
Ch 4: Part 7: Flight From Darkness: Session 72

Oct 2nd, 2013
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  1. [15:45] <@Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:45] <@Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 4: Endless Night~~~
  3. [15:45] <@Kilarra> -Session 72-
  4. [15:47] <@Kilarra> In their escape from the depths of Zirnakaynin, the party has found themselves, by way of Kilarra's magic, on the plane of Elysium, the Chaotic Good upper plane. Lush with vitality and beautiful scenery, the party opts to take a little time to explore their new surroundings before returning to Celwinvian to speak with Eviana and her elves once more
  5. [15:47] <@Kilarra> However, it seems that something is amiss, as a denizen of the plane fled from them in terror, only for two more extra planar beings to return in her place, accusing the party of being evil trespassers...
  6. [15:50] * Kilarra blinks in surprise. "Um... what?"
  7. [15:50] <Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. Her fiery hair seems to flare and flow as she frowns at the two extra planar beings. "I think that the real deviants here are the ones pointing their sword and bow at the travelers... who haven't done anything!"
  8. [15:53] <@Kilarra> The sword wielding Azata frowns. "We have no qualms about travellers in our midst, but I can think of no good reason for a group of evil plane jumpers accompanied by a fiend to have come -here-."
  9. [15:54] * Aluthyra quirks her head. "What evidence do you have that we are evil, besides our friend's appearances? It is true, what Kahree said. We have done nothing, yet you have accosted us."
  10. [15:54] <@Kilarra> The bow wielding Azata chuckles, "Not well versed are you? We can see the aura of evil surrounding you as plain as day."
  11. [15:55] <@Kilarra> Kjell blinks. "What are you talking about? We're not..." He stops and thinks for a moment. How could they possibly be percieved as evil?
  12. [15:55] * Aluthyra blinks. She grabs at her necklace, and throws it to throws ground. "What do you see now?"
  13. [15:56] <@Kilarra> Kjell blinks and looks down at the Bloodlink necklace. "Of course!" He removes it a little less forcibly.
  14. [15:57] <Aluthyra> Kahree quirks her head. "Oh... riiiiight." She takes hers off as well, placing it in her haversack. "Our bad."
  15. [15:58] <@Kilarra> The ghaele blinks, then narrows her eyes, focusing on the pendant in Kjell's hand, and the associated change in his aura. "I am not fond of deceptions. Explain these amulets you carry."
  16. [15:58] * Kilarra takes hers off and stashes it. The ability to freely speak undercommon was worth keeping it handy.
  17. [15:59] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, spreading his arms. "We would gladly share our tale with you, denizens of Elysium. We apologize for the misunderstanding, but we assure that we are not villains, nor are we here to do any harm."
  18. [16:00] * Aluthyra nods in agreement. With the immediate confusion over... she picks her necklace back up, storing it.
  19. [16:00] <@Kilarra> The Ghaele lowers her sword, then sheathes it on her back. "We will listen." She crosses her arms and stands. She nods to the Bralani, who's bow and arrow seem to dissolve into mist.
  20. [16:01] * Kilarra sighs in relief. The last thing they needed was to have gotten into a fight with powerful outsiders.
  21. [16:02] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods appreciatively. "Thank you. Our reson for being here is simply that we needed to make a hasty retreat to somewhere safer than where we came from." He gestures to Kilarra, "She is a cleric of Calistria, and is the one who brought us here."
  22. [16:04] <@Kilarra> The ghaele nods. "Tell us then, from what threat were you escaping?"
  23. [16:05] * Kilarra answers that; "The drow. Dark elves from beneath the surface of Golarion. We were, until earlier today, living amongst them. We had disguised ourselves as drow, and those amulets were the focus item for the magic. They also concealed our true allignments, as well as a few other minor things."
  24. [16:06] * Aluthyra nods. "Zirnakaynin specifically."
  25. [16:06] <@Kilarra> Kjell holds out his amulet for them to observe, suspecting they could detect magic as easily as they could detect evil.
  26. [16:07] <@Kilarra> The ghaele observes the amulet and nods. "I see. If your disguises were so effective, why did you need to flee?"
  27. [16:09] <Aluthyra> Kahree huffs. "Suspicions of one of the servants... He told a higher-up. She found out with some spell, probably. She had us do a task for her, but when we were done, she removed our disguises."
  28. [16:09] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "And being of the surface in a drow city is... less than ideal."
  29. [16:10] * Kilarra chimes in. "As much as it was annoying, it was actually quite clever, the way she did it. By removing our disguises, she makes it seem as though she was the one who discovered us, and our escape by our own means takes the blame off her shoulders."
  30. [16:11] <@Kilarra> The bralani nods. "Sounds like quite a harrowing tale." He looks to the Ghaele, "Unless they're lying."
  31. [16:12] <@Kilarra> The ghaele shakes her head. "No, they speak the truth. Were they lying, I would know." She gives a quick bow to the party. "Please, forgive our misjudgements." Shetilts her head, and the Lyrakien from before peeks up form over her shoulder. "This one witnessed your arrival and came to greet you, only to spot the evil aura cast by the disguise amulets of yours."
  32. [16:14] <@Kilarra> The lyrakien nods, "Sorry," she says in a squeaky voice. "I was just scared when I saw what I thought was three bad guys and a demon."
  33. [16:14] * Kilarra frowns, "Hey, I didn't get to choose my parents."
  34. [16:15] * Aluthyra gives the Lyrakien a small smile. "We apologize for startling you. That was certainly not our intention. We only wished to see the musician of the delightful music we heard." She nods at Kilarra. "And she," Aluthyra leans over for a sideways hug. "is not a demon."
  35. [16:16] <@Kilarra> The Lyrakien meeps and ducks again. The ghaele nods, "That is quite true, and though you may look fiendish, you are not evil, and thus should have no enemies here." She smiles again. "I am Jezelle." She gestures to the Bralani; "This is my companion at this time, his name is Geoff."
  36. [16:16] <@Kilarra> Geoff gives a bow to the trio of ladies, "Charmed, to be sure."
  37. [16:17] <@Kilarra> The lyrakien pops up again, seating herself on Jezelle's shoulder. "You can call me Mika."
  38. [16:18] * Aluthyra replies to the bow with one of her own. "It is a pleasure. I am Aluthyra."
  39. [16:18] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "It is a pleasure to meet all of you. I am Kjell. My companions are Kilarra, Aluthyra, and Kahree," he gestures to each of them in turn. "We are glad we were able to resolve this without undue bloodshed."
  40. [16:19] <@Kilarra> Geoff smirks, "Definitely. However, since we're the ones who made the mistake, let us make it up to you. You must be weary and hungry after such an ordeal, and I would love to hear the whole story."
  41. [16:19] <Aluthyra> Kahree huffs. She can introduce herself! Her stomach grumbles, interrupting her indignation. "Do you... have any meat?"
  42. [16:20] <@Kilarra> Geoff chuckles, "I like her. We have some fish that we caught earlier in order to try out a recipe I picked up recently, will that do?"
  43. [16:22] <Aluthyra> Kahree grins. Meat... it's been far too long. "That will, yeah. Thanks."
  44. [16:22] <@Kilarra> Jezelle smiles. "Come then. We have another friend at the base of the mountain who was cooking for us." She gestures to the volcano in the distance.
  45. [16:23] <@Kilarra> Geoff skips over to the party, as light on his feet as the wind itself. He glances at Aluthyra's bow. "You're an archer are you? Perhaps, once you're fed and your story is told, you wouldn't mind a little friendly game?"
  46. [16:24] * Kilarra is glad at least that they recognize looking fiendish doesn't equal being fiendish. She wraps her tail around Aluthyra as she moves to follow Jezelle.
  47. [16:25] * Aluthyra smiles. "I am indeed an archer. And if you are wishing for a game of skill, then I would not mind participating."
  48. [16:26] <@Kilarra> Geoff smiles, "Excellent. It's been quite some time since I had some good sport from a mortal." He blinks and takes a whiff of Aluthyra, the light breeze that seems to follow him picking up her fragrance. "Hm. You are mortal, are you not?"
  49. [16:28] * Aluthyra nods. "I am, though I am only in part, human. I had not known this until recently, but I am an Aasimar. My exact origins... are not yet known to me."
  50. [16:29] <@Kilarra> Geoff raises a curious eyebrow. "You don't say. Well, perhaps this will be enlightening for you." He chuckles, "Perhaps you have a relative here somewhere."
  51. [16:30] * Aluthyra smiles, following along. "It would be nice... though I have many questions."
  52. [16:30] <@Kilarra> Geoff nods, "Well, we'll probably be bombarding you with our own once we reach camp, so ask away."
  53. [16:31] * Kilarra listens in to Geoff and Aluthyra, curious as well.
  54. [16:32] * Aluthyra shakes her head. 'Well, not that you can answer. More... personal, in relation to my heritage and possible relatives."
  55. [16:34] <@Kilarra> Geoff blinks, "Ah. Well, if you've no pressing matters, or if you at some point return here, I can offer a hint perhaps. I recognized that fragrance you emit, I just need to remember where I smelled it before. Time is such a fickle thing here."
  56. [16:36] * Aluthyra smiles. "I would be very interested, thank you. When I can... I shall return."
  57. [16:37] <@Kilarra> In that regard, the trip to the mountain seems to take a lot less time than it would have given the distance away it seemed to be. As well, it's interesting to note, for those paying attention, that they always seem to have a path in front of them, as though the wild forests part to allow the azatas and their company through without impeding them.
  58. [16:41] <@Kilarra> Arriving at another clearing near the base of the volcano, a sort of camp has been set up. There are no tents or sleeping bags or any real trappings of civilization except for a cookfire, that seems to be without any source of fuel. Just an orb of flame. Tending that flame is a woman who looks not entirely unlike Kahree.
  59. [16:42] * Kilarra blinks in surprise at the woman made of lava. "I have to say, I am loving the rather lax dress code here."
  60. [16:42] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. "She does have a nice form... really like the hair."
  61. [16:42] * Aluthyra rolls her eyes.
  62. [16:43] <@Kilarra> Geoff snickers and seems to skate on the air over to the cookpot. "Almost finished there Brigit?"
  63. [16:44] <@Kilarra> The lava woman looks up to Kahree first. "Likewise I'm sure. You've got the complexion of... I'm gonna say an ifrit?" She then looks to Geoff. "What happened to the demonic tresspassers you went to deal with?"
  64. [16:45] <@Kilarra> Jezelle strides over to the others, "A misunderstanding. We are going to hear the full tale from these travellers over our meal. We offered them a share in exchange for the tale, andby way of an apology for accosting them."
  65. [16:47] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Yup! Ifrit, through and through." She walks over to the cookpot, smelling the air. "Mmm..."
  66. [16:47] <@Kilarra> Brigit nods, "Well then, have a seat." She gestures with her hand and the earth around the clearing shapes into a series of mounds that look reasonably comfortable to sit upon.
  67. [16:47] <@Kilarra> The dish that is being cooked smells amazing, and has a kick to it as well.
  68. [16:49] <Aluthyra> Kahree licks her lips, and for once, waits patiently as she takes her seat.
  69. [16:49] <@Kilarra> Kjell smiles and seats himself on one of the mounds. "Now, where to begin..."
  70. [16:51] <@Kilarra> Geoff floats over to another mound. "No need to rush. Wait until the food is ready. All tales are better told over food."
  71. [16:51] * Aluthyra takes a seat, making sure one is next to her for Kilarra.
  72. [16:52] * Kilarra seats herself and gives Aluthyra a kiss on the cheek. She then removes her armour and clerical clothes, but keeps her undergarments on. She didn't think the locals would mind, considering, and looks to Aluthyra, "Hope you're not scandalized, but after a month and a half as a drow, I was feeling a bit stuffy."
  73. [16:57] <@Kilarra> Brigit chuckles, "I'll take that as a compliment." She kills the orb of fire and then shapes a series of bowls and utencils out of the earth around the cookpot. She opens it up and begins spreading the food around. The dish is a spiced salmon curry. "Geoff, you got anything to go with this?"
  74. [16:57] * Aluthyra smiles, shaking her head. "It is fine. I would not do it myself... but I understand."
  75. [16:57] <@Kilarra> Geoff nods and pulls out a bottle of wine. "This should do it."
  76. [16:58] * Kilarra chuckles at Aluthyra, "Oh don't be so stuffy, I mean, look at Mika and Brigit." She gestures to the two of them. The Brijidine is indeed unclad, although the shape of her body disguises any discernable anatomy beyond a feminine form.
  77. [16:59] <@Kilarra> Mika looks up from Jezelle's shoulder and flies over to Kilarra and Aluthyra, "Did you need something?"
  78. [16:59] * Kilarra shakes her head, "No, just teasing her about your unclad state. Then again, I can hardly blame you. You may be tiny, but you have a really nice body."
  79. [16:59] <@Kilarra> Mika giggles and strikes a pose.
  80. [17:00] * Aluthyra blushes, mumbling, "I prefer the comfort in my robes..."
  81. [17:01] * Kilarra notes to Mika, "She agrees with me." She smirks at Aluthyra.
  82. [17:02] <@Kilarra> Mika giggles again and flies back over to Jezelle, pulling out her flute.
  83. [17:02] <@Kilarra> Kjell takes his dish and tries a bite. It is really quite spicy, but once you get past that, it has a myriad of subtle but delightful flavours.
  84. [17:03] * Aluthyra sighs, looking to Kilarra. "It is a shame that we be here for such a short time..."
  85. [17:03] * Kilarra takes her portion and bites into it. "Good gods, this is amazing!" She digs in, the heat from the spiced not really bothering her. Fiendish heritage allowed her some protection form heat.
  86. [17:03] <Aluthyra> Kahree digs in as soon as the plate is set! She hums in delight, savoring the fish that she's not had for quite some time.
  87. [17:04] <@Kilarra> Aluthyra is passed her portion as well.
  88. [17:04] * Aluthyra eats slowly, sure to savor the flavor of the dish. She has a feeling that, returning to the drow caves, they will not have the opportunity for such a meal for a long while.
  89. [17:05] <@Kilarra> Brigit sticks a hand into her midriff and pulls out eight wads of obsidian, which she shapes into wine glasses, including one sized for the tiny Mika. She passes them to Geoff, who pours the spiced wine carefully into each before passing them out.
  90. [17:06] * Kilarra blinks at Brigit. "Okay, that's quite the party trick."
  91. [17:07] <@Kilarra> Brigit smirks. "I can make a sword for myself as well, and volcanic glass is excellent at holding an edge."
  92. [17:07] <Aluthyra> Kahree looks up from her food to nod in agreement... then goes back to eating.
  93. [17:08] * Aluthyra nods. "A useful skill, indeed. And thank you for this meal. It is delicious."
  94. [17:10] <@Kilarra> Geoff passes around the glasses of spiced wine and then looks to Kjell. "Well then, let's hear that story of yours."
  95. [17:11] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods and begins the tale from the start as far as he knows it, with the star impacting Devil's Elbow. He proceeds through their discovered of alien life their, as well as the drow and their mechanations, following into the battle for Celwynvian, its course and aftermath, then leading into their lives amongst the drow in search of information on the further threat.
  96. [17:12] <@Kilarra> Kjell knows they were technically sworn to secrecy, but really, they were on another plane of existance speaking to benevolent chaotic celestials. If anything, them knowing about the situation might end up being helpful in the long run.
  97. [17:16] <@Kilarra> Geoff chuckles, and seems most impressed with their defeat of the dragon Razorhorn.
  98. [17:17] <@Kilarra> Jezelle smiles. "A most extraordinary series of events. What will you do now?"
  99. [17:17] <Aluthyra> Kahree's thankful that Kjell told the story, and not Kilarra... She'd probably make a big deal about Kahree trying to steal their platinum.
  100. [17:17] * Aluthyra sighs. "We will return, after resting. We still have a task to complete, as it seems the drow are not finished with their plans."
  101. [17:19] <@Kilarra> Mika smiles, "Well, you must be exhausted. Here." She begins to play.
  102. [17:20] <@Kilarra> Mika's music is invigorating, and any traces of exhaustion felt by the party would dissolve almost immediately.
  103. [17:20] * Aluthyra smiles, closing her eyes to focus on listening.
  104. [17:22] * Kilarra blinks then facepalms, "Gah, In our haste I knew I was forgetting something." She quickly trots over to Kjell and heals him up. "Sorry about that. I should have done this right after that devourer whalloped you, but My mind was elsewhere."
  105. [17:26] * Aluthyra nods her head to the Lyrakien as she finishes. "Thank you. That tune was quite lovely."
  106. [17:27] <@Kilarra> Mika smiles. "Glad of it. It always makes me happy to pick up weary travellers, whether from stale food or aching feet." SHe gives a bow, inadvertantly giving Jezelle a faceful of her exposed nethers. Jezelle doesn't seem phased.
  107. [17:27] * Kilarra snickers a bit at that
  108. [17:29] * Aluthyra chuckles. Odd place... but rather comforting.
  109. [17:30] <Aluthyra> Kahree leans back as she finishes her meal. "Ah... thanks. That was good." She looks to Geoff and Aluthyra. "How long 'til your game? And... how 'bout some friendly betting?"
  110. [17:32] <@Kilarra> Geoff blinks, "Not sure about that. Depends on how she's feeling." He looks to ALuthyra.
  111. [17:33] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks to Kahree, "I am not certain they have money up here."
  112. [17:34] <Aluthyra> Kahree huffs. "Well, you have anything... like, gems, or... maybe the spices you put on this fish?" Kahree reaches into her haversack, pulling out the large emerald from earlier. "I got this, if you want to match something like it?"
  113. [17:34] * Aluthyra shrugs. "I do not think I have anything worth betting, being that our coins would likely hold no value here."
  114. [17:36] <@Kilarra> Jezelle blinks and stares at the emerald. "What sort of enchantment is that on it?"
  115. [17:37] <@Kilarra> Kjell blinks and looks to Kahree, "You didn't tell me the emerald was enchanted."
  116. [17:38] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "You think I'd know?"
  117. [17:39] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "I see. Well then..." He uses his own detect magic.
  118. [17:41] <@Kilarra> Kjell gasps, "Good gods! There is a soul trapped inside that stone!"
  119. [17:41] <@Kilarra> Jezelle leaps to her feet; "What?!"
  120. [17:42] <Aluthyra> Kahree blinks. "Uh... Wow. How... can you get it out? Or... see whose it is?"
  121. [17:43] <@Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, racking his brain for a solution. "I find myself wishing we had killed that one-armed bastard now. Such a thing is inexcuseably vile!"
  122. [17:44] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods. "The magic is powerful, but destroying the vessel should release the captured inhabitant."
  123. [17:44] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "You sure... if it's just a soul... is it a body too?"
  124. [17:45] <@Kilarra> Jezelle nods, "You claimed this was found amongt the posessions of that retired mercenary." She looks to Kahree, "Set the gem down." She draws her sword, "I should be able to break it."
  125. [17:45] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "It might be. If the victim was imprisoned while alive, then yes, otherwise the soul will simply be freed to whatever destination it would normally arrive at."
  126. [17:46] <@Kilarra> Jezelle nods, "Indeed. The important thing here is that it is released. No one desevres such an imprisonment."
  127. [17:46] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Alright..." She sets it down. "Have at it."
  128. [17:47] <@Kilarra> Jezelle levels her greatsword, which surges with holy power as she swings it. A single blow cracks the gem roughly in two.
  129. [17:47] * Aluthyra raises her bow. "We may want to prepare if it is someone not so... desirable. An enemy of the drow is not necessarily a friend."
  130. [17:47] <@Kilarra> Geoff nods and conjures his own bow again, notching an arrow but keeping it pointed at the ground.
  131. [17:47] * Kilarra gets ready to cast a spell that might help if needed.
  132. [17:48] <@Kilarra> The gem shatters, and there is an unholy whooshing sound as its trapped victim materializes. The victim is a scantily clad drow woman. She looks uneven on her feet and quite confused.
  133. [17:49] <@Kilarra> Jezelle keeps her sword out just in case.
  134. [17:51] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks a bit more relieved now. He waits for the drow woman to realize her situation.
  135. [17:52] <@Kilarra> The drow woman blinks, looking at her unfamiliar surroundings and several armed strangers. She throws up her hands. "WHere am I?" she asks in undercommon.
  136. [17:52] <@Kilarra> Jezelle lowers her sword a bit. "You have been released from your imprisonment. You are on the plane of Elysium."
  137. [17:53] * Kilarra slips on her bloodlink so she can understand what's being said.
  138. [17:53] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns, slipping her amulet on as well. Aluthyra follows.
  139. [17:53] <@Kilarra> Kjell explains to his companions; "Azatas are posessed of Truespeech. They are always able to communicate freely."
  140. [17:53] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns, drawing her maces. "Hey, is she evil? See an aura on her too?"
  141. [17:55] <@Kilarra> Jezelle nods, "She is, but she is not a threat, and I doubt she would be foolish enough to try anything given the circumstances." She looks to the drow, "Tell me of who you are and how you came to be thusly imprisoned. After that, I shall return you to the material plane."
  142. [17:56] <@Kilarra> The drow gulps, but nods. "I was once Orvignato's lover. However, I grew disinterested and left him for another. He gave me that gem as a 'parting gift', tricking me into accepting it. I have been imprisoned there for twenty-four years."
  143. [17:58] * Kilarra winces. "That's awful, even for a drow."
  144. [17:58] * Aluthyra frowns, lowering her bow. She shakes her head. "Drow..."
  145. [18:01] <@Kilarra> Jezelle nods, "As promised, I shall send you back to Golarion." She raises her hand and casts a banishing spell. "Perhaps," she adds as she casts the spell, "this chance at freedom will be used to place yourself in better circumstances than those that led you here, whether or not they were your fault."
  146. [18:01] <@Kilarra> The drow woman vanishes.
  147. [18:03] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods. "That was an unfortunate interruption. Still, at least she is free. To whatever end that leads her. Perhaps we should see about lightning the mood."
  148. [18:03] <@Kilarra> Mika nods and pulls out her flute again. "Wish I had a Lillend here to accompany me. Oh well."
  149. [18:07] * Aluthyra sighs. "A shame to see such an act... I still cannot fathom how their society has not crumbled."
  150. [18:08] <@Kilarra> Jezelle looks at the shattered remains of the emerald, then to Kahree, "I apologize for that, but such a vile act of imprisonment needed to be undone. Though I am not sure I have anything to offer in exchange for your lost valuable."
  151. [18:09] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "Powerful pillars holding the place up, like ALicavniss."
  152. [18:10] <Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "Eh, no biggie."
  153. [18:10] * Aluthyra shrugs. "
  154. [18:10] <Aluthyra> "So, if you wish to, Geoff, I would not mind a friendly competition."
  155. [18:13] <@Kilarra> Jezelle nods, "In that case, I offer you a favour. Should you ever have need of my aid, I am certain your tiefling friend can contact me. Calistria has her own domain on this plane as well."
  156. [18:14] <@Kilarra> Mika begins to play again, although it's not quite as rousing as the first time.
  157. [18:15] <Aluthyra> Kahree blinks. "Well... thanks, I guess. But, it's really not necessary..."
  158. [18:15] <@Kilarra> Geoff nods, "Splendid. An excellent means to lift the mood." He hoists his bow. "Brigit, would you be so kind as to shape some targets for us?"
  159. [18:17] <@Kilarra> The laval bodied azata nods and the clearing seems to inexplicably expand to accomodate the range required for the contest. As well, she molds the earth around the camp into a a few soft, earthen dummies.
  160. [18:18] <@Kilarra> Geoff looks to Aluthyra, "What aspect of your form would you like to challenge? Distance, accuracy, speed, or perhaps something else?"
  161. [18:19] * Aluthyra hums... "It is yours to choose. Whatever you think your best aspect is."
  162. [18:20] <@Kilarra> Geoff nods. "Accuracy then. Easier to judge."
  163. [18:23] * Aluthyra draws her bow, smiling. "Very well."
  164. [18:24] <@Kilarra> Kjell goes back to finish his food, then looks to Kahree. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. If we continue pursuing the drow, we will likely need all the help we can get."
  165. [18:25] <@Kilarra> Mika buzzes over to Kjell and Kahree, "So how good is your friend? I don't know Geoff personally, we just met today when I ran away form you guys, but I've met other bralani who were all kinds of amazing."
  166. [18:26] <Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "I haven't known her for long, but she's the best archer I've seen so far."
  167. [18:28] <@Kilarra> Mika smirks, "Well, how's this for a wager then? If your friend wins, I'll share with you a nice little tidbit about some treasure. That should make up for your lost gemstone."
  168. [18:28] <Aluthyra> Kahree grins. "Alright, anything on my side, if she loses?"
  169. [18:31] <@Kilarra> Mika nods, "What are you willing to put up? Couldn't really think of anything off the top of my head."
  170. [18:33] <Aluthyra> Kahree sifts through her packs, showing Mika. "Well... I've got this dagger, some gems, a few pieces of jewelry... Not much you'd want, I don't think."
  171. [18:34] <@Kilarra> -End Session-
  172. [18:34] <@Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 13, 2 EL 6; 7600 Experience Each
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