
KiSy Drabbles (26-50)

May 1st, 2015
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  1. 26. Forever and a day
  2. “How long have you loved me, Dwight?”
  3. After the two had finished, she had asked him this. While she had a feeling that the man’s feelings came from the time they spent in the Game, she was curious to hear what he had to say.
  4. “Since forever and a day.” He replied,
  5. “Oh come on, that’s cheesy even for you.”
  6. “You’re right, ehehe…”
  7. He cupped her face gently and brought her into a kiss, “But that’s also how long I promise to love you.”
  8. Despite how ridiculous that sounded, Arianne couldn’t help but feel touched.
  9. “I hope you keep that promise, Dwight.”
  11. 27. Lost and Found
  12. Felix couldn’t help but smile as he picked up and old photo he considered lost. The photo showed him at 8 years old along with a girl of a similar age in cute gothic Lolita clothes. He unconsciously touched the brooch on his chest,
  13. “It’s nice to see you again Raimie…”
  15. 28. Light
  16. A young Phillip Mallen sat underneath the light of the bus stop. No matter what anyone told him, he would be here when his mother comes back.
  18. 29. Dark
  19. Leslie sat alone in the darkness of her room. After months of searching, she had found nothing of her father’s whereabouts. To her, it was as if she was wandering about blindly, hoping that she could find him that way.
  21. 30. Faith
  22. Rosa lifted her head from her prayers and saw that the ill child began to stir. Excitedly, she rushed to call the doctor. Sure enough, it was apparent that the child was on his way to a full recovery after almost dying of the infection. After leaving the hospital, Rosa looked up at the heavens.
  23. “Thank you.”
  25. 31. Colors
  26. Jackie’s wardrobe was a rainbow of colors. From the passionate reds to the mellow greens, she had clothes for just about every occasion. However, her favorite ones were her blue outfits. For whenever she saw the color, she would be reminded of happy times in her old blue-colored home.
  28. 32. Exploration
  29. Ichirou sighed in relief once he had found himself back in Kawaguchi-ku. After falling asleep on the train, he found himself having to explore parts of Kyomoto he never knew before. From the cosplay cafes to the red-light district, Ichirou realized he didn’t even know 1% of the city he grew up in.
  30. “Maybe I should get lost more.”
  32. 33. Seeing Red
  33. Yuuki felt an anger she never knew she had when she saw her and Devon’s new counselor. She was a beautiful woman in the prime of her life. She walked with swagger and seemed to radiate confidence. These things weren’t what angered Yuuki however. The thing that set her off? Her D cup breasts, which she showed off when talking to the students. In her jealous fury, Yuuki silently wondered if they were even real to begin with.
  35. 34. Shades of Grey
  36. Angie tore out another page of the hideously written book and folded it into another paper crane. She didn’t know what people saw in it, but now she knew who to blame for the sudden demand in S&M play.
  38. 35. Forgotten
  39. Kai looked at his tired face in the mirror. When he tried to smile, he realized how fake it looked.
  40. “When did I forget how to smile?”
  42. 36. Dreamer
  43. Gregory always dreamed of a happy life with his beloved. The two would live in a small home in the countryside, happily enjoying each other’s company. Every time that man smiled, he would feel a warmth rise from within his chest…then he’d wake up.
  45. 37. Mist
  46. Erwin slowly breathed in the morning mist. At times like these, he felt like he could just fade away along with the mist. But whenever his pager beeped, he was reminded why he still clung to this world so desperately.
  48. 38. Burning
  49. Sean could still feel the fire that took everything from him. Even in his nightmares, the sensation of the flame was almost realistic. It was only when Richard would rush to wake him up that he was reminded that he wasn’t actually burning.
  51. 39. Out of Time
  52. A sense of despair rippled through Dwight’s body as the gate closed right in front of him. If he had been a few seconds quicker…
  53. “Time is up. The game is now over.”
  54. The man shut his eyes as he resigned to his inevitable death.
  56. 40. Knowing How
  57. Arianne looked at the dancers with interest. She saw as they moved their bodies to the rhythm of the music. Following their example, Arianne tried to repeat their steps. Unfortunately for her, copying something wasn’t the same as knowing it, and found herself on her ass in the middle of the dance floor.
  59. 41. Fork in the road
  60. The day had finally come. As much as he hated to admit it, it was time Devon ended the impasse between Yuuki and Sean. No matter what path he took, there was bound to be hurt feelings and a loss of friendship. But he couldn’t just sit back and string them along. With a sigh, he picked up his phone and called…
  62. 42. Start
  63. Raimie paced around the room as she waited for the signal. Finally, she would make her mother proud.
  64. “All Players are confirmed active, please head to the main hall/”
  65. With her heart racing in her chest, Raimie moved out. Soon, her final test would start.
  67. 43. Nature’s Fury
  68. Phillip cowered in his basement as the tornado alert could be heard outside. This month it was a tornado, last month it was an earthquake, and the month before that had been host to a typhoon. Phillip actually began to wonder if Mother Nature had it out for this particular base.
  70. 44. At Peace
  71. Erwin was about to move Felix away when the boy snuggled against him. Despite the tense situation outside the room, the doctor couldn’t help but be at ease.
  72. “Just keep sleeping kid, this will all end soon.”
  74. 45. Heart Song
  75. There was a piece of music in his father’s collection that always seemed to settle Kai’s heart. Whenever things proved to be stressing for him, he would play the track and let the tune sooth his spirit.
  77. 46. Reflection
  78. Marie stared at the dark creature reflected in the mirror. Just from a glimpse, one could tell she was a lost cause. Her eyes had murder in them, and her crooked smile betrayed her dark nature.
  79. “Looking good.”
  81. 47. Perfection
  82. Rosa tossed the draft into the trash bin.
  83. “Estúpida, how could I have misspelled that?!”
  84. With a sigh, she pulled out another piece of paper and began to write her letter again.
  85. “Dear Mrs. Cona—I did it again!”
  87. 48. Everyday Magic
  88. Richard couldn’t help but smile as he saw Sean zoom through the kitchen, turning simple ingredients into meals fit for kings. If he didn’t know any better, he would assume that the young man was some sort of culinary wizard who cast spells on his food to be delicious. But he knew better than that.
  90. 49. Umbrella
  91. “A bit wet, Yuuki?”
  92. Devon covered the girl’s head as they walked to class. He’s heard of people doing this, but never expected to do it himself. While it looked romantic, the boy couldn’t deny that the umbrella was too small for them. By the time they got to class, their shoulders were drenched.
  94. 50. Party
  95. Ichirou raised his glass and gave a toast,
  96. “To the best track team in the nation!”
  97. His teammates all cheered before gulping their drinks. After that miraculous win by Ichirou, it was no surprise that they would celebrate. Even as the alcohol dulled their senses, that joy never dissipated.
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