ") as dd, unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp( as tm from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_history as h on = h.user_id where u.status = ", 6895 => "payee_account", 8720 => ":USD:", 3007 => "From", 8696 => "ref1_cms_minamount", 8484 => "alter table hm2_exchange_rates change column percent percent float(10,2) default 0", 113 => "select d.group_id, sum(d.actual_amount) as amount, g.start_date, g.status from hm2_deposits as d inner join hm2_deposit_groups as g on d.group_id = where 1 = 1 group by ", 3204 => "select * from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 6551 => "3KZLSX7YV64BA22B54H9", 1300 => " Specify your Entromoney SCI settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable Entromoney deposits.<br> 1. Login to your Entromoney account -> \"Settings\"<br> 2. Verify your website<br> 3. Settings -> SCI -> Change settings 4. On next step of show creation specify:<br> Success URL - ", 9904 => "GoCoin key = ", 8819 => "difficulty", 5800 => "approved", 1110 => "def_payee_account_freekassa");
  679. return $bi3[$Swe];
  680. }
  682. function wL4($Ol8) {
  683. $xeR = array(5024 => "to_send", 852 => "\"/> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"buy\"/> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"signature\" value=\"", 1953 => "Kenya", 8696 => "<errorresponse>", 8484 => "rate", 3204 => "alter table hm2_types add column dawifi int not null", 113 => "max", 6551 => "\$obj->Currency = \"USD\";", 3007 => "FQCKT6XXYS646ULUG3AC", 1300 => "asmoney", 9904 => "wallet", 8720 => "use_trans_code_recovery_turing", 6895 => "lang", 8819 => "umessages", 6429 => "Jamaica", 9815 => "Qatar", 5800 => "Sudan", 4722 => "allcredit", 1110 => "CFFTVYVVT97CLGUTWMKC");
  684. return $xeR[$Ol8];
  685. }
  687. function JjB($DoS) {
  688. $s0s = array(852 => "principal_withdraw_duration_max", 5800 => ") as date_registered", 9815 => "select id from hm2_users where REPLACE (username, ", 1953 => "update hm2_users set confirm_string = ", 6429 => "wpassword2", 3007 => "GoCoin", 8696 => "penality", 6551 => "\$obj->Comment = htmlspecialchars(\$memo);", 113 => "alter table hm2_deposits add column dde datetime default ", 3204 => "representatives_daily_comm_levels", 8484 => "~/~", 1300 => "MGQ3SB937CGDLRWR9GNG", 9904 => "S3Y6T7BK4P75KBE522TU", 8720 => "%.08f", 6895 => "Oman", 8819 => "select count(*) as cnt from hm2_deposits where bonus_flag = 0 && user_id = ", 4722 => "N64H6J7RRSJH28FFDP37");
  689. return $s0s[$DoS];
  690. }
  692. function L98($LLs) {
  693. $V6d = array(852 => "<img id=coin_payment_image src=\"", 4722 => "period2", 9815 => "./tmpl_c/GeoIP.dat", 8720 => "paying_batch", 1300 => "e", 3007 => "9", 8484 => ", hidden_batch = ", 113 => "tell_a_friend", 3204 => "UNFB5KV647JYHYCYRTC9", 6551 => "max_group_deposit", 8696 => "/#", 9904 => "signed_hash", 6895 => "show_info_box_members_online", 8819 => "select * from hm2_plans order by parent, min_deposit", 6429 => ", pdate = now(), approved = ", 1953 => "sess_sq", 5800 => "tomato", 1110 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"PAYMENT_URL_METHOD\" value=\"POST\"> <input type=hidden name=\"NOPAYMENT_URL\" value=\"", 5024 => "&complete=1");
  694. return $V6d[$LLs];
  695. }
  697. function j3x($RX0) {
  698. $xLw = array(9904 => "auto_withdraw", 3007 => "md5altphrase_nixmoney", 8696 => "pid", 6551 => "Spent on exchange", 3204 => "KSU5RJHMABY7VVSBA8YL", 113 => "D", 8484 => "solidtrustpay_password", 1300 => "auto_withdraw_deposit_amount", 8720 => "update hm2_users set group_id = ", 6895 => "status = 0");
  699. return $xLw[$RX0];
  700. }
  702. function XjO($B38) {
  703. $e3V = array(1110 => " and closed = 0", 5800 => "wait_approval", 9815 => "did", 1953 => "7 day", 6429 => "Central African Republic", 6895 => "investors", 3007 => "Cannot connect mysql", 6551 => "LDDJ8989HWUPT8KSKHAP", 3204 => "select count(*) as cnt from hm2_pay_settings where n=", 113 => "f", 8484 => "N", 8696 => "Merchant Name", 1300 => "md5altphrase_webmoney", 9904 => "PAYMENT_STATUS", 8720 => "redirect_logout", 8819 => "Bosnia-Herzegovina", 4722 => " hour group by having col > 0 order by col desc, limit 0, ", 852 => " order by ordering");
  704. return $e3V[$B38];
  705. }
  707. function I7l($xe9) {
  708. $J9l = array(6429 => ") as date", 6895 => "select sum(amount) as amt from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 8720 => "password_confirm", 3007 => "LNXNLWW8G266HUQHR6NW", 8696 => "Earning", 6551 => "_1lev_limit", 3204 => "May", 113 => "withdraw_principal_duration", 8484 => "alter table hm2_users add column verify int not null default 0", 1300 => "XNPBXZPNPNW8MAFLAM2P", 9904 => "perioddebit", 8819 => "invalid_perfectmoney_account", 1953 => "invalid_group", 9815 => " hour) - unix_timestamp(now()), unix_timestamp(deposit_date + interval ");
  709. return $J9l[$xe9];
  710. }
  712. function o1R($EdD) {
  713. $oJx = array(1953 => "Location: ?a=exchange&display=ok", 6895 => "Location: ?a=withdraw&say=no_deposits", 3007 => "EUR", 8696 => "exchange_in", 8484 => "~\\s*,\\s*~", 3204 => " and hm2_deposits.user_id =", 113 => "use_representatives_daily_comm", 6551 => "deposit_success", 1300 => "42", 9904 => "logged", 8720 => "userinfo", 8819 => "Startup bonus", 6429 => " day) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (");
  714. return $oJx[$EdD];
  715. }
  717. function l8J($xm3) {
  718. $ROE = array(852 => "select u.username, h.amount,, h.type, h.description, unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(date) as tm from hm2_users as u, hm2_history as h where = h.user_id and (h.type=", 4722 => "every", 9815 => "cell_phone", 1953 => "~[^0-9\\-\\+\\s\\(\\)]+~", 6429 => "Northern Mariana Islands", 6895 => "/<user>(.*)?<\\/user>/", 9904 => "XC32U9YXPKYPJBJUHMGU", 6551 => "\\\\", 8484 => "paidout", 113 => "ref_username", 3204 => "alter table hm2_types change column period period enum(", 8696 => "4WH8UBEBY9RLFWZF5LH7", 3007 => "API Key", 1300 => "Email", 8720 => "?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", 8819 => "Belize", 5800 => "login_tfa.tpl", 1110 => "select * from hm2_users where ref in (");
  719. return $ROE[$xm3];
  720. }
  722. function jRS($lds) {
  723. $e07 = array(4722 => "Location: ?a=add_funds&say=deposit_saved", 5800 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"sign\" value=\"", 9815 => "WhatsApp_DDD_+_numero", 1953 => "use_transaction_code_edit_account", 6429 => "SVMJXR6Y3EEHKSQLSBTY", 8720 => "txn = ", 3007 => " </Token> </Auth> </TransferRequest> ", 3204 => "DELETE", 113 => "ALTER TABLE hm2_user_access_log ADD INDEX d_idx (date);", 8484 => "select sum(amount) as amt from hm2_deposits where type_id = ", 6551 => "select sum(amount) as amt from hm2_history where type = ", 8696 => "update hm2_users set group_id = 1, auto_withdraw = 1 where id = ", 1300 => "6VJBHTPYMN6WEQ5FZSL8", 9904 => "mb_transaction_id", 6895 => "France (European Territory)", 8819 => " hour and actual_amount >= ");
  724. return $e07[$lds];
  725. }
  727. function my_get_secure($VbD, &$xB5) {
  728. return true;
  729. }
  731. function om1($bS1) {
  732. $IS4 = array(9904 => "use_add_funds", 3007 => "Russian Federation", 6551 => "Can`t process withdrawal to NixMoney account 0.", 8484 => "\\1", 113 => ". Batch is ", 3204 => " < last_pay_date or deposit_date + interval ", 8696 => "confirmations", 1300 => "Time for call: ", 8720 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PAYMENT_ID\" value=\"");
  733. return $IS4[$bS1];
  734. }
  736. function Jxb($ew6) {
  737. $sxd = array(4722 => "password: ", 5800 => " order by date desc limit 1", 1953 => "btc_receive_addr", 6429 => "<body><center><a href=", 6895 => "", 8720 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank Bitcoin account", 1300 => " Specify your AdvCash merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable AdvCash deposits.<br> 1. Login to your AdvCash account<br> 2. Enter your Profile page -> \"API and SCI for developers\"<br> 3. Cick \"Create New SCI\" - after select avaliable payment methods do next<br> 4. Fill the form:<br> SCI Name - any name (one string no spaces and special chars.)<br> Site URL - your site URL<br> Email - any your email<br> Password - define a strong password and save it locally for futher steps<br> Successful Page - ", 3007 => "Text", 113 => "alter table hm2_types add column pax_utype int not null default 0", 3204 => "&int=", 8484 => "); IF (f > 0 AND NEW.status = ", 6551 => " CREATE TRIGGER after_deposits_update AFTER UPDATE ON hm2_deposits FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE f INT; IF (OLD.status = ", 8696 => "</transaction>", 9904 => "/<br> <i>For all Pages set POST method</i> 5. Save \"Account Email\", USD Wallet ID (find on account balances on the left U XXX XXX XXX), \"SCI Name\" and \"SCI Password\" on this page.<br> ", 8819 => "PFR5AU9FT98VLZ6MGF5Z", 9815 => "Malawi");
  738. return $sxd[$ew6];
  739. }
  741. function RwL($xOl) {
  742. $OJO = array(6429 => "~^account.*~", 8720 => "Brazil", 9904 => "say", 3007 => ")", 3204 => "..", 113 => " Specify your Payeer merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable Payeer deposits.<br> 1. Login to your Payeer account -> \"My Shop\"<br> 2. Click \"Add Website\"<br> 3. Enter form and place your \"Secret Key\" to for on this page<br> 4. On next step of Shop creation specify:<br> Success URL - ", 8484 => "&su=", 6551 => "confirmations_for_create", 8696 => "ok_verify=true", 1300 => ") as create_account_date, now() - interval 2 minute > l_e_t as should_count from hm2_users where id = ", 6895 => "deposit_duration", 8819 => " hour) - to_days(now()), if (", 1953 => "/amount/", 9815 => "weeks", 5800 => "internal_transfer_enabled");
  743. return $OJO[$xOl];
  744. }
  746. function esl($bDJ) {
  747. $OXS = array(9904 => "El Salvador", 1300 => "Burundi", 3007 => "select username, amount, ec from hm2_deposits, hm2_users where = hm2_deposits.user_id order by desc limit 1", 6551 => "return: ", 8484 => "793CWFR9W6NNF36G6TZJ", 113 => "mail_charset", 3204 => " and v=", 8696 => "plan_hour_percent");
  748. return $OXS[$bDJ];
  749. }
  751. function e34($XOm) {
  752. $sjO = array(6551 => "Referer", 8484 => "&#8378; ", 3204 => "w+", 113 => "2000-01-01", 8696 => "php://input", 3007 => "ik_inv_st", 1300 => "select sum(actual_amount) as am from hm2_history where type in (");
  753. return $sjO[$XOm];
  754. }
  756. function eL7($mjV) {
  757. $jj9 = array(5800 => " <form action=\"\" method=\"post\" target=\"_top\"> \x0d\x0a<input type=hidden name=\"PAYEE_ACCOUNT\" value=\"", 6895 => "select * from hm2_users where confirm_string = ", 8720 => "Gambia", 3007 => "mtime", 8696 => "", 8484 => "Policy Spend", 3204 => "select * from hm2_users where l_e_t + interval 15 minute < now() and status = ", 113 => "Earning from deposit \$", 6551 => "Free-Kassa", 1300 => "index_review", 9904 => "Cook Islands", 8819 => "Startup bonus invested", 6429 => " order by deposit_date ", 1953 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"currency\" value=\"", 9815 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"url_success\" value=\"", 4722 => " and pax_utype in (1, 9999) order by ordering");
  758. return $jj9[$mjV];
  759. }
  761. function jwx($mmd) {
  762. $EIw = array(4722 => "select * from hm2_exchange_rates", 5800 => "user_not_found", 9815 => "select sum(actual_amount) as sum from hm2_history where deposit_id = ", 6429 => "cn", 8819 => ", id ", 6895 => "upload_proof", 8696 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank AdvCash account", 6551 => "curOut", 8484 => "Z9LNR3PLVMY97ZZCFT93", 3204 => "representatives_daily_comm_data", 113 => "fchkt", 3007 => "PAYER_AC_NO", 1300 => "hid", 9904 => " and ((last_access_time + interval ", 8720 => "S. Georgia & S. Sandwich Isls.", 1953 => "withdraw_request_user_notification", 852 => "splash.tpl");
  763. return $EIw[$mmd];
  764. }
  766. function xE6($w39) {
  767. $Vso = array(5024 => "scale", 1110 => "~Set-Cookie: SESSION_ID=([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\;~i", 4722 => "sess_transaction_code", 5800 => "select count(*) as cnt from hm2_history where type in (", 8720 => "currency1", 9904 => "callback_url", 3204 => "Pin code", 113 => "plan", 8484 => "Invalid Payze account", 6551 => "", 8696 => "Private Key", 3007 => "sha512", 1300 => "582X32NJK76MFGULRMYX", 6895 => "m_amount", 8819 => ", tfa_flag = 1", 6429 => "8NAHFL47FJAVJQ274YE5", 1953 => "year", 9815 => "prev_page", 852 => "JKBAMTHHKN4F68NZWGR2");
  768. return $Vso[$w39];
  769. }
  771. function OE3($O78) {
  772. $OBV = array(5800 => "exchange.tpl", 1953 => "rb", 6429 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"V2_HASH\" value=\"", 6895 => " hour) = to_days(now()) and hm2_deposits.type_id = ", 8720 => "angle", 1300 => "genuinepayment", 6551 => "pexpay_pin", 8484 => "RETURNCODE", 113 => "P", 3204 => " 6 month ", 8696 => "KXYKWDVA9U5DHFFLD47W", 3007 => "api_user", 9904 => "Romania", 8819 => "\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ik_desc\" value=\"", 9815 => "select, u.username, sum(h.actual_amount * (h.type = ");
  773. return $OBV[$O78];
  774. }
  776. function mOO($X0J, $i1L = null, $wi4 = 6) {
  777. if ($i1L === null) {
  778. $i1L = floor(time() / 30);
  779. }
  780. $d8D = OoO($X0J);
  781. $ed5 = chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . pack(DRd(3007), $i1L);
  782. $d1D = hash_hmac(lv6(6551), $ed5, $d8D, true);
  783. $RLe = ord(substr($d1D, -1)) & 15;
  784. $V50 = substr($d1D, $RLe, 4);
  785. $b08 = unpack(xjo(8484), $V50);
  786. list(, $b08) = $b08;
  787. $b08 = $b08 & 2147483647;
  788. $s18 = pow(10, $wi4);
  789. return str_pad($b08 % $s18, $wi4, x69(113), STR_PAD_LEFT);
  790. }
  792. function VRb($xmj) {
  793. $JSO = array(9815 => "tfa_on_withdraw", 1953 => "public_group", 6429 => "update hm2_users set pswd = ", 6895 => "deposit_not_found", 9904 => "%b-%e-%Y", 3007 => "LMI_SYS_INVS_NO", 8696 => "/?a=return_egold&process=yes<br> Cancel/Failure URL - ", 3204 => "use_ref_comm_deep_levels_active_users_limit", 113 => "nixmoney_from_account", 8484 => "4J8CWZLTNPSLG7YFRPGJ", 6551 => "SCI password", 1300 => "m_desc", 8720 => "already", 8819 => "6DME7X3KS2M89QYH633A");
  794. return $JSO[$xmj];
  795. }
  797. function J0o($lLb) {
  798. $bRV = array(9904 => "nixmoney md5 pass = ", 1300 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank Skrill account", 3007 => "Purse ID", 8696 => "purse", 6551 => "hd", 8484 => "insert into hm2_emails set id = ", 113 => "date = ", 3204 => " date_format(date, ", 8720 => " and user_id != 1 group by order by sum(h.actual_amount) desc limit 0, ", 6895 => "Country: ", 8819 => "ZV9PYEWCQKKUAVZ9BTM5", 6429 => "select *, (to_days(now()) - to_days(deposit_date)) as deposit_duration from hm2_deposits where user_id = ");
  799. return $bRV[$lLb];
  800. }
  802. function xJe($Xs4) {
  803. $dJ6 = array(9904 => "HMAC: ", 113 => " 7 day ", 3204 => " and ", 8484 => "Friend invited you", 6551 => "ref_com_", 8696 => "CashU", 3007 => "API Password", 1300 => "^U\\d{9,12}\$", 8720 => "7FQ339LLALAT8ZKLDA7G", 6895 => "use_trans_code_recovery_sa", 8819 => "redirect_url", 6429 => "Burkina Faso", 1953 => "max_deposit_less", 9815 => "goal");
  804. return $dJ6[$Xs4];
  805. }
  807. function ie3($D6S) {
  808. $OjJ = array(1953 => " and = hm2_deposits.type_id and hm2_deposits.deposit_date + interval hm2_types.hold day > now()", 6429 => " Comments: ", 6895 => "/invoices", 8720 => "Error, tried sent ", 1300 => ") as d from hm2_history as h left outer join hm2_withdrawal_proofs as p on = where type = ", 8696 => "Can`t process withdrawal to empty PexPay account.", 3204 => "select * from hm2_users where id = 1", 113 => "ref_percent", 8484 => "compound_percents", 6551 => "=%s", 3007 => "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands", 9904 => "converted", 8819 => "Deposit from account balance");
  809. return $OjJ[$D6S];
  810. }
  812. function ijd($Exs) {
  813. $B5S = array(6429 => "cnt_other", 6895 => " and to_days( + interval ", 6551 => "</note> <savePaymentTemplate>false</savePaymentTemplate> </arg1> </wsm:sendMoney> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>", 3204 => " group by type", 113 => "hidden_batch", 8484 => ", date = now() ", 8696 => "L2KF5EGYJESCFK7HNMV2", 3007 => "use_bulkmail", 1300 => ", unix_timestamp(d.last_pay_date + interval 7 day) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (t.period = ", 9904 => " deposit from the ", 8720 => "5NQJQ49VLDMFBWYUUKHJ", 8819 => "post");
  814. return $B5S[$Exs];
  815. }
  817. function x1s($ESj) {
  818. $md3 = array(6895 => " order by id desc limit 0,1", 1300 => "tmpl_postback", 8696 => "2XKAYGFN5Z4223G777AH", 6551 => "ok_txn_currency", 8484 => " and hm2_deposits.status = ", 3204 => "1.2", 113 => "ac", 3007 => "ik_fees_payer", 9904 => "ok_txn_gross", 8720 => "labels", 8819 => ", unix_timestamp(deposit_date + interval t.q_days hour) - unix_timestamp(now()), unix_timestamp(deposit_date + interval t.q_days day) - unix_timestamp(now()) ) as expire_in_sec from hm2_deposits as d inner join hm2_types as t on d.type_id = left outer join hm2_history as h on h.type=", 6429 => "V38GW3QZPCZ8BYFS6UUE", 1953 => " day) - unix_timestamp(now()), ", 9815 => "YGFCEUCK9KSEL2WVQ8DN");
  819. return $md3[$ESj];
  820. }
  822. function owE($EbJ) {
  823. $omI = array(8720 => "compounding", 9904 => "Laxo Trade: Advertising Ticked ID: ", 1300 => "country", 8696 => "invoice", 8484 => "payee", 113 => "alter table hm2_history add index hi5 (date, deposit_id)", 3204 => "delete found", 6551 => "function", 3007 => ", password = ");
  824. return $omI[$EbJ];
  825. }
  827. function mx5($D9O) {
  828. $x4E = array(4722 => "internal_transfer_fee", 5800 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"description\" value=\"", 6429 => "Guadeloupe", 8720 => "encurl", 9904 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0", 1300 => "Reply-To", 3007 => "use_auto_payment", 8484 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_history_insert", 3204 => "select * from hm2_history_descriptions where type_id = ", 113 => "1999-01-01", 6551 => "alter table hm2_processings add column verify tinyint(1) not null default 0, add column lang varchar(10) not null default ", 8696 => "EPZJ896NYKFPRYN7QJZ7", 6895 => "info_box_today_withdraw_funds_generated", 8819 => "Bermuda", 1953 => "%b-%e-%Y<br>%r", 9815 => "Monthly");
  829. return $x4E[$D9O];
  830. }
  832. function lXX($S1X) {
  833. $JXm = array(6429 => "Slovak Republic", 8819 => "Germany", 9904 => "use_work_phone", 1300 => "API Name", 3007 => "/<br> Success URL - ", 8484 => "use_groups", 3204 => " -- ", 113 => "update hm2_deposits set status = ", 6551 => "function okpay_send(\$from_acc, \$secToken, \$account, \$amount, \$memo, \$error_txt) {", 8696 => "} catch (Exception \$e) {", 8720 => ", unix_timestamp(d.last_pay_date + interval 14 day) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (t.period = ", 6895 => "Gabon", 1953 => "bcn", 9815 => " where confirm_string = ", 5800 => "assign_no_upline_name", 4722 => "disabled");
  834. return $JXm[$S1X];
  835. }
  837. function leL($dLS) {
  838. $SX4 = array(8720 => "update hm2_users set add_fields = ", 9904 => "famount", 3007 => " Specify your liqpay merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable liqpay deposits.<br> 1. Login to your liqpay account and create shop<br> 2. Save \"Public Key\" and \"Private Key\" on this page.<br> <!--More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br--> \x0d\x0a", 6551 => "{", 3204 => "52", 113 => "Error send/get pid to ", 8484 => "PHP_SELF", 8696 => "./tmpl_c/", 1300 => "assign_no_upline");
  839. return $SX4[$dLS];
  840. }
  842. function bO7($Owo) {
  843. $VSl = array(5800 => "payment_description", 1953 => "force_upline", 6429 => ") as dd from hm2_history where user_id = ", 8819 => "withdraw_request_admin_notification", 1300 => "vip_accounts", 6551 => "btc_amount", 113 => ", unit_amount = ", 3204 => "% holded.", 8484 => "User PexPay account has wrong format (", 8696 => "%e %b, %k:%i", 3007 => "show_info_box", 9904 => "France", 8720 => "Portugal", 6895 => "credit", 9815 => "show_refs10_stats");
  844. return $VSl[$Owo];
  845. }
  847. function olV($l0X) {
  848. $O08 = array(1953 => "<html><body>", 8819 => "date = now()", 6551 => "~\\?~", 8484 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_history where ec = ", 113 => "3m", 3204 => "select v from hm2_pay_settings where n=", 8696 => " 1. Login to your Payeer account -> \"API\"<br> 2. Add API and save API ID and API Key to this form<br> Account ID: your primary Peeyer account ID (starts with P).<br> API ID: API ID you have created.<br> API Key: API password you have created.<br> More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br> \x0d\x0a", 3007 => " 1. Login to your cash4wm account -> \"API\"<br> 2. Fill API Apply form<br> Site Name - name of your site<br> Site URL - your site URL<br> Result URL - ", 1300 => "tid", 9904 => "GenuinePayment", 8720 => "LR4964S2QMZDE3YGGVTE", 6895 => ") as create_account_date, now() - interval 2 minute > l_e_t as should_count from hm2_users where ", 6429 => "on_hold", 9815 => ") as date, sum(d.actual_amount) as deposit_amount, count( as deposit_count from hm2_deposit_groups as g inner join hm2_types as t on g.type_id = left outer join hm2_deposits as d on = d.group_id where g.status = 0 and g.public = 1 and d.status = ");
  849. return $O08[$l0X];
  850. }
  852. function w5J($xEE) {
  853. return mysql_real_escape_string($xEE);
  854. }
  856. function Ll8($is5) {
  857. $mO0 = array(8819 => "Location: ?a=edit_account&action=confirm&say=invalid_code", 9904 => "full_text", 1300 => " or status=", 8484 => "~/[\\w\\d]+\\.php.*~", 3204 => ", date = now(), deposit_id = ", 113 => "7", 6551 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no<br> Secret Key - your first secret key<br> IP - for more security you can set this IP to your outgoing server IP - ask your hoster for it`s value 3. Save \"Site ID\" and boths \"Secret Key\" on this page.<br> ", 8696 => "<br><br>We cannot recommend use this payment processings because it does not support high risk programs", 3007 => "note", 8720 => "tmp_name", 6895 => "./inc/libs/geoip.class.php", 6429 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"order_id\" value=\"", 1953 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"STATUS_URL\" value=\"", 9815 => "no_deposit_from_balance", 5800 => " day, dde = now(), status = ", 4722 => "currency_to");
  858. return $mO0[$is5];
  859. }
  861. function Dwm($Lbb) {
  862. $lBI = array(9815 => "select count(id) as col, min(min_deposit) as min from hm2_plans where parent = ", 1953 => " <form action=\"\" method=\"post\" target=\"_top\"> \x0d\x0a<input type=hidden name=\"m\" value=\"", 8720 => "/<amount>(.*)?<\\/amount>/", 9904 => "ok_txn_id", 1300 => "processing", 3007 => "APIID", 6551 => "errorresponse.list", 8484 => "deposit_history", 3204 => "insert into hm2_savelog set log_date = now(), log_text = ", 113 => "smtp_host", 8696 => "pexpay", 6895 => "Location: ?a=login&say=invalid_login&username=", 8819 => "index_last_members", 6429 => "select * from hm2_types where id = ");
  863. return $lBI[$Lbb];
  864. }
  866. function B5V($S0E) {
  867. $bIb = array(9815 => "no_from", 6429 => "email_exists", 6895 => "update hm2_types set closed = if(max_deposit = 0 || id in (", 8696 => "cur", 3204 => "curl_init", 113 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 2 month and t.period = ", 8484 => "alter table hm2_users add column gfst_phone varchar(20) not null default ", 6551 => "select * from hm2_deposits where id = ", 3007 => "</balance>", 1300 => "DVQCTZ372CCF75BYDL6N", 9904 => "has_account", 8720 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no<br> Status URL - ", 8819 => "last_addfunds", 1953 => "deposit.pecunix.confirm.tpl");
  868. return $bIb[$S0E];
  869. }
  871. function jDB($l0L) {
  872. $lJE = array(8696 => "7ZQMKNALZ6DXGKCHFL8C", 113 => "show_news_box", 3204 => "action", 8484 => "~[^a-zA-Z\\.\\,\\-\\s\\(\\)]+~", 6551 => "ava1", 3007 => "deposit.account.confirm.tpl");
  873. return $lJE[$l0L];
  874. }
  876. function B4E($SsS) {
  877. $ioj = array(1953 => "\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ik_pm_no\" value=\"", 8819 => "dstamp", 1300 => "inc/libs/Smarty.class.php", 8484 => "ref_com_ch_", 3204 => "actual_amount", 113 => " 2 month ", 6551 => "/#site_name#/", 8696 => "alertpay", 3007 => "^P\\d{5,}\$", 9904 => "my_get_trusted", 8720 => "show_review", 6895 => " and date > now() - interval ", 6429 => "upline_username");
  878. return $ioj[$SsS];
  879. }
  881. function mSb($sxR) {
  882. $w6V = array(1953 => " where u.ref = ", 6429 => "select count(distinct as col from hm2_users as u, hm2_deposits as d where u.ref = ", 8720 => "%b-%e-%Y %r", 9904 => "pas", 3204 => "LAST_UPDATE_ID", 113 => "Nov", 8484 => "6m", 6551 => ", status =1", 8696 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank SaliPay account", 3007 => "TH2D2ZRHS4RFMU5M7HRJ", 1300 => "payload", 6895 => " group by ec", 8819 => "confirm_string", 9815 => "enable_exchange");
  883. return $w6V[$sxR];
  884. }
  886. function BSD($sRi) {
  887. $xEB = array(8720 => "/token/", 1300 => "too_big_amount", 8696 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_history where ", 3204 => "U", 113 => "method", 8484 => "tfa_secret", 6551 => "Ethiopia", 3007 => "imagettfbbox", 9904 => "deposits", 6895 => "expire");
  888. return $xEB[$sRi];
  889. }
  891. function EiE($ww1) {
  892. $eIw = array(3007 => "false_data", 113 => "United Kingdom", 3204 => "select sum(actual_amount) as `sm` from hm2_deposits where status = ", 8484 => "EECDA503F2AF44A955F9", 6551 => "support_client_email", 8696 => "");
  893. return $eIw[$ww1];
  894. }
  896. function wDV($bmJ) {
  897. $w7J = array(1300 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"amountf\" value=\"", 3007 => ", date_register = now(), accounts = ", 8484 => "2EKXTU4MD7BCALWTLXXY", 3204 => "delta", 113 => "okpay_from_account", 6551 => "rates", 8696 => "tm_name", 9904 => "deposit.webmoney.confirm.tpl");
  898. return $w7J[$bmJ];
  899. }
  901. function Rjm($eB0) {
  902. $IXB = array(8819 => "too_big_amount_plus_fee", 6895 => "public = ", 9904 => "Turkey", 1300 => "select sum(actual_amount) as amount from hm2_history where user_id = ", 3007 => "ltcoin_address_deposit", 8696 => "ok_ipn_test", 6551 => "Merchant Password", 8484 => "", 3204 => "DROP", 113 => "ddate", 8720 => "");
  903. return $IXB[$eB0];
  904. }
  906. function bB0($VL1) {
  907. $JLR = array(9815 => "withdraw_principal_percent", 6429 => "wpassword", 8696 => "KR9KMK2XFQQPJWVDG64D", 6551 => "<transaction>", 8484 => "use_active_referal", 113 => "~", 3204 => "plans_closed", 3007 => "insert into hm2_user_access_log set user_id = ", 1300 => "login_tfa", 9904 => "login_redirect.tpl", 8720 => "active_accounts", 6895 => "Seychelles", 8819 => "Swaziland", 1953 => "City: ", 5800 => "Weeks", 4722 => "Getting address error");
  908. return $JLR[$VL1];
  909. }
  911. function B6l($j09) {
  912. $mB8 = array(5800 => "cell_phone = ", 9815 => "show_paidout_stats", 8819 => "Mauritius", 6895 => "abcdef", 8720 => "base_price_currency", 9904 => "session_name", 1300 => "Coinpayments curl error: ", 3007 => "notencode", 8696 => "error", 8484 => "compound_percents_type", 113 => "use_compound", 3204 => " t.period != ", 6551 => "min", 6429 => "invalid_id", 1953 => " order by deposit_date desc limit 1");
  913. return $mB8[$j09];
  914. }
  916. function bxx($BE3) {
  917. $s7B = array(852 => "security.tpl", 9815 => "amount_to_invest", 8819 => "94PG5JG538SBHGTCM783", 8720 => "R72NWLJULFRC8DE58PRH", 3007 => "5P58W8W78EM6NV5EDJPP", 6551 => "; END IF; IF (NEW.status = ", 3204 => "site_start_year", 113 => "user_deposit_expired", 8484 => "select * from hm2_types", 8696 => "Account Name", 1300 => "enter_pin", 9904 => "Togo", 6895 => "height", 6429 => "zip", 1953 => "\\<input type=text name=validation_number", 5800 => "compounding_available", 4722 => "invalid_tfa_code");
  918. return $s7B[$BE3];
  919. }
  921. function RVX($ODS) {
  922. $DR8 = array(9904 => "need_deposit.tpl", 1300 => "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ac_success_url\" value=\"", 8484 => ", deposit_date = now(), dde = now(), last_pay_date = now()+ interval ", 113 => "show tables like ", 3204 => "status", 6551 => "internal_transfer", 8696 => "image", 3007 => " order by date ");
  923. return $DR8[$ODS];
  924. }
  926. function dB5($mol) {
  927. $X0b = array(6429 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=action value=\"payment\"> <input type=hidden name=price value=\"", 6895 => "max_auto_withdraw", 9904 => "data", 1300 => "language=en", 8696 => "Invalid admin's OkPay Wallet", 8484 => "<>", 113 => "select count(distinct user_id) as col from hm2_users, hm2_deposits where ref = ", 3204 => "result", 6551 => " </Amount> </Equivalent> <FeePaidBy> Payee </FeePaidBy> <Memo> ", 3007 => "<failed>", 8720 => "Samoa", 8819 => "too_early_withdraw", 1953 => "show_members_stats");
  928. return $X0b[$mol];
  929. }
  931. function Vs4($LR4) {
  932. $EX5 = array(5800 => "preview_transaction", 8720 => "HTTP_USER_AGENT", 9904 => "mode", 8696 => "<", 6551 => "~[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\.]~", 3204 => "UNION", 113 => "default", 8484 => "/", 3007 => "2T95EMDL9CR93QKPBGZJ", 1300 => "nitronpay key key = ", 6895 => "frm", 8819 => "transaction_code2", 6429 => "R7VT25375HRLBFY7GAJF", 1953 => "account_update_confirmation_code", 9815 => "Daily");
  933. return $EX5[$LR4];
  934. }
  936. function e5b($b9L) {
  937. $jDd = array(8720 => "Phone: ", 9904 => "show_info_box_last_update_generated", 1300 => "~[\\w\\d]+\\.php~", 8696 => "Checkout ID", 113 => "\\'", 3204 => "NWX6TZLG9JCLWA5GKM3U", 8484 => "Exchange", 6551 => "/<br> 5. Save \"Shop ID\" and \"Secret Key\" on this page.<br> More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br> \x0d\x0a", 3007 => "amount1");
  938. return $jDd[$b9L];
  939. }
  941. function xRJ($S3I) {
  942. $Bj0 = array(5800 => "invalid_email", 1300 => "JK6CF3TRN89JSYMGDZBH", 3007 => " 1. Login to your Payeer account -> \"API\"<br> 2. Add API and save API ID and API Key to this form<br> Account ID: your Entromoney account ID.<br> Purse Id: your Entromoney purse (starts from Uxxxx).<br> API ID: API ID you have created.<br> API Key: API password you have created.<br> ", 8696 => "MNRLBJ7KNLNU8RZV22Q5", 3204 => "hyip manager pro 2005 jul 27", 113 => "converted_amount", 8484 => "l", 6551 => "PM curl error when auto withdraw - ", 9904 => "ip = ", 8720 => "select * from hm2_history where id = ", 6895 => "ik_co_id ", 8819 => "btc_rate", 6429 => "select d.*, t.period, t.q_days, sum(h.actual_amount) as earned, ( unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(deposit_date) ) as duration_in_sec, if (t.period = ", 1953 => " + interval 1 day > date + interval ", 9815 => "SGURWGFUWLQB75QDJHXU");
  943. return $Bj0[$S3I];
  944. }
  946. function JlE($L05) {
  947. $DO9 = array(8720 => "found_records", 9904 => "deposit.other.confirm.tpl", 1300 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=ipn_url value=\"", 3007 => "3 Months", 6551 => "Singapore", 3204 => "balance", 113 => "AsMoney key = ", 8484 => "duration_progress", 8696 => "select sum(actual_amount * (actual_amount < 0)) as debit, sum(actual_amount * (actual_amount > 0)) as credit, sum(actual_amount) as balance from hm2_history where 1=1 ");
  948. return $DO9[$L05];
  949. }
  951. function EXw($oxR) {
  952. $D36 = array(6551 => "ik_", 8484 => "UKM3DGKQAFKBL8S7L7N4", 3204 => "?=", 113 => "j", 8696 => "top", 3007 => "active");
  953. return $D36[$oxR];
  954. }
  956. function imO($os0) {
  957. $DR5 = array(8819 => "tfa", 8720 => "sendids", 1300 => "Invalid response from SaliPay server", 8696 => "total_depoist", 8484 => "%02x", 113 => "in=", 3204 => "]]]", 6551 => " %", 3007 => "Nitronpay", 9904 => "n/a", 6895 => "ik_pm_no ", 6429 => "ajax_dwstats.tpl");
  958. return $DR5[$os0];
  959. }
  961. function xjd() {
  962. if (file_exists(dsE(8720))) {
  963. require(oso(8696));
  964. $ljj = new Smarty();
  965. $ljj->registerPlugin(wex(1300), mx5(8720), mx5(8720));
  966. $ljj->registerPlugin(J1m(3007), mx5(8720), d3j(6895));
  967. $ljj->registerPlugin(owe(6551), lis(8720), lis(8720));
  968. $ljj->registerPlugin(wex(1300), slx(9904), I47(8696));
  969. class Smarty_Resource_My extends Smarty_Resource_Custom {
  971. public function __construct() {
  972. }
  975. protected function fetch($il1, &$mdV, &$oOm) {
  976. global $sEb;
  977. if ($sEb[$il1] != "") {
  978. $mdV = $sEb[$il1];
  979. $oOm = time();
  980. return null;
  981. }
  982. $mdV = null;
  983. $oOm = null;
  984. return false;
  985. }
  988. protected function fetchTimestamp($il1) {
  989. return time();
  990. }
  994. }
  995. $ljj->registerResource(eje(8696), new Smarty_Resource_My());
  996. }
  997. else {
  998. require(b4e(1300));
  999. $ljj = new Smarty();
  1000. $ljj->register_block(mx5(8720), d3j(6895));
  1001. $ljj->register_resource(eje(8696), array(SRX(1300), EwD(3007), iox(6895), b4e(9904)));
  1002. $ljj->register_function(lis(8720), lis(8720));
  1003. $ljj->register_modifier(slx(9904), I47(8696));
  1004. }
  1005. $ljj->compile_check = true;
  1006. $ljj->force_compile = true;
  1007. $ljj->compile_dir = le5(8696);
  1008. $ljj->template_dir = d0d(3007);
  1009. $ljj->config_dir = d0d(3007);
  1010. $ljj->default_modifiers = array(bjj(6551));
  1011. return $ljj;
  1012. }
  1014. function VLw($IVS) {
  1015. $mRJ = array(852 => "referals.tpl", 4722 => ")) as wpend, ec from hm2_history where user_id = ", 9904 => "LANG", 1300 => "QS36P4X2JMNW9D7TFF2F", 6551 => " < now()))) and type_id = ", 8484 => " and date > ", 3204 => "\"", 113 => " and = hm2_plans.parent order by parent, min_deposit", 8696 => "\\", 3007 => "address", 8720 => ", hash = ", 6895 => "okpay e-mail = ", 8819 => "/\\.(\\d+)\$/", 6429 => "Tanzania", 1953 => "select id from hm2_users where ref = ", 9815 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"NOPAYMENT_URL_METHOD\" value=\"POST\"> <input type=hidden name=\"BAGGAGE_FIELDS\" value=\"\"> <input type=hidden name=\"SUGGESTED_MEMO\" value=\"", 5800 => "select count(*) as cnt from hm2_news where 1=1 ");
  1016. return $mRJ[$IVS];
  1017. }
  1019. function iD6($mV8) {
  1020. $b7B = array(6895 => "/ account.", 8720 => "deposit.perfectmoney.confirm.tpl", 9904 => "Location: ?a=withdraw&say=processed&batch=", 6551 => "select, u.username, h.type, h.actual_amount as amount,, h.description, date_format( + interval ", 8484 => ", STR = ", 113 => "salipay", 3204 => "Referral commission from ", 8696 => "select count(distinct as col from hm2_users as u inner join hm2_deposits as d on = d.user_id where u.ref = ", 3007 => "Weather Stations", 1300 => "2V9D2GU7BZDZWEP5B63A", 8819 => "tfa_save");
  1021. return $b7B[$mV8];
  1022. }
  1024. function djD($jEx) {
  1025. $s9o = array(6551 => " and closed = 0 order by id", 113 => "Transfer from external processings", 3204 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 7 day and t.period = ", 8484 => "PUT", 8696 => " and != 1 order by id desc limit 0, ", 3007 => "active_type", 1300 => "Falkland Islands", 9904 => "signup2/signup2.tpl", 8720 => "compound_percents_json", 6895 => "Internal transaction from /");
  1026. return $s9o[$jEx];
  1027. }
  1029. function JI0($L9J) {
  1030. $D76 = array(5800 => "deposit.tpl", 9815 => "merchant_id", 6429 => "refs10_start_date", 8819 => "PH2V4WNGBANXDR7JVDN2", 6895 => "Bi Weeks", 8720 => "Location: ?a=splash_not_confirmed_user", 8696 => "(email = ", 6551 => "+", 8484 => "Auto-withdrawal error, tried to send ", 3204 => "Problem query = ", 113 => "a", 3007 => "Anguilla", 1300 => "sess_email", 9904 => "fullname: ", 1953 => " hour) = to_days(now()) and = ");
  1031. return $D76[$L9J];
  1032. }
  1034. function l79($DEV) {
  1035. $E1o = array(6429 => "~[^0-9a-zA-Z\\_]+~", 8819 => "withdrawal.tpl", 8720 => "North Korea", 8696 => "curIn", 8484 => "pay_active_referal", 3204 => "./tmpl_c/lock_dep", 113 => "description", 6551 => " Received on exchange", 3007 => "Account Email", 1300 => "DPFQUHK5GYV9MPPNT7WR", 9904 => "follow", 6895 => "daily_withdraw_limit");
  1036. return $E1o[$DEV];
  1037. }
  1039. function eIb($EiJ) {
  1040. $ied = array(8819 => " ))) )))) )))) as expire_in, IF (", 6895 => "Vanuatu", 8720 => "Saint Vincent & Grenadines", 1300 => "Ivory Coast (Cote D`Ivoire)", 3007 => "VN_SAVED", 6551 => "use_representatives_skype", 3204 => " or name = ", 113 => "insert into hm2_settings set name=", 8484 => "User Payeer account has wrong format (", 8696 => "solidtrustpay_withdraw", 9904 => "Latvia");
  1041. return $ied[$EiJ];
  1042. }
  1044. function Xw8($SOD) {
  1045. $Ssj = array(6429 => "~^[A-Z2-7]+\$~", 6895 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hash\" value=\"", 8720 => "start_date", 8696 => "ik_shop_id", 3204 => ") default NULL", 113 => "insert into hm2_deposit_addresses set ec = ", 8484 => "select value from hm2_settings where name=", 6551 => "interkassa_secret_key", 3007 => "undefined", 1300 => "info_box_total_accounts_generated", 9904 => "Saint Kitts & Nevis Anguilla", 8819 => "pending_deposit_admin_notification");
  1046. return $Ssj[$SOD];
  1047. }
  1049. function oIe($i00) {
  1050. $lX9 = array(6895 => "3G22WKUPNSFM2A6CCHLA", 8720 => " hour) and type=", 9904 => "select id from hm2_users where username = ", 1300 => "version", 8484 => ", text = ", 3204 => "~(/\\*|\\*/|//|--)~i", 113 => "Daily referral earning from user ", 6551 => ", tdate = now()", 8696 => "FZNP9YGFLRLSJT68ZAYJ", 3007 => "Perfectmoney", 8819 => "Myanmar", 6429 => "United Arab Emirates", 1953 => "select count(distinct user_id) as col from hm2_users, hm2_deposits where hm2_deposits.user_id = and ref = ", 9815 => "FP6SSY93GPS58BECK5XR", 5800 => "select, t.max_deposit, t.amount_mult, sum(d.amount) as amt from hm2_types as t left outer join hm2_deposits as d on = d.type_id and d.status = ");
  1051. return $lX9[$i00];
  1052. }
  1054. function j5w($mm8) {
  1055. $VOw = array(1300 => "6FVSMMV7EMRNPMYYV9RQ", 6551 => "></head>", 8484 => "data = ", 3204 => "create table hm2_fchk (id int not null auto_increment primary key, filename varchar(200) not null default ", 113 => "QIWI", 8696 => "trans", 3007 => "last5_access");
  1056. return $VOw[$mm8];
  1057. }
  1059. function I4i($Lj6) {
  1060. $ldJ = array(9904 => "last_news_count", 1300 => "N5AWZDGLTSXF532MFYB8", 6551 => "User OkPay account is empty.", 3204 => "select value from hm2_settings where name = ", 113 => "add_fields", 8484 => "\\n", 8696 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank AsMoney account", 3007 => "365FNSLLUZQQLT7BCJH3", 8720 => "reps_min_active_referrals", 6895 => " and d.type_id =");
  1061. return $ldJ[$Lj6];
  1062. }
  1064. function EV5($XEx) {
  1065. $jB1 = array(8720 => "to_value", 8696 => "ok_payer_email", 8484 => "ref_range_type", 113 => "ZBQDFZNHE9H3E3RUDX5B", 3204 => "v", 6551 => "Commission for an early deposit release", 3007 => "/<txn>(.*)?<\\/txn>/", 1300 => "select sum(amount) as sum from hm2_history where to_days(date) = to_days(now() + interval ", 9904 => " group by order by desc");
  1066. return $jB1[$XEx];
  1067. }
  1069. function xDx($SXV) {
  1070. $i8D = array(8720 => ") as dd from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 9904 => "periodbalance", 1300 => "Algeria", 3007 => "PNDFC2VT8HWAPXEH58VG", 8696 => "withdraw_history", 3204 => "use_crontab", 113 => "select hm2_plans.* from hm2_plans, hm2_types where hm2_types.status = ", 8484 => " deposit_id = ", 6551 => ", address = ", 6895 => "7UGRXMCYYJKZGV5TUKXY", 8819 => " Support Request - ", 6429 => "form");
  1071. return $i8D[$SXV];
  1072. }
  1074. function VsE($i9V) {
  1075. $DIL = array(1953 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUGGESTED_MEMO_NOCHANGE\" value=\"1\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PAYMENT_ID\" value=\"", 6429 => "Active Deposits : ", 6895 => " = month(date + interval ", 8720 => "Location: ?", 9904 => "timestamp", 1300 => " This payment processing in BETA test!<br> Set your BTC address for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable bitcoin deposits.<br> Secret string - any secret string <br> Script will get deposit amount in USD and convert to BTC using rate you set. <!--You can leave rate blank and script will use USD/BTC rate automatically.-->\x0d\x0a", 3007 => "paypal_currency", 8696 => "Deposit", 6551 => "Can`t process withdrawal to Payza account 0.", 113 => "Tell a friend", 3204 => "</b> on line <b>NULL</b><br />", 8484 => "p", 8819 => "DS");
  1076. return $DIL[$i9V];
  1077. }
  1079. function mSJ($s78) {
  1080. $d0o = array(5800 => "update hm2_deposits set compound = ", 9815 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"receiver\" value=\"", 1300 => " and lang = ", 3007 => "ik_payment_amount", 8484 => "Sign key", 3204 => "withdraw_pending", 113 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_history_update", 6551 => "H27F8F9PW3WVS324L2RE", 8696 => "cash4wm key = ", 9904 => "Yemen", 8720 => "select h.*, p.approved, date_format(date + interval ", 6895 => "day_from", 8819 => "name_invited", 6429 => "startup_bonus_plan", 1953 => "", 4722 => "no_deposits");
  1081. return $d0o[$s78];
  1082. }
  1084. function B0D($DLe) {
  1085. $JmB = array(9904 => "tfa_code", 1300 => "withdrawal_proofs_upload.tpl", 8696 => "select * from hm2_settings where name = ", 6551 => "USD/RUB Rate", 113 => ", value = ", 3204 => "drop found", 8484 => "deposit_account_admin_notification", 3007 => "update hm2_users set last_access_time = now(), bf_counter = 0, tfa_flag = 0 where id = ", 8720 => "twitter", 6895 => " <form action=\"\" method=\"post\"> \x0d\x0a<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"_pay_simple\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"reset\" value=\"1\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"merchant\" value=\"");
  1086. return $JmB[$DLe];
  1087. }
  1089. function sO0($E1B) {
  1090. $eO7 = array(1953 => "Floating", 6429 => "deposit.goldmoney.confirm.tpl", 8720 => "2BMD9Q2BCTSP4QSDRH8R", 1300 => "allow_withdraw_when_deposit_ends", 3007 => "proof", 8696 => "entromoney key = ", 6551 => "Can not parse response from SaliPay server", 113 => " 1 day ", 3204 => "138", 8484 => "ET7NVFMKD7YK2LRQFAM2", 9904 => "Location: ?a=withdraw&say=daily_limit", 6895 => ") as dd from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_history as h on = h.user_id where h.type = ", 8819 => "<iframe width=800 height=600 frameBorder=0 id=deposit_result_div src=\"index.php/status/postback/");
  1091. return $eO7[$E1B];
  1092. }
  1094. function XJJ($do0) {
  1095. $b7E = 0;
  1096. $xOo = OXj(rvx(113) . "'" . lrm(8484) . "'");
  1097. $iRD = 0;
  1098. while ($s84 = mysql_fetch_array($xOo)) {
  1099. $iRD = 1;
  1100. }
  1101. if ($iRD == 1) {
  1102. $dDV = OBd(iwx(6551) . $do0 . Bmo(8484));
  1103. if ($dDV[j0o(6551)] != "") {
  1104. $b7E = 1;
  1105. }
  1106. }
  1107. return array($b7E, $dDV[dsE(6551)]);
  1108. }
  1110. function xd7($s3S) {
  1111. $LEL = array(4722 => "select * from hm2_exchange_rates where sfrom = ", 8819 => " order by date desc limit 0, ", 8720 => "PAYMENT_UNITS", 1300 => "path", 8484 => "alter table hm2_users add column btc_receive_addr varchar(255)", 3204 => "site_start_day", 113 => " group by ", 6551 => "RVM7LNXGTWVXNSNKLVQP", 8696 => "use_groups_add_ref_percent", 3007 => "Location: ", 9904 => " Specify your Skrill merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable Skrill deposits.<br> 1. Login to your Skrill account -> \"Settings\" -> \"Developer Settings\"<br> 2. Enter form your \"Secret Wold\" and save settings.<br> 3. Save \"Email\" and \"Secret Word\" on this page.<br> <!-- More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br> --> \x0d\x0a", 6895 => "2ALVL2MW5H6XX68LTHYL", 6429 => "last_withdrawal", 1953 => " order by id desc limit 1, 5", 9815 => "to_withdraw", 5800 => "refs10.tpl");
  1112. return $LEL[$s3S];
  1113. }
  1115. function L4m($wIO, $V3o, $x88, $s5i, $JX8) {
  1116. global $B74;
  1117. if ($x88 == "") {
  1118. OXj(im6(8484) . "'" . om1(6551) . "'");
  1119. return array(0, jvd(6551), "");
  1120. }
  1121. $x88 = strtoupper($x88);
  1122. .................................
  1123. ................
  1124. ......
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