
Koi created SouthEastern Water Village

Oct 15th, 2018
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  1. New Vegeta/ Ice Planet
  4. Deep down, far below the clouds of a Wintery Planet, a Blue Skined humanoid slowly traveled along the icy sea. He was bound for no destination as he had lost his home and tribe in the war. Diamond-shaped patterns could be seen running diagonally across his exposed skin.They resembled scales as he guided his arms in a wave like fashion. Was this some tribal dance? Probably not but whatever he was doing was effective in magically moving the canoe he was traveling in.
  6. Days.... Months and 1 year passes as he traveled on the canoe. He was awoken abruptly to the sound of a rythemed banging. He found that the waves had guided him into the biggest Iceberge he had ever seen. <I... I will make this home> He thinks as he places his hand on the titan-like Iceberge. He had peered into the future and saw that this Iceberge would serve as a good foundation for him and others to start and build upon. He slaps both his hands together in a praying position and chants something in his mind.
  8. *Clap!*
  10. Koi: "Water Style: Great Dragon Barriage!"
  12. The sea began to rumble intensely as giant waves of water form into the heads of dragons and hit the Iceberge relentlessly. Koi kept at this for almost 2 years more. By The time he finished sculpting the titan-like Iceberge he had loss a few pounds and gained a bit of muscle. His Scales shines more vividly as he could had more control over the water even so much as condencing it into concentrated Ice.
  14. Koi looks at this land he had founded. He would call this territory of The SouthEastern Water Tribe. As for what the village was called? He would leave it up to the people who settled in it. He had bult the foundation and opened a few stores, neighborhoods, trading/loading docks and gyms but he would allow the people who settled there to finish the job of making it their home and opening their own businesses.
  16. He wanted peace in this terriory. The territory itself was Unbaised to political views unless the majority sided the same in such matters. He predicted that this would be a land of oppertunity. A New Hope in the eye's of the people. He was no King nor did he wish for any high position. He just wanted something like a Democracy.
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